Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts

Friday, April 23, 2010

New Etsy Shop "Altered Revelations"...

I have had these sweet, tiny brass easels hiding away in a drawer in my studio for quite some time. So I played with some pieces of "stampbord" (great product with a multitude of uses) and created these teeny collages embellished with copper,metal filigrees. They were just perfect to rest on the easels! You can find these little burst of encouragement listed in my Healing Expression's Etsy shop!


I wanted to officially introduce my new Etsy shop called "Altered Revelations". I will be filling this shop with items that are created with the mixed media artist in mind. As an artist I am always on the lookout for items to incorporate in my own work and I thought it would be fun to create a place where I could offer these discoveries to those who also share a passion for mixed media collage and assemblage! Here you will find vintage style collections, unique trinkets, findings and other handcrafted items for use in your paper and fabric collage, altered books, assemblage and mixed media work! Below are a couple examples of two vintage-themed collections that are currently in the shop. You can find these and other treasures to inspire your creativity here at Altered Revelation's Etsy home!

GOODIE BAG OFFER: If you would be interested in helping me spread the word about my new shop by placing a button link for my Altered Revelation's Etsy store on your blog, I have a sweet goodie bag filled with a few Healing Expressions treasures that I would be happy to send you as a "Thank You"! Just let me know by email, include your address and I will send the goodie bag on its way!

Thanks for stopping by and may your day be filled with love, kindness and hope!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Won't you join me?- "Newsletter" Reflections on Art, Music and Life!

I am working on a new project that I am getting very encouraged and excited to share! Beginning next month I will launch a monthly newsletter that you are cordially invited to be a part of! My hope is to offer creative encouragement through writing, poetry, journaling exercises, reflections on the healing journey and other musings on art, music and life! I will also use this newsletter to have a monthly giveaway and showcase new work for sale, upcoming therapeutic collage and art journaling workshops as well as other special events and happenings on my website! If you would like to receive this newlsetter please sign up on the right sidebar in the aqua-colored box marked "Healing Expression's Newlsetter". If you would be kind enough to share the news on your blog, let me know and I will add your name twice to the first month's giveaway!

Thank you to everyone for your overwhelming response to the One World One Heart Giveway! Thank you to Lisa Swifta for organizing another wonderful event! I so enjoyed participating again this year and am happy to announce the winner of my Glass Butterfly Necklace is "Julia at Vintage With Laces"!

Please stop by and visit Julia's beautiful blog!

I was thrilled to receive my "Decorative Art Girlie" from Kelly Rae Roberts new collection this week! I adore the spirit behind her work. The words really spoke to me:

Listen to Your Life
unleash your joy
embrace vulnerability
love with abandon
get quiet...just be
Nurture Your Soul
Allow the blessings to sink in and stay awhile
Surround yourself with good people

ART JOURNAL REFLECTION:(Click image to enlarge) What does it mean to risk the leap for you today? What do you need to let go of to take the plunge? What might you be afraid of? Where might it take you if you dared? What is the one, small "next thing" you could do just for today?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Art Blessing Giveaway and Studio Clearance!

My season of creating some quiet space for myself continues to be where my heart and soul is being nurtured. I have been arranging reflective places in my home and cleaning out my studio and creating room for what is to come in many areas of my life. Stepping away for a season from being on-line and from other committments and relationships these past few months has allowed me to engage on a much deeper and meaningful level with myself, my family and God. Solitude and quietness brings such clarity. Although this season has brought with it some hard choices and rearranging in order to move into this new internal space....I am grateful for the courage to try. When you know God is leading you somewhere, even though it feels unknown, there is a sense of peace that you are where you are suppose to be. So I hope to peek in a little more on my blog over the coming months with new hope and inspiration born out of this simpler season.

I wanted to share an art blessing giveaway as we move into the new season and fall is around the corner. I have put together a collection which includes a 5x7 Print ("The truth shall set you free"), Greeting Card ("Listen, Nurture this season of dwelling in the deep sacred spaces"), Healing Art Block ("She moved on the quiet path of her inner peace and strength"), Framed Print ("Healing Season"), and Art card Print "Masquerade" If you would like to have an opportunity to have your name drawn to receive this collection just leave your name and contact info in the comment section and I will draw a name on Sunday, Sept. 20! If you would like to share this giveaway post on your blog with a link just let me know and I'll be happy to add your name twice!


Well it truly never ceases to amaze me what a creative artist type can collect!!! I have been sorting through, gutting out and working my way through "stuff" in my studio. The letting go process always seems to expose so much inside. And it was definately true that while I made my way through the "gut out" it got alot worse before it got better...especially on the day an entire shelf of glass jars filled with trinkets and beads came crashing down to the floor! Just reminded me of the tenacity it takes to keep going the directions we are called no matter the obstacles lol! So as I contemplate the new doorways that need to be opened, I have decided to really clear the pathway in my creative world and have put together fifteen wonderful groups of collage, mixed media and altered art items with the artist in mind. All of these are being listed as auctions on Ebay with Buy It Nows for those who just can't wait! You can find all these sale auctions here!

I thought I would share a few pics of my creative space where there is now a little more room for me to breathe (you may click on images to enlarge)....

Finally, as we approach the anniversary of 9/11 this week, I wanted to share a piece of writing I had felt compelled to write back when the tragedy happened. I had sent several copies along with a friend who is a trauma therapist and was going to be heading to New York to work with survivors. It is a reflection on grief and the grieving process from tragedy, loss and life's hurts. It is called an "Invitation to Grieve" and you may read it here on my website.I hope you can carve out a quiet space for yourself this week and breathe deep.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Custom Journals....

It has always been my deepest pleasure to create pieces that are specially ordered by one person to be sent to bless another who might be a friend or loved one. Many times, when I have these requests, the work is for someone who is going through a difficult time. This custom journal was created this past week for a customer of mine who wanted to give something special to a family member who had lost their mother. She hoped to offer a place for words, memories and even the grieving process to be expressed amidst the pages of the journal. I truly enjoy creating pieces that have such a special purpose. I love being the messenger in the middle...a bridge for one soul to reach across and bring encouragement to another.I always smile when I get to write the special card attached to the piece that says', You are being specially blessed today by____"!While creating the journal, I remembered a beautiful song I had the honor of singing at a service for my dear friend's father called "With Hope" (By Steven Curtis Chapman). The words are so meaningful for anyone who has lost someone so I thought I would have it playing with this post.

You can see other journals that were given as gifts too on my website. I hope to have a few more available soon and am also taking special orders for the holidays now. A custom journal might just be the unique gift you have been looking for to give this holiday!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Art Blessing Giveaway- " Breathe Gratitude"

I thought it was time to create something and share it for my monthy art blesssing giveaway! I have been reflecting on what it means to breathe in gratitude and let in fill the heart. Its so easy to not be fully present in the moments that each day let the worries, fears, insecurities or hurts of life to fully inhabit our inhaling and exhaling. I hope this little, original journal will be a secret place to record the moments in each day that offer an opportunity to be grateful. The smallest of acts of kindness, a caring touch, the sound of childrens laughter, talking a walk, savoring a quiet meal or listening to the silence in the middle of the night. There is an endless array of moments to record and be present for...and breath in and express gratitude for....

If you would like to be entered in my giveaway for this handmade "Gratitude Journal" just leave a comment with your email address and on Monday evening, Sept 15th, I will draw a name for this art blessing! I would also love to hear what moments you have found to be grateful for this past week (not required to be entered in the drawing though!). Below is another larger journal I was asked to make for a dear woman healing from breast cancer. I hope each piece will encourage and inspire!

Sweet thank yous to Shelley and Nelda for blessing me with an "I love your blog" award. I have never been able to choose from all the amazing blogs out there to send it on to so I invite you to roam through all the links you find on my blog for creative inspiration and discovery! Thanks so much for stopping by today!