Showing posts with label rooisbos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rooisbos. Show all posts

Tea on Tuesday

Spring, for me, has officially arrived!
As I sit here, the heady scent of my first lilacs of the season hangs in the air. As I descend the stairs, their perfume greets me, and sets the tone for the day.

Altho, we are still have frost at night- it is 43 degrees right now, the sun has melted the frosty dew from the grass. I removed the pot I placed over my tender basil every night this week!

I have purchased cilantro, parsley, basil, rosemary, arugula, thyme, oregano, dill, and raspberry plants. All but one basil and one dill (and the hardy rosemary) are still under the protection of the garage!! We may have another week of nightly mountain frost to endure, before it is safe to put them outside for good!

 My tea this morning, is competing with the lilacs on my dining room table! It is Provence Rooibos. I just discovered this at a tea tasting at Julianna's. Susan, from Over a Teacup , saved this one just for me!! Not really, but she knew I would like it!!!

This loose leaf tea is a caffeine free herbal, from S. Africa, "inspired by the  joie de vivre of France"!
It has the vivid colors of a potpourri, with rooisbos, rosehips, lavender, raisins, black currants, blueberries, and rose petals. I wish you could smell it!!!! A teaspoon in a T-Sac is all it takes- in my favorite Japanese salt fired stoneware mug from Richard Busch's Glenfiddich Farm Pottery.

The happy, sharp trill of a red winged blackbird at my feeder, the smell of lilacs and rooisbos combined, gets the morning off to a good start...........

Visit Patty and Kim for links to other teas!!!

Snowy Tea Tuesday!!!!

Patty's snow/tea post was quite lovely - and I would love to take my tea cup/mug outside - but balance being a rather tricky feat these days, with snow slick driveways and 3 foot snow drifts- my tea remains indoors!!!

With my rubber soled boots (the better for traction, my dear)my thermals, down vest, waterproof long drover's coat, and mismatched barn gloves, I totter out to the barn, aiming my path down the tire tread tracks left by the tractor. "The ol' man's" warm mash is hugged to my chest. It's hard enough keeping that warm on the trek to the barn - hot tea wouldn't have a chance!!!

But, once back inside, and shed of those extra outer layers, it becomes a TO-TEA-LY TEA-Riffic day! The kettle is always on, and I bounce between S. African Rooisbos, Jasmine Pearls (sent to me in a surprise packie from Judy :>) ) and some goji berry tea.
Another dear friend-also a Judy- sent me a tiny tea book - 365 Things Every Tea Lover Should Know! It is full of quotes, recipes, and tea info. I love it!!

Did you know: "a regular part of Tibetan life is to drink butter tea-made from black tea leave, yak butter and salt."!! MMMMM!!!

In the book is a timely quote from Menicus: "With melted snow I boil fragrant tea." Gee, that is something I could do with all that we have piled outside!!!!

Now, I am off to find my favorite taza de te- and fill it to the brim!!!!

Please feel free to join us for tea every Tuesday- snow or shine!!! Visit Kimmie or Patty for links to other ToT participants!