Although Riquer was a Count, like many other late-1800s nobility he was not a rich one, so had to earn his living. Moreover, his art training was not done in a fancy city such as Paris or even his home town of Barcelona. Instead he went to Béziers, France.
Since he was talented, it didn't really matter where he got his art training. Like most of us, he learned on the job. And via travel to Italy, England and elsewhere.
The examples below are mostly of posters, because they were the internet items that most caught my eye.
Ritratto di mujer
I have no information about this, and the image is blotchy, yet interesting.
Nymph in the Moonlight
Four Seasons, Spring - 1899
The seasons were a popular topic for poster artists of the day.
Four Seasons, Summer - 1899
Four Seasons, Autumn - 1899
Four Seasons, Winter - 1899
Figura feminina amb un vas - 1887
Influenced by English Pre-Raphaelites and Arts & Crafts.
Industrial and Fine Arts Barcelona Exhibit - 1896
Salon Pedal - 1897
Bicycles were all the rage in the late 1800s.
Antigua Casa Franch - 1899
Mosaicos Escofet-Tejera y Ca. - 1900