Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts

Friday, April 25, 2014

What Putin Is Costing Russia is their greatness

 What Putin Is Costing Russia:  New statistics from the Central Bank of Russia indicate that almost $51 billion in capital exited the country in the first quarter of 2014. The exodus, says financial website, is largely the result of investor jitters over Russia's intervention in Ukraine and subsequent annexation of Crimea.

President Putin is currently riding a surge of popularity at home, propelled in no small measure by his assertive moves in Ukraine. When tallied in mid-March by state polling group VTsIOM, Mr. Putin's approval stood at nearly 72%, a gain of almost 10 percentage points from earlier in the year.But the longer the crisis over Ukraine lasts, the higher the economic costs to Russia are likely to be.

Putin's goal for the last 10 years has been to steal an unprecedented 3rd term as President so he could reassert Russian greatness and lead the fight against US hegemony.

Bush and Cheney rubbed Russia's face in the fall of the USSR. Putin's goal from day one this time was to rebuild a new Russia. He has already said that not just Crimea but all of Ukraine will be part of the new Russia.

Putin is clandestinely pulling the strings so ha can have the excuse to take Ukraine. He is undermining any deals and attempts at unity and succeeding in blaming it on Ukraine. 

I remember heard when I heard the statue of Stalin who ruthlessly murdered millions of fellow Russians is being put back up in his home town of Gori Georgia.
We have not learned a god damn thing from the embarrassment we put Putin and Russia through in his first term or the fact that he stole a second Presidency to be at the helm during the ending of U.S. Hegemony. I mean look at the damn facts. 
Remember when Putin was rallying and uniting the world to take on Bush and his drive to dominate the world? Absolutely as the world's mayhem ensues amidst its drive to dominate as we move through the 21st century is Putin's only agenda. It is an old thought. I remember when term limits made him have to leave last time. There was immediate speculation as to him taking back the Presidency.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Update; We have become a Fascist world: Part 1


Putin's Axis of Evil: Liberal Russians, Kiev 'Fascists,' and America.No one really cares what happens in Russia, as long as this country still has the balls to send a military force outside of its borders to protect ethnic Russians. The fact that Russia often can’t provide security for its citizens—mostly ethnic Russians—within its own borders, often losing in its never-ending war on homegrown terror, fades away at the prospect of a territorial gain and a victorious war.  

With Ukraine, the Kremlin is creating its own axis of evil: America, the “fascists” who seized power in Kiev, and their liberal Russian supporters.

Don't believe the Russian propaganda about Ukraine's 'fascist' protesters:

The Kremlin uses many kinds of falsifications to justify its aggression against Ukraine and plans to annex Crimean peninsula. One of which is that the mass protests of Ukrainians against the corrupt and bloody regime of Viktor Yanukovych, called the Euromaidan, was a gathering of far-right extremists intent on imposing nationalist rule over all other ethnic groups in Ukraine.

But the Euromaidan was anything but this. Although many Ukrainian nationalists passionately joined in the protests in central Kiev against Yanukovych's plans to get Ukraine into a Moscow-led customs union instead of signing a forward-looking association agreement with the EU, the maidan was a place of multi-ethnic national solidarity in the face of repression

    Fascism is Exploding in Greece, Raising Fears About Neo-Nazi Rule:   Greece, the birthplace of democracy, could be heading down a path toward fascism. Since the beginning of the global recession, there has been much news coverage of the economic turmoil in Greece, and the rise of far-right organizations that blame immigrants and the European Union for the country's problems.


Hitler, I mean Putin is not done. He is not going to stop at least until he takes Ukraine. He is heating up the blood of young Russians who want to see a return to Great Mother Russia but that is not going to happen. Putin's goal is to keep Democracy off his doorstep and to put an end to US hegemony.

China wants a return to her great Dynasty's. You see what is going on with China saying all the China seas belong to her and everyone else to get out. We of course refuse to and our stepping up our presence. Seems ti me that we are driving China and Russia together, they both want to see us go down

  Many have come to fear that one such group, Golden Dawn, a radical party with a neo-Nazi ideology, will soon gain enough momentum to become the ruling party in Greece.

Fascism has become the rule of the day. We seem to have become a Fascist world as Nations prepare to fight for the future. Very scary! Greece, the United States, China, Russia, The world?

I feel we must repost this as, of late we have been losing more rights and the state has been increasingly gaining more control of us. There are those that mention a police state, nationalism, fascism, and those that feel we are stretching it a bit. It is a fact and it did not start with Obama but 100% with Bush and Cheney. Obama has not let powers go as he said he would but has been expounding on them instead.

Ron Paul: US "slipping into a fascist system" Ron Paul warned the U.S. is "slipping into a fascist system" dominated by government and businesses as he held a fiery rally Saturday night upstaging established Republican Party banquets a short distance away.
 "We've slipped away from a true Republic," Paul said. "Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen."

It really irks me that Republicans started as a result of Rove, Cheney and Bush to accuse Democrats of doing what they themselves are doing. It really peeves me that it is still continuing successfully because it goes unchecked.

 Remember too that it was Chief Justice Roberts a Republican who gave our Nation to corporations stupidly saying they are people too and can give as much money as they want to control what they want. That finished our Democracy off and short of full armed Revolution I see no turning it around. It is time to replace Capitalism with Democracy!

The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism, It is not a transformation but a proven fact!

Obama is in part continuing Bush's Fascist agenda only kinder and gentler! 

Max Blumenthal’s book, Republican Gomorrah was interesting, had some good points but yes things are getting worse with the tea partiers and the complicit Republican party this is not a transformation, under Bush it became proven, demonstrated, undeniable fact. Odd or not Obama is pretty darn close to the new American Fascist party! The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism 

I keep hearing how Obama has us on the road to Fascism. Not in every instance but he is largely travelling on the road Bush paved. Look what we were saying under Bush! This was a common theme of mine with Bush. Not only the 14 threads of Fascism but look at the 10 steps to end a Democracy. It is a quick one and I illustrate us! They blame everything on Obama too! Fascism under Bush tomorrow.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Metal Storm, a surprise for Russia?

 Just a thought: Ukraine would have to deal with the Russian's they let into Ukraine and Crimea but this  is the perfect well tested answer to hoards of Russian soldiers crossing the border without endangering Ukraine soldiers: Metal storm the deadliest fastest most powerful weapon on the battlefield, this is scary, scary! Perfect for the demilitarized zone. I would be stunned if these are not already in place there.
 I was asked a question about smart weaponry. It is a very wide and complex field so I will just concentrate on one weapon we have discussed in the past as it is a smart weapon, it is here now, it will control the battlefield, and is very frightening. This is the scariest weapon I have ever seen or heard of in my life short of nukes. A million rounds per minute, 180 bullets being fired in less than one-hundredth of a second is perceived as one enormous noise to a human ear. Wow! Metal storm is more deadly than its name implies. Watch the video this is scary

Metal storm delivers pinpoint accuracy from ships, planes, helicopters the back of any vehicle, the ground, anywhere any time. This is super smart and lethal. 16,000 rounds per second and can even fire 1/4 million rounds of 40 mm grenades per minute. Metal storm can be operated unmanned and unattended. This is downright sinister. look at the pictures of versatility this is scary

Even unmanned Metal storm can detect movement anywhere watch this silent assassin it is down right scary All you need is a tube to hold all the rounds and it can go anywhere and be carried and shot from anything! It watches everything giving you total situation awareness.

I can't say it enough, this is a scary weapon. There is only one moving part, the Bullet. Bullets or high powered grenades are preloaded and fired electronically. No moving parts no jamming! General Downing former Commander in Chief of Special Forces is the adviser for what is the fastest and most powerful weapon on the battlefield.

This is a weapon the likes of which has never before been seen on a battlefield. It can monitor entire battle fields sensing any motion whatsoever and react accordingly. Using 40mm grenades it can flatten building, crush hardened bunkers, one can take out a battalion of tanks in seconds. watch this silent assassin it is down right scary

This is lethal and can even take down an intercontinental missile in seconds, dispatch a torpedo, used on mines, fired from planes laying down the most lethal barrage known to man. Just one question, if limiting killing non-combatants is a goal I would say that will not happen with this weapon and is the only drawback I can think of after watching the video.

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Iran warns she is ready for decisive battle with U.S. and Israel

We are no longer looking to instigate war with Iran but after years of both sides trying to get it going it very well be unstoppable.

  Iran warns ready for 'decisive' battle with US, Israel:  "We are ready for the decisive battle with America and the Zionist regime (Israel)," Fars quoted Firouzabadi as saying. He also warned neighbouring nations not to allow any attack to be launched on Iran from their soil.

"We do not have any hostility towards regional states, but if we are ever attacked from the American bases in the region we will strike that area back," he said.Washington has many military bases in the region, including in Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

The realities on the ground are that Iran is influencing and interfering everywhere they possibly can in order to stop what they think is the US getting the way. It has nothing to do with doing the right thing for Syria as a whole. It has everything to do with keeping the US, the West, and Arabs from having events in Syria go their way and not the way of Iran, Russia, China and the rest of their allies.

This is all about the future direction of the entire middle east. The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia (Al Qaeda?) at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!

You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran but with Iran, the Gulf, Syria, and everything else who knows what will happen first.

We must contain this to the middle east and keep it from turning into WW3. This must be a middle east fight and problem or the entire world is in dire trouble and we have too much already as we try to move successfully through the 21st century. I am afraid we are failing our children in every regard.

Syria is battleground for Russia and US: Under Putin, Moscow's objections to foreign interventions in the Middle East will grow. A Sunni-Shiite standoff in the region will complicate issues. The winds of a second Cold War are blowing across the Middle East, more than two decades after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the ensuing unraveling of the Soviet Union.

This time Moscow is looking to reassert its role and influence in a Middle East that is polarized along new geopolitical divides, initially created as a result of direct US military intervention in Iraq eight years ago and deepening later following the tumultuous Arab Spring in 2011. The battleground for the new confrontation between Russia and the United States is Syria, which has been embroiled in a popular anti-regime uprising for more than a year. Moscow has adopted a tough line in support of its old and last ally in the Arab world.

Well no shit dick Tracy, you're a little slow here and it is much worse than this. Why do you think Putin stole his way back in as President in the first place?

Russia is not going to give up Syria. To do so would be letting the US win and Putin to the demise of the Syrian people is not going to let that happen. Russia's weapons are being used to slaughter the people and they brag about it. Those are the only weapons Russia will allow. French President Nicolas Sarkozy likened Syrian leader Bashar Assad to a "murderer" while Russia said it was arming his regime enabling him to slaughter his people.

The Syrian people are being sacrificed in this the opening volley not just in the middle east but in the world against US hegemony! That is the only reason Putin got himself back into the Russian Presidency. The sole goal is to finish what was started under him and George Bush when he was gathering forces amongst Russia, China, the 35 non aligned nations and anyone else interested in stopping our efforts to rule the world.

Hezbollah and Iran's IRG armed by Russia have taken the lead in slaughtering the Syrian people to keep them and Bashar Al assad in control. This is just the opening volley in the war against US hegemony. Sorry to say but those Syrian people are being sacrificed in an opening volley for the war for position to see who holds prominence as we try to move through the 21st century.

I remember saying a year ago that the Syrian protesters are the bravest in the world as they know they at the least are facing dedicated Syrian and Iranian Revolutionary Guard killers and now we find out we were right on and then some. I know the protesters vowed not to be deterred stating they will break the Government period but there is no way. The Syrian Government will kill and arrest who they have too. Iran will accept nothing less!

I remember the Syrian opposition saying that they would not stop and would ultimately defeat the Government saying Democratic transition would safeguard Syria from violence. As outsiders looking in we know nothing could be further from the truth. People are being imprisoned and murdered and I can not see that stopping until the Democracy movement is crushed. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.

I remember saying from day one that it would take almost the whole military to defect before they would have a chance and now that we know how involved Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are in the slaughtering that is going on around the country that is beginning to look like the beginning of their fight.

You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Russia, China, and Iran are not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.

In closing: You know Putin just got himself re-elected as President, he did this so he could be at the helm of Russia as he like me knows 100% that world war is our future. He plans on marshalling China who is rapidly building a more formidable military and whoever he can to take on US hegemony.Russia watched helplessly as we had our way in Libya. Putin blames what is happening in Syria on our interference and Libya for training the protesters to fight against Bashar Al-Assad.Russia and Iran will not let this be another Libya but at what expense?

Putin is going to do everything possible to keep us from helping the Syrian people and I really feel for them. I do not see this going down the way Libya did and Iran and Russia are going to make sure it does not. I am afraid the Syrian people are going to be sacrificed, sacrificed in what is merely an opening salvo in this the wars for future dominance. I just heard that Russia is gathering forces to go into Iran via Armenia for a quick strike through Georgia. We have a showdown setting up that looks disastrous for the worlds future. It will be a miracle if we can keep this from turning into WW3!

I have hope that China will remember how important good relations are to both of our countries as we move through the 21st century.

US-China ties 'to shape 21st century'

The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves

Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.

I hope that never happens and I feel increasingly confident we can take the road to peace and prosperity into the 21st century with a united world. Many of you know I repeat often that Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel into the future. Bush had us on the first road, the road to war and a disastrous future for man kind. I feel increasingly confident thanks to Obama we are now on the second road, the road to understanding and a successful prosperous future. I am psyched to see ties continuing to strengthen between China and Taiwan as relations with the US improve with China's increased financial influence and importance to Asia. Hold on!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Putin lied and split Georgia and is doing the same to Ukraine to protect Russian leadership

 Ukraine's president buckles but protesters split:  Russians have already managed to do exactly what they’ve done in Georgia – by forcing regions of [Eastern] Ukraine to secede [and support Russia],” Saakashvili said. “Vladimir Putin clearly knows if Ukraine is democratic … then Russians will ask why we can’t do the same.”

Saakashvili believes the nations bordering Russia must stand united against Putin. “It’s a joint fight – it is not only about Ukraine … if Ukraine breaks free then all of us get a chance.” The former president sees the unrest as a turning point for not only Ukraine, but also Russia. “The Cold War might be over, but it’s not for Vladimir Putin,“

Ukraine parliament names acting president, seeks government

Live Coverage: Yanukovych Plane Stopped
Russia halting aid to Ukraine until leadership forms

Anyway, President Saakashvili led Georgia in 2008 on a campaign to regain control of two breakaway provinces, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, run by rebels bought off by Putin and loyal to Russia. However a military campaign organized by Moscow prevented them from gaining authority back. Putin is going to do the same thing to the Ukraine. Hell Putin threatened  them already and as Iran is helping Syria, you can bet Russia will be in the Ukraine.

He will be in there with his military if he can and will we make a stand or will we back off as we did with Georgia. We are at the crossroads here with Russia. Putin stole an unprecedented 3rd election to get back at the helm of the countries in the fight against US hegemony. This was developing under Bush and it will come to a head but under whose Presidency I do not know.

Tensions mount in Ukraine as president flees capital, protesters take control:  After a tumultuous few days that are changing Ukraine's political destiny, Yanukovych left Kyiv for the city of Kharkiv, his support base in the country's Russian-speaking east.

 A presidential aide said he has no intention of abandoning power.Also in Kharkiv is his main foe, now ex jailed ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Tymoshenko's arrest in 2011 and conviction on charges of abuse of office were widely seen as a case of political revenge.

 I do not like what I see coming. Putin is not going to allow his  power and control to diminish at a time when he finally sees a chance to take on US hegemony. It is the reason he stole an unprecedented 3rd election. Yanukovych is now in russia saying it was a coup and he will be back. This may be what sets off the battle against the status quo if the US has the gumption to go up against Putin's Russia.

I know they want their freedom from Russia but they have not learned a god damn thing from the embarrassment we put Putin and Russia through in his first  2 terms or the fact that he stole a  third Presidency to be at the helm during the ending of U.S. Hegemony. I mean look at the damn facts.

Remember when Putin was rallying and uniting the world to take on Bush and his drive to dominate the world? Absolutely as the world's mayhem ensues amidst its drive to dominate as we move through the 21st century is Putin's only agenda. It is an old thought. I remember when term limits made him have to leave last time. There was immediate speculation as to him taking back the Presidency.

This is another sobering shock. Putin's party has been intimidating and gaming the system for years in his effort to get his fascist hands on Russia again. This is proof positive of Russians' increasing suspicions of Putin's authoritarianism, ingrained corruption and falling living standards. Putin is not to be trusted and Russians have felt his grubby little hands around their necks for 12 years as he intimidates and tries to control Russia's future for his party.

Be scared be very scared! The USSR's Mikhail Gorbachev has warned that Russia risks six lost years when Vladimir Putin returns to the presidency, echoing rumblings of dissent over his Kremlin comeback. I always find myself agreeing with Gorbachev but that is putting it mildly. This is bad news for the US and the world!

This is very concerning. I remember back in 2008 when Putin was going to try and be President for life. He was not alone. Leaders aligned with Russia were all trying to get permanent leadership so they could be at the helm of their prospective countries to take on then President Bush when his war mongering hit the point where Russia, the 135 non aligned Nations, Iran, and others were prepared to join forces and take him and our allies on.

I remember when Bush first met Putin and he said he shook his hand and looked him in the eye and saw a man of compassion, a man who was true to his word, and a man he could work with. I shuttered at Bush's stupidity. I looked at Putin and saw a man deceitful to the core who was not to be trusted period.

We were too pompous then and were pushing the world towards WW3 with our take it or leave it, my way or the highway, interference around the world. Putin was determined to head us off, to directly confront us when we were on Russia's front door trying to instigate war by installing the so called missile shield in Czechoslovakia and Poland, and return Russia to the role of a world leader.

Personally we blew it when Russia broke up and the Berlin wall came down. We were the world leader and had the perfect opportunity to be humble, show we were the leader, and bring the world together to proceed successfully through the 21st century.We egged on the likes of Vladimir Putin who understandably chaffed under our we are the boss do what we say take it or leave it, it your face tactics of Bush and Cheney.

With the return of Putin to the Russian Presidency I am again concerned as we have returned to a confrontational relationship with Russia.Under Putin we have a re-surging Russia who is suppressing his people and Democracy. His goal hopefully with the aid of China and Iran is to put an end to US hegemony. I do not like the man, I do not trust the man, and I am very concerned as to which direction Russia and the United States are headed now and at a time when China is surging militarily.

We must maintain a balance as we try to move progressively and successfully through the 21st century! Being in a superior position puts one in a unique position of power and that power must be handled gracefully, with humility, responsibly, and not abused. That is something I taught all my sons and America under Bush did a lousy job of handling it and so it China and Russia.

Watching what is happening in Syria and Iran at this point it looks like Russia and China are going to unite to take on the United States and our allies and that bodes ill for the prospect of future war or the well being of us the world and the planet.

We need Russia on our side. I am a little worried that China too is getting a little too heavy handed and abusive with her new position of power and beginning to take what she wants instead of being content with what she has which is what I constantly lecture has to be the case if we are to have a future. The time when man and the planet could handle war is over, period or else! Be very concerned for our future!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, November 07, 2013

It is now obvious the target for Bush's missile Defense System is Russia!

US starts building anti-missile shield in Romania
 Romania starts building its end of anti Russian missile defence shield

Romania starts work on US missile defense base: The Missile Defense Facility will be maintained by US service personnel and house SM-3 interceptor missiles as well as radar equipment.

Russia is concerned that the missile system could be used against Russian interests. Moscow has threatened to aim a new generation of missiles at European military targets and deploy its own missile interceptors.
What's next now? Knowing that in the past Russia had expressed their anger over the missile Defence system proposed for Poland and Czechoslovakia and at one point to counter this proposal even offered to have them housed on their soil. Of course this offer was turned down as was the offer by Britain to have them on their soil.

The Bush line was that these systems are needed to counter the threat from Iran and North Korea. That sounds absolutely ludicrous if you ask me. In response to Bush's refusal to not deploy the systems Russia countered when President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would suspend its compliance with a treaty on conventional arms in Europe that was forged at the end of the Cold War.

Instead, Putin said, the Kremlin would use future compliance with the treaty as a bargaining point in the dispute with United States over its proposals to install missile defences in Europe. Can you blame them?

Putin's announcement, made in his annual address to Parliament, underscored the Kremlin's anger at Washington for proposing a new missile-defense system, which the Bush administration and now Obama  insists is meant to counter potential threats from North Korea and Iran. But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brusquely dismissed Russian protests, saying the missile-defense system the United States plans to install in Poland and the Czech Republic would pose no danger to the security of Russia.
I thought quite to the contrary! What they are proposing to set up are boost phase interceptors--missiles that target a missile during it's relatively slow lift-off stage while it's still in the atmosphere.

 To accomplish a take down, the chase missile has to take off within 50 seconds--i.e. it has to be in relatively close proximity to the missile it wants to take down. That's why the argument that missiles in Poland and Romania  are supposed to deal with missiles coming from Iran or North Korea is nonsensical. Condi using the word nonsense against Russia gives the game away. They always ascribed their own motivation to others.

Looking at today's statement that Russia cannot alter a U.S. plan to set up a missile defense system in nearby Poland, a senior U.S. official said in an interview published on Wednesday that is likely to stoke Russia's anger over the project. Russia is enraged! "We have listened to them but they have been so intransigent in their position that most NATO allies now support our proposal," he added.

6 years ago U.S. Under secretary of State Nicholas Burns said Russian fears were unjustified as the project was purely defensive and could not be modified to launch attack missiles. He said Russia must remember they are not part of NATO and therefore have no say in the matter. what?
These statements by Burns just told ignorant little me that while these systems could not be modified but they were solely to neutralize any interference by Russia in our plans. The only result of these rising tensions and the purposeful politics of confrontation practiced by the U.S. is to bring us closer to WW3 and our goal of what we think will be our version of new world order. These are my thoughts on the worsening situation, what are yours?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Part3: Putin ratchet's up his and Russia's power grab


The latest: Putin said the Russian military has been restoring a Soviet-era military base on the New Siberian Islands that was shut down after the Soviet collapse. He added that the facility is key for protecting shipping routes that link Europe with the Pacific region across the Arctic Ocean.


Last month, a Russian navy squadron led by the flagship of Russia's Northern Fleet, nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, visited the archipelago, which occupies a strategic position on the Arctic shipping route. Putin said that the military has already re-established a permanent garrison there and will restore an airfield and other facilities.

Just recently we stated: 

Putin approves sweeping new law as iron curtain descends on the heads of Russians


"There is an effort to recreate an old sense of fear," Denber said, adding that the new legislation was apparently aimed at discouraging Russians from joining protests. "One of the aims is surely to never have that happen again and to demonize any ... people or organization that might be associated with that." It is part and parcel a slide towards the fear felt by the people during the USSR.

One of the laws passed this summer required non-governmental organizations in Russia that receive foreign funding and engage in political activity to register as "foreign agents," which aims to destroy their credibility among Russians.In October, Moscow ended the U.S. Agency for International Development's two decades of work in Russia, saying the agency was using its money to influence Russian elections — a claim the U.S. denied.

As of November10, licenses held by companies who are at least 48 percent foreign-owned is forbidden. Liberty, known locally as Radio Svoboda, receives funding from US Congress and was set up to cater for countries where there are restrictions on information. “The aim is to inform people, because there’s no free access to information, there’s no freedom of speech. Everything is controlled by the Kremlin.
Radio Liberty will now concentrate on digital platforms, causing job losses for more than 40 people and, according to some, muffling criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Political Winter Descends on Russia 

Russian's have much to fear but so doesn't the world. With the return of Putin to the Russian Presidency I am again very concerned and see an end to a partner country whose leaders words and actions we can trust and a return to a confrontational relationship with Russia. I do not like the man, I do not trust the man, and I am very concerned as to which direction Russia and the United States are headed now and at a time when China is surging militarily.

We must maintain a balance as we try to move progressively and successfully through the 21st century! Being in a superior position puts one in a unique position of power and that power must be handled gracefully, with humility, responsibly, and not abused. That is something I taught all my sons and America under Bush did a lousy job of handling.
We need Russia on our side. I am a little worried that China too is getting a little too heavy handed and abusive with her new position of power and beginning to take what she wants instead of being content with what she has which is what I constantly lecture has to be the case if we are to have a future. 
The time when man and the planet could handle war is over, period or else! Be very concerned for our future! Not just Russia but the world is headed to a very violent future and hopefully not a very violent end.

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

Friday, October 11, 2013

Part1: Putin angrily says the Arctic has been unalienable part of the Russian Federation for centuries

Putin said the Russian military has been restoring a Soviet-era military base on the New Siberian Islands that was shut down after the Soviet collapse. He added that the facility is key for protecting shipping routes that link Europe with the Pacific region across the Arctic Ocean.

Last month, a Russian navy squadron led by the flagship of Russia's Northern Fleet, nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, visited the archipelago, which occupies a strategic position on the Arctic shipping route. Putin said that the military has already re-established a permanent garrison there and will restore an airfield and other facilities.

I just heard the statue of Stalin who ruthlessly murdered millions of fellow Russians is being put back up in his home town of Gori Georgia.

We have not learned a god damn thing from the embarrassment we put Putin and Russia through in his first term or the fact that he stole a second Presidency to be at the helm during the ending of U.S. Hegemony. I mean look at the damn facts. 

Remember when Putin was rallying and uniting the world to take on Bush and his drive to dominate the world? Absolutely as the world's mayhem ensues amidst its drive to dominate as we move through the 21st century is Putin's only agenda. It is an old thought. I remember when term limits made him have to leave last time. There was immediate speculation as to him taking back the Presidency.