Monday, January 05, 2009

So what I am still a rock star

So Avery and Everett love music and we have the radio on all the time. The new Pink song "so what" is on quite a bit and they like the beat of it and dance to it. I didn't realize they listened to the words till one day we were in the car and they boys were arguing back and forth about something I don't think even they realy knew. Yes it it is not....yes it its not...over and over until finally Everett who is 2 1/2 says to Avery "so what I am still a rock star" I thought it was so funny. And more funny still was right then that song came on. Funny boys.

Also their great wonderful aunt Callie made them some super hero caps for christmas and they love them. The wear them all over the house and the other day Everett went and got a head band and put it over his eyes and hooked it on his ears and ran around saying look I am a super hero. I will have to ask him to do it again so I can get a picture. It was so funny and cute.