My life looked something like this.
July 2016 through December 2016: Blah blah blah
January 2017: Boyfriend and I had "The Talk", I was ready to get married (FINALLY!)
February 2017: Boyfriend and I started house shopping, put an offer in on a house, and listed both of our houses for sale. Scary exciting stuff!
March 2017: Boyfriend officially upgraded his status to Husband To Be. Wedding planning commences.
Husband To Be and I both sold our houses.
May 2017: aka The Month of Madness. The sale of my house fell through.
I was in a car accident and totaled my car.
We moved into the new house with two mortgages.
Still not freaking out.
June 2017: Less than a week after moving into the new house... I left for China for two weeks.
The day after I returned home, my mom told me that my grandma has terminal cancer.
July 2017: Husband To Be upgraded to Husband. Freaked out a little and was 15 minutes late to my own damn wedding.
August 2017 through October 2017: Hubby and I won a 5 day trip to Jamaica!
Commencing mental breakdown while trying to figure out how to be a wife, step-mom, and grieving as my grandma dies.
She left us on Oct 31st.
November 2017 through July 2018: The Black Hole of Nothing. I was in a black hole of grief and depression. I was not a good wife, a good mother, or even a good human.
Somehow Husband stuck through it (actually he says it wasn't that bad) and we celebrated our first anniversary.
Oh, yeah, somewhere in here I made the bad decision to do Contract For Deed on my house.
We took a honeymoon to Jamaica.
August 2018 through July 2019: My cousin Jen lost her battle with cancer.
Husband adopted The Diva!
The situation with the Contract For Deed escalated and I finally said I was done. Officially listed the house for sale again. Moral of the story: don't do Contract For Deed. Ever. Bad Idea. Zero stars, not recommended.
Celebrated two years married.
August 2019 through July 2020: My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had a double mastectomy and radiation.
Finally sold my house!
Bought a new-to-me car (that proceeded to break down only days after the warranty expired.)
The Spawn graduated high school early.
A whole bunch of other stuff happened and I had a mental breakdown.
Mom had to have a couple more surgeries for skin that wasn't healing and infections.
The world went into quarantine/stay-at-home/social distancing/online learning mode thanks to The Rona (Covid-19 virus) pandemic.
And here we are... days away from celebrating Year 3 of Marriage aka The Best Day Ever.
What a freaking ride!
So... what have you been doing?