Monday, November 14, 2005

November at the coast

These are pictures of our trip to the southern coast (yes agian) :)

Haceta Head light house well worth the hike.

Happy Halloween!

Avery and his friends Amelia (starring as the carebear) and Keanna (starring as the ladybug)

Ok so these don't have a theme just cute pictures of Avery.

Pumpkin Patch

Avery had lots of fun at the pumkin patch we rode a boat and a train. Avery tried to lift all the biggest pumkins. Silly kiddo

Tiger cub, poor sad Donkey, Ferrett, and Cougar cubs

he he that tickles!

The Petting Farm...Zoo... thing :)

On our way back we also stopped at this wild life place where you can pet all the animals. We got to pet a baby Bangel Tiger, Cougar cubs, Camels, Lama's, gosh lots of animals. Avery liked it, but would just run into a crowd of something and they would scatter. He couldn't quit figure out how to approach them gently. His excitment got the best of him

In Port Orford this is the Cape Blanco light house.

These are some pictures Austin look of the Rouge River Bridge in Gold Beach.

Avery thought this rock looked like a turtle. He wanted to 'ride the tutule'

One of my favorite places I have been so far in Oregon is Shore Acres. It is a place right on the ocean. There is a huge garden and pond. If you ever get the chance to go there I recomend it. This is just part of the garden.

Southern Oregon Coast

On our way back from Crater lake we went to see the southern coast.

Avery likes to pose for the camera.

Crater Lake

In September we went down to Crater lake and surrounding areas. We got some fun pictures so here you go. :)

Silly Cousins

Avery was lucky enough to spend his birthday with lots of family. Here are some pictures of the silly cousins together.

Choo Choo. Avery loves trains so it was only fitting to make him a Train cake. Complete with coal car, box car, flat car (with logs) and the red caboose of course.

Happyy Birthday Avery!

While looking at Mormon Row we saw a bunch of Buffalo and Uncle Dee helped us 'cowboy' up Avery to match the scene.

Austin took this picture at sunrise.

Avery and Katie

Avery and Austin

Our trip to the Tetons in August