Showing posts with label LIFG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFG. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Al Qaeda is defeating itself

Muslims Turning Against Al Qaeda As Terror Group 'Implodes: A year after the death of Osama bin Laden, a new survey of Muslim publics shows al Qaeda is widely unpopular, with majorities expressing negative views of the terrorist group in Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Turkey and Lebanon

a new Pew Global Attitudes survey finds.

In Pakistan, where bin Laden was killed by U.S. Navy Seals, 13% of Muslims hold a favorable view of al Qaeda, 55% an unfavorable view and roughly three-in-ten (31%) offer no opinion. Before his death in 2011, support for bin Laden himself had waned considerably in Muslim publics around the world, declining steeply over time among Muslims in Jordan, Indonesia and Pakistan, as well as the Palestinian territories. About time!

How to lose friends and alienate Muslims

How to lose friends and alienate Muslims

Osama Bin Laden did that a long time ago. It is time Muslim's wake up to what he has done in his private war with the west and act accordingly and they seem to be. In 2010 I discussed a letter written by a former friend and Commander who fought against Russia beside Bin Laden. This is a Letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group who fought beside Osama against Russia!

The terrorist who said no to Bin Laden: You have lost your way! You are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He comes out now and says no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respected Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden was very smart. However, he did not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle is on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. In reality he is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. End this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Osama stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. You forsook Mullah Omar who invited you into Afghanistan to give you protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now! An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman | The AfPak ...

A long time ago after years of watching Al Qaeda and the Taliban slaughter their own men, women, and children, I realized these are nothing more than all men clubs of disenfranchised thugs. In reality they have nothing to do with Religion other than to use it to keep their destructive clubs in power. I can finally see something that should have been done years ago and that is all Muslims turning on these private clubs of killers, alienating them, and kill them or allow them to self destruct.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Al Qaeda Is acting out in desperation

Fears that Iran Is Helping Al Qaeda Plot Atrocity, Al-Qaeda Joins the Syrian Rebellion  and Al Shabab: Time to listen to your own Noman Benotman

Al-Qaeda Joins the Syrian Rebellion: Al-Qaeda insurgents have now crossed into Syria in an effort to bring down the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad. The armed presence of the terror group raises new concerns over what factions within the Syrian anti-government coalition will emerge triumphant if and when Assad falls.

One Iraqi official said that Nineveh and Anbar have become “land bridges for the transportation of weapons and ammunition from the huge arsenal built up over its years of existence in Iraq.” Funding for the al-Qaeda incursion into Syria is reportedly coming from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Fears Iran Is Helping Al Qaeda Plot Atrocity: Iran and al Qaeda's core leadership under Ayman al Zawahiri have established an "operational relationship" amid fears the terror group is planning a spectacular attack against the West.
There are concerns such an attack, possibly targeting the Olympics, would be in revenge for the killing of Osama bin Laden by the US last year. Sky News' intelligence sources have said Iran has been supplying al Qaeda with training in the use of advanced explosives, "some funding and a safe haven" as part of a deal first worked out in 2009 which has now led to "operational capacity".

Al Qaeda's 'morale boost' as it formally joins with Al Shabab: The move is an apparent bid to boost morale after months of setbacks to al Qaeda - including the loss of founder Osama bin laden. One analyst said the connection could signal that the insurgents, known as resourceful, determined and increasingly web-savvy, had al Qaeda's approval for attacks against the West.

Whatever you said about President Obama since he was elected the Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in particular have been decimated for what it is worth. Since we killed Osama Bin Laden leaders have been falling left and right and I must say thinking about it I have not heard of Al Qaeda doing anything of significance not that we want it. Al Qaeda joining with Al Shabab, helping Syrian protesters, and allying with Iran to harm the west prove Al Qaeda is a wounded animal and a wounded animal as we know can be dangerous to others and more importantly we must emphasize a danger to them themselves.

It is time to listen to A Letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group who fought beside Osama against Russia!

The terrorist who said no to Bin Laden:You have lost your way! You are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He comes out now and says no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respects Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden is very smart. However, he does not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. If indeed Bin Laden is alive as we are led to believe, only he can stop this. In reality he is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should hunt him down themselves and end this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Osama stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bringing death and destruction on them. You forsook Mullah Omar who invited you into Afghanistan to give you protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now! An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman | The AfPak ...

I can see some value in helping such as the Syrian protesters being slaughtered but any way you look at it all I can see is much wasted death. OMG if man could only get along, leave well enough alone, and accept others for what they are.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pakistan Taliban warned of revenge for Osama Bin Laden's death, they should be thanking us

Pakistan Taliban warns of retaliation: Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive footage that appears to show the group vowing revenge for Osama bin Laden's death. This makes absolutely no sense knowing Bin Laden betrayed them but will gain new terrorism converts which is the only goal.True Islam is thanking us!

Knowing this and it will grow around the world as Bin Laden followers continue his vendetta I want to remind you or our discussion with a personal friend of his. Letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group who fought beside Osama against Russia! He wrote this 8 months ago but you have to read what a real lover of Islam feels about the betrayal and dishonor Bin Laden has brought to his people and Islam.

The terrorist who said no to Bin Laden:You have lost your way! You are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He came out and said no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respects Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden was very smart. However, he does not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. In reality Bin Laden is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should hunt him down themselves and end this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Bin Ladenists stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. Bin Laden forsook Mullah Omar who invited him into Afghanistan to give him protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now! An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman

* Osama Bin Laden is now dead, he has betrayed Islam and defamed and betrayed Muslims and their religion. His personal vendetta against the west will continue fueled by his death and fought by extremists who have nothing else to do. Fighting the west gives them a purpose. If it is to stop Islam must step up and police itself.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The 1980s mujahideen, the Taliban and the shifting idea of jihad: This isn't Jihad

The 1980s mujahideen, the Taliban and the shifting idea of jihad It is not Jihad it is Islam hijacked just like we have with perverted Christianity on our side.

Letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group who fought beside Osama against Russia! He wrote this 8 months ago but you have to read what a real lover of Islam feels about the betrayal and dishonor Bin Laden has brought to his people and Islam.

The terrorist who said no to Bin Laden:You have lost your way! You are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He comes out now and says no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respects Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden is very smart. However, he does not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. If indeed Bin Laden is alive as we are led to believe, only he can stop this. In reality he is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should hunt him down themselves and end this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Osama stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. You forsook Mullah Omar who invited you into Afghanistan to give you protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now!
An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman

* Osama Bin Laden is now dead, he has betrayed Islam and defamed and betrayed Muslims and their religion. His personal vendetta against the west will continue fueled by his death and fought by extremists who have nothing else to do. Fighting the west gives them a purpose. If it is to stop Islam must step up and police itself.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

How to lose friends and alienate Muslims

How to lose friends and alienate Muslims
Osama Bin Laden did that a long time ago. It is time Muslim's wake up to what he has done in his private war with the west and act accordingly. 4 months ago I discussed a letter written by a former friend and Commander who fought against Russia beside Bin Laden. This is a Letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group who fought beside Osama against Russia!
The terrorist who said no to Bin Laden:You have lost your way! You are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He comes out now and says no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respects Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden is very smart. However, he does not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. If indeed Bin Laden is alive as we are led to believe, only he can stop this. In reality he is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should hunt him down themselves and end this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Osama stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. You forsook Mullah Omar who invited you into Afghanistan to give you protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now! An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman | The AfPak ...

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, October 15, 2010

Elements of Taliban are 'ready' to talk peace key Afghan negotiator says and they should, Osama Bin Laden betrayed them!

Elements of Taliban are 'ready' to talk peace, key Afghan negotiator says

Remember the terrorist who said no to Bin Laden, you betrayed the Taliban:You have lost your way! Osama you are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He comes out now and says no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respects Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden is very smart. However, he does not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. If indeed Bin Laden is alive as we are led to believe, only he can stop this. In reality he is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should hunt him down themselves and end this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Osama stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. You forsook Mullah Omar who invited you into Afghanistan to give you protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now!
An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman | The AfPak ...

It was 8 months ago but I was pretty pleased that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Representatives of his major insurgent faction have presented a formal 15-point peace plan to the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai. This was the first concrete proposal to end hostilities and get us the heck out of there. Obama can do this, he is doing it.

This would not even be a thought under Bush. As we said in Iraq the Afghan's too must come together so we can leave. They can then turn on each other as I fully expect to be the case in Iraq and also in Afghanistan. Anyway representatives of Hezb-e-Islami met on Monday with representatives of the Government. This is huge as Hezb-e-Islami, or Islamic operates under a separate command from the Taliban, it has links to the Taliban leadership and Al Qaeda and has fought on a common front against foreign forces in Afghanistan.

They only want what I want and that is a withdrawal date for all foreign forces on Afghani soil. That is doable under Obama. We can really do this! They wanted us to start in July and have it completed in 6 months. The 6 month time frame would have to be flexible and they would have to police the still militant Taliban and keep the peace amongst themselves even if only until we leave as I expect.
Insurgent Faction Presents Afghan Peace Plan

Let's get on with this and get the hell out!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group who fought beside Osama against Russia!

The terrorist who said no to Bin Laden:You have lost your way! You are messing around with the DNA of Islam itself. I was impressed when I saw this interview on TV. It is obvious this man was a key high level player before 9/11 and was in on the meeting running up to it. This discussion was about an open letter written by Noman Benotman, a former commander in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and a former associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

In al Qaeda strategy meetings in Kandahar in 2000, Benotman warned the al-Qaeda leadership of ‘total failure' to realize their aims and called on bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to abandon violence. As you know they did not and he is out for good reason. He was at the high level meeting running up to 9/11, the Davos or terrorism and said no to Osama you will be defeated, this is not about Islam this is not Jihad.

He comes out now and says no this must stop. We are not winning and I was right. We have betrayed Islam. We are killing the very people and cause we were supposed to be fighting for. Knowing our response to past attacks they thought our response would be 200 missiles or so, so they took the chance. Needless to say they did more damage and killed more people than they thought they would and this is just beginning unless the Islamists quit because we must fight for our lives.

Noman Benotman loves and respects Bin Laden but like Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda number two he does not think Bin Laden is very smart. However, he does not have to be. He got this so called Jihad going and has incited the Islamist rancor he intended. whether he's Dead or alive the battle on. For Islamists this has taken on a life of its own. If indeed Bin Laden is alive as we are led to believe, only he can stop this. In reality he is the greatest enemy of his people.

Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should hunt him down themselves and end this! Noman considered himself a freedom fighter and he was. He fought alongside Bin Laden against the Russians but said these wars have nothing to do with Islam. It is purely political and it is time to lay down arms, 100% and end all this senseless violence.

We know this but Noman says Al Qaeda and now Islamists of all stripes offers meaning to those who have none and gives them a cause but has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.

Osama stop bring shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. You forsook Mullah Omar who invited you into Afghanistan to give you protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now!
An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden -- by Noman Benotman | The AfPak ...

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma