Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Etsy Shoppe Open Again!!!


           FINALLY started restocking inventory in my Etsy shoppe!.

Check it out if you get a chance, add me to your circle, and I will add you to mine!!!


River rock hearts, limited supply- made to order

Hot Time in the Ol' Mill..........

                 When the temps hit the upper 80's- where would you want to be???

Ordinarily, I would say "in the A/C", but 3 days in a row, I have been rummaging around in a circa 1908 mill.

At one time it was an operating seed mill, but now, it is a fabulous catchall for all manner of antiques, junque and cool, needful stuff!!!

           It's a place the American Picker guys would LOVE to be knee deep in!!!

Owned by Ann Austin and her husband, Sandy, the mill appears to have all of its inner workings intact.

It even has an outdoor light fixture that has been glowing almost continuously for at least (if not more) 35 years with the same bulb!. That has got to be a Guinness Book record for a light bulb !! Ann was told by the previous owners that they always left the light on, because when they turned it off, it was sometimes hard to make it go back on. So, they just never turned it off- and neither has she!!!

When I first pulled up to this building, next to the railroad tracks, in the tiny 120 mailbox town of Quicksburg, Va, I was intrigued. Not only by the vista spread out before my eyes across the railroad tracks, but by the pile of STUFF  on the porch and outside of the mill ! It is a packrat, dumpster diving, junquer's DREAM !!!!

You must be prepared, I discovered, with good shoes, a bottle of water, sometimes gloves and a flashlight. Altho' there is ample lighting within the building, quite often, there is a dark and hidden corner chock full of treasures that you might miss- without that flashlight!!!LOL

It is almost overwhelming- a place you cannot cover in just one short visit! 
Not that it's a huge building- but, just that it is crammed full of everything imaginable. Anne told me one man came and actually hung around for 5 days, just so he could make sure he did not overlook anything!!!

You can find Civil War era sheet music, bound periodicals from the mid and early 1800's, furniture, fabric, old porcelain doorknobs, tools, honeycomb frames for beehives, common yard sale junk, and more.

                             The book section is a bibliophile's dream!

As jumbled as the interior is - Ann Cain Austin knows exactly where everything is!

A kind and entertaining soul, Ann used to own a business furniture store in northern  Va- in Arlington and Vienna. Her business started with furniture, she kind of segued into selling fancy, vintage fountain pens, which led to her to collecting and selling antiques and more antiques, and widening her inventory.
 Quite impressive, Ann Cain was a VietNam War widow, running her office furniture business on her own. She  told a story, of a movie producer coming in to her shop one day, offering and paying her $700 ( a princely sum at the time) to close up shop early, so his movie company could come in, and  use her shop as a backdrop for several scenes in the film they were shooting.

Ann's equally colorful cohort and now husband, Sandy, is a WW II veteran and a retired sheriff of 40 years.He even wears a sheriff's star belt buckle!!
Oh, the stories they can tell!!! It's as much fun to sit and chat with them, as it is to rummage thru' the mill!

I first went on Thursday, after hearing some ladies talking about this little treasure of a shop. It was closed, but there was a phone number on a chalkboard outside the building. I took a chance and called - Ann kindly said she would be right down - she lived a few doors up from her mill.
One thing led to another, I mentioned the place to  some friends, and they met me back at the mill on Friday! Several hours later, and a car full of treasures later, sweaty and exhausted, we left Ann and Sandy, with promises to be back on Saturday- and maybe even Monday!!!

I think I have blown most of my discretionary income for the month, at the mill - but, I know there are more treasures to be found. Since most of my money, lately, has been spent on horse feed and vet bills, I felt I was due for a little antique splurging!!! (pics of my finds,and some I had to leave behind (!) will come soon in another post!)

The mill is really only open twice a year - Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend. But, I bet, if you call the number on the chalkboard, Ann will be more than willing, if she is home and able, to come down and open the doors and welcome you in!

Aunt Taimi's Old Lamp

I have been carting around my Great-Aunt Taimi's old lamp for years now.

I got it from my grandmother,Olga, Taimi's sister, who was going to toss it in the trash! In the 70's, my Grandma was moving out of her apartment, yet again, and was purging alot of stuff- some of which I still have to this day!!

My Aunt Taimi was a very tiny Finnish lady, married to a well to do artist named Leo Whelan.
They never had any children, but apparently Uncle Leo showered his little Taimi with all sorts of pricey gifts.

There was something about this lamp that just told me the trash was not where it should end up. Plus, I kind of liked it !!!!I guess I am drawn to things that are kind of "fugly" ! And, dressed up with a new silk shade,this double bulb lamp is still in great working order.

A few years ago, I found a very similar style vase for a few dollars at a rummage sale, and figured it would make a good companion to Aunt Taimi's lamp. Maybe, someday, I would turn it into a lamp also. That someday has yet to arrive!!!LOL

Here the "newcomer" sits, high atop a cabinet, with a bird's nest for a hat!

I never knew anything about the lamp, or the vase for that matter, and my research never turned up anything interesting or earth shattering. Probably, because I did not know the right descriptive phrases to use !

While reading a recent issue of Antiques Roadshow Insider, I notice a lidded jar - Ming Dynasty (and NO- Aunt Taimi's lamp is NOT Ming Dynasty- sadly!). But, one piece of info lead to another and the right descriptive phrases turned up for me to  google and research.

Now, I think I have an idea of what my old lamp is............

It apparently is NOT a type of cloisonne, as I had long thought.

It is a different process, and Japanese - CHAMPLEVE ("shahm pluh VAY")** which means a  surface showing more exposed metal. Metal is etched or hollowed out and filled with enamel which is then fired.  In cloisonne**, the surface is mainly enamel, the designs formed by wire and then filled.

**(In case you're interested- here's a great link to all sorts of descriptive phrases/definitions for your own research)

I am not sure if mine is bronze or some composite "pot" metal. But, it appears that style was popular between the 1890's to early 1900's- some vases/urns/lamps were dated earlier than that. That time frame would be prior to Taimi's married years, but this lamp was something she obviously coveted, and Uncle Leo obliged her.

Today's online prices for similar pieces cover a wide range for that size vase or lamp- from a low of $200 to a high of $2,000. All depends on quality, age, and the price the buyer is willing to pay! Now, if it was MING- I could be holding a hot  million dollar vase right here!!! Sigh......

                                So, mystery solved...........

Since I have no intention of selling either piece- Taimi's or the rummage sale score- guess I will just write the history on a piece of paper (as I am  wont to do with vintage items) and tape to the bottom of the lamp and vase- so when my kids inherit my crap , er, uh, VALUABLE collectibles- they know NOT to throw away their Great Great Aunt Taimi's lamp!

Crazy Quilts and Pedestals !

We recently had the third monthly get together of our ladies' artsy group- I think we decided to call ourselves "The Valley Gals" (?) We do live in the Shenandoah Valley, after all !! Judy and Bobbi started the group, invited me, and now, we have Julie and Susan- all very talented and artsy women in their own right!!!

This time, the group was to meet at my house-Yikes!!! After frantically sweeping away the dust ponies, deciding which vintage china to use for lunch, locking the dogs away, and getting all the things together to teach everyone how to upcycle and make a crazy quilt block, we were ready!!!!

I thought the upcycled china would go very quickly- really, all you do is glue! So, I pre-made 6 crazy quilt blocks for everyone to embellish. I thought the blocks would take up the majority of the time- WRONG!

Everyone got so into making pedestals- I think Judy whipped together a record 12 pieces!!! I had quite a collection of orphan plates and candlesticks to share, and everyone brought some of their own, plus glue.

It was a chilly day, but we ended up having ceiling fans going and the door open - the glue fumes were a bit much!!

After asking on FB " which dishes should I use for lunch?" - the majority voted for my first choice!
A favorite thrift store score- of 1930's/40's plates- actually pretty much everything on the table was thrifted (except for my grandmother's silverware)

          Dessert was my featherweight pound cake, with Katie's bird's nest rice krispie treats!
                  Katie also made potato salad, wraps, and 2 kinds of sweet tea. We also had fruit salad.
The bar was set kind of high - in my own mind - because Julie and Susan make such delicious goodies at Julieanna- their shop and tearoom. Plus, Judy and Bobbi had wonderful lunches also!!! Pressure!!!

From rear- Bobbi, Judy, and Julie- engrossed in the decision making of which plate to choose!

                                                     Susan's trying to decide also
With some cool octagonal plates from my stash, Bobbi designed a 3 tier server

                                   Judy matched some plates up with votive candle bases.

Some "weighty" reading material snatched from my bookshelves, to speed up the glue drying process

                                                               LUNCH BREAK!

Now, on to the crazy quilting- I made the blocks out of pieces in my fabric stash, all with a black velvet center.Everyone brought trim, buttons, embroidery thread, and got busy.

It took Susan a while, but she finally decided on a vintage earring from my stash, and glued it on as adornment! Off to a good start!!!

This is some of the beginning stitchery on Julie's block, with MOP buttons - crazy quilting is NOT complete w/o vintage MOP buttons!!
                                                     Judy working on attaching some trim.

                                                                     Bobbi's embroidery

This is some vintage yarn and silk thread that I was using on mine. The silk thread is beautiful, but kind of sinks into the velvet.

I don't have photos of the gals' finished blocks- I will try to get them at our next meeting.

                                                     These are two of mine - almost complete:

Close up of the spiderweb, done with the white silk thread and beads. And, on the other block, a vintage dress clip.
                        Some scraps of vintage tatting, the MOP buttons and my lousy embroidery!!!

I think everyone had a good time, and went home with lots of completed goodies!!
It got me inspired to create a few more things for the shop- online and brick.

Our next meeting of the Valley Gals will be at Julie's, and we'll be making dish gardens- each of us bringing a different type of plant. The meeting after that will be at Judy's, where we will be working on some hypertufa projects!

Let's get those creative juices flowing!!!

Back From the Cyber Abyss- A Country Auction

After more than 3 weeks w/o a computer (software issue, don't ask!), I am back and posting - if anyone is still left to read me!!!LOL
I went thru' complete , severe, cold turkey withdrawal, but managed to get back to doing REAL stuff- instead of sitting in front of the computer all day. So, maybe, in a way, the computer dysfunction was a good thing!!!
Down the road from us, the neighbors were having a Saturday auction.

Now, I LOVE auctions, but have neither the patience, nor, most times,  the money, to hang out all day, and hope that I get what I am bidding on.
These auctions can be an all day affair, with food, alot of socializing, and just hanging out, whether you are bidding or not.A time for neighbors and friends to get together, reminisce, and maybe take home something to remember an old friend by.

I think it is a sad commentary on one's life- to be reduced to the collections, treasures, and detritus of the days of your life- all assembled on tables, for friends, neighbors and strangers to rummage thru'. And, someday, too, there will I be- or at least my collections will be....... .

Now someone's treasures, will belong to the highest bidder; and  friends, relatives, and total strangers will get an inside peek at the bits and pieces that made up your life. And, also, a great  lesson on the past, with some of the historical ephemera, tools, and furniture that are up for bids.

This particular auction, was the estate of a neighbor's mother- she had some wonderful pieces- oh, but for a bigger house and deeper pockets- there were many things I coveted!!! I am sure it was difficult for the family to decide what to keep, and what to part with.

Since I have no "need" or room, for anymore treasures- I thought the best way to "have" some of these, was thru' pictures!

                                                     Come, DROOL with me!!!!!

                                Be still my heart - I LOVE this worn green pie safe above!!!!

                                               I have a weakness for church pews........

                          The rockers would have come home with me, if they could!!!!

 Close up of the trim on my fav rocker - would have fit perfectly with my Eastlake dresser!

                                                                        Child;'s chair
                                      Always wanted one of these..........................

                                                 Mixing bowls and crocks!!!!!

Wish I could have just bought this teapot outright- forget the bidding!!!LOL(This might be the McCoy teapot listed on the flyer)

                                    Some great aged bits for a mixed media piece

                                                           Shovel/pitchfork  still life

Old hog butchering tool (in the middle),  for squeezing fat out of pork rinds 
(Enterprise lard press listed in flyer?)
No auction is complete without EATS!!!

Saw this beauty in the field as we it!!!