pdf, with thanks to the original sharer
I used ta play Suppas fur my sister. Last time you caught me in a drunk, I got
over there an went ta drankin. Play a little while, drank some mow. An my
sister’s house was at the top of a little old hill. After a while, I went
outside. Git me a bit a fresh air an take a leak, you know. An my legs was
sorta wobbly. An direckly, I stumbled an rolled all the way down that hill,
into the ditch. An I found myself in that mud, water all on me. An couldn move.
So them people back in the house was waitin on me. One said, “That boy been
gone a long time. Lets git some music goin here.” A Mexican was in there said,
“Well, I’ll run out in the dawk there an holla at im. See kin I find im.” He
come on out off the poach: an I was down in the sank. Couldn do nothin but jest
roll around down there. Finely, they fooled around an found me. Carried me up the
hill ta my sister’s place. An set me down in the flow. Didn put me in no chair!
“Git out the way, you old drunken bastud! He’s jest reelin an rockin an fallin
down.” Talkin ta me. Guyin me. Cause I couldn do nothin fur myself. Jest had ta
lay there, take it. I rememba everthang they done. An some of em I got even wit
em after I got sober. Here they jest kickt me an walkt on me, they drug me an
pusht, pulled me round on the flow. “That old nigga aint good fur nothin. Put
im out the way! Roll that drunk bastud under the bed so we don’t trip over im!”