Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2017

Every life form has pro and anti life forms within it! To the planet and the universe: The cancer called man!


I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!

I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.

I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.

Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!

When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers.

However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this four years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing

As we race to world war at a point in time where the weapons are no longer survivable by man or the planet mans role seems to be to end the life of the planet because of Bush taking the role of God. In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Sunday, September 17, 2017

To the planet The cancer called man!

Every life form has pro and anti life forms within it! To the planet and the universe: The cancer called man!

I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!

I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.

I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.

Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it is all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!

When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. The heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Saturday, September 28, 2013

mass and random killings will occur every day everywhere as our society degrades

13 people gunned down in park: This will be every day everywhere as our society degrades.

13 people, including 3-year-old boy, shot at South Side park:Thirteen people, including a 3-year-old boy who suffered a gunshot wound to the head, were shot at a Chicago park in the Back of the Yards neighborhood Thursday night, authorities said.

Ten adults and the 3-year-old were transported by Fire Department ambulances after the attack in the 1800 block of West 51st Street in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, said Fire Department Deputy District Chief James Mungovan at the scene. A 12th victim was believed to have driven himself to Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park, a source said, citing preliminary information. Someone just pulled up and opened fire on the crowd. This is going to happen more and more as our societal conditions continue to worsen as they will.

Indianapolis officer fatally shot during domestic call

 ONIA, MI - The mother of Jim Pullum, who was killed in an apparent road rage encounter, claims Robert Taylor came out shooting after her son pulled into an Ionia car wash.
Bernadine Pullum, who was in her son's car when he was shot about 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, said her son didn't have time to figure out what the second driver, identified by police as Taylor, was angry about. She said Taylor tail gated the Pullum vehicle as they drove along M-66, sometimes pulling so close that they could not see the hood of his vehicle, but that there was no back-and-forth between her son and Taylor.

One now typical news cycle and the internal violence is still mild as we progress through our societal degradation in this the final stage in our life cycle of a society.

People are shot every day in the United States but these so called lone wolf killings are really on the increase. We just went through the Aurora Colorado killings then the Empire State Building killings. Every week it seems to be another high profile killing. We also heard from a Texas Judge that if Obama is reelected there will be a civil war. They have long been instigating for it. President Obama was re-elected and I am afraid that in some degree I agree with that idiot Judge. I am afraid it is coming still!

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Unbelievably I agree with the tea party darling Rand Paul. We are going the way of the Roman Empire. We can turn it around but both parties are only interesting in playing games and taking what they can before we go down. As the natural process in a societies life cycle we were already nearing the end. Bush merely sped up the process. I am more than annoyed that Republicans blame it on Obama and do not give credit to where it is due. Rand Paul likened US to Roman Empire in days before it fell

Sadly our societal degradation is happening at the same time as that of the planet. I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!

I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that there are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.

I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.

Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it is all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!

When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. The heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thouhgt he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do. WTF Obama and our political jokers are doing God only knows.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell, to bring the life of the planet full circle.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read Life's cycles and where we are in them

In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it. Societaly and to the planet we are our own worse enemy and doing ourselves in.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Monday, September 03, 2012

Another angry "lone" wolf strikes in our degrading society

NY gunman quiet loner, victim outgoing family man:A gunman who killed a former co-worker in cold blood in the shadow of the Empire State Building and then was shot dead by police after he turned his gun on them spent long hours in the quiet of Central Park, photographing hawks and marveling over nature's beauty. His victim was a gregarious salesman, beloved by his nieces and nephews as the fun uncle who could talk with equal expertise about the New York Jets and the women's fashion accessories he sold.

Their encounter was over in eight seconds. The officers, who had been standing nearly close enough to shake hands with Johnson and had no opportunity to take cover, fired almost immediately. Nine bystanders were wounded in the 16-shot volley, likely by stray or ricocheting police bullets. None of their injuries was life-threatening, police said.

People are shot every day in the United States but these so called lone wolf killings are really on the increase. We just went through the Aurora Colorado killings now the Empire State Building killings. Every week it seems to be another high profile killing. We are also hearing from a Texas Judge that if Obama is reelected there will be a civil war. They have long been instigating for it. President Obama will be reelected and I am afraid that in some degree I agree with that idiot Judge.

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Unbelievably I agree with the tea party darling Rand Paul. We are going the way of the Roman Empire. We can turn it around but both parties are only interesting in playing games and taking what they can before we go down. As the natural process in a societies life cycle we were already nearing the end. Bush merely sped up the process. I am more than annoyed that Republicans blame it on Obama and do not give credit to where it is due. Rand Paul likens US to Roman Empire in days before it fell

Sadly our societal degradation is happening at the same time as that of the planet. I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!

I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.

I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.

Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it is all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!

When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. The heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read Life's cycles and where we are in them

In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it. Societaly and to the planet we are our own worse enemy and doing ourselves in.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Police Officer Deaths on the Rise

Police Officer Deaths on the Rise: Even as violent crime has declined across the country, an increasing number of police officers are being killed. According to the FBI, 72 officers were killed by suspects last year, a 25 percent increase from the previous year and a 75 percent increase over 2008. It was the highest number in two decades. It’s not clear why officer deaths are on the rise. Duh!

A record 173 law enforcement officers killed on duty in 2011 in our degrading society

Report: 173 law enforcement officers killed on duty in 2011: In-the-line-of-duty deaths of law enforcement officers jumped 13% in 2011 compared to last year, according to preliminary figures released Wednesday by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. A total of 173 federal, state and local officers have been killed in the United States

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Senseless police killings worsen in our degrading society: Are police fears of a war on cops valid? You bet South Dakota police officer killed, 2 others wounded in shooting: A police officer was killed and two others wounded in western South Dakota's Rapid City after a man pulled out a gun and fired several times at them Tuesday, authorities said.The shooting was the first on-duty officer fatality in the city of 68,000 since 1985.

Another policeman shot and killed just for the hell of it!

Officer 'extremely critical' after apparently unprovoked shooting: A police statement says the officer was at an intersection late one afternoon when a car linked to an earlier shooting came alongside. Witnesses told police someone fired a shotgun at the officer from the passenger window. The man was called suicidal which brings "death by cop" to the forefront but that is another story in our growing hell.

Kill a cop continues to be more popular than ever!

police fear a war on cops and there is ; In January In just 24 hours, at least 11 officers were shot. The shootings included Sunday attacks at traffic stops in Indiana and Oregon, a Detroit police station shooting that wounded four officers, and a shootout at a Port Orchard, Wash., Wal-Mart that injured two deputies. Then two officers were shot dead and a U.S. Marshal was wounded by a gunman in St. Petersburg, Fla.also two Miami-Dade, Fla., detectives were killed by a murder suspect they were trying to arrest.

Rise in Officer Fatalities Called 'Unacceptable' by Holder Nothing they can do about it!

'Keep Them Safe': Feds Seek To Stem Police Deaths Forget it, it will get worse as our situation degrades.

Last year "really marked the deadliest year for law enforcement in nearly two decades and that is obviously very worrisome." Holder said before his meeting with police chiefs from more than 25 cities and representatives from several federal law enforcement agencies. "This year we are unfortunately on track to exceed the number we saw last year," Holder said. "These numbers are simply unacceptable. Our law enforcement officers put themselves in harm's way every day."

 A total of 162 officers were killed in 2010, 61 of whom died from gunshots.

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

Last year (2010) with desperation increasing there were 162 police killed. People are increasingly desperate and emboldened to take on and kill cops often as a way to kill themselves. Sadly for us this is all normal and a natural part in the end of the life cycle of a society. 10 other officers shot nationwide and we had a short respite, the respite didn't last long!

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this eight years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Sunday, January 01, 2012

A record 173 law enforcement officers killed on duty in 2011 in our degrading society

Report: 173 law enforcement officers killed on duty in 2011: In-the-line-of-duty deaths of law enforcement officers jumped 13% in 2011 compared to last year, according to preliminary figures released Wednesday by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. A total of 173 federal, state and local officers have been killed in the United States

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Senseless police killings worsen in our degrading society: Are police fears of a war on cops valid? You bet South Dakota police officer killed, 2 others wounded in shooting: A police officer was killed and two others wounded in western South Dakota's Rapid City after a man pulled out a gun and fired several times at them Tuesday, authorities said.The shooting was the first on-duty officer fatality in the city of 68,000 since 1985.

Another policeman shot and killed just for the hell of it!

Officer 'extremely critical' after apparently unprovoked shooting: A police statement says the officer was at an intersection late one afternoon when a car linked to an earlier shooting came alongside. Witnesses told police someone fired a shotgun at the officer from the passenger window. The man was called suicidal which brings "death by cop" to the forefront but that is another story in our growing hell.

Kill a cop continues to be more popular than ever!

police fear a war on cops and there is ; In January In just 24 hours, at least 11 officers were shot. The shootings included Sunday attacks at traffic stops in Indiana and Oregon, a Detroit police station shooting that wounded four officers, and a shootout at a Port Orchard, Wash., Wal-Mart that injured two deputies. Then two officers were shot dead and a U.S. Marshal was wounded by a gunman in St. Petersburg, Fla.also two Miami-Dade, Fla., detectives were killed by a murder suspect they were trying to arrest. Last I heard the death toll is now up to 189.

Rise in Officer Fatalities Called 'Unacceptable' by Holder

'Keep Them Safe': Feds Seek To Stem Police Deaths Forget it, it will get worse as our situation degrades.

Last year "really marked the deadliest year for law enforcement in nearly two decades and that is obviously very worrisome." Holder said before his meeting with police chiefs from more than 25 cities and representatives from several federal law enforcement agencies. "This year we are unfortunately on track to exceed the number we saw last year," Holder said. "These numbers are simply unacceptable. Our law enforcement officers put themselves in harm's way every day."

Twenty-three officers and federal agents have been gunned down this year compared to 15 officers killed by guns at the same time last year. A total of 49 officers have been killed already this year, including five federal agents, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Those figures do not include the most recent killings. A total of 162 officers were killed in 2010, 61 of whom died from gunshots.

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

Last year with desperation increasing there were 162 police killed. People are increasingly desperate and emboldened to take on and kill cops often as a way to kill themselves. Sadly for us this is all normal and a natural part in the end of the life cycle of a society. 10 other officers shot nationwide and we had a short respite, the respite didn't last long!

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Senseless police killings worsen in our degrading society: Are police fears of a war on cops valid? You bet

South Dakota police officer killed, 2 others wounded in shooting: A police officer was killed and two others wounded in western South Dakota's Rapid City after a man pulled out a gun and fired several times at them Tuesday, authorities said.The shooting was the first on-duty officer fatality in the city of 68,000 since 1985.

Another policeman shot and killed just for the hell of it
Officer 'extremely critical' after apparently unprovoked shooting: A police statement says the officer was at an intersection late yesterday afternoon when a car linked to an earlier shooting came alongside. Witnesses told police someone fired a shotgun at the officer from the passenger window. The man was called suicidal which brings "death by cop" to the forefront but that is another story in our growing hell.

Kill a cop continues to be more popular than ever

police fear a war on cops and there is ; In January In just 24 hours, at least 11 officers were shot. The shootings included Sunday attacks at traffic stops in Indiana and Oregon, a Detroit police station shooting that wounded four officers, and a shootout at a Port Orchard, Wash., Wal-Mart that injured two deputies. Then two officers were shot dead and a U.S. Marshal was wounded by a gunman in St. Petersburg, Fla.also two Miami-Dade, Fla., detectives were killed by a murder suspect they were trying to arrest. Last I heard the death toll is now up to 189.

Rise in Officer Fatalities Called 'Unacceptable' by Holder

'Keep Them Safe': Feds Seek To Stem Police Deaths Forget it, it will get worse as our situation degrades.

Last year "really marked the deadliest year for law enforcement in nearly two decades and that is obviously very worrisome." Holder said before his meeting with police chiefs from more than 25 cities and representatives from several federal law enforcement agencies. "This year we are unfortunately on track to exceed the number we saw last year," Holder said. "These numbers are simply unacceptable. Our law enforcement officers put themselves in harm's way every day."

Twenty-three officers and federal agents have been gunned down this year compared to 15 officers killed by guns at the same time last year. A total of 49 officers have been killed already this year, including five federal agents, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Those figures do not include a shooting in Athens. A total of 162 officers were killed in 2010, 61 of whom died from gunshots.

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

Last year with desperation increasing there were 162 police killed. People are increasingly desperate and emboldened to take on and kill cops often as a way to kill themselves. Sadly for us this is all normal and a natural part in the end of the life cycle of a society. 10 other officers shot nationwide and we had a short respite, the respite didn't last long!

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Friday, April 08, 2011

Kill a cop more popular than ever

Rise in Officer Fatalities Called 'Unacceptable' by Holder

'Keep Them Safe': Feds Seek To Stem Police Deaths

Last year "really marked the deadliest year for law enforcement in nearly two decades and that is obviously very worrisome." Holder said before his meeting with police chiefs from more than 25 cities and representatives from several federal law enforcement agencies. "This year we are unfortunately on track to exceed the number we saw last year," Holder said. "These numbers are simply unacceptable. Our law enforcement officers put themselves in harm's way every day."

Twenty-three officers and federal agents have been gunned down this year compared to 15 officers killed by guns at the same time last year. A total of 49 officers have been killed already this year, including five federal agents, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Those figures do not include Tuesday's shooting in Athens. A total of 162 officers were killed in 2010, 61 of whom died from gunshots. Ga. Police Shooting, Latest in Deadly String Nationwide

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

Last year with desperation increasing there were 162 police killed. People are increasingly desperate and emboldened to take on and kill cops often as a way to kill themselves. Sadly for us this is all normal and a natural part in the end of the life cycle of a society. 10 other officers shot nationwide and we had a short respite, the respite didn't last long!

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Monday, February 07, 2011

10 officers shot nationwide in 24 hours that's 16 in less than one month and it will get worse

This will continue to get worse! It is no longer just the nut cases fearing Obama wants to take their guns, It is not just the lone wolf's. 50 million are without health care and the right want that to continue, millions have lost their homes, millions have lost their jobs, and regardless of what we hear it will continue to get worse.

Last year with desperation increasing there were 260 police killed. People are increasingly desperate and emboldened to take on and kill cops often as a way to kill themselves. Sadly for us this is all normal and a natural part in the end of the life cycle of a society. 10 other officers shot nationwideSo far we have a short respite!

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

I agree with the tea party darling Rand Paul, We are going the way of the Roman Empire

Unbelievably I agree with the tea party darling Rand Paul. We are going the way of the Roman Empire. We can turn it around but both parties are only interesting in playing games and taking what they can before we go down. As the natural process in a societies life cycle we were already nearing the end. Bush merely sped up the process. I am more than annoyed that Republicans blame it on Obama and do not give credit to where it is due. Rand Paul likens US to Roman Empire in days before it fell

Every life form has pro and anti life forms within it! To the planet and the universe: The cancer called man!

I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!

I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.

I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.

Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it is all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!

When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. The heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.

First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush had merely sped that process up! He was doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he was doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say was his to do.

Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.

We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.

Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.

* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration or planetary destruction in many forms staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this seven years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

President Obama said the Gulf will be back better than ever, get a frigging clue!

Check out the BP live cam, they are lying through their teeth. This is getting worse and worse!

Ocean currents will take this oil up and around the Atlantic

Check out the BP live cam, they are lying through their teeth. This is getting worse and worse not better and will go up and around the Atlantic! Look at the video depicting the way they expect this to travel up the East Coast. New Hi Res live cam of the growing oil disaster This dwarfs what they admit including the countless monstrous underwater plumes BP still denies exist.

An independent scientific effort, funded by NOAA, has discovered "shocking" amounts of oil underwater, huge plumes that range up to three miles by ten miles wide, and about 300 feet deep, within many columns of the water in the Gulf of Mexico.

Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick. The discovery is fresh evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than estimates that the government and BP have given.

The plumes are depleting the oxygen dissolved in the gulf, worrying scientists, who fear that the oxygen level could eventually fall so low as to kill off much of the sea life near the plumes. Dr. Joye said the oxygen had already dropped 30 percent near some of the plumes in the month that the broken oil well had been flowing. “If you keep those kinds of rates up, you could draw the oxygen down to very low levels that are dangerous to animals in a couple of months,” she said Saturday. “That is alarming.” shocking lakes of oil being hiden in the gulf with poisonous dispersant

Dispersal of Oil Means Cleanup to Take Years, Official Says That is laughingly naive and overly optimistic!

White House: BP estimates of oil leak into Gulf will no longer be trusted Too late the damage is done!

World Oceans Day clouded by oil spill

We are starting to hear how horrific this will be on the environment and the very basic chain of life in the sea we all depend upon. However it is not coming from the Government or BP who continues to lie about everything. Once again I have to reiterate what we have discussed many times: As you know, this is horrific and barely beginning. First a scientist from woods hole expects this deluge of hidden destruction to hit Texas and Mexico. Actually it has hit the shores of Texas in the form of oil covered birds. It will get into the Gulf Stream and go around the world. I was ridiculed when I first said that but no one is laughing any more.

Scientist now believe 50 million gallons of oil might have erupted from this underground volcano to date and don't forget the deadly soup mixed with over a million gallons of death they call dispersant. I refuse to believe I was not the only one appalled when BP first said the so called leak was only 5000 gallons a day when I thought that was per minute. I mean come on!

The Coast Guard said there are hundreds of thousands of small oil slicks in the Gulf. It is the numerous unseen undersea oil plumes and the destruction of corral reef I worry about. It is the basic building blocks of sea life necessary to sea birds, shell fish, and the livelihoods of those in the gulf and around the country and soon the world I worry about.

Seeing the damage and knowing what is to come I refuse to Obama believed it himself when he said the Gulf will be back better than ever. I just heard they found a giant underwater oil lake NOAA is monitoring that is so big if a hurricane hits it, it will paint the entire gulf coast with black death and destruction. At first I thought it absurd but I am hearing the Russian idea of dropping a nuke on it might be the best Idea now but it would take too long to prepare. Think of the ramifications of all this. Better than ever, get real! A million gallons a day ant this can go on till Xmas, that's 1/4 billion gallons of oil plus the gas plus the millions of gallons of poisonous dispersant plus the junk shot and everything else! Shackle them morons!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Look at the big picture of the Gulf oil disaster as The planet is one life system and everything is interconnected

As you know, this is horrific and barely beginning.First a scientist from woods hole expects this deluge of hidden destruction to hit Texas and Mexico. It will get into the gulf stream and go around the world. I was ridiculed when I first said that but no one is laughing any more.

Scientist now believe 40 million gallons of oil might have erupted from this underground volcano to date and don't forget the deadly soup mixed with over a million gallons of death they call dispersant. I refuse to believe I was not the only one appalled when BP first said the so called leak was only 5000 gallons a day when I thought that was per minute. I mean come on! Anyway here is a visual of the results up close as Gulf Photographer Captures Oil Spill's Effects

I have some unheard realistic numbers for you coming from a retired cost manger estimating for a living, (me). We have not heard any honesty from BP and they take one boggled obvious to fail attempt after the other. I have finally heard an honest estimate of the oil BP's volcano is pouring into a very fragile ecosystem.

   We have heard the deluge in more like 798,000 gallons a day, I have firmly believed from the beginning that 1 million gallons per day is optimistic. They expect this to be under control some time in August. That is ap. 130 days times one million. 130 million gallons of oil people. It is not the worst in history but look where it is. It's impact will be the worst!

   130 million gallons of oil not to mention 3 million pounds of poisonous junk and millions of gallons of highly toxic dispersion chemicals designed to hide the oil under the sea until later. There is one monstrous plume 28 miles long and 300 feet deep off the coast of Florida. You can better there are many more and where?

Of course I have been following this from the beginning and knowing this whole thing from Cheney and Bush's dirty hands in the beginning to right now has been a total lie and misconception I could only laugh that anyone could think that any of these attempts could work quickly.

.   Will this get into other currents and oceans? What will its total affect be to the air, temperature, everything, the big picture? It is where this disaster occurred that makes its impact much more horrific.

It was obvious from the get go we were being placated once again. This is much worse than they will admit. The Gulf by many essential standards has had its finely honed ecosystem drastically alter on the very basic lower echelon of a life sustaining environment  and for many generations What are those people going to do? When this first happened I said it was going to the Gulf stream then around the world and it is.images of the Gulf stream current around the world

Remember where life began , this is a frigging oil well with billions of gallons not a pipeline,and I am sick that Bush and Cheney enabled this and no one realizes this affects not only the Gulf but life itself around the world as life is pyramidal. We have allowed BP to unleash a volcano of death in the bottom of our chain of life killing life in the ocean that gave life to us.

The planet is one life system and everything is interconnected, everything affected by everything else eventually. As I taught my kids, the ocean is like a giant washing machine. What goes around eventually comes around. Hurricane season is coming as you know and natures dispersion system will really get going and agitate this.

Why can't people ever look at the big picture, see the big picture, or think of the repercussions of their actions before they act? One word if applied by everyone before they acted would negate all problems arising and that is "consideration"

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma