As stated in an earlier post, Everett is such a little puppy as becuase of that I made him a puppy cake. He had three pieces of cake and still wanted more. It was a great birthday. Everett says Mom, Dad, Andelyn (ann ann ann) down, and no. I wish no wasnt' one of the words he knows already but he has an older brother who likes to say no a lot so what do you do. He is walking but still prefers to crawl. One day he will take off and stop getting rug burns on his knees and the top of his feet.
We went to a park one night after dinner and Avery was so excited he was doing his little "excited dance". Austin just kept shooting and captured it. We have looked at this sequence of pictures and laughed and laughed at our silly boy
For Easter weekend we headed to Idaho to visit grandma and grandpa. We took the kids to visit uncle Dee who gave all the boys a ride on the tractor. They loved it. Everett realy wanted to go as well. He wanted to be just like the big kids so when uncle Dee was done Grandpa took Everett and Lillian to sit in the tractor. Then we got all the boys to pose on the tractor. They had a lot of fun learning how the seeds get dispersed in the ground and what it is like to ride in a tractor.