Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton
Showing posts with label eyeglasses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyeglasses. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2010


(sundog, Dec 17, 2010; as usual, click to enlarge)

Still having computer woes. No relief in sight. Saw two more sundogs this afternoon. Too cool. Took bad photos of them with the cell phone. The weather is much milder here today--anything is better than 12 degrees. Cats, rabbits, and dogs are doing well and trying to find mischief to get into. Finally got new glasses to replace the ones I broke last year. They look just about like the pair before the last ones. Liked the last ones best, but these have magnetic clip-on sunglasses. They are supposed to be the new generation of Transitions lenses, too, but I can't tell any difference. The clip-ons are handy when in the car because the tinted windows inhibit the darkening function of the Transitions lenses. Christmas is rapidly approaching and I'm not ready.