Showing posts with label George W Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George W Bush. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

The "A"wful ABC's of what the Republicans are really doing today and why

I saw a post the other day on the fact that the Republicans have the goal of destroying the the middle class, elderly, and ailing. Some that hear that I am sure would say that was a bit hard because they are trying to save the country. They are not trying to save the country, they are trying to get Bush's version back on track. They will say and do anything to achieve that.

I remember when then President Bush wanted to revamp Social Security but due to outrage he could not. I remember when Mitt Romney was stumping for McCain when he was running for President against Obama and I was horrified when he told the audience the Democratic party was the countries biggest enemy because we tried to take care of the poor, sick, and elderly.

Romney said Social Security had to be ended. Social Security is making money still, it is not our problem. The Republican party wanting to put an end to our version of America is our problem. The fact that the gap between the wealthy and and those barely making it continues to widen. That is the goal my friends and has been since Bush.

There is no surprise here. Only by me that after all these years people still do not get what is going on. It will be horrible if the Republicans can lie and play enough fools to get back in control to finish us and Bush's agenda off and get their new version of America back on track. I first put this together in 2003 figuring people would see the obvious, get the word out, and act on it. The situation is getting grave people if you have not noticed.

A little reciting and hopefully enlightenment: Bush was following what I know as the Russian Doctrine of Destruction used in the 19th century to tear down the old Government and order and replace it with a new version. Please read this! It is very important and you now know right on: Bush's Forever War! Experts think they found a way around Bush's I'm sick of saying it, Bush won't be stopped and failure to us is total success for him! Before you go on remember he destroyed America and world order completely and flew away proud of what he did. Okay please continue and remember this was under Bush.

I had an interesting series of conversations this I would like to continue as I realized that after checking out a couple stories from supposedly enlightened sources that the supposed experts, the supposed enlightened, and people around the world not just in America do not get it. It is sickening to continue to hear it but those being credited with Political enlightenment do not get the fact that it doesn't matter. Only the all powerful Decider matters and he will not alter his course regardless. A report was issued saying the war on terror is being lost. They do not get it either. It is working. It is all a success for Bush. He needs the terrorist. He doesn't want to wipe them out. They are his excuse to continue his Forever Wars.

First I was sent a supposed enlightened article or thought process. Matt Stoller, one of the most significant emerging leaders of the new political left in this country, has just written a fascinating essay that I think is a real breakthrough in his thinking and hopefully in the strategic thinking of the netroots crowd in general. It might be a breakthrough in thought process but it is worthless against Bush and it better be realized.

Stoller's piece is called smart Trotsky. I mean this as a compliment to Stoller who is trying to weave together the incongruities of passion, earnestness, and purity of motive on the left with a shrewder, calculating, appreciation of domino effects on the political right. The essay is cerebral and cites a comment I made recently and have been making from time to time: "one of the characteristics of modern global politics is how organized minority factions are able to overwhelm majority views." It is frigging worthless, that should have been known for years now.

If Bill Richardson is right and most Americans think that the war in Iraq is against their interests and want the troops to come home, then it's clear that our political structure and the influence of a well-organized minority have been able to shrug off this strong public opinion. People do not get it, majority views,minority views, public opinion, none of it matters. Bush has irresponsibly been given to much power to abuse and he will. His worst damage is yet to come. Only Bush matters!

In this article we hear voiced what we all know and talk about often. The drive to war against Iran is beset by changing rationales. Like the war in Iraq, the administration is trying to find the rationale that sells best. Where is the alternative explanation? There is none. Attacking Iran is one reason Bush attacked Iraq and no one will keep that from happening. On warrant-less wiretapping and other erosions of civil rights, Democrats react. Why don't they create an alternative catch phrase. Some occasionally (actually rarely) use a term, like the War on the Middle Class. Why not actively promote it and use it with every crisis as further evidence? Why not use every instance of privacy violation as further evidence of Bush's War on Dissent?

And why not actively promote the wars in the Middle East as Oil Wars? Yes, such a term may not capture the full complexity of the situation, but Republican "issues" are effective and they are usually mere caricatures of real issues. And why not try to delegitimize the Israeli lobby and its supporters by labeling them tools of Sheldon Adelson, Bibi Netanyahu, and Likud, none of whom really serve Israel's long term interests? A supposed NetRoots Breakthrough

It isn't all about oil. That is a small part of it. I'm sorry but after years of trying to wake people up as to what Bush is doing and why, I can only laugh. I have 7 unpublished books documenting every single misstep. I hate to tell you and them but Stoller and Steve are pretty slow on the uptake. It was obvious to an idiot what has been going on from the start and they still do not have it. I was listening to Pelosi this morning talking about being confused why Bush can't see the effect he is having on the middle class.

Of course he does! He has been purposely changing our societal order from day one and will not stop. Have you read Bush uncovered on my main page? Bush is not failing in the war on terror. To him it is a qualified success. It has to be kept alive for his new world order Forever Wars so it is a complete success to him. He needs to embroil the entire world and he will. If you read Bush Uncovered which I wrote 4 years ago (that's 2003 folks) but no one gets it, Bush is following the Russian Doctrine of Destruction and must create war and disorder to replace it with his new idea of order.I have been trying to wake people up since day one but no one is listening or getting it. I am afraid it is too late as much beyond our control has been set into play around the world. It was never about John Bolton or anyone else like Gonzo. It was and is all about Bushco and pursuing new world order. Nothing else matters period!

No one seems to get it but all the waking up and organizing against Bush in the world is worthless because he was given too much power as a result of 9/11 and the Patriot Act and he can not be stopped unless he chooses it and he will not.Bush will ignore all the horror and attack Iran then the entire world will be engulfed in Bush's Forever War as planned from day one. Then his pundits will call for a Constitutional Amendment to keep him in office and at the helm of his wars. Either that or he will cancel elections and declare martial order which is in his power. People are waking up but it is too late and no one will stop the chief idiot because they do not matter, only the Decider they created does.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Quote Of the Day: Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -Blaise Pascal!

Quote Of the Day! Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -Blaise Pascal!

Religion, provocation, fanaticism:

We all see this and know it first hand but we can not harp on it enough as we must put an end to what is happening today!

I have been saying this for years now. Extreme unbridled religiosity is the most powerful dangerous weapon in the world. It doesn't matter what religion it is. We have it being expressed in the Muslim world by the Islamists being accused of hijacking their Nation and religion.

Worse is that we have it on the other side of the argument today. It was being pushed by Bush and his warped sense of Christian fundamentalism and corrupt democracy. the worse part is that Bush had hijacked Christianity and America and was in control of the most powerful country on the planet.

I want to say thankfully Obama is in control now but I can't in this context. He is still being pushed by Christians. We are rapidly racing towards WW3. This at a time when the planet and man can no longer survive the terrible effects of world or worse, nuclear war. This would be turning back the clock of time, and the planet like man and all of nature only run in one direction, forward.

We are acutely aware as to the increased fragility of our planet, it’s necessary for our survival ecosystems, and the fact that the planet is now capable of destroying mans life as we know it without his help!

Worse is that we appear to be ignoring all this and purposely seem to be bringing man and the planet down the wrong road as pointed out by Nostradamus. That is the road to world conflict and man’s end as we know it.

Even worse is that Both sides of the equation are bent on the destruction of man and the planet, and the U.S., Russia, and China,seem to be recklessly, willingly, and wantonly leading the way instead of acting like responsible world leaders.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

The lie we are living was expounded by Bush for oil, JFK was assassinated after he threatened to out it!

The lie we are living was expounded by Bush for oil, JFK was assassinated after he threatened to out it, Please read, It is all old documented and undeniable!Today is the 45th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination so I feel this is the perfect time to once again post on the lie we are living as declaring he was going to do so is what got him assassinated. Plus look at the lie we are living under Bush as 9//11, Iraq, Afghanistan, problems with Russia, all of it is a lie instigated and all about oil!

A scant percentage of Americans know that ten days before President Kennedy was assassinated, he made a speech at Columbia University, during which he made the following statement: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight."

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963

I know just another coincidence! Also We Do Not Have Clean Hands In Afghanistan By Karl W B Schwarz KarlSchwarz2008: One of the things most noticeable to me since 1963 is how the Office of the President of the United States has been used to create and push bogus policy on bogus facts. History has shown that the Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the Vietnam war was staged by the United States. I have repeatedly seen this nation invent enemies or even arm enemies to create a war in the future for massive defense spending initiatives. I have also seen them implement policies based on lies just so the wealthy elite can make a lot of money, stained with the blood of dead American soldiers. Yes, they also use policy by gun point to steal what belongs to others and then hold themselves up high as Great Americans when they are mere thieves. Knowing what I know about Washington, D.C. (my office was there from 1989 to 1996), when I see our government act I look behind the scenes for what the real motives were.

Afghanistan-and why our President ordered our military to invade it-is just such a instance of bogus policy based on outright lies. I have been following this matter since 1999, well before the attacks of 9-11, due to someone I met in 1999. That person gave me information regarding a lawsuit in Texas and I followed it because I have been concerned for many years about the energy policies and foreign policies of this Republic. What you are about to read below is not my word against George W. Bush; it is a matter of public record in our U.S. Courts.

The military training for the invasion of Afghanistan started less then sixty (60) days after Bush was sworn into office, and waiting only for 9-11 to happen to justify the invasion. I also suspect that the drafting of the Patriot Act and the formation of Homeland Security started at about the same time. If I were in a position to appoint the Real 9-11 Commission, it would start with four energy companies that have electrical plants in Pakistan, all attendees of the Cheney Energy Task Force and the list of Foreign and American names found by Sibel D. Edmonds. In short, I would see to it that the investigation started off with those that stood to benefit the most by attacking Afghanistan and taking over that pipeline and the list of names found by Sibel Edmonds to determine if they were the real perpetrators of 9-11 to put such policies into action. Our government has in the past, and is right now, suppressing the truth across the board regarding a wide range of matters that affect the lives of all of us.

What you are about to read (if for the first time) was not heard from the U.S. government or major media. It is time all Americans stand up and demand straight answers to straight questions about the conduct of certain people in this Republic.
Our freedoms and civil liberties-and effectively the power of our Constitution-have been altered because of 9-11 and the 9-11 Commission that was suborned by the Bush Administration and Congress. They have even covered up the Cheney Energy Task Force, in which I suspect that it was discussed that the landlocked oil deals in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan would not be landlocked much longer, since Cheney and Bush intended to take control of the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, or TAP as it is called, with military force.

The TAP was under contract from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan, through Pakistan to the ocean with an Argentine oil company named Bridas Corporation and its parent Bridas S.A.P.I.C. On September 9, 2003, Bridas prevailed at the Fifth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals on a $500 million interference of contract lawsuit. That lawsuit was then taken to the U.S. Supreme Court and on March 22, 2004 the high court refused to hear the case or consider reversing the Fifth Circuit decision. See US Supreme Court, case 03-1018, State Concern Turkmenneft v. Bridas S.A.P.I.C., et al. day one all about oil

Bridas Corporation signed contracts with Turkmenistan in 1992 and 1993, long before our oil companies were welcome in these former Soviet satellites. Suddenly, after our presence started there, the Turkmenistan government issued on order blocking Bridas from exporting the oil and gas they had found from Turkmenistan. That was after Bridas had the foresight to start laying the groundwork for the pipeline across Afghanistan to get that oil to markets around the world. Bridas signed the agreement with the Taliban in 1996 and in 1997 a full court press was put on Pakistan and Afghanistan to get the deal into U.S. hands. They cut off the north end of that pipeline (Turkmenistan) and then the south end of that pipeline (Pakistan) and isolated the remaining element to Afghanistan / Taliban / Bridas Corporation.

The Bush Administration does not want any American knowing the truth about what happened in Afghanistan or that we breached a commercial contract with military force to take over a deal that was denied to US oil companies, because there was already a deal in place. Under the Clinton Administration they upended the Pakistan government to cut off that part of the Bridas Corporation deal. Under the Clinton Administration, they compelled Turkmenistan to breach its agreements with Bridas, hence the judgment award of $500 million for interference of contract. Clinton does not want you to know what actions were taken under his administration, and there were many.

The only remaining obstacle on 9-11 was the remaining agreement between the Taliban and Bridas Corporation. The Bush Administration, Congress, many in our major media, and even the 9-11 Commission and Cheney Energy Task Force all know about Bridas Corporation because that Argentine oil and gas company was standing in the way of our US oil companies and UK oil companies. The Caspian Basin oil is landlocked and there are only so many ways to get that oil out of the ground, to the ocean ports and into your gas tanks or home heating oil tanks.

There is the direct route from Turkmenistan across Iran to the ocean, but that is not politically popular since the overthrow of the Shah of Iran many years ago. There is: 1.) the route across the Caspian Sea westward, which is extremely costly; and through Azerbaijan through Turkey to the Mediterranean; and 2.) from Turkmenistan through Georgia to the Black Sea; and 3.) through the Ukraine to Europe; and 4.) the Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the ocean. Until one of those solutions was in place, the holes being drilled into the ground by British Petroleum, Chevron, Exxon and others could not go anywhere and could not produce revenues for those companies. A route northward through Russia would put US oil companies at risk to changes in Russian politics and the Eastward route through China was not deemed secure enough since China is soon to become the second largest user of petroleum in the world after the United States.

In short, the people that were in the Cheney Energy Task Force were the same people that stood to gain if we attacked Afghanistan and took the deal away from the Taliban and Bridas Corporation. They had spent years getting the deals, invested billions into drilling and could not turn a dollar of cash flow or profits until that pipeline was under US control. That is Economics 101 and when one considers that there is over $12 trillion in oil at stake and over $3 trillion in natural gas, that also might be Prime Motive Number 1 for 9-11. They probably could have joint ventured that pipeline with Bridas, but then Argentina would have been raking in billions in hard cash and not hanging on for dear life as they are now.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security advisor to Carter and Foreign Intelligence advisor to Reagan even wrote a book titled The Grand Chessboard , American Primacy and It's Geostrategic Imperatives about the grand adventure to take over the Caspian Basin and its mother lode of oil and natural gas. In case you are wondering, Mr. Brzezinski, as well as John Sununu, Nicholas Brady, James Baker, III and many other former Reagan and Bush I Administration people are also involved and have been for years. Brezinski's involvement

If you are like me, you see no "geostrategic imperative" about sending your sons or daughters, wife or husband, off to some far away place just so a few elite insiders can make billions in oil in a deal they have conspired to take over for at least the past three presidential administrations. That is exactly what they have done and exactly why they suppressed the investigations into 9-11 and the Cheney Energy Task Force. Consider for a moment Condoleezza Rice, who used to sit on the Chevron Board of Directors at that exact time that Chevron made the decision to invest billions into oil and gas production in the Caspian Basin and without any way in sight to get that oil to ocean ports. You cannot convince me that Ms. Rice was unaware of Bridas Corporation and that they had beat US and UK oil companies to the punch way back in 1992 and 1993 when they starting signing oil and gas deals with the Turkmenistan government. You cannot convince me that Ms Rice was not completely aware of the geostrategic imperative of that oil pipeline across Afghanistan.

Both the Bush and Clinton Administrations do not want Americans to know that Bridas was interfered with in Turkmenistan and Pakistan to isolate both the Taliban and Bridas Corporation regarding the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, a pipeline that we now control through use of military force in Afghanistan. This raises serious questions about our true motives in attacking Afghanistan following 9-11. We deserve to know why the Bush Administration does not want Americans to know that Bridas Corporation and their parent Bridas SAPIC, prevailed in our Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding interference of contract in Turkmenistan.

It is not my word against Bush and Clinton. The historical facts and U.S. court records say all that needs to be said about the possible taint on our real motives of heading towards Afghanistan. If our government's motives for invading Afghanistan were a lie, just like Iraq has been, the matter needs to be looked into and charges brought against certain people. Just consider that Afghanistan and our actions there are directly tied to 9-11. I have met very few people that think the 9-11 Commission was doing its job rather than covering it up. Did you know about Bridas Corporation? For those Americans that think Clinton ­ Gore had nothing to do with the lead up to invading Afghanistan over a pipeline we could not otherwise get control of, take a look at what Max Boot, senior fellow Council for Foreign Relations had to say in an interview with the Christian Science Monitor: The Neocons tried for years to get Clinton to act and felt they could get Gore to act in the event he won in 2000.

"What type of foreign policy/security strategy would an Al Gore administration have set after Sept. 11? How different would it have been from the one that emerged from the Bush White House? I think it's likely that the Gore administration would have invaded Afghanistan after 9/11. I think it's unlikely they would have invaded Iraq. That's the big difference." Gore was under the control of the same special interests that control George W. Bush.

They had been planning the takeover of that Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline for many years. If you understand that the same wealthy élite special interests own both parties in D.C., you understand the gravity of the problem. Bridas started signing contracts with Turkmenistan, the north end of that pipeline in 1992 and 1993. That is a provable and documented fact and it was also long before any of our oil companies were welcome in the region. Bridas also saw the strategic importance of having a way to get the landlocked oil and gas to the ocean and the shortest route to do that is from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan to an ocean port. Read the rest, the lie we are living is not pretty

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, September 25, 2017

Every life form has pro and anti life forms within it! To the planet and the universe: The cancer called man!


I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!

I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.

I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.

Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!

When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers.

However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this four years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing

As we race to world war at a point in time where the weapons are no longer survivable by man or the planet mans role seems to be to end the life of the planet because of Bush taking the role of God. In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Welcome to the Age of Denial: Part 1; Religion


Evolution verse creationism again but why?

I am hearing more idiocy about Religion and it blows me away. First I remember watching CNN and someone actually said if we are not careful this could blow into a Religious war. What the heck do they think this is? We have perverted Religiosity on both sides of the so called war on terror "and we know Religious wars are the longest and the dirtiest" and we are in a Religious war right here amongst ourselves with those who have perverted Christianity to deny the obvious fact of evolution. I mean come on!

Remember this ? Tea Party star Christine O'Donnell thinks evolution is a myth

First the ditz that is right there with her screwed up stances like her idol Sarah Palin made the opening skit of SNL (Saturday night live) Look at their line on masturbation, read what they have to say then watch the video. I am stupefied that idiots like O'Donnell and Palin make total fools of themselves and then think it is funny being ridiculed by SNL. have a laugh

Anyway thinking about this continued debate on evolution which absolutely amazes me I remembered that this was an issue a while back (5 years ago to be exact) and I wrote about it from an unbiased viewpoint. Here it is in response to Bush's intervention and Pat Robertson who has proven himself to be a major quack. Until these idiots came out of the wall and started voicing their idiocy emboldened by the fact that Bush was their champion I never heard or paid attention to these perverted Christian zealots.

I refuse to believe anyone with half a brain can deny evolution. If you believe in intelligent design "God "invented" man okay but you can not deny evolution unless you have a selfish interest and must deny the truth. That has become the mantra of being a Republican. Less than half a brain I have to laugh O'Donnell does qualify! The more things change the more they remain the same: A little Bush era perverted Christian fundamentalism history!

Thankfully to me Bush had proven once again the danger of Christian fundamentalism in our society. I had to talk about this because I thought as the President he had no right to inject his beliefs into a religious debate. Then we heard from another crackpot that God wouldn't help the town of Dover because they didn't want divine intervention taught in their Schools. what happened to the god that loves everyone? what happened to the god that forgives all? What do they think churches are for?

Those Fundamentalist seem to worship the same God as the Islamists do and that is extremely dangerous as we have said many times. We have discussed in the past the theory of intelligent design. I do not believe in this for Religious reasons but rather for common sense. like most, I happen to believe in evolution. I also believe in what we call intelligent design. There are unexplainable "bumps" in mans evolution.

Both if thought about unbiased are fact. However due to personal bias most take one side of the issue or the other. Both views however are part of the whole which is man today as we know him. Religion should not be taught in our public schools. However, in teaching one or the other you are just giving half the equation and thus injecting your own personal agenda. Bush was speaking up for his base the fundamentalist Christian Right to lifer's and he had no right to advocate any principle and neither does O'Donnell, she should just keep her idiocy to herself and go away.

Evolution is an undeniable fact, so too is some kind of intelligent design. The question is what or who is what we call "God"? We must remember that in the end our selfish bias should not be the measure. Right or wrong, the truth, the whole story, should be the only measure.
 We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's ideal that once you became a member of society you would automatically obtain common sense and do the right thing for that society not your own self interest. Forget about it today.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, August 18, 2017

We have become a Fascist world: Part 2


I keep hearing rumors of being fascists so I thought it time to remind people that we already are and not just Russia and China. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

We have become a Fascist world: Part 1

Anti-fascist protests across Greece turn violent:   

    Fascism is Exploding in Greece, Raising Fears About Neo-Nazi Rule:   Greece, the birthplace of democracy, could be heading down a path toward fascism. Since the beginning of the global recession, there has been much news coverage of the economic turmoil in Greece, and the rise of far-right organizations that blame immigrants and the European Union for the country's problems.


  Many have come to fear that one such group, Golden Dawn, a radical party with a neo-Nazi ideology, will soon gain enough momentum to become the ruling party in Greece.

Fascism has become the rule of the day. We seem to have become a Fascist world as Nations prepare to fight for the future. Very scary! Greece, the United States, Russia, The world?

I feel we must repost this as, of late we have been losing more rights and the state has been increasingly gaining more control of us. There are those that mention a police state, nationalism, fascism, and those that feel we are stretching it a bit. It is a fact and it did not start with Obama but 100% with Bush and Cheney. Obama has not let powers go as he said he would but has been expounding on them instead.

Ron Paul: US "slipping into a fascist system" Ron Paul warned the U.S. is "slipping into a fascist system" dominated by government and businesses as he held a fiery rally Saturday night upstaging established Republican Party banquets a short distance away.
 "We've slipped away from a true Republic," Paul said. "Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen."

It really irks me that Republicans started as a result of Rove, Cheney and Bush to accuse Democrats of doing what they themselves are doing. It really peeves me that it is still continuing successfully because it goes unchecked.

 Remember too that it was Chief Justice Roberts a Republican who gave our Nation to corporations stupidly saying they are people too and can give as much money as they want to control what they want. That finished our Democracy off and short of full armed Revolution I see no turning it around. It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy!
The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism, It is not a transformation but a proven fact!

Obama is in part continuing Bush's Fascist agenda only kinder and gentler! 

Max Blumenthal’s book, Republican Gomorrah was interesting, had some good points but yes things are getting worse with the tea partiers and the complicit Republican party this is not a transformation, under Bush it became proven, demonstrated, undeniable fact. Odd or not Obama is pretty darn close to the new American Fascist party! The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism 

I keep hearing how Obama has us on the road to Fascism. Not in every instance but he is largely traveling on the road Bush paved. Look what we were saying under Bush! This was a common theme of mine with Bush. Not only the 14 threads of Fascism but look at the 10 steps to end a Democracy. It is a quick one and I illustrate us! They blame everything on Obama too! Fascism under Bush tomorrow.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism, It is not a transformation but a proven fact!

Obama was in part continuing Bush's Fascist agenda only kinder and gentler!

Max Blumenthal’s book, Republican Gomorrah was interesting, had some good points but yes thinks are getting worse with the tea partiers and the complicit Republican party this is not a transformation, under Bush it became proven, demonstrated, undeniable fact. Odd or not Obama is pretty darn close to the new American Fascist party! The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism

I keep hearing how Obama has us on the road to Fascism. Not in every instance but he is largely traveling on the road Bush paved. Look what we were saying under Bush! This was a common theme of mine with Bush. Not only the 14 threads of Fascism but look at the 10 steps to end a Democracy. It is a quick one and I illustrate us! They blame everything on Obama too! Fascism under Bush

Now I want to relist the 10 steps listed to end a Democracy as they pertain to us and you will agree.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. The enemy is us! After 9/11 the Patriot act was passed, fear constantly pressed on us and Bush started his power grab.
2. Create a gulag . Once you have got everyone scared, the next step is to create a prison system outside the rule of law, FEMA Concentration camps!
3. Develop a thug caste: Blackwater and private security even at times various Governmental agencies.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals: Threaten civil servants
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason: We know only Bushco can commit treason as they set up their new America
10. Suspend the rule of law: The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 gave the president new powers over the national guard. He can now send New York's national guard against another State if "He" deems necessary!

Remember the 14 common threads of Fascism: keep the entire world in mind but particularly how everyone of them applies in America today. This is scary!

* 1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. Bingo!

* 2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. Bingo!

* 3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. Bingo!

* 4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. Bingo!

* 5. Rampant sexism. Bingo, Bingo, Bingo!

* 6. A controlled mass media. Bingo!

* 7. Obsession with national security. Bingo!

* 8. Religion and ruling elite tied together. Bingo!*

9. Power of corporations protected. Bingo!

* 10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated. Bingo!

* 11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts. Bingo! (at the link read how it does apply)

* 12. Obsession with crime and punishment. Bingo!

* 13. Rampant cronyism and corruption. Bingo!

* 14. Fraudulent elections. Bingo!*
Read the explanations it's alarming
Even more frightening is a collection of news articles dating from the start of the Bush presidency divided into topics relating to each of the 14 points of fascism including proof in pictures.Blow by blow examples in pictures of American Fascism under Bush George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism - Project for the OLD ...

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Update; We have become a Fascist world: Part 1


Putin's Axis of Evil: Liberal Russians, Kiev 'Fascists,' and America.No one really cares what happens in Russia, as long as this country still has the balls to send a military force outside of its borders to protect ethnic Russians. The fact that Russia often can’t provide security for its citizens—mostly ethnic Russians—within its own borders, often losing in its never-ending war on homegrown terror, fades away at the prospect of a territorial gain and a victorious war.  

With Ukraine, the Kremlin is creating its own axis of evil: America, the “fascists” who seized power in Kiev, and their liberal Russian supporters.

Don't believe the Russian propaganda about Ukraine's 'fascist' protesters:

The Kremlin uses many kinds of falsifications to justify its aggression against Ukraine and plans to annex Crimean peninsula. One of which is that the mass protests of Ukrainians against the corrupt and bloody regime of Viktor Yanukovych, called the Euromaidan, was a gathering of far-right extremists intent on imposing nationalist rule over all other ethnic groups in Ukraine.

But the Euromaidan was anything but this. Although many Ukrainian nationalists passionately joined in the protests in central Kiev against Yanukovych's plans to get Ukraine into a Moscow-led customs union instead of signing a forward-looking association agreement with the EU, the maidan was a place of multi-ethnic national solidarity in the face of repression

    Fascism is Exploding in Greece, Raising Fears About Neo-Nazi Rule:   Greece, the birthplace of democracy, could be heading down a path toward fascism. Since the beginning of the global recession, there has been much news coverage of the economic turmoil in Greece, and the rise of far-right organizations that blame immigrants and the European Union for the country's problems.


Hitler, I mean Putin is not done. He is not going to stop at least until he takes Ukraine. He is heating up the blood of young Russians who want to see a return to Great Mother Russia but that is not going to happen. Putin's goal is to keep Democracy off his doorstep and to put an end to US hegemony.

China wants a return to her great Dynasty's. You see what is going on with China saying all the China seas belong to her and everyone else to get out. We of course refuse to and our stepping up our presence. Seems ti me that we are driving China and Russia together, they both want to see us go down

  Many have come to fear that one such group, Golden Dawn, a radical party with a neo-Nazi ideology, will soon gain enough momentum to become the ruling party in Greece.

Fascism has become the rule of the day. We seem to have become a Fascist world as Nations prepare to fight for the future. Very scary! Greece, the United States, China, Russia, The world?

I feel we must repost this as, of late we have been losing more rights and the state has been increasingly gaining more control of us. There are those that mention a police state, nationalism, fascism, and those that feel we are stretching it a bit. It is a fact and it did not start with Obama but 100% with Bush and Cheney. Obama has not let powers go as he said he would but has been expounding on them instead.

Ron Paul: US "slipping into a fascist system" Ron Paul warned the U.S. is "slipping into a fascist system" dominated by government and businesses as he held a fiery rally Saturday night upstaging established Republican Party banquets a short distance away.
 "We've slipped away from a true Republic," Paul said. "Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen."

It really irks me that Republicans started as a result of Rove, Cheney and Bush to accuse Democrats of doing what they themselves are doing. It really peeves me that it is still continuing successfully because it goes unchecked.

 Remember too that it was Chief Justice Roberts a Republican who gave our Nation to corporations stupidly saying they are people too and can give as much money as they want to control what they want. That finished our Democracy off and short of full armed Revolution I see no turning it around. It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy!

The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism, It is not a transformation but a proven fact!

Obama is in part continuing Bush's Fascist agenda only kinder and gentler! 

Max Blumenthal’s book, Republican Gomorrah was interesting, had some good points but yes things are getting worse with the tea partiers and the complicit Republican party this is not a transformation, under Bush it became proven, demonstrated, undeniable fact. Odd or not Obama is pretty darn close to the new American Fascist party! The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism 

I keep hearing how Obama has us on the road to Fascism. Not in every instance but he is largely travelling on the road Bush paved. Look what we were saying under Bush! This was a common theme of mine with Bush. Not only the 14 threads of Fascism but look at the 10 steps to end a Democracy. It is a quick one and I illustrate us! They blame everything on Obama too! Fascism under Bush tomorrow.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We have become a Fascist world: Part 2

I keep hearing rumors of being fascists so I thought it time to remind people that we already are and not just Russia . 

Fascism has become the rule of the day. We seem to have become a Fascist world as Nations prepare to fight for the future. Very scary! Greece, the United States, Russia, The world?

Now I want to relist the 10 steps listed to end a Democracy as they pertain to us and you will agree.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. The enemy is us! After 9/11 the Patriot act was passed, fear constantly pressed on us and Bush started his power grab.

2. Create a gulag . Once you have got everyone scared, the next step is to create a prison system outside the rule of law, FEMA Concentration camps!

3. Develop a thug caste: Private security even at times various Governmental agencies. The police get worse and worse!

4. Set up an internal surveillance system You know this one strikes home!
5. Harass citizens' groups

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

7. Target key individuals: Threaten civil servants

8. Control the press

9. Dissent equals treason: We know only Bushco could commit treason as they set up their new America

10. Suspend the rule of law: The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 gave the president new powers over the national guard. He can now send New York's national guard against another State if "He" deems necessary!

Remember the 14 common threads of Fascism: keep the entire world in mind but particularly how everyone of them applies in America today, more so under Bush I think. This is scary!

* 1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. Bingo!

* 2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. Bingo!

* 3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. Bingo!

* 4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. Bingo!

* 5. Rampant sexism. Bingo, Bingo, Bingo!

* 6. A controlled mass media. Bingo!

* 7. Obsession with national security. Bingo!

* 8. Religion and ruling elite tied together. Bingo!*

9. Power of corporations protected. Bingo!

* 10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated. Bingo!

* 11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts. Bingo! (at the link read how it does apply)

* 12. Obsession with crime and punishment. Bingo!

* 13. Rampant cronyism and corruption. Bingo!

* 14. Fraudulent elections. Bingo!*

* Now what do you think and believe?

James joiner
Gardner, Ma