Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton
Showing posts with label Ravelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ravelry. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ship Ahoy!

I was not familiar with Artist Trading Cards (ATC) when I was invited to join an ATC swap group through Ravelry, an online knit and crochet community, a few years ago. I had too many things going on at the time, so I didn't participate. One of the members recently contacted me and invited me to begin participating in the monthly swaps. Since I guess I have less going on these days, I decided to give it a shot.The size of these cards is the same as baseball and other trading cards, so you have to be able to think small. They can be done in any media and as creative as the artist wishes. The Ravelry ATC group members sign up each month if they want to participate, names are matched up (usually at least five per participant), then their finished cards are mailed out to the other participants. It is really fun to receive these little jewels in the mail.

Each month has a theme. Your cards should have something to do with the theme, but this is a rather laid-back group and there are theme options. The main purpose of the group is to have fun. One of the September themes was "Talk Like a Pirate" to commemorate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19. I decided on this Amazon parrot, inspired by a friend's longtime parrot companion, who might be saying "Ship Ahoy!" to the ship out on the water. Because of the small size, I had a little trouble keeping my hand still when I got around to trying to draw the ship in the distance. After practicing for a while, things got better and those are the ones I sent off to the other swappers this months. I kept this one as my example of this month's theme. (click on the red text for links for more information and on the photos because the cell phone format gets cropped on the right)

Here's the partially completed draft (I didn't get the full length of the card in the frame when I was making the pictures, so both edges got cut off)

And the finished card

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Time Lag

Boy, am I behind in my blogging!!! I just don't know where the time goes. I must apologize for taking so long to get another installment of butter making posted. I want to get it finished today, but at the rate things have been going, I'm not too hopeful that this will happen. Hopefully, I'll at least get the next step posted. Phyllis, one of my spinning friends (be sure to visit her blog at also invited me to join the Tour de Fleece group through Ravelry. I am happy to report that I have been doing quite well in working on the goals I have set. However, as with the the butter making, I have not been successful at posting anything about my progress. I recently told Phyllis and Evelyn, another spinning friend, that if I could figure out a way to spin and keyboard at the same time, I would!

Well, wish me luck on getting the next exciting installment of butter making posted...