Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Break

The rest of our Spring Break was pretty unexciting. Well, we had fun, but nothing major. We visited the Bass Pro Shop for the first time. The kids really enjoyed it.
Andy especially loved the many motorcycles built by OCC for the Silverado and Bass Pro.
Anneke would pose on the benches and have me take pictures of her. They somehow turned out blurry. So, this is what I have. Plus a cute one of just Marcus and Anneke by on an armadillo bench.

We went to the Town Square mall and played on the playground and of course visited the book store. My big weakness is books.

Yesterday we picked out seeds for our garden. Carianne made a good point about fresh veggies being expensive. We will see if this is better. Anneke wanted to grow macaroni (seriously) but settled on (because of the name and they were pink) Shirley poppys. Marcus chose Veggie Tales cucumbers and watermelon. I got Roma tomatoes and Jeff gave us some green beans and sugar snap peas. We left the zuccini seeds at his house. Now, I just need to know if I start the seeds then plant them outside in May or if I start them in May and plant them once they sprout. I have obviously never done a garden before so, HELP!


Cheryl said...

As far as I remember, start the seeds and then plant the seedlings outside in May. You are gonna love having fresh vegetables from your own garden. They are so fresh and tasty. I gotta get started on mine--thanks for reminding me.

Stacie said...

Um...good luck on the gardening thing. I know absolutely nothing!

Isn't Bass Pro awesome?!? That huge catfish they have is eerily cool!