Sunday, October 30, 2011

Look how adorable my boys are.

Averys Pinewood derby

Austin and Avery did a great job putting this together and it was fun to watch them work on it together. Avery got the award for "Strongest Car". Can't wait till next year. Doesn't Avery look handsome in his scout uniform now if only his mom would sew on those patches. :)

Averys Baptism

Do you ever notice on the days you want and need to take some great pictures none of them turn out? Well we took a lot of pictures at the baptism so many in fact when people ask how he liked being baptized he responds with "we had to take a lot of pictures". But here are some of the best ones. Happy Birthday Avery boy.

First day of school

Here is Avery on his first day of second grade...I can't believe I have a second grader.

Here is Everett boy on his first day of school....and like I said in the earlier post by the time I got to his classroom to take a picture he was already too busy to say good bye. :)