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My online journal of stitchy chores and the occasional hockey talk.

2018 Finishes

1. Let It Snow by Barbara Ana Designs. Finished Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2. Victorian Thistles bookmark by Textile Heritage. Finished Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3. Keep Love by Shepherd’s Bush. Finished Saturday, February 24, 2018

4. Fleur d’Orleans by Ink Circles. Finished Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5. A Little Gray Hare by Lizzie Kate. Finished Thursday, March 15, 2018

6. March Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Monday, March 26, 2018

7. April Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8. May Cake by Brooke’s Books. Finished Tuesday, May 29, 2018

9. Japanese Anemones by Sheila Hudson. Finished Tuesday, June 12, 2018

10. The Lily Of The Valley by Blackbird Designs. Finished Wednesday, June 27, 2018

11. A Slice of Summer by Waxing Moon Designs. Finished Wednesday, July 11, 2018

12. Sweet Tulip by Jeannette Douglas Designs. Finished Tuesday, July 24, 2018

13. Autumn’s Bounty by Black Star Designs. Finished Monday, August 20, 2018

14. Caramel Apple by Mill Hill. Finished Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Number of Finishes By Year-

1. 2008 Finishes -10

2. 2009 Finishes- 21

3. 2010 Finishes- 49

4. 2011 Finishes- 26

5. 2012 Finishes- 35

6. 2013 Finishes- 7

7. 2014 Finishes- 19

8. 2015 Finishes- 61

9. 2016 Finishes- 50

10. 2017 Finishes- 30

11. 2018 Finishes-

Showing posts with label DMC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DMC. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May Cake Finish

I finished this guy up just in the nick of time. With this finish, this concludes the 'Spring' birthday cake freebies from Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books. I am waffling on continuing with the Summer series, or if I should pick up something from the Bin O'Shame. I have not had a finish from the Bin O'Shame in quite some time. (Almost a year, I think). I really do need to get back to it, as I am soooooooo close to finishing them all up. 

Well, at any rate, here is the second finish for the month of May and the eighth for the year. 

Design: May Cake

Designer: Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books

Fabric Used: 32 count Belfast linen from Silkweavers' in Dusk 

Fibers Used: DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 as called for in the chart. Anchor six strand embroidery floss in 02, Brightest White. 

Beads Used: Mill Hill beads in #02031 Citron,   #42101 Purple and #03050 Champagne Ice Antique Glass seed beads. Kreinik #4 braid in 007 - Pink.

Stitchers' Notes: Design from the 12 month series of monthly Birthday Cakes. Finished Tuesday, May 29, 2018. Left off border. Substituted DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117  B5200 for Anchor six strand embroidery floss in 02 Brightest White. Eighth finish for 2018.

Time for me to be off. I need to clean up my area and check on dinner. Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Happy stitching!


Respectfully submitted,


Thursday, May 3, 2018

April Birthday Cake Finish For May

My latest finish is way late for the month of April. This is due to getting socked with allergies and living in an apartment building with inconsiderate smokers. I am hoping that the situation gets rectified soon, but who knows?

At any rate, I have managed to finish this guy up. I am pleased with the way that it has turned out, although for whatever reason, this one was a bit fiddly to work on. I am not sure why, but that's the way it goes. 

Here is my first finish for May and my seventh for the year:

Design: April Cake

Designer: Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books

Fabric Used: 28 count natural Cashel linen of unknown manufacturer

Fibers Used: DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 as called for in the chart. Anchor six strand embroidery floss in 02, Brightest White. 

Beads Used: Mill Hill beads in #00479 White and and #03050 Champagne Ice Antique Glass seed beads. 

Stitchers' Notes: Design from the 12 month series of monthly Birthday Cakes. Finished Wednesday, May 2, 2018. Left off border. Substituted DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117  B5200 for Anchor six strand embroidery floss in 02 Brightest White. Seventh finish for 2018.

Welp, time for me to be off. Tons to do today and I need to get my next project put together. I hope everyone is having a great week.

Happy stitching! :)

Respectfully submitted,


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Happy Birthday March Cake Finish

Happy day, all! I chose this latest design because this series is one that I have wanted to stitch as soon as the series began. There are so many applications for these designs. And I love the use of color and beading that Brooke Nolan uses in her designs. 

I am also excited to use a large piece of fabric from my LNS' inventory sale. Once a year they have a 'fabric by the pound' sale and this past December, I purchased 2 pounds of fabric in all counts and colors for $10.00. I could not pass that up! This year I will have to see about saving up more loose change for the end of the year inventory sale. I didn't get a whole lot this past year, but I love what I did get and really, two pounds of fabric is none too shabby. :)

At any rate, here is my latest finish:

Design: March Cake

Designer: Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books

Fabric Used: 32 count Belfast linen from Silkweavers' in Dusk 

Fibers Used: DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 as called for in the chart. Anchor six strand embroidery floss in 02, Brightest White. 

Beads Used: Mill Hill beads in #00479 White and #02011 Victorian Gold. 

Stitchers' Notes: Began, Sunday, March 18, 2018. Design from the 12 month series of monthly Birthday Cakes. Finished Monday, March 26, 2018. Left off border. Substituted DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117  B5200 for Anchor six strand embroidery floss in 02 Brightest White. Sixth finish for 2018.

Time for me to be off. I hope everyone is having a great week. Happy stitching!


Respectfully submitted,


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Woohoo! Another Finish!

I am very, very happy that I managed to finish this little guy up before the end of the month. It went a LOT quicker than I had anticipated and I had a lot of fun stitching it. I am not sure how I will finish this off, but for now, the stitching is done and I have my third finish of the month. 

Design: Keep Love

Designer: Shepherd's Bush

Fabric Used: Weeks Dye Works' 30 count linen in Charlottes' Pink

Fibers Used: As provided in the kit. 

Stitchers' Notes: Kit purchased complete from a Facebook cross stitch selling group. Left off wording. Third finish of 2018.

Time for me to be off. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Happy stitching! :)


Respectfully submitted,


Sunday, July 30, 2017

WIPs And An Organizational Post

I've put some time into two projects and have completed some more organization. When I am too tired to stitch, I have a tendency to clean and organize things, so that when the time comes to get out another project, I know where I stand. This is predicated on the fact that I have a 25+ year stash. I have been contemplating another 'great culling' but I am not quite there yet. 

I was going to wait until the end of the year to take another inventory of the infamous Bin O'Shame, however, I bit the bullet the other day and just got on with it. I was down to 29 going into the beginning of 2017, which made me really, really happy. I started off with 70 UFOs beginning in February 24, 2015, so every bit has counted! 

During the recount, I decided to separate the small to medium projects from the huge BAPs and long term projects. I wanted to separate the projects that I could complete in a reasonable amount of time, from the projects that will take many, many months to complete. After completing this task, I am now sitting on 23 projects in the infamous Bin O'Shame, however, I do have six long term projects that need to be dealt with. I have three projects that I am undecided as to whether or not I plan on finishing the stitching on them. One of them is the Forget Me Not Sampler  by With Thy Needle and Thread. The fact of the matter is, I cannot stand the color of the fabric. It is so dull and washed out. I understand it is a 'primitive' type design but the Lakeside Linens 40 count in Navy Bean just leaves me cold. I am not that far into it, so I may just finish of the central motif and restart it in a nicer color fabric. Or I may just finish the central motif and be done with it. Did I mention that I really do hate this fabric? :P

Well, at any rate, here are the two projects that I have worked on since completing the Strawberries and Cream sampler from Casey Buonaugurio: 

WIP #1:

Design: Be Kind and True (retired)

Designer: Blackbird Designs

Fabric Used: 28  or 32 count white linen of unknown manufacturer

Fibers Used: Au Ver a Soie Soie 100/3 Spun Silk in 004, 037, 124, 126, 165, 197, 312, 486, 561, 663, 705 and 773. Kreinik silk serica thread in Light Charcoal, #8073

Stitcher's Notes: Stitched one strand of floss over two fabric threads. Chart on loan from Patricia G of the Blackbird Designs Lending Library Facebook Group. Replaced the cotton embroidery floss for silks. Began Monday July 17, 2017. 

I also managed to put in a bit of time on my 'Every Now And Again' project. 

WIP #2:

Designer: Jody Rice of Satsuma Street

Fabric: 28 count Cashel linen in Fog by Picture This Plus

Fibers Used: DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 as called for in the chart

Stitchers' Notes: Began Friday, March 17, 2017. Project to be stitched 'every now and again' with no set time frame for completion.

As of Saturday, March 18, 2017:

As of Tuesday July 25, 2017:

Time for me to bolt for the door. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. 

Happy stitching!


Respectfully submitted,


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Second Bin' O'Shame Finish For 2017!

Woohoo! Finally managed to power through this one. It is also my second finish from the infamous Bin O'ShameI am quite pleased with the way that it turned out. I really do prefer this design on the 28 count Cashel linen in Water Lily instead of the original pink that I had chosen. It would have been way too much pink, IMO!

Well, at any rate, here it is in all its' glory: 

Design: Strawberries and Cream 

Designer: Casey Buonaugurio (retired)

Fabric Used: 28 count Cashel linen in Water Lily

Fibers Used:  DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 in B5200, 225, 321, 351, 743, 815, 937, 986, 988 and 3706. 

Accouterments: Mill Hill beads in #00128 Crayon Yellow#03049 Rich Red, and #42014 Petite Black beads

Stitcher's Notes: Began Monday, April 11, 2016. Design featured in the February 2006 issue of The Cross Stitcher, a now defunct US magazine. Design featured on page 36. Substituted called for fabric for 28  count Cashel linen in Water Lily. Substituted gingham band and strawberry flower and leaves for wording. Pink gingham band free formed by me. 

As of Thursday, July 13, 2017:

As of Sunday, July 16, 2017:

Well, time for me to be off. I need to clean up my stitching area and get started on a piece from the FB BBD Lending Library. This time around I have borrowed the out of print Be Kind and True:

I think I am going to stitch this in the same color palette that I chose for Summer In Bloom from the book Maria Selby Humphrey - 1831 book. Probably not on the same 48 count fabric, however, lol! 

Happy stitching! 


Respectfully submitted, 


Thursday, July 13, 2017

A Year Later

And a *bit* closer to finishing this piece than I thought. I really do hate it when I am stitching a project that I am just not 'into'. This is how I get the ever popular Bin O'Shame came into being, for heavens' sake. And this project was a do over, no less. I really do not know what it is, but it's taking forever to finish this piece. Each row is seemingly simple, and yet, it is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I am thinking all of the color changes are accounting for this issue. 

As it has been over a year since I last posted any progress on it, I think this now qualifies as Bin O'Shame status. I have decided to get this out and just get on with it until it is completed. I am hoping that posting frequent updates will spur me to finishing it!

At any rate, here is what I have so far:

Design: Strawberries and Cream 

Designer: Casey Buonaugurio (retired)

Fabric Used: 28 count Cashel linen in Water Lily

Fibers Used:  DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 in B5200, 225, 321, 351, 743, 815, 937, 986, 988 and 3706. 

Accouterments: Mill Hill beads in #00128 Crayon Yellow#03049 Rich Red, and #42014 Petite Black beads

Stitcher's Notes: Began Monday, April 11, 2016. Design featured in the February 2006 issue of The Cross Stitcher, a now defunct US magazine. Design featured on page 36. Substituted called for fabric for 28  count Cashel linen in Water Lily

As of Friday, April 15, 2016:

As of Thursday, July 13, 2017:

Well, I best be off. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy stitching! 


Respectfully submitted,


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Uncle Sam And George Say Cheese!

I have always adored this design. The last frame has always made me giggle. I began this on the day before the 4th of July, as a patriotic start. I knew that I would not have it finished in time. I really enjoyed working on this piece. I really do need to get the rest of this series. They stitch up very quickly and I really do think they are a hoot! 

Design: Flags and Friends (from the 2010 Photobooth series)

Designer: Marsha Worley and Elizabeth Newlin of Bent Creek

Fibers Used: DMC in 321, 612, 646, 729, 823, 839, 931, 950, 3371, 3864 and and 3865. Needle Necessities #1091 Independence Day (retired floss). 

Fabric Used: Belfast Linen in 32ct Vintage Country Mocha

Accouterments: Mill Hill beads in #40123 in Petite Cream and #42014 Petite Black seed beads

Stitchers' Notes: Substituted called for overdyed flosses for DMC. Stitched on in house fabric. Began Monday, July 3, 2017. Finished Tuesday, July 11, 2017. Eagle in the piece was nicknamed George, after George Washington, the very first President of the United States. Please note that this chart is not available for sale or trade. 

Time for me to be off. I need to get out the next project and clean up my stitching area. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week! :)


Respectfully submitted,


Monday, July 3, 2017

Faded Glory Framed And A New Finish

It took almost two years to finally get this one framed. I had wanted to get this professionally framed, however, after doing some pricing, I could not justify the cost. I decided instead to frame the piece using a nice frame purchased either secondhand or from a shop. I finally found the perfect frame and today was spent getting it centered just so. It reminds me of the Victorian Mourning Frames that were used long ago. 

As the piece was both a gift for my father on his last birthday and had become a mourning piece, I think it is fitting. 

At any rate, here is the finished product:

Design: Faded Glory from Portrait of the Civil War Book #119 (an OOP booklet)

Designer: Jeanette Crews Designs

Fibers: DMC 347, 415, 762, 930, 931, and 3328

Stitchers' Notes: Frame by Green Tree Galley, Oklahoma City, OK. Frame is 10 by 8 inches. Frame #829135; PO W0178685. 

I really do think that it sets off the piece nicely. The piece is now on one of my bookshelves where I can see it every day.  

I also have a finish for today. It is not a patriotic piece, however, I did have a lot of fun stitching this design. I purchased the kit at 40% off the price, so that was nice. I also substituted the 18 count aida for linen as I did not like the way the aida was preconfigured to make it into a potpourri bag. There are three designs in the kit, and I chose my favorite one to stitch:

Design: Flowers and Butterflies Tulips (Kit #PN-0154964)

Designer: Vera Verachtert for Vervaco

Fabric:  36 count Edinburgh linen in Antique White

Fibers Used: DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 in 445, 742, 946, 963, 957, 601, 600, 747, 157, 3838, 791, 211, 340, 333, 550, 907, and 906. 

Accoutrements Mill Hill beads in #40252 Iris, #40479 White, and #42101 Purple. 

Stitchers' Notes: Converted kit floss to DMC colors. Substituted 36 count Edinburgh linen for the 18 count aida that was included in the kit. Will stitch remaining designs at a later date. 

I must be off. It's time for dinner and I need to clean up my stitching area in order to start my next project. I hope every has a Happy 4th of July!


Respectfully submitted,


Thursday, April 6, 2017

A Finish On Thursday

My latest finish is another piece that I have wanted to stitch for quite some time. This was a shop freebie that I picked up at my LNS quite some time ago. I did not have all of the called for Gentle Art Sampler Threads, so I chose the same color palette that was used on my recent finishes from by Véronique Enginger of Les Brodeuses Parisiennes. I loved the colors in that series and thought they were sufficiently spring like for this piece. I had a minor 'Whoopsies!' in that my fabric was not large enough for the border. Which is fine, as I am not a fan of the way the word work is spelled in the original design. 

At any rate, here is my latest Spring finish:

Design: My Wurk

Designer: Loretta Sigmon of At The Hop

Fabric Used: 25 count Natural Oatmeal Floba by Wichelt

 Fibers Used: DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117 in B5200, 151, 210, 471, 535, 552, 676, 677, 747, 3688, 3766. 

Stitchers' Notes: Shop freebie obtained at LNS. Converted original threads from Gentle Art Sampler Threads to DMC Embroidery Floss Art. 117. Left off border and wording as fabric was fabric was not cut large enough. 

I will need to find another quick and easy project to do while I await supplies to come in for another project, this one for summer. I may finally get around to that floss toss for a spring themed Now I Know My ABC's by Barb Adams of Blackbird Designs. As always, we shall see! :)

Hope everyone has a fantastic week! :)


Respectfully submitted,
