Showing posts with label Joint Chief of Staff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joint Chief of Staff. Show all posts

Monday, October 01, 2007

Like the excuse to attack Iraq Bush keeps changing excuse to attack Iran, now using surgical swtrikes to save Americans as excuse for full scale war!

Yesterday we said the Revolutionary Guard, CIA, US Military, all were declared terrorist Organizations, Iran bought more time to prepare as Bush and Ahmadinejad's war comes closer and wondered what the trigger and excuse for war would be?
First I hate to say it but I have to agree with Ahmadinejad's recent statement blaming the US for 9/11 and saying we have mismanaged the war. Mismanagement is Bush's calling card! As we have been saying it seems for years now, Bush and Ahmadinejad's war will happen. Everything is now set in the US and Iran and as expected it looks to be this fall or as son as either side can find the excuse to instigate it!

We now have the Revolutionary Guard which is of course a part of Iran declared terrorist's and the CIA and the US Army now declared by Iran as being Terrorists.The Iranian parliament on Saturday voted to designate the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Army as terrorist organizations, IRNA, the country's state-run news agency, reported.

The CIA and the U.S. Army "trained terrorists and supported terrorism, and they themselves are terrorists," the parliament said, according to IRNA. The Iranian parliament said the condemnation was based on "known and accepted" standards of terrorism from international regulations, including the U.N. charter. The parliament said it condemns the "aggressions by the U.S. Army, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan" and calls on the United Nations to "intervene in the global problem of U.S. prisons in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and secret jails in other countries," IRNA reported, quoting a statement from Iranian lawmakers. That is as far as any semblance of logic went and as they went beyond reason you can read the rest that goes back to WW2 at The link

We know conversely that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ahmadinejad, Iran, whoever, is training and arming so called terrorists in Iraq. So My question yesterday was, knowing that Iran is A Ticking Time bomb what is going to happen next?

Iran will not stop enriching Uranium and has been clandestinely arming themselves as much as possible to defend against what appears to most of us as an imminent attack. Columbia was viewed by Iranian's as a victory for Ahmadinejad, gaining him more support at home.
Today I hear the ridiculous mention of surgical strikes. this is really asinine and only Bush can be this stupid. Now we know the the trigger and excuse for war with Iran will be.THE WHITE HOUSE is planning "surgical" strikes in Iran to cripple agents the United States says support Iraqi insurgents fighting American soldiers, a new report says.

The plan coincides with a change in the administration's rhetoric against Iran - redefining the source of tension from nuclear weapon development to Tehran's support of America's enemies, Seymour Hersh writes in this week's New Yorker magazine. "Now the emphasis is on 'surgical' strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities and elsewhere, which, the administration claims, have been the source of attacks on Americans in Iraq," he writes. "What had been presented primarily as a counter proliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism."

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been working on plans to hit Iran with "a broad bombing attack" on suspected nuclear and military facilities, Hersh says. However, citing former intelligence officials and diplomats, Hersh reports the revised bombing plan is gaining support from the military leadership and the British government. But the idea is being resisted by the Israelis, who would rather see Iran's nuclear facilities targeted directly, he said.

Hersh claims the main reasons behind the shift in strategy are a lack of public support for a major bombing campaign, and the belief in intelligence circles that Iran is at least five years away from developing a nuclear weapon. "We're threatening Iran," Hersh commented on CNN's "Late Edition" yesterday. "But instead of saying to the American people ... it's going to be about nuclear weapons, it's now going to be about getting the guys that are killing our boys." A recently retired CIA official told Hersh that the changing tone toward Iran is similar to the lead up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, with the agency "moving everybody to the Iran desk." Bush has his excuse for war

This really blows me away. This is just the excuse bushco pundits want to hear so Iran can be attacked and the war with Iran started. As you know, a while back they ridiculously talked of hitting 1,200 locations including nuclear assets, however it didn't go over well so now Bush has changed course again in looking for an excuse and is now going to use surgical strikes to stop our soldiers from being killed by Iranian interests.

I have to agree with Israel that this will be bad news for them with Iran in possession of missiles capable of reaching anywhere in Israel and them being the self professed target of attack if Bush does attack Iran and he will. This will give Bush his excuse for full scale war. Just a stupid instigation to have to come to Israel's rescue as I have been asserting for years now. What a mess!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma