Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Pokemon Go has come to Malaysia

At last..

As of today, the game is available for free download in both the App Store for iOS users and Google Play for Android users.

Besides Malaysia, the game has been made available in 14 other Asian countries, i.e. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau.

The game was first launched in the United States Australia and New Zealand on July 6. Japan, home country of the game, only got activated last week. Pokemon Go has since been released in over 30 countries.

Happy Pokémon-hunting!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Santa Winter Games

The Chinese has a saying that goes something like even when you live a hundred years, there would still be new things to hear or learn about.

I never knew there is a Santa Winter Games, did you?

The Star reported that

Christmas cheer came early to Sweden's Arctic mining town of Gaellivare this weekend, where Santas from around the world gathered to compete in one of the world's most important but little known sporting events, the Santa Winter Games.

The nine competitors and their elves paraded Saturday through the Lapland town of Gaellivare, located 100km (62 miles) inside the Arctic Circle, to the site of the competition in the town's centre.

Japan's Santa Claus was accompanied by three human reindeer, who, in a gracious display of Christmas spirit, agreed to pull the sleigh of the local Santa also competing in the event.

As spectators watched from the sidelines, elves and reindeer handed out flags, whistles and candy to supporters.

The Father Christmas from Spain had a three-year-old helper named Marco who conscientiously completed his duties before diving face-first into the snow, as he discovered white fluffy snowflakes for the first time. (That must have been so cute to watch.)

The competition included a reindeer-riding event, porridge-eating, karaoke and sack races, before the jury crowned a winner.

In the end, the Santa from the Netherlands was declared the winner of the 2012 competition.

"I'm thrilled: I'm the first to win two years in a row. I'm going to come back next year to defend my title," he vowed.

After the competition, everyone had a smile on their lips as they drank mulled wine - or hot chocolate for the youngsters - at the town's picturesque Christmas market nearby.

Some 400 people braved the cold in parkas and warm boots to watch this year's competition, a record, according to organisers.

"Next year, we'll do things bigger," said Mathias Svalenstroem, who organises the annual event. - AFP

Talk about Santa and Christmas, I haven't been downtown to see whether the Christmas decorations are up in the malls. Have you seen any?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Google Olympic doodle Number 15 - Soccer

Google has churned out yet another Olympic doodle that is interactive. This is the third interactive Google Olympic doodle after Hurdles and Slalom canoe. Soccer gets the honour today and this is the 15th Google doodle in the series for the London Olympics.

Going to the Google Search page today will take you to the Soccer Google doodle. After today, you can still continue to play Olympic soccer.

Other Google Olympic doodles include the earlier doodles for archery, swimming, gymnastics, hockey, fencing, table tennis, shopt put and the opening ceremony; pole vault; synchronized swimming; javelin; hurdles; slalom canoe and today's doodle, soccer.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Google Olympic doodle Number 13 - Basketball

Google celebrates the Olympics today with their Google Olympic doodle Number 13 featuring Basketball. This is the second interactive doodle after yesterday's Hurdles doodle and allows you to shoot balls into the hoop within a timeframe of 24 seconds.

Here’s how to play the game. After clicking the “play” button, you have 24 seconds to shoot as many basketballs into the hoop as possible. Tapping the space bar sets the shot and tapping it again shoots the ball towards the basket. Clicking on the left side of the mouse also works. Play the Basketball game..
Basketball is a team sport, the objective being to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules. Usually, two teams of five players play on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width end. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. - Wikipedia

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Google Olympic doodle Number 12 - Hurdles

The Google Doodle team is getting better with their Olympic doodles. Google doodle no. 12 is for Hurdles. What makes this doodle interesting and unique so far is that this doodle is an interactive doodle that lets you 'compete' in hurdles.

To get started, just click on the "play" button. Use your keyboard arrow keys to start running down the track and the spacebar to jump over a hurdle. You can time yourself and share your result on Google+. Depending on how well you do, you will be rewarded with one, two or three gold coins.

Perform a Google search today will take you to the hurdles doodle.

Here is where you can play the interactive hurdles doodle later on:

You can also use a game controller to play the hurdle doodle. It works with Google's Chrome browser and very recent versions of Firefox. Very cool, check it out!

Google Doodles for the 2012 London Games so far include for archery, swimming, gymnastics, hockey, fencing, table-tennis, shot put, pole vault, synchronized swimming, and javelin. There is even a doodle for the Opening Ceremony.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Want a PS3..

When I was younger, a present of a book or a chess set would put me on Cloud 9.

A colleague just bought his young son a ps3 all because he doesn't want his son to feel bad that the mom and dad are going on a holiday overseas without bringing him along.

Kids these days are so lucky. They get expensive toys for the littlest reasons. We can only blame it on the trend of the times - where lines sometimes are blurred by too much love or guilt for not being able to spend more time with loved ones.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let's Go International

Someone sent me this funny email and thought I'd play along except that I'd do it as a blog-post (to keep it going) instead of as an email.

I've continued where it left off. You can play too. Just continue where I left off (the last entry) - leave your input as a comment and I'll link you on this post.

Bear in mind though that your input must make sense to the context of the story. Let's make it a rule to indicate the country of where the blogger is from, eg., (Made in Japan) if you are from Japan, etc.

This is fun! Come on.. join in! Get linked..

John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6am.

While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG).

He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA )

After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his
calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) filled it with GAS (from Saudi Arabia) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (Made In Malaysia),
John decided to relax for a while.

He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL), poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in AMERICA


With his new purple cellphone (Made in Malaysia) - HappySurfer

he decided to make a call, but stopped short. He sat down on his plush leather sofa (Made in Malaysia)- Foong PC

Sitting on his plush leather sofa he phoned his girl friend, [Made in Bristol - UK] - Mick
a man’s voice answered.

The voice on the phone asked: Are you delivering the wine today? (Made in South Africa) - Evl
Thinking it was his imported wine delivery that was late.

Thoughts raced through his mind as he searched for words......(Made in Malaysia) - Mei Teng

After few seconds of silence, he said “Sorry, I think I dialed the wrong number.” (Made in the Philippines) - Rej

Then putting down the receiver, (Made in Malaysia) - JL
he slapped himself on the forehead in self-chastisement.

Suddenly, the door bell (Made in Malaysia) - Foong PC
rang. He got up to see who was at his front door. Looking from behind the window curtains, he couldn't see anyone at first. And then he gasped!

Y'all gotta Keep this one circulating, please!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Frolics - What Board Game Are You?

Board games are still popular though they are facing stiff competition from computer games and computer time. I know, as my own Monopoly and Scrabble sets seldom see the light of day these days, stashed away in the cupboard.

Of all the board games there are, Scrabble is my all-time favourite (though I am not good at it) and guess what, if I were to be a board game, it turns out that I would be Scrabble. Talk about coincidence!

What board game are you? Find out..

You Are Scrabble

You are incredibly clever and witty. You can talk your way out of (and into) situations easily.

You are an excellent decision maker. You are good at weighing the options in front of you.

You're the type of person who can make something out of nothing. You are very resourceful.

You know a lot of things. Most importantly, you know when people are wrong - even when they won't admit it.

Other Fun Personality Quizzes