Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Most expensive burger in the world

This 140 gramme (about five ounce) patty at more than 250,000 euros ($330,000) to produce, must make this the world's most expensive burger.

Lab-grown burger - The Star

On Monday, yesterday, scientists were set to unveil the world's first lab-grown beef burger, serving it up fried to volunteers in London in what they hope is the start of a food revolution.

Mixed with salt, egg powder and breadcrumbs to improve the taste, and coloured with red beetroot juice and saffron, researchers claim it will taste similar to a normal burger.

BBC News has had exclusive access to the laboratory in the Netherlands, where the artificial meat was produced.

Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University, whose lab developed the meat, says it is safe and has the potential to replace normal meat in the diets of millions of people.

This new food source could potentially address the environment issue of global warming caused by the growing demand for meat which is putting unsustainable pressure on the planet, both through the food required for the animals and the methane gas they produce.

In a video, Prof Mark Post of Maastricht University who led the research, explains how the burger was made and reveals the freezers full of ingredients.

Although it is very expensive, the costs of cultured beef are likely to fall as more is produced and the team claim it could be available in supermarkets within 10 to 20 years.

Yum or no Yum?

Source: The Star..World's first lab-grown burger to be tasted in London

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Google's Project Loon

An undated handout photograph made available by Google shows a balloon floating over New Zealand as part of Google's 'Project Loon' in New Zealand. -EPA
I read about Google's Project Loon this afternoon. Google is working on bringing Internet connection to remote areas of the world by sending balloons to the edge of space. These balloons, carried by the wind, would be at altitudes twice as high as commercial planes, can beam Internet access to the ground at speeds similar to today's 3G networks or faster.

While still in the early stages, the plan is for Project Loon eventually to launch thousands of balloons to provide Internet to remote parts of the world, allowing more than four billion people with no access to get online. This access could also be used to help after natural disasters, when existing communication infrastructure is affected.

"The idea may sound a bit crazy - and that's part of the reason we're calling it Project Loon - but there's solid science behind it," Google said, but added: "This is still highly experimental technology and we have a long way to go." - The Star

The world will be a more connected world when this becomes a reality, allowing better access to information as well as providing more convenience.  Shopping can be done from even the remotest part of the world, buying stuff from the comfort of one's home.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

How to Increase Blog Traffic - One Tip

Remember I couldn't get the LinkWithin widget to work right earlier on? I tried installing it again last night and still couldn't get it working right. Strange that it's working fine on my other blog and yet not at all on this blog. I can only guess that the feature doesn't work for multiple blogs owned by one person. Anyone has any idea?

This widget is one of those 'nice to have' things though can be considered a necessity that could help increase your blog traffic. So, if you haven't got one for your blog, you may want to consider installing it. Just go to and follow the simple instructions to install.

However, widgets are not allowed on certain platforms such as Wordpress, for instance, if yours is hosted free. But you already knew that, I'm sure.

Image source

Friday, October 26, 2012

Malaysian badminton icons in the making

From one sporting activity in the previous post to another..

Badminton is one game that Malaysia excels in or rather a force to be reckoned with on the world stage. The other is squash and Nicol David is the undisputed queen of all.

When it comes to badminton, Lee Chong Wei comes to mind. A contributing factor to Malaysia's badminton success is having a well-formulated programme where young talents are identified and nurtured.

SS Junior Badminton is one such platform that nurtures young talents in order to find Malaysia's next Badminton Superstar. This programme is a collaboration between Senheng Electric and Samsung Malaysia, thus the SS in the programme name.

The SS Junior Badminton project has brought young talents a step closer to achieving their own dreams of excelling in the game and becoming the next Malaysian badminton icon. With proper guidance, nurturing and motivation, it can be achieved.

16-year-old Bong Guang Yik is one such young talent who is in this programme. Watch him play against Indonesia's Taufik Hidayat in a friendly match recently. A must-watch..

Images from video grab

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to Speed Up The Computer

It's frustrating when the computer gets to a snarl. The response time, I mean. I normally work with multiple windows and programs open to be able to work on different tasks simultaneously. Multitasking, if you will because some jobs are interrelated and require cross-referencing. Because of the traffic involved, the PC sometimes doesn't go the pace you want it to and that's frustrating.

That's when how to speed up computer programs come in handy. Fortunately in the office, our IT folks are here on hand to fix this glitch. Talk about being grateful!

How do you overcome this computer response time issue? Any tips to share?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tracking company data and progress

If you are looking for a balanced scorecard and dashboard solution for tracking key metrics and business performance, you'd want to be looking for one that is not only robust, it has to be easy and flexible.

Easy as in the software is able to be deployed within weeks instead of months and end-users just need little minimum training to learn up the system.

As for being flexible, the software must be able to conform to changing data information and business needs as well as the ability to accommodate data exploration through visualization and maximum self-service.

Being robust is a given. The software must be able to satisfy the demands of power users and adapt to any organization regardless of its size.

There are many balanced scorecard and dashboard solution softwares available in the market but one that fits what's mentioned above worth checking out is the InetSoft's dashboard scorecard. Their website says it can be easily deployed and used.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bose L1 Compact PA System

If you are in the market for a PA system, here's one system to check out. Bose's L1 Compact system combines conventional PA and monitors into one sleek unit. Weighing just 29 pounds, it is their smallest, lightest, easiest-to-set-up L2 system.

Even though compact enough to carry in one trip, it has the flexibility of two setup positions. It can be collapsed for smaller spaces or extended for larger ones, both setups deliver wide, even sound coverage across the stage and throughout the audience - even to the extreme sides.

Ideal for musical performances, mobile DJs, classrooms, business presentations and other events, it is not difficult to see why this system is called the bose l1 compact musicians friend. Happy shopping!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Skater-babies in HP Printer commercial - a must-watch

How about a little song and baby tricks to start a Sunday?

You might have seen this but still worth a re-view and seriously a must-watch if you haven't. Babies are already so cute as they are, but skater-babies...! So coool! Take a look..

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do you "Karaoke"?

Karaoke has really caught on here. Many homes nowadays have their own karaoke sets in their dedicated karaoke room to hold regular karaoke sessions with family and friends. They just need the slightest excuse to hold such a gathering which is not a bad thing in the name of family-bonding.

I had the pleasure of testing out a new set at a girlfriend's karaoke session the other day. I must say, karaoke systems have come a long way. For starters, the quality of sound is way better than the older sets. Did you know that you can buy karaoke machines online? But you already knew that. Still, if you are looking to buy one, check out a karaoke machine at, reputed to have the world's largest karaoke selection. Don't just take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Owning a Communication headset - Scala Rider G9

A convoy of motorbikes vrooming down the highway is a sight to behold - flashy outfits, flashy bikes, flashy helmets and visors. Such convoys can normally be seen during festive seasons particularly during Hari Raya and Chinese New Year.

Gone are the days when two riders on a motorbike were just that - plain riders, and not able to communicate without the sound of traffic or the wind distorting voice subsequently meaning.

If I were a rider, even riding pillion at that, I would consider owning one of those headsets that enables rider-to-passenger communication. I hear the Scala Rider G9 is a good buy.

I read that this G9 is the evolution of the G4 from Scala Rider and it can pair with up to 8 other Scala Rider headsets and toggle between them. In order to activate the capability, you program the names of your riding partners into the headset and when you want to talk to them you speak their name and you will connect to them instantly for a full duplex intercom conversation. How cool is that!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya - Kuala Lumpur is deserted for a good reason

It's Saturday past midday, and the sun is up! Thank goodness for that because we haven't had much sun here in Malaysia the past week or so with the haze refusing to let up. "It's like that", most of us would say this time of the year - dry weather and land-clearing for the planting season taking the rap.

The city is deserted this weekend and will be for the entire week because most people are out-of-town, celebrating Aidil Fitri. The exodus began a few days ago. All tickets for public transportation were all sold out way ahead of the festival, as always.

Roads that are usually congested in and around KL are visibly less jammed up as evidenced by this combo of realtime CCTV traffic shots around the city.

Aidil Fitri or commonly-known here as Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated widely here in view of more than 60% of the 28 million population being muslims. There's a 2-day public holiday gazetted for this festival. Here in Malaysia, two days is the max allotted for any public holiday. Chinese New Year is the other festival that also comes with a 2-day public holiday.

Let me take this opportunity to wish friends and readers who celebrate this festival a Selamat Hari Raya and for the rest, happy holidays. Hotels and resorts in the country are also fully-booked as families take advantage of this long stretch of holidays to spend some quality family time. School is also out for a week.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Google Olympic doodle Number 13 - Basketball

Google celebrates the Olympics today with their Google Olympic doodle Number 13 featuring Basketball. This is the second interactive doodle after yesterday's Hurdles doodle and allows you to shoot balls into the hoop within a timeframe of 24 seconds.

Here’s how to play the game. After clicking the “play” button, you have 24 seconds to shoot as many basketballs into the hoop as possible. Tapping the space bar sets the shot and tapping it again shoots the ball towards the basket. Clicking on the left side of the mouse also works. Play the Basketball game..
Basketball is a team sport, the objective being to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules. Usually, two teams of five players play on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width end. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. - Wikipedia

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Samsung phone discount tomorrow

If you are thinking of buying or replacing a handphone, here's some good news..

From The Star..

PETALING JAYA: Those planning to get their hands on a new Samsung Galaxy S3 should take advantage of a one-day-only 10% discount on the smartphone tomorrow.

The offer is limited to one smartphone per customer, and will only be available at 35 Samsung Elite Partner (SEP) brand shops nationwide.

Samsung Malaysia Electronics said that the discount was in celebration of Datuk Lee Chong Wei's inspiring sportsmanship.

Lee won the silver medal at the badminton men's singles at the London Olympics.

Interested customers can visit to locate their nearest SEP brand shop that offers the discount.

Related article:

Discount sees spike in sales of Samsung Galaxy S3

Google Olympic doodle Number 12 - Hurdles

The Google Doodle team is getting better with their Olympic doodles. Google doodle no. 12 is for Hurdles. What makes this doodle interesting and unique so far is that this doodle is an interactive doodle that lets you 'compete' in hurdles.

To get started, just click on the "play" button. Use your keyboard arrow keys to start running down the track and the spacebar to jump over a hurdle. You can time yourself and share your result on Google+. Depending on how well you do, you will be rewarded with one, two or three gold coins.

Perform a Google search today will take you to the hurdles doodle.

Here is where you can play the interactive hurdles doodle later on:

You can also use a game controller to play the hurdle doodle. It works with Google's Chrome browser and very recent versions of Firefox. Very cool, check it out!

Google Doodles for the 2012 London Games so far include for archery, swimming, gymnastics, hockey, fencing, table-tennis, shot put, pole vault, synchronized swimming, and javelin. There is even a doodle for the Opening Ceremony.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Observing Good posture at the Computer desk

How many of us are suffering or have suffered from shoulder aches due to working long and hard at the computer either at home or in the office?

Ergonomics is defined as the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements and its cognitive abilities. If ergonomic principles are observed, the practice will help in reducing risk of developing a repetitive strain injury and other stress-related injuries.

There is a lot more to ergonomics. The Internet is a wonderful resource for more information. Suffice to say that the right type of computer desks with regard to height and so forth, could help in complying with the principles of ergonomics in turn preventing physical stress to the body.

The image above is an all-too-familiar illustration of the ideal posture when working at a computer desk. Image courtesy of

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Radiohead concert cancelled in Toronto

I just read that a concert by the British rock band, Radiohead, was canceled after the roof of an outdoor stage collapsed during sound checks and rehearsals before the show on Saturday. The mishap killed one person and injured three others, police and fire officials said.

Police said the band was not on stage at the time, and members of the group were not believed to have been involved in the accident, which occurred at about 4 p.m. local time at Downsview Park, about 5 miles north of downtown Toronto.

Staging an outdoor concert is a massive task which involves among others safety and security factors. The strictest standards are taken for an incident-free event with preparations including sound system, electrical wirings, the correct type of wiring loom, the stage arrangement, props, backstage support systems, and so forth. Success of any event depends on attention to details and the highest standards in overall planning and execution. What happened back there is most unfortunate.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Of Supermarketing and Barcode scanners

I don't know about you but each time at the check-out counter in a supermarket when the staff zaps the barcode-scanner too many times at a food product, it gives me the jitters. However, I console myself that their ls2208 scanners are probably safer than other brands that they won't contaminate the food they are zapping so many times at.

Bad enough that our greens are laden with chemicals from fertilizers and meat with hormones and whatnot, they even have to go through rays from a barcode-scanner! Am I being paranoid or what?! Oh gosh!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Beckham shows off his incredible ball skills

If you are not into football, you can skip this short video.
If you are not into David Beckham, you can skip this video too.

If you are into football, watch it, maybe.
If you are into David Beckham, watch it.

And if you are into both football and David Beckham, this video is a must-watch. Methinks..

Video shows Beckham + Samsung GALAXY Note + Beethoven – World-renowned, football superstar Beckham shows off his incredible ball skills to the melody of Beethoven’s classic, ‘Ode To Joy,’ while kicking a series of balls against a 15-foot wall of drums with the help of the Samsung GALAXY Note.

Amendment to the Evidence Act - relating to Internet usage

What do you think of the amendment to the Evidence Act passed by the Dewan Rakyat last month? It is one thing to bring anonymous hate-mail senders and stalkers to book but quite another when innocent Internet-users are held responsible for an act that they are not guilty of.

Basically it means the owner of the Internet account will be held liable for anything published on his blog, his Facebook page, Twitter, etc.

The amendment to Section 114(a) of the Evidence Act includes the following stipulations:

> If your name, photograph or pseudonym appears on any publication depicting yourself as the author, you are deemed to have published the content.

> If a posting comes from your Internet or phone account, you are deemed to be the publisher unless the contrary is proved.

> If you have the control or custody of any computer which published any material, you are presumed to be the publisher unless proven otherwise.

Take a look at the clauses..
Source: The Star

Answering critics who said the amendment was unfair in pushing the burden of proof to the accused, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Chairman, Datuk Mohamed Sharil Mohamed Tarmizi, said that owners of Internet accounts where hate messages had originated could easily rebut charges against them if they were innocent.

“For example, if you can produce witnesses to say that you were nowhere near your computer or any other communicating device at the time the message was sent out, you can get off,” Sharil said.

More: The Star..Cyber bullies and stalkers often get away because of lack of evidence

Saturday, May 26, 2012

1Malaysia Pad - new Tablet in the market

If you haven't had enough of 1Malaysia programs and products, here is one more to add to the stable, the 1Malaysia Pad, a new tablet in the market. I remember when Apple's iPad was unveiled, the name created quite a stir, and now we have our very own...Pad!

Officially unveiled at a soft launch yesterday, this 7-inch pad, using the Android Gingerbread operating system is claimed to be on par with the ones currently available in the market. The 1Malaysia Pad is developed by MalTechPro Sdn Bhd and will be in the market next month after its official launch at an introductory price of RM999 for the first 5,000 units.

The tablet which can be customised to a client's needs also comes with built-in applications including the 1Malaysia Messenger or 1MM app which offers free messaging between users like popular applications such as WhatsApp and Blackberry Messenger. The tablet comes with two cameras – 3.0 megapixel device at the back and a 0.3 megapixel in the front – WiFi and 3G data capabilities, a Li-Polymer 4000mAH battery and a 32GB micro SD memory card.

MalTechPro being an apps (applications developer provides customisation of the 1Malaysia Pad according to the needs of the client.

It has been reported that Malaysia is the largest tablet market in South-East Asia, racking up sales worth US$374mil (RM1.18bil) last year. When it gets launched next month, will the store be needing rope stanchions to keep enthusiastic customers in line? We'll see.

Source: The Star