Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)
Showing posts with label Karen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karen. Show all posts

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Break in the New Year with a With Words International Online Course! Offering haibun (prose with haiku) and tanka stories (prose with tanka) in one course.

Fully Booked!

With Words is now known as Call of the Page:

With Words International Online Course
haibun (prose with haiku) and tanka stories (prose with tanka)

On each course start date participants are sent introductory materials, and a prompt for writing for the first submission.  An early-bird rate is available on all courses, if booked and paid for by the date stated below.

Haibun (Haiku with Prose) and Tanka Stories (Tanka with Prose)

These exciting forms combine the short poems haiku or tanka with prose.  They are mostly non-fiction pieces but can also be explored as flash fiction or short stories.

Because this way of writing is so multi-layered, participants would benefit from having some good experience of either the tanka or haiku forms before taking this class.  

The submissions can be all haibun, all tanka stories, or a mixture.  

Haibun and tanka stories are varied in length (from just a few sentences, to a novella), so we don't put a word limit on individual pieces.

LEVEL:  intermediate; advanced.
GROUP SIZE: up to 4.

COST:  £100 or US$150 (early bird rate is £85 or US$130, if paying by Thursday 28th Jan)

START DATE:  Course materials are available from 31st January, and course enrolment closes February 10th, subject to available spaces.  

The first submission date is February 15th

To book:

Please email, confirming the course. 

Course fees can then be sent by PayPal to 

Your place is confirmed with payment.  

Many thanks, and we hope to see you soon!

Karen and Alan, With Words.

Haibun is incredibly popular to both writers and readers, and this anthology reached no. 2 at Amazon and remained in the top ten for some considerable time.

Journeys 2015 is available in both Kindle and in print across Amazon websites.

Amazon USA for example:

Kindle (US$4.75):

Print (US$20):

Tanka stories (also known as "tanka prose") is also gaining great popularity!
