Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)
Showing posts with label prose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prose. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2019

monobun haibun prose+haiku hybrid poems


is somewhere between violet and green—if the colour doesn’t lie—that connects us; we are really not infinity, but you left me, you destroyed my pale heart, and a coffee, left unsaid, and unanswered.
rambling journey
I become a trifold
of my past

after Claude Monet, 
from a letter to Paul Cézanne

fairygrowth©Alan Summers

It's the small things...

that count, and I read that they too will die, the unknown and unseen insects who befriend roses, on the window ledges of prisons.
mosaic rain:
the cul de sac
of shadow

after Sylvia Plath

perspective©Alan Summers

The uncertainity principle...

is something that haunts so many of us just starting out on life, hovering just beyond the periphery of parental constraints, where we fly or fall on a single smile, and…

blustering wind 
does she really love me 

after Heisenberg

3 monobun©Alan Summers
monobun term created by Alan Summers

Three monobun (over two issues) of Human/Kind journal:

Please do leave a comment, we love them!

Haibun - From one-bun to monobun to longer pieces of prose with haiku writing and Journeys 2015 in at no. 7 in Amazon Hot New Releases

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Break in the New Year with a With Words International Online Course! Offering haibun (prose with haiku) and tanka stories (prose with tanka) in one course.

Fully Booked!

With Words is now known as Call of the Page:

With Words International Online Course
haibun (prose with haiku) and tanka stories (prose with tanka)

On each course start date participants are sent introductory materials, and a prompt for writing for the first submission.  An early-bird rate is available on all courses, if booked and paid for by the date stated below.

Haibun (Haiku with Prose) and Tanka Stories (Tanka with Prose)

These exciting forms combine the short poems haiku or tanka with prose.  They are mostly non-fiction pieces but can also be explored as flash fiction or short stories.

Because this way of writing is so multi-layered, participants would benefit from having some good experience of either the tanka or haiku forms before taking this class.  

The submissions can be all haibun, all tanka stories, or a mixture.  

Haibun and tanka stories are varied in length (from just a few sentences, to a novella), so we don't put a word limit on individual pieces.

LEVEL:  intermediate; advanced.
GROUP SIZE: up to 4.

COST:  £100 or US$150 (early bird rate is £85 or US$130, if paying by Thursday 28th Jan)

START DATE:  Course materials are available from 31st January, and course enrolment closes February 10th, subject to available spaces.  

The first submission date is February 15th

To book:

Please email, confirming the course. 

Course fees can then be sent by PayPal to 

Your place is confirmed with payment.  

Many thanks, and we hope to see you soon!

Karen and Alan, With Words.

Haibun is incredibly popular to both writers and readers, and this anthology reached no. 2 at Amazon and remained in the top ten for some considerable time.

Journeys 2015 is available in both Kindle and in print across Amazon websites.

Amazon USA for example:

Kindle (US$4.75):

Print (US$20):

Tanka stories (also known as "tanka prose") is also gaining great popularity!


Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Rooster Moans and The Land of the Rising Haibun - The Crow Star - combining haiku, prose, prose poetry

Rooster Moans image.

Example of a haibun (prose with haiku)

The Crow Star

fading last note
a torresian crow calls out
a star-scarred sky

              so, so, so black    this black sky of stars more bright than I've ever seen
   some seem to shift and move    vibrate    to suggest something more
        last sighting on this travel of Jupiter above Venus

the southern cross
my woodsmoke embers
spiral upwards

quiet and dark    then a rustle reminds me of the Dreamtime Dingo
white and feral    imagination lends fear to a night that leers at me

          flickering with light
the shadows of horses

it's cold now 3a.m. brittle cutting cold
the moon's no longer full
this brutal simplicity of a night
deep as a raven’s compassion

a susurrus of moths
around fire that flickers on

a thinning trail
to the stars
woodsmoke & embers

an early hours crow
I invoke another prayer
to its god and mine

I see a lightening from dark to metal grey       a quickening between trees
that becomes a hurt violet   into brush strokes   into morning

red-rimmed sunrise
     the trees rekindle fire
 through a blur of blue

Haibun by Alan Summers (this version March 2014)

Versions published:

Paper Wasp, Queensland, 1997; Azami haiku journal, Osaka, Japan 1998; Blithe Spirit Vol. 14 No. 2  June 2004; Haiku Hike project, June 2006 (Haiku Hike (World Walks) part of Crossover UK’s 2006 ‘Renewability’ project (2006); Shamrock Haiku Journal, Irish Haiku Society, Spring 2006; Sketchbook, eJournal  for Eastern & Western Short Forms Nov. 2007; RWP online version September 2009; Land of the Rising Haibun: Setting Japanese Poetry Forms in Prose, 2014: 

Anthology Credits: 

Journeys 2015, An Anthology of International Haibun 
ed. Angelee Deodhar ISBN 978-1515359876

Shamrock Haiku Journal: 2007 - 2011 ed. Anatoly Kudryavitsky (December 2011 ISBN-10: 1470938308 ISBN-13: 978-1470938307

all images©Alan Summers 2006-2014
except for the Rooster Moans title image.

Land of the Rising Haibun: Setting Japanese Poetry Forms in Prose

Robert Lowell said "almost the whole problem of writing poetry is to bring it back to what you really feel, and that takes an awful lot of manoeuvring".

The joy of haibun and its sister form "tanka prose" - and perhaps the reason why they are catching the imagination of writers in English - is that they bring an extra opportunity to manoeuvre, juxtaposing the verse against the prose, creating new works that can even surprise ourselves.

Using excerpts, handouts, and examples of haibun, we will delve into the work of famous practitioners such as Matsuo Basho, and from outside Japan, poet/novelist Jack Kerouac and others.

The two prose/poetry forms we'll explore and write are:

Haibun: prose pieces in various styles from prose poetry to journalistic writing, travel writing, diary entries, long fiction through to flash fiction.  These prose narratives usually include one or more haiku inside the body of prose, or can start or conclude the body of prose.

Tanka Prose: a 21st Century narrative, with roots in previous centuries, combining short five-line tanka poems that carry over a thousand years of history behind them. Tanka, grounded in concrete images infused with intimacy, and emotion tempered with implication, suggestion, and nuance, leap in and out of linear narrative with lateral, and dynamic, reverie.

We will cover the history of these two genres as well as concentrate on how to make them 21st narratives both in the haiku and tanka tradition, but also modern short stories and/or memories/memoirs, and literary non-fiction.

Teaching artist Alan Summers resides in Bradford on Avon and is a Japan Times award-winning writer with a Masters Degree in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University. He has studied and written haiku and other Japanese form poetry for twenty years.

He has won awards, been published internationally and translated into 15 languages. Alan helped his American team win Japan Times Best Renga of 2002. He’s a co-editor of five haiku anthologies: Parade of Life: Poems inspired by Japanese Prints; The Poetic Image - Haiku and Photography; Fifty-Seven Damn Good Haiku, Press Here; Four Virtual Haiku Poets; and c.2.2. Themes of Loss of Identity and/or Name. He has been General Secretary of the British Haiku Society and a Foundation Member of the Australian Haiku Society. Alan is currently editor with contemporary haiku magazine Bones, and is working on The Kigo Lab, a project to use the potential of Western haiku seasons for eco-critical writing.

Alan has a haiku pamphlet called The In-Between Season (2012), and a shortverse and contemporary haiku collection called Does Fish-God Know, (2012).

Course weblink:


Sunday, February 09, 2014

Connecting haiku with prose: online course Land of the Rising Haibun: Setting Japanese Poetry Forms in Prose

To see our current courses and ask for further information do check out our new website:

warmest regards,
Alan & Karen

Online Course:

Land of the Rising Haibun: Setting Japanese Poetry Forms in Prose


How do Rooster Moans online poetry workshops work?

What is asynchronous learning?

Other frequently asked questions:


Japhy says: "A real haiku's gotta be as simple as porridge and yet make you see the real thing." 

Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums


Land of the Rising Haibun: Setting Japanese Poetry Forms in Prose

Mon, 31 Mar 2014 to Sun, 27 Apr 2014

Robert Lowell said "almost the whole problem of writing poetry is to bring it back to what you really feel, and that takes an awful lot of manoeuvring".

The joy of haibun and its sister form "tanka prose" - and perhaps the reason why they are catching the imagination of writers in English - is that they bring an extra opportunity to manoeuvre, juxtaposing the verse against the prose, creating new works that can even surprise ourselves.Using excerpts, handouts, and examples of haibun, we will delve into the work of famous practitioners such as Matsuo Basho, and from outside Japan, poet/novelist Jack Kerouac and others.

The two prose/poetry forms we'll explore and write are:

Haibun: prose pieces in various styles from prose poetry to journalistic writing, travel writing, diary entries, long fiction through to flash fiction.  These prose narratives usually include one or more haiku inside the body of prose, or can start or conclude the body of prose.

Tanka Prose: fast becoming a 21st Century narrative (with antecedents in history) it combines short 5-line tanka poems that carry over a thousand years of history behind them. Tanka, grounded in concrete images infused with intimacy, and emotion tempered with implication, suggestion, and nuance, leap in and out of linear narrative with lateral, and dynamic, reverie.

Teaching artist Alan Summers resides in Bradford on Avon and is a Japan Times award-winning writer with a Masters Degree in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University. He has studied and written haiku and other Japanese form poetry for over twenty years. Alan has won awards, been published internationally and translated into 15 languages. He helped his American team win Japan Times Best Renga of 2002.

He’s a co-editor of five haiku anthologies: Parade of Life: Poems inspired by Japanese Prints; The Poetic Image - Haiku and Photography; Fifty-Seven Damn Good Haiku, Press Here; Four Virtual Haiku Poets; and c.2.2. Themes of Loss of Identity and/or Name.

Alan has been General Secretary of the British Haiku Society and a Foundation Member of the Australian Haiku Society. Alan has been a Founding Editor of two highly influential haiku magazines, Haijinx, haiku with humor, and Bones - a journal for contemporary haiku.  He is working on The Kigo Lab, a project to use the potential of Western haiku seasons for eco-critical writing.

Alan's latest collections are a haiku pamphlet collection called The In-Between Season (2012), and a haiku and short verse book collection called Does Fish-God Know (2012).

Mon, 31 Mar 2014 to Sun, 27 Apr 2014