Showing posts with label quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilts. Show all posts

Quilting Mania

Ever since I organized and held the first Mountain Meadows Quilters Retreat here in August, I have quilting on the brain!!!

Am getting myself organized to where I can begin quilting again in earnest!

My daughter just moved  into her own apartment to be nearer to her job. Bittersweet, but definitely time for her to make the move - and, in an attempt to assuage my sorrow, redirect my mind, get rid of the clutter, and ward off the effects of empty nest syndrome, I took over her basement bedroom and bath to turn into my sewing studio.

Of course, the room will always be known as "Katie's room", just like a lovely almost vintage truck we bought from a friend is always referred to as "Bill's Truck" !! We should get a license plate for it, that says Bilstrk !!!

Anyway, the room transformation is almost complete. I would like D/H to put the flooring down that was never installed (D/D preferred painted cement floor!) and put the molding up around the window frame (another incomplete project of his!)

I won't show you a "BEFORE" of the room -D/D would never approve of that (!)- but here are several stages of the "AFTER"!

Entry way (with a cute flower basket wall hanging by Karen Bush)

My older model Pfaff, sitting on a vintage refurbished barn wood farm table

   Note the Pat Sloan baskets to the left of the table, quilt top done by Pat, finished and hand quilted by me, eons ago......

Then, I had to add a cute little vintage hutch scored at a local thrift store- great storage for quilts, fabric, and my ever growing pin cushion collection

Hanging on the wall, above one of my quilts, is a custom horseshoe I had created for Mountain Meadows Quilters, by local talented artist, Deborah Sherwood. I have many of her pieces- check  out her website - it's not just for horse lovers!!!

                                      If you are on FB, please check out Deborah's FB page - Rhythm-n-Beads
                                                        or her company website

A little Featherweight, purchased at a yard sale in Waterford, Va, about 15+ years ago, has FINALLY emerged from its case, to be put into use!! After seeing the several Featherweights at Pat's workshop, I was hooked!!! It seems to be working fine!! I am amazed! The sewing machine, in case, with all the accessories, attachments, table,  and original instruction booklet was purchased for $40 !!! Even back then, not knowing all I do now about Featherweights, I knew it was something I should NOT pass up!!!

Except for possibly needing some cleaning in the inner workings - it appears to sew smoothly. Got to read the instruction manual and get busy!!!

For those of you on Facebook, I would love for you to join and follow along with Mountain Meadows Quilters - I try to post interesting links and daily info, and welcome members to post pix of their quilts- a kind of cyber show and tell!!!

For those of you not on FB, I will try to post some of the info here in the blog, so, I hope you continue to follow and share my blog with quilt-y friends.

 Facebook has become a kind of blogging shorthand for me - I have been remiss about blogging regularly here  - but promise to do better!!!

Let me leave you with one of the many cool links I find and post on MMQ FB page- if you love origami, or have even just been intrigued by the process - here is a tutorial on making a 3D origami block - reminiscent of a napkin folding technique I once made! I may just have to make one of these origami quilt blocks now !!!!

Here is my post w/link below..........
I LOVE origami - how about this tutorial for an origami quilt block!!! Found this link on the Quilting and Sewing Enthusiasts FB wall. I think I have made something similar to this before - a table napkin from a booklet on napkin folding. This makes a VERY cute 3D quilt block!
beautiful origami block created by Teresa Down Under- please visit her link above for instructions and more!!

 I will end here, with an FYI- Pat Sloan will be making a return appearance and teaching another of her wonder-full workshops on August 10, 2013 at Mountain Meadows, and we are in the process of setting up a workshop with another well known quilter in the spring. Saturday Sew Ins will be happening thru out 2013 also!! Think about coming!!! We'd love to have you!!!

Tea onTuesday

Well, today's Tea on Tuesday is a veritable mishmash of different stuff- which loosely translated, means I had no clue what to write about today!!!!

Happy February all !!! Can you believe that Valentine's Day is a mere 13 days away!!! Where did January go!!!

The above pic is of a cool mouse pad/calendar that my daughter found for 50 cents at Michael's!!Each calendar month features a different cup - they are all really coffee - but the cups are very cute, regardless!!!

Below, is my tea today - a chamomile citrus, sent to me by Peggy, over at Passions of an Odd Chick- thank you, thank you!!! Very delicious!!!

This tea is going in an "orphan" thrift shop teacup-Aynsley bone china- it's really quite pretty - the photo doesn't do it justice at all!

I really need to stop rescuing cups that are saucer-less. I am running out of room!!!

Below is a new favorite antique shop find - I am not sure if it was meant to be a baby quilt, or was just made as a lap quilt. It is of vintage flour/feed sacks for the most part. I love it!! It was a little more than I usually spend - but at $10, it was still cheaper than it would have cost me to buy a couple of individual vintage feed sacks!!!

I am starting to amass a collection of locally made, and what I call "character", quilts. They are all pretty darn unattractive, but have alot of character!!!Despite their outward appearance, they are serviceable and very warm! And, they all took someone a long time to make.

The white flowered print on the right is my favorite - almost a seersucker type fabric.

 The reverse really is unattractive, and totally keeping with the theme of my collection!!LOL
Please feel free to join us every and any Tuesday for tea!

Visit Kimmie and Patty for a list of all other participants!!!!

"Purging Unearths Forgotten Treasures!!!!" 10th Post Replay!

I notice some folks are re-posting their 10th blog post. Figured I'd play too - here's mine!It also reminded me that I started this second blog a year ago!!!! I might have to have a celebratory giveaway!!! Check back!!!

"Sounds like a headline on a newspaper!!!!

I am in the process of cleaning out an overwhelming amount of boxes from our move - 2 years ago!!!
I have boxes of my mother's, my son, my daughter, not to mention boxes for my eBay and shop inventory.The husband has a fair sized pile also! It's just gotten to be too much in the basement and the garage.
So, even tho I swore up and down that I would NEVER do another yard sale - I am!!
Found my Dear Jane quilt blocks, lots of fabric, books-not to mention the usual household detritus! T
he yard sale pile is growing by leaps and bounds!!! Don't worry, I am NOT selling my Dear Jane blocks!!! I am just trying to wade thru the sea of debris that has become my basement!!!

I came across this cute little pin of my own design, that I made when I belonged to a Folk Art Club, many years ago. I love Raggedy Ann- so cr
eating her was a natural choice!! She brings back many fond memories, and she will swing on in my studio!!

I found this neat vintage sequined peacock pin also. It is resting on the back of my basket quilt that was machine quilted by Ann Weber in Ashburn, Va.
Alot on my quilts are still packed aw
ay, because I can't hang them up til the walls are painted!!!

Well, on with the purge - I know there are more goodies hidden away!!!"

Just What I Need........

.......another blog!!!!!

This blog was created to be an avenue to display some of my art-full creations! It was getting too confusing to have my creative endeavors showing up on my blog about my life in the country.

My main blog, Ooglebloops' World, just celebrated its 1 year blogiversary!!!!! Woohoo!!!! You still have time to enter the random giveaway- leave a comment and the winner will be chosen on Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's Day is also my mother's 80th birthday - so we are going to let her be the 'random number' picker!!!!

So, if you want to hear about my life as a 'country girl wannabe who got to be',
and ENTER the RANDOM GIVEAWAY - bookmark

and visit often!!!

And from time to time, if you are interested in what I'm working on in the studio, or what my friends have created, drop in here!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!