Showing posts with label signs of spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signs of spring. Show all posts

Friday Fotos






(To see these scenes and many more, please consider coming to the Mountain Meadows Quilters Retreat 2012 )

Tea on Tuesday

What to write about? - TEA? Of course!
                      Maybe, happy mail that includes tea- of course!

                                              Spring flowers, of course!!!

                                      All of the above???????????????? OF COURSE!!!!!!!

I received 2 unexpected happy mails  this week - the fact that they are unexpected - makes them all the more happy!!!

First, was a delayed Xmas package - that was supposed to be delivered in person - but life got in the way....

Lovely set of tea towels, a teapot pendant, bird cage, and a hammered spoon.  I need to find that "font" for altered silverware I create!! Love it all!!! Thank you , Montte......

The next really unexpected happy mail came yesterday - just in time to be included in this tea post!!

From faerwillow of the lovely blog serendipity - a wonder-full package of goodies, from a tea swap, that I had long forgotten about. Sometimes, when life gets in the way of getting stuff in the mail (as it does with me on a regular basis!) - it makes it all the more sweeter, when the package arrives- totally unexpectedly!!!

Asian green tea w/brown rice -very yum! A tea book, 2 handmade cards, and a lovely bone china English cup and saucer

                                The tea cup is totally in synch with this post's SPRING theme!!!

                                                 Thank you so much, lady faerwillow

                             Be sure to visit her BEAUTIFUL blog- artful in both words and photos

                                                            the flowers of spring

one of my favorites- forsythia

                                                             a white dilly

the Bradford pear, blossoms but a memory- trees now turning green....

                                                  a brilliant pink hued Easter cactus in full bloom

                                     ......not to be outdone by the phlox in my rock garden......

                                                 or my baby weeping cherry..............................

and let's not forget the distant redbud along the old road

in the distance, the vintage red quince still surrounds the rubble filled foundation of the old farmhouse
My prickly pear cactus has survived another winter, and is plumping up! I am NOT looking forward to weeding  this!!!
        The impossibly teeny wild violets await drying- to be preserved in some future art project

                And, finally, a true sign of spring - the hummingbird feeders are hung and waiting!!!

Enjoy your tea- thanks for visiting!! Be sure to drop by and visit Patty and Kim (who has a giveaway!!!), for a list of more tea loving bloggers!!! 

Tea on Tuesday

Spring, for me, has officially arrived!
As I sit here, the heady scent of my first lilacs of the season hangs in the air. As I descend the stairs, their perfume greets me, and sets the tone for the day.

Altho, we are still have frost at night- it is 43 degrees right now, the sun has melted the frosty dew from the grass. I removed the pot I placed over my tender basil every night this week!

I have purchased cilantro, parsley, basil, rosemary, arugula, thyme, oregano, dill, and raspberry plants. All but one basil and one dill (and the hardy rosemary) are still under the protection of the garage!! We may have another week of nightly mountain frost to endure, before it is safe to put them outside for good!

 My tea this morning, is competing with the lilacs on my dining room table! It is Provence Rooibos. I just discovered this at a tea tasting at Julianna's. Susan, from Over a Teacup , saved this one just for me!! Not really, but she knew I would like it!!!

This loose leaf tea is a caffeine free herbal, from S. Africa, "inspired by the  joie de vivre of France"!
It has the vivid colors of a potpourri, with rooisbos, rosehips, lavender, raisins, black currants, blueberries, and rose petals. I wish you could smell it!!!! A teaspoon in a T-Sac is all it takes- in my favorite Japanese salt fired stoneware mug from Richard Busch's Glenfiddich Farm Pottery.

The happy, sharp trill of a red winged blackbird at my feeder, the smell of lilacs and rooisbos combined, gets the morning off to a good start...........

Visit Patty and Kim for links to other teas!!!

Tea on Tuesday

The last theme for Tea on Tuesday is signs of spring. In April, we go back to regular ToT- where we chat about whatever is on our mind that day- along with what we are drinking!!

My favorite signs of spring: daffodils, melting snow, green grass,new leaves on my lavender bushes, budding trees, robins, red finches, mayapples, baby animals, flies (unfortunately not a favorite!)footprints in the mud- and warm days and evenings!
Received this in a forwarded email - thought it would be cute for today!

Cup of Tea ~
One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me.
I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift, and it was one of my favorite toys.
Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home.
My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!' My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy; and she watched him drink it up.
Then she said, (as only a mother would know), "'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?"


Caught a glimpse of a program on the Bramah Tea and Coffee Museum in London, altho I thought it was primarily a tea museum. The curator and founder commented that the onset of the 50's and television, brought the downfall of 300 years of traditional tea drinking. Commercials about instant coffee, and then the popularity of tea bags, took away the very essence of tea drinking and use of tea leaves. Chopped up tea in a teabag, what I grew up using, is not the way tea had been known. We are now coming back to tea leaves again- I am a convert!!

Please visit Kimmie for links to others in our tea party!! Please, join us, every Tuesday - all are welcome!!!