Showing posts with label Russian Arctic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russian Arctic. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2014

Russia wants to start World War III and end US Hegemony starting in Ukraine


Russia already wants to start World War III.”:   The events on Friday morning were marked by an icy hostility between Moscow and Washington reminiscent of the Cold War. Ukrainian interim leaders said operations to expel pro-Russian militants in eastern cities would continue, even though military action so far has done little more than prompt Russia to stage military exercises on Ukraine’s border and heighten concerns about Moscow’s next move.

“Attempts at military conflict in Ukraine will lead to a military conflict in Europe,” Ukraine’s interim prime minister, Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, told the interim cabinet in remarks broadcast live, according to Reuters. “The world has not yet forgotten World War II, but Russia already wants to start World War III.”

Putin's goal for the last 10 years has been to steal an unprecedented 3rd term as President so he could reassert Russian greatness and lead the fight against US hegemony.

Bush and Cheney rubbed Russia's face in the fall of the USSR. Putin's goal from day one this time was to rebuild a new Russia. He has already said that not just Crimea but all of Ukraine will be part of the new Russia.

Putin is clandestinely pulling the strings so ha can have the excuse to take Ukraine. He is undermining any deals and attempts at unity and succeeding in blaming it on Ukraine. 

I remember heard when I heard the statue of Stalin who ruthlessly murdered millions of fellow Russians is being put back up in his home town of Gori Georgia.

We have not learned a god damn thing from the embarrassment we put Putin and Russia through in his first term or the fact that he stole a second Presidency to be at the helm during the ending of U.S. Hegemony. I mean look at the damn facts.  
  Remember when Putin was rallying and uniting the world to take on Bush and his drive to dominate the world? Absolutely as the world's mayhem ensues amidst its drive to dominate as we move through the 21st century is Putin's only agenda. It is an old thought. I remember when term limits made him have to leave last time. There was immediate speculation as to him taking back the Presidency. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

What Putin Is Costing Russia is their greatness

 What Putin Is Costing Russia:  New statistics from the Central Bank of Russia indicate that almost $51 billion in capital exited the country in the first quarter of 2014. The exodus, says financial website, is largely the result of investor jitters over Russia's intervention in Ukraine and subsequent annexation of Crimea.

President Putin is currently riding a surge of popularity at home, propelled in no small measure by his assertive moves in Ukraine. When tallied in mid-March by state polling group VTsIOM, Mr. Putin's approval stood at nearly 72%, a gain of almost 10 percentage points from earlier in the year.But the longer the crisis over Ukraine lasts, the higher the economic costs to Russia are likely to be.

Putin's goal for the last 10 years has been to steal an unprecedented 3rd term as President so he could reassert Russian greatness and lead the fight against US hegemony.

Bush and Cheney rubbed Russia's face in the fall of the USSR. Putin's goal from day one this time was to rebuild a new Russia. He has already said that not just Crimea but all of Ukraine will be part of the new Russia.

Putin is clandestinely pulling the strings so ha can have the excuse to take Ukraine. He is undermining any deals and attempts at unity and succeeding in blaming it on Ukraine. 

I remember heard when I heard the statue of Stalin who ruthlessly murdered millions of fellow Russians is being put back up in his home town of Gori Georgia.
We have not learned a god damn thing from the embarrassment we put Putin and Russia through in his first term or the fact that he stole a second Presidency to be at the helm during the ending of U.S. Hegemony. I mean look at the damn facts. 
Remember when Putin was rallying and uniting the world to take on Bush and his drive to dominate the world? Absolutely as the world's mayhem ensues amidst its drive to dominate as we move through the 21st century is Putin's only agenda. It is an old thought. I remember when term limits made him have to leave last time. There was immediate speculation as to him taking back the Presidency.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Part1: Putin angrily says the Arctic has been unalienable part of the Russian Federation for centuries

Putin said the Russian military has been restoring a Soviet-era military base on the New Siberian Islands that was shut down after the Soviet collapse. He added that the facility is key for protecting shipping routes that link Europe with the Pacific region across the Arctic Ocean.

Last month, a Russian navy squadron led by the flagship of Russia's Northern Fleet, nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, visited the archipelago, which occupies a strategic position on the Arctic shipping route. Putin said that the military has already re-established a permanent garrison there and will restore an airfield and other facilities.

I just heard the statue of Stalin who ruthlessly murdered millions of fellow Russians is being put back up in his home town of Gori Georgia.

We have not learned a god damn thing from the embarrassment we put Putin and Russia through in his first term or the fact that he stole a second Presidency to be at the helm during the ending of U.S. Hegemony. I mean look at the damn facts. 

Remember when Putin was rallying and uniting the world to take on Bush and his drive to dominate the world? Absolutely as the world's mayhem ensues amidst its drive to dominate as we move through the 21st century is Putin's only agenda. It is an old thought. I remember when term limits made him have to leave last time. There was immediate speculation as to him taking back the Presidency.