Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Friday, April 23, 2010

New Etsy Shop "Altered Revelations"...

I have had these sweet, tiny brass easels hiding away in a drawer in my studio for quite some time. So I played with some pieces of "stampbord" (great product with a multitude of uses) and created these teeny collages embellished with copper,metal filigrees. They were just perfect to rest on the easels! You can find these little burst of encouragement listed in my Healing Expression's Etsy shop!


I wanted to officially introduce my new Etsy shop called "Altered Revelations". I will be filling this shop with items that are created with the mixed media artist in mind. As an artist I am always on the lookout for items to incorporate in my own work and I thought it would be fun to create a place where I could offer these discoveries to those who also share a passion for mixed media collage and assemblage! Here you will find vintage style collections, unique trinkets, findings and other handcrafted items for use in your paper and fabric collage, altered books, assemblage and mixed media work! Below are a couple examples of two vintage-themed collections that are currently in the shop. You can find these and other treasures to inspire your creativity here at Altered Revelation's Etsy home!

GOODIE BAG OFFER: If you would be interested in helping me spread the word about my new shop by placing a button link for my Altered Revelation's Etsy store on your blog, I have a sweet goodie bag filled with a few Healing Expressions treasures that I would be happy to send you as a "Thank You"! Just let me know by email, include your address and I will send the goodie bag on its way!

Thanks for stopping by and may your day be filled with love, kindness and hope!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Colorful Creative Spaces.......

I finally got to the end of a long to-do list that has been following me around for awhile. I love the wide space that opens up in between crossing the last item off the list and before it fills up again! So I spent a quiet day in the studio and was able to create a few pieces. I added these new inspirational, vintage themed, glass pendants to my website today. If you would like to see more images and find these sweet little offerings you can see COLLECTION A here and COLLECTION B here!

I had the opportunity to create a special order journal this week for a dear buyer of mine who serves overseas in Iraq. Her only request was to "create whatever inspires you"! I love to create "journals as art" and often sell one-of-a-kind-journals with lovely metal picture stands to display them on. Placing your own journals in a special area of prominance, as art, is a wonderful way to honor this process of expression and encourage a daily practice of written or art journaling.

I seem to be entering a season of bright color!I am so drawn to the rich and vibrant jewel tones these days. I fell in love with these handcrafted "silk sari ribbons" and creations by designtalentedone on Etsy. She creates the most unique and colorful ribbons I had ever seen!I treated myself to one of her original hats recently! It definately brought out that funky inner artist in me!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Art Blessing Giveaway!!!

Its been awhile since I offered an art blessing giveaway and I thought this "Vintage Journey Acrylic Cube" would be a wonderful way to bless one of you! Click here to see more pictures of all sides of the cube.

I am always so grateful to receive your support and encouragement as I continue to explore and share art as a healing, revealing and redemptive tool in the revelation of our inner worlds. If you would like to be a part of this giveaway please leave your contact info in the comment section and I will add your name to the drawing! If you would be so kind as to share about this art blessing on your blog I will add your name twice to the drawing (just let me know)! I will draw the name of the blessing winner on Friday, April 2!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Prayers of My Soul....

I am always drawn again and again it seems to creating sacred little places to record our deepest thoughts, questions, prayers and hopes. Every now and then, I pull out the sweet diaries I kept as a little girl, childlike handwriting that even then was compelled to write what my heart hoped to speak into being. The personally written words always made the feelings more real...more tangible. I just love the idea of journals created as a piece of artwork. Placing these sacred whispers of our soul in a place of honor, on a sweet easle...with a scented candle shimmering next to it... just seems to usher in the tender voice of God... "Sweet child of promise, I value who you are and are becoming and all that your heart wants to speak...all that you feel matters deeply to me". You may find more images of this new journal and tag ensemble that is being offered in my Etsy Shop(update...journal is sold!).

I came across this video today. It seemed gentle, quiet and beautiful. Some of us may at times struggle with the truth of the message but the place deep within where this peace exists is where the sweetest of healing can take place. Wherever you find yourself today, even if you just feel unsettled in your spirit, the words are comforting. Remember to pause the music currently playing on my blog (on the lower right sidebar) before viewing the "Blessing".

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Art Blessing Giveaway: Destash!

Mixed Media Treasures Giveaway!
I have been going through my studio trying to make room for new ideas and directions this year and thought I would share a box of goodies for the collage artist! Giving just seems like a truly "ripple effect" thing to do. So many are struggling with just making ends meet these days. I wonder just what resources are really available between us all. And if those resources were released from hearts and hands willing to let them go and received by those whose needs were waiting to be met....the inequity and imbalance that seems to exist in our own communities might shift. I know this art offering won't save the world today but I offer it in the spirit of hope. What we each can give away are like seeds in another's life that might grow and multiply in ways we cannot even anticipate! Sometimes it is just so simple. There is so much we already have that is waiting to be released to another! So if you would like to be entered in the drawing just leave your name and info in the comment section below! I will draw a name to receive all of these items on Monday, January 12th!

If you would like to mention this giveaway on your blog and provide a link back to this post, let me know and I will add your name twice to the drawing! It would be fun to see this giveaway start a little ripple in the creative community.....what can you assemble from what you already have and give away? I'd love to hear your inspiring ideas!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Custom Journals....

It has always been my deepest pleasure to create pieces that are specially ordered by one person to be sent to bless another who might be a friend or loved one. Many times, when I have these requests, the work is for someone who is going through a difficult time. This custom journal was created this past week for a customer of mine who wanted to give something special to a family member who had lost their mother. She hoped to offer a place for words, memories and even the grieving process to be expressed amidst the pages of the journal. I truly enjoy creating pieces that have such a special purpose. I love being the messenger in the middle...a bridge for one soul to reach across and bring encouragement to another.I always smile when I get to write the special card attached to the piece that says', You are being specially blessed today by____"!While creating the journal, I remembered a beautiful song I had the honor of singing at a service for my dear friend's father called "With Hope" (By Steven Curtis Chapman). The words are so meaningful for anyone who has lost someone so I thought I would have it playing with this post.

You can see other journals that were given as gifts too on my website. I hope to have a few more available soon and am also taking special orders for the holidays now. A custom journal might just be the unique gift you have been looking for to give this holiday!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Art Blessing Giveaway- " Breathe Gratitude"

I thought it was time to create something and share it for my monthy art blesssing giveaway! I have been reflecting on what it means to breathe in gratitude and let in fill the heart. Its so easy to not be fully present in the moments that each day let the worries, fears, insecurities or hurts of life to fully inhabit our inhaling and exhaling. I hope this little, original journal will be a secret place to record the moments in each day that offer an opportunity to be grateful. The smallest of acts of kindness, a caring touch, the sound of childrens laughter, talking a walk, savoring a quiet meal or listening to the silence in the middle of the night. There is an endless array of moments to record and be present for...and breath in and express gratitude for....

If you would like to be entered in my giveaway for this handmade "Gratitude Journal" just leave a comment with your email address and on Monday evening, Sept 15th, I will draw a name for this art blessing! I would also love to hear what moments you have found to be grateful for this past week (not required to be entered in the drawing though!). Below is another larger journal I was asked to make for a dear woman healing from breast cancer. I hope each piece will encourage and inspire!

Sweet thank yous to Shelley and Nelda for blessing me with an "I love your blog" award. I have never been able to choose from all the amazing blogs out there to send it on to so I invite you to roam through all the links you find on my blog for creative inspiration and discovery! Thanks so much for stopping by today!