Showing posts with label country living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label country living. Show all posts

Back From the Cyber Abyss- A Country Auction

After more than 3 weeks w/o a computer (software issue, don't ask!), I am back and posting - if anyone is still left to read me!!!LOL
I went thru' complete , severe, cold turkey withdrawal, but managed to get back to doing REAL stuff- instead of sitting in front of the computer all day. So, maybe, in a way, the computer dysfunction was a good thing!!!
Down the road from us, the neighbors were having a Saturday auction.

Now, I LOVE auctions, but have neither the patience, nor, most times,  the money, to hang out all day, and hope that I get what I am bidding on.
These auctions can be an all day affair, with food, alot of socializing, and just hanging out, whether you are bidding or not.A time for neighbors and friends to get together, reminisce, and maybe take home something to remember an old friend by.

I think it is a sad commentary on one's life- to be reduced to the collections, treasures, and detritus of the days of your life- all assembled on tables, for friends, neighbors and strangers to rummage thru'. And, someday, too, there will I be- or at least my collections will be....... .

Now someone's treasures, will belong to the highest bidder; and  friends, relatives, and total strangers will get an inside peek at the bits and pieces that made up your life. And, also, a great  lesson on the past, with some of the historical ephemera, tools, and furniture that are up for bids.

This particular auction, was the estate of a neighbor's mother- she had some wonderful pieces- oh, but for a bigger house and deeper pockets- there were many things I coveted!!! I am sure it was difficult for the family to decide what to keep, and what to part with.

Since I have no "need" or room, for anymore treasures- I thought the best way to "have" some of these, was thru' pictures!

                                                     Come, DROOL with me!!!!!

                                Be still my heart - I LOVE this worn green pie safe above!!!!

                                               I have a weakness for church pews........

                          The rockers would have come home with me, if they could!!!!

 Close up of the trim on my fav rocker - would have fit perfectly with my Eastlake dresser!

                                                                        Child;'s chair
                                      Always wanted one of these..........................

                                                 Mixing bowls and crocks!!!!!

Wish I could have just bought this teapot outright- forget the bidding!!!LOL(This might be the McCoy teapot listed on the flyer)

                                    Some great aged bits for a mixed media piece

                                                           Shovel/pitchfork  still life

Old hog butchering tool (in the middle),  for squeezing fat out of pork rinds 
(Enterprise lard press listed in flyer?)
No auction is complete without EATS!!!

Saw this beauty in the field as we it!!!

Down on the Farm

Blog surfing this morning and came across a post by Jodi at The Jolly Bee

She was talking about one of my favorite new shows that debuted not too long ago on Planet Green.
I have started autotuning it each week, so I don't miss it! It's on tonite, by the way.

  The show is called The Fabulous Beekman Boys - the name caught my eye, because I recall a hotel near my family summer home, in Rhinebeck, NY, called The Beekman Arms. I tuned in, just to see what it was all about - and I am hooked!!!
Two city boys, from NYC, pursued a dream to own a home in the country, and have turned it into both a home and a business venture.
I can so relate to some of their experiences, having moved from suburbia to the country - I call myself a country girl wannabe who got to be, having written about it in my other blog.

The "boys" raise goats, make cheese, have gardens, and rent out their home for functions. They are promoting locavore-ism in a big way in the town of Sharon Springs, NY. I do wholeheartedly support being a locavore!

One of the boys is a former VP with Martha Stewart, the other a former drag queen and now an author. They have a llama named Polka Spot, pigs, goats, and Farmer John to help them run the farm. Watching them wash the pigs for an open house, tying ribbons on the goats, and parking the farm equipment just so- with buckets aligned perfectly to suit one of the boy's type A personality, is just so entertaining!!

Mind you, I was NEVER than funny assimilating into the country life- but it is amusing to see how they are making a go of it - and VERY successfully too!

Josh's newest book, The Bucolic Plague, is now out- I am off to  buy it!!!!

Cacti and Snakes................

It's time I paid attention to my other blog!!! Read all about it here

Just What I Need........

.......another blog!!!!!

This blog was created to be an avenue to display some of my art-full creations! It was getting too confusing to have my creative endeavors showing up on my blog about my life in the country.

My main blog, Ooglebloops' World, just celebrated its 1 year blogiversary!!!!! Woohoo!!!! You still have time to enter the random giveaway- leave a comment and the winner will be chosen on Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's Day is also my mother's 80th birthday - so we are going to let her be the 'random number' picker!!!!

So, if you want to hear about my life as a 'country girl wannabe who got to be',
and ENTER the RANDOM GIVEAWAY - bookmark

and visit often!!!

And from time to time, if you are interested in what I'm working on in the studio, or what my friends have created, drop in here!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!