Getting the word out
A new crop of undergraduate student-teachers start classes
today. The energy is most palpable at the moment.
So with lots of new faces in mind, I thought I’d go over a
few of the ways we in the Doucette Library try to convey information about
Workshops: We do workshops
– lots and lots. We should rename ourselves Workshops-R-Us, in fact. These are
not your typical library workshops that review research strategies or searching
databases or catalogues. We promote the resources that can be found in the
Doucette and also illustrate our workshops with the very resources that
student-teachers can also use in their work as both students and teachers. We
often teach about how to think about the resources: why would I use this? how
would I use this? what do I hope to provoke from the students with this? is
this the best resources to accomplish my objectives? etc. These sessions are
challenging but really fun to do – almost like playing, really. We offer these
workshops through classes, the Education Student Association and on our own in
something called Black Chair Sessions. The BCS sessions are 20-30 minutes and
super focused on a very narrow topic. Bing. Bang. Boom. You’re in. You’re out.
You’re better informed.
Library/Subject/Research Guides:
Whatever you want to call them, these are incredibly rich resources that the
staff in the Doucette Library have created that again direct student-teachers
to materials that will help them with their own school work, when they’re out
on practicums or even once they’ve become teachers. We organize them around
topics that are centred around lesson planning, teaching specific curriculum
topics such as social studies, science, or fine arts, specific areas of
importance in teaching K-12 grades such as children’s literature, English language learners, technology, interdisciplinary teaching, early childhood education and so on. We
recommend web resources, online journal articles and Doucette Library books and
kits, of course. It’s about finding information even when you’re not on campus.
Blogs: Well, if you’re
reading this you know that I blog in the name of the Doucette Library. But you
may not be aware that a colleague, Paula Hollohan, also writes a blog about
using technology in the classroom. Doucette Ed Tech reviews many types of
resources including apps, gadgets, and trends. It’s a great place to start with
getting a grasp on the Maker movement or design thinking, for example.
Pinterest: Both Paula and I have created Pinterest
boards that are filled with resources (again, mostly from the Doucette Library)
specific to topics relevant to curriculum or classroom practice. My boards (found as Doucette Library) are
really focused on the Alberta program of studies and there are boards for
elementary social studies, science and math. Every topic in very grade level
has a board dedicated to listing mostly juvenile resources appropriate for
classroom use. Paula has boards related to educational technology.
Goodreads: Again, this is
something both Paula and I have joined to help us keep track of the books we
read. It also allows student-teachers or anyone else for that matter to see
what we’re reading. I’ve made a link from this blog to get to my account and
welcome you to ‘friend’ me if you wish to join in.
Litsy: This is brand new
for us. Recently, Paula and I have been struggling with trying to revamp a book
club that we use to run for student-teachers. This wasn’t the kind of book club
that required everyone to read the same book and then discuss it. It was a way
for Paula and me to recommend fiction and nonfiction with curriculum tie-ins to
students. We also encouraged students to talk about the books they were using
or seeing in the classrooms when they were on practicum. But with program
changes, there has been a real time crunch for students and we haven’t been
able to run it. This year we thought we’d try something new with a new social
media-type app. It’s being described as: if Goodreads and Instagram had a baby
it would look like Litsy. So Litsy lets us (and you) list the books you’re
reading (or have read) plus add pictures and comments much like what you’d see
on Instagram. It is easy to use and I’d recommend you stop by for a look and
perhaps sign up.
And that’s about it – at least, for now. We’re always looking for ways to share our
expertise and recommend the resources that will help student-teachers excel and
enrich their own teaching practices.