Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ode to my $20

Oh, how I will miss you.
You could have been 3 weeks of laundry.
You could have been a night out with my honey.
You could have been Marcus's library fine and class picture.
You could have been gas for my car.
You could have been new books for my children.
You could have been that new DVD.
You had so much potential.
Why did you leave me?
You left me somewhere between my purse and my purchase.
Never forget me.
I just pray someone worthy found you, my friend.


Cheryl said...

Oh, that SUCKS!!! With 3 exclamation points. I hate when that happens.

Julie and Matt said...

That is so frustrating. I'm so sorry.

Cari said...

I've done that before. I've actually lost $100 before. I feel your pain. I'm so sorry. And yes, Andy did marry the nice one - I thought that everybody knew that?

Stacie said...


I swear, those things have LEGS!!