Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year

I have never gotten into the New year parties and stuff. I am convinced that it was invented by people who wanted another excuse to drink and an even better excuse to stay up late and not have to go to work the next day. That being said, I have babysat and also had some fun New year adventures.

My dad started the tradition one year of drinking Cherry 7-Up, eating popcorn and watching the original King Kong. When he visited us for Anneke's first Christmas (2004) we did just that. He even brought the movie with him. Anneke was teething and rang in the new year with us welcoming 2005 with ribbons all over her. "Uncle Dave" (Andy's best friend from high school) would have cheese, crackers and root beer and watch a new release.

So, now Andy and I celebrate with the kids and combine these traditions. Our New Year comes in Eastern time, that is even sooner for us this year (a three hour difference). Last year we watched Star Wars IV and let the kids pick out treats. Anneke ate herself sick and the party ended early for our kids. This year Andy is working a graveyard, so we will probably do something similar to last year. Hopefully minus the sick part.

Happy New Year tomorrow everyone! I have made resolutions and we will see how they go. I did reach my goal of blogging every day in December, even if some of them were lame. It will be nice to go back to blogging just when I have something to say. January will be busy for us, stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yesterday was my parents anniversary. I did not forget, I just posted about my niece because it was her birthday, too. My parents have been married for 36 years. WOW! They met in Heidelberg, Germany just after my Dad joined the church. They waited over a year to get married. That way they could be sealed in the Manti temple. Their wedding took place during a blizzard. Later when I was planning my wedding my mom forbade me getting married in December for that reason. (FYI - It wasn't any better getting married 2 weeks later in January.) My mom could tell the stories better and more accurately than me. I loved looking in their wedding album. It was covered in velvet that matched Mom's bridesmaid dresses. I always thought that was really neat. We used to tease my dad that he looked like an insurance salesman in the photos. I still think that is true. ;) My mom liked that Dad was left handed because she could hold his hand under the table without anyone knowing. Anyway, I am so grateful to my parents and just want to say, CONGRATULATIONS! Maybe for your 40th we will do something special like we did for your 25th. I love you.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Memory Monday - Carlye Anne

The first time I met my niece Carlye she was still a newborn. I was on my "honeymoon" with Andy. She had so much dark hair at the time. Her parents were living in the small version of their current home. I loved holding her, but had to compete with so many others I didn't get to very much.
Last time I saw Carlye she was so grown up. I loved watching movies with her and listening to her sing along. I wish that I could get to know her better. I am so lucky that she is my niece. I can forgive Carianne for not coming to my wedding since she has Carlye to show for it. :)
8 Things I love about Carlye
  1. Her cute freckles
  2. She loves to read
  3. She manages to be a tom boy, and still love pink.
  4. Even though she is the oldest she is not too bossy to younger kids. (From what I have seen.)
  5. Her smile!
  6. She is so polite and happy.
  7. She has great taste in food. (Artichokes are excellent!)
  8. She is my oldest niece and has set the bar pretty high.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My babies

We just got Luke's one year pictures back and I was looking at Marcus and Anneke's pictures. I had all of their pictures taken within a week of turning one. I can't seem to tell if they look alike. What do you think?
Marcus January 2003
(He has bags because he was up the night before teething, but he was still happy as can be for his pictures.)
Anneke July 2005
(Her sandals are too small, but I didn't notice until later that her toes are hanging off the end. She also had such a small amount of hair that little pink clip kept falling out.)
December 2008
(He has a fat lip on his left from falling down the stairs.)
Luke is not as chubby in the face as Marcus was, and is overall larger. Still, I can tell they are brothers. Anneke is just pretty. I think both boys have more hair than she did, poor thing.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Once again I am at a loss for what to post about today. So, I hope this is as fun for others as it was for me. Being a child of the 80's I loved this website. It had some fun t-shirts.
(The link to the below mentioned is imbedded in the word t-shirt.)
I have been looking at some fun T-shirts lately. Andy and I enjoyed them partly they made you think a bit and of course, were not raunchy. Here are a few of my favorites...
*Holland - Can't Dutch this (Andy's grandparents immigrated from Holland.)
*Christians have the best sects (I hope that doesn't offend anyone.)
*Pavlov - the name that rings a bell
*Archeologists will date any old thing
*Lady Macbeth Hand Soap
And finally the motto we live by:

Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Christmas celebration

Tuesday we were crazy enough to head out to the strip and look at the Bellagio gardens. They were more impressive when we went 2 years ago with my whole family.
We saw a living statue that made noises. Anneke was thoroughly freaked out and ran right after this picture.
We of course had to decorate cookies for "San'uh" as Anneke pronounces his name.
These are the cookies that they chose to leave for Santa Claus.
We all got Christmas jammies. I got feetsie pj's in my size! Isn't Andy the best?
Luke has started posing for the camera.
(Below) Poor Luke couldn't figure out how top get to his toy. He did not like the wrapping paper. It was pretty confusing. Maybe by next week he will know how to unwrap gifts.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Today we are super busy making cookies, rolls and playing. Everyone is very excited and happy. I love the photo we took last year of my kids doing the nativity. (above) Remember why we are celebrating and have a great day. Don't forget to check on Santa's progress through the Norad Santa tracker. (click on the link) MERRY CHRISTmas!
Cactus garden December 23, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jesus Tree

I went caroling with the Young Men and Young Women last Tuesday. We went to the stake president's house. His wife invited us in and we looked at her tree. Every ornament on it is Jesus, whether it is a nativity scene or an older Christ. It was amazing! I got to thinking about it. I have never had a "theme tree" because I couldn't afford it, and then because I had kids and it seemed pointless. But, this tree looked a lot like my tree until you looked closer. When I get a theme tree, this is going to be my goal. When you walk into someone's home during the month of December your eyes are drawn to the tree. I am going to have a Christ theme so that the focus of Christmas stays with the person it should. I also just realized that I don't have an ornament of Christ in any form. I definitely need to fix that. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Memory Monday - Christmas Eve

This is a picture of the last Christmas before I married Andy. (December 2000) Pammy looks so pretty early in the morning. What is wrong with Heather? and What happened to my Rudolph shirt?
When I was growing up Christmas Eve was a day of great excitement. We could only watch movies that had to do with Christmas. As we got older we took that as a challenge. For example, "Toy Story" has Christmas at the end of it, so we could watch it technically. After dinner we would light all the advent candles and sing our favorite songs and tell our favorite Christmas stories. Mom's favorite was (is?) "The Littlest Angel" and Heather's favorite story was "Trouble At the Inn" by Dina Donahue. (If you have not read either, click on the links and do so.) My husband always reads "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" now. The rest of us varied our stories from year to year. My song was always the same though, "The First Noel". For the longest time I thought that song was about me. It didn't help that my dad would sing "Heidi Noel" in the chorus, though. All this was done by the light of our four candles. The night was completed with my dad reading the nativity story in St. Luke. For a while I tortured my family and made them watch "The Elf Who Saved Christmas" every year before bed. I think that we have all (sadly) abandoned that tradition. We then selected the biggest Christmas cookie that we had painted with food coloring and set it out with milk. All four of us would sleep in the same room and rotate who slept on the floor from year to year. It has always been my job to remember things like that for some reason. My last Christmas before I got married (2 weeks before the wedding) I slept on my couch, Pam in my bed and Heather cheated and brought her mattress in so she wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. The year before that my grandparents asked us to sleep at there house and do Christmas there. I am so glad we did because that was our last Christmas with my grandma.

Andy has added his own tradition into our Christmas traditions. When he was growing up they had to drag their dad out of bed before opening presents. Our poor kids have to do the same with their dad and he does not make it easy. My mom could never sleep, so whatever time we woke up she was already too excited and waiting for us to get up. Christmas morning after presents we would eat aebelskivers. They are like pancakes shaped as balls and we eat them with whipped cream (NOT cool whip), cinnamon, honey, syrup, jams, etc. There is a special pan that I am lucky to have, so I can still make them for my small family when I am not with my parents. Popi would always say he was "Slogging the zauna". I so butchered that, but it means whipping the cream in German. I hope I got that close to right, anyway. May your Christmas's be full of traditions and memories.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

School Party

Andy went to school with Marcus on friday and helped with the Christmas Around the World project. Marcus made Christmas cards, a "gingerbread" house, learned how to play the dreidel game and made a Rudolph pretzel. My sister told me about my niece's similar party and hers sounded better. At Carlye's they got passports and had them stamped in each room. It doesn't sound like Marcus learned much about other cultures, But, he had fun and I am glad that Andy could participate. That is one nice thing about him still being in school. ;)
Making his Christmas card with Jamie. (She has a crush on him and calls him "Markie". She also buys him things at the Snack Shack.)
His house has a Trix doorknob, marshmallow snowman, peppermint windows and tootsie roll chimney. Andy said he just let him do it on his own. I try to do it too, but it is hard sometimes.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Circus Circus

Thursday when school was out we went to the Adventuredome at Circus Circus. Andy got free tickets from giving blood. He literally paid for it with his blood. I still didn't think it was worth what we paid. The kids had fun and we will go back if we have free tickets.
Andy took both kids on the bumper cars.
All of the kids loved the carousel. Anneke chose the "pretty horses".
This was Marcus's favorite ride. He loved the Army airplane. (In fact, he chose this picture.)
I don't like including pictures of me. However, Andy complains, so this is me waiting with Luke for a ride he could actually go on.

Anneke was about an inch too short for going on all the rides. She cried when she couldn't go on the roller coaster, but Marcus didn't like the experience. She was fearless. Luke was mad that he couldn't go on more rides. He also didn't like being held when he could ride on rides. It made me miss Fiesta Texas, too.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Global Warming

Marcus's school was cancelled Thursday "for the safety of the children and teachers". I laughed because it was almost 40 degrees and the snow was not even ice. (It was all melted by the end of the day.) In Colorado it takes a lot to cancel school, even if it is 0 degrees. I guess it is all about perception. Driving in it was a nightmare because of the other drivers that were driving scared.
This was an ironic picture to me, palm trees covered in snow.
(Sorry it is so fuzzy) This is what it looked like from our balcony when it stopped snowing at night.
Anneke and Marcus were so excited to have a snowball fight and make snow angels. Unfortunately there was not enough snow.
Andy played with Marcus and Anneke in the snow while Luke napped.

Anneke told me that it was going to snow for Christmas. I kept telling her that it doesn't snow here. Her faith proved me wrong I guess.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bragging Rights

We had Marcus's Parent-teacher conference this week. They have trimester's here, so he just his report card just before Thanksgiving. He got A's and one B. My family will understand when I say he got $4 for grades. So, we went in the late afternoon and met with his teacher. She had nothing negative to say.
I am a big baby when it comes to my kids and it was hard for me to keep from crying. Mrs. Decker loves Marcus. She said that she has been teaching for 11 years and children as smart as Marcus only come along every few years. However, Marcus is unique because he doesn't act better than the other kids. She said often the "smart kids" get bored, act out and are mean to the other kids for being dumb. On the contrary Marcus helps the slower kids and is so patient. He gets excited and spreads it to the others. Mrs. Decker thanked us for how we have raised him. I wish that I could take credit, but it is all him!
Andy commented that he wished he treated Anneke as well as his classmates. Marcus's teacher was surprised because he talks about sharing books and stories with her all the time. The end of the interview the dreaded words came, "I can't wait to have more of your children in my class." Anneke is not Marcus and luckily has not had to follow in his shadow yet. They have each had teachers that fit them individually. I don't like when people expect her to be like her brother. I think that is my pitfall with her, I thought all children were like Marcus because he was first born. A bit unfair, I think. ;)
On a side note: Santa (Mr. Jensen the Vice Principal) came to Marcus's school and brought him a $15 toy. We exchanged it at the store because it was a professional wrestling toy. Every child in Marcus's school got a similar priced gift. The Wynn casino donated them. In a bad economy, you would think that this would be one of the things to go by the wayside, but apparently gift giving is alive and well and that is a relief.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Luke had a rough week last week. He got hurt several times and it was sad. I have photos from 2 of the 3 incidents.
This is after dinner, not an injury. I just liked his goatee.
We tell our kids a lot not to leave the front door open. Andy went to take the trash out and Anneke ran after him, leaving the door ajar. I was making dinner and then I heard the loud crash. Luke had rolled down our concrete stairs. (Remember there are 15.) Luckily, Andy was fast enough to catch him after only a few stairs. You can't see the extent of the injuries in this picture though. (He has a bump on his left in the hairline, and a bruise above and a scrape below his right eye, a scrape under his nose and a big bruise on his left thigh.)
This photo and the one below are from Saturday night. After his bath he slipped on the wet bathroom floor, smashing his face. It looked a lot worse on Sunday.
See the bump? Sunday morning he had a bloody nose most of the morning. It was a real concern, but cleared up by church time. This blog makes me look like and excellent mother, doesn't it?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Date with Anneke

I have heard a lot about moms taking their daughters to "The Nutcracker" and making it a special time. After much research I was VERY disappointed that we would not be able to afford to start that tradition this year. So, Anneke and I talked about what we could do instead. She chose what we would do for a few hours on Saturday.
First, we went to story time at Barnes and Noble. After listening to "The Polar Express" she made a gingerbread girl pin.
We then went to the cafe and had a red velvet cupcake and hot chocolate. The cupcake was very small and more expensive than the huge cookies or big buttercream cupcakes, but I let her choose. She did not like it. But, I was proud of myself.
Then we went to the mall to play on the play place. We saw a Bath and Bodyworks, and I thought she would like to put on some smelly good lotion. While in there she picked out soaps for her teachers, Marcus's teacher, herself, Grammy and her Aunt Jamie. She would have kept going, but I had to limit it. Thanks goodness for the 4 for $10 sale. ;) However, Anneke's favorite part was the free gift we got with the purchase. It was one of those wallets that unzip into a bag. I remember that my mom had one we loved growing up. It was not anything out of the ordinary, but it was fun.

I have struggled with my relationship with Anneke. This small thing has sure helped me appreciate her more.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Memory Monday - Advent

As long as I can remember we have celebrated Advent in our home. Inviting friends and family into our homes for two Sundays each December. Elder Uchtdorf spoke of Advent last Sunday in his talk during the devotional. It has always been special. In short, it is a German tradition that my mom brought home. (She spent many years in Germany as a child. In fact she and my father met in Heidelberg, Germany. Which is why I have the beautiful name Heidi.) Each Sunday preceding Christmas and then on Christmas Eve a candle is lit on an advent kranz. (My dad made mine.) The first Sunday one, second Sunday two, the third Sunday three and Christmas Eve all four. It symbolizes bringing the Son/sun back into our lives. There is a longer story that I tell when we do it, but that is the seriously condensed version. Many of you have come into my home, or my parents home and celebrated this tradition with us.

I have carried on this tradition, or tried to. Last year was not easy with a newborn. We did manage to have Grandpa Doug come for one Advent day. Yesterday, Andy had to work security for the temple devotional with Elder Holland. (I was unable to go.) So, Anneke, Marcus and I did our own little advent. I told them the story of advent while we drank hot cocoa and then played Cooties. Luke even participated a bit. Anneke tried to convince me several times to let her light the candles. I did let them blow them out, though.

I loved that growing up we each got to light the candles one Sunday each year. I was always terrified to light them, but excited. I was so afraid that I would burn myself. Usually I would light 3 candles. Carianne would light the first after the Christmas Devotional each year. I am not yet adventurous enough to let my children light the candles on their own (obviously), but we tell stories and have treats. It is a nice time to regroup and remind ourselves that Christ is the reason we have so much. He is the light that should be increasing in our lives. (Photo from last week)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tagged Again

I am: a wife, a mom, a cook, a baker, a friend, a teacher, a sister, a daughter, etc.
I think: that I worry too much.

I know: I have been blessed.

I want: to teach my children and raise them right.
I have: a lot.

I dislike: being lied to.

I miss: my sisters (their families), my parents and friends that I am not with

I fear: change, the unknown and my family members dying.
I feel: fat.
I hear: babies crying and Andy working.

I smell: my mom in laws scentsy stuff.
I crave: ham or Starbucks Vanilla Bean frappichino (sp?)
I cry: a lot this time of year or when I get overwhelmed with life.
I search: purpose.

I wonder: if I'll ever know for sure if I should have a fourth (and last) child.
I regret: many things in my past.
I wish: my children would sleep through the night and stay dry at night, too.

I love: my Savior.
I care: too much about things, I need to let them go.

I always: feel more ambitious in the morning.

I worry:
about everything from the economy to politics, from my children to food and nutrition, etc.
I am not: as good as I think I should be.

I remember: playing Barbies with my little sister every Saturday morning in our playroom with the scratchy floor. We had a toilet that really flushed, and stairs, but no car. We used our shoes as the cars.

I believe: in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I sing: second soprano. I can sing first, but it scares me when i
know I am hitting those high notes. Weird.

I don't: want anything for Christmas really.
I argue: only when I feel it necessary.

I write:
in my journal, and on my blog. I used to be so much better at writing in my journal, but I took up blogging and it has fallen by the wayside.
I win: rarely. Andy and I play for fun and can't be competitive because we used to disagree over silly games when we were first married.

I lose: my cell phone.

I listen: music whenever I can.

I don't understand: how people can be so selfish.
I can usually be found: on the computer or in the kitchen.

I need: be a better wife and mother.

I forget: more than I used to. I think that it is from having children.

I am happy:
when I feel that I have had a productive day.
I now tag: Carianne, Mom and Pam.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Name meanings

I was looking at this the other day and since I can't think of anything else to post about for the day this is what you get.

Bahlmann means Bold or Road Builder
Andrew means Manly and Robert means fame, bright = Manly Bright Bold
Heidi means Noble and Noel means Christmas/Nativity = Noble Christmas Bold
Marcus means Warlike = Warlike Manly Bold
Anneke means Grace and favor and Susan means Lily = Grace Lily Bold
Caspian means Of the Caspy people and Luke means from Lucania = Of the Caspy people from Lucania Bold (Sorry, Luke!)

If we have another child I have a boy name and girl name picked out. Their meanings are a lot better than my youngest. However, since Andy's brother stole our baby name we keep them to ourselves now. Sorry.
The boys name means - Great Warrior Fame Bold
The Girls name means - Beautiful Fairy Pretty Rose Bold

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My friend did this on her blog. I thought it was fun to hear about different nicknames that she had. I have had quite a few myself.
Sister - I think Pam started this one. I am not sure why, but I still call my sister's this on occasion.
Noel - It is my middle name and I have had several people call me this. It is a really pretty name, so I don't mind. I tried to get teachers to call me that at one time, but it never stuck. (They would, however, call me Heather and Carianne a lot.
Puupa - This is German for baby doll. (I am not sure how to spell it.) At one point we all had German nicknames.
Hildegard/Adelheide - My dad is the only one that could (and still can) get away with calling me these. I am not sure why he did, but I thought they were my "real" names for a while.
Dove - In "A Midsummer Night's Dream" there is a line in the play within the play. "What, asleep my love? What, dead my dove?" Actually a depressing line in retrospect, but Andy became "My love" and I became Dove.
Paloma - Spanish for Dove, see above.
Hottie - Andy did this as a play on my name.
Prego - Sandi and Pam called me that when I was pregnant with Marcus. So, 3 times for about 9 months I have been addressed as such.
Red Hot Mama - In middle school I wanted a cool nickname. This the best that Mandy, Sara and Holly could come up with.
Daisy - My freshman year in college my friend, Dawn, wanted us to have nicknames. I gave her "Sunny" and she gave me Daisy.
Mommy - Can you guess where this came from?
Miss Heidi - I have been this several times at different places.
My friend - Gavin Cox called me this one summer, the same summer we had "magnetic hands" and hung out at the pool every day. That is when he finally made me a "hand necklace". (Remember those, Carianne?") Dave Bone also uses this one.
Did I miss any? Probably, but this was fun. I didn't realize there were so many.