Thursday, September 03, 2009

What I Want For My Birthday

I have been so busy, I totally forgot to post my normal greedy, supplicating, hoping Birthday Gift List that ONLY my sister seems to read and works on. OHIFORGOT, no one else EVER reads my blog. Sigh! So, this is yet another greedy, supplicating Birthday Gift wishlist.
  1. Masses of flowers.
  2. Pure White Linen (the key factor is "pure". White linen is NOT pure white linen.) - just to make this less of a puzzle for people who do not have boobs - this is perfume. Ok? And, I want a lifetime supply, because whatever perfume I start using, gets discontinued.
  3. 5 pairs of the best shoes ever - coccinelle, prada and geox - Me, i'm all about simple and specific tastes. AND I don't get these brands in Calcutta and I havent had the time to shop ANYWHERE ELSE.
  4. 5 or 6 cases of good prosecco OR Moet & Chandon. Not a bottle, okay?
  5. My weight in unpasteurised, blue cheese, preferably french.
  6. My weight in iberian ham OR parma ham.
  7. A personal trainer who will come, drag me out of home and shout me into submission and make me exercise.
  8. A bathtub and someone who will get my bathroom done promising no dust or headaches and chasing after plumbers, masons etc.
  9. A really great lamp.
  10. The perfect jeans.
  11. The best hug ever that lasts for atleast 7 minutes.
  12. A holiday in Hawaii OR Istanbul OR anywhere in Italy (with airconditioning) OR Mauritius OR fucking anywhere.
  13. A single chocolate brownie.
  14. A blackberry flip pearl.
  15. The entire season of family guy.
  16. Many, many paintings.
  17. Mysorepak.
  18. Veg Chop from Harry's.
  19. A size 30 waist.
  20. Did I mention masses and masses and masses of flowers?

I only wish I wasnt getting older. Sigh!

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Current Tragedy

I have not bought a shoe in over 6 months. Am I short of dough? No. Am I downsizing? No. Have I sworn not to Buy shoes? NO. Do I not have time to go shopping? No. Have I lost the will to shop for shoes? OH GOD NO. Then why have I not bought even one pair in the last 6 months?

NOW, I finally know why I have been in such a bad mood! Ah!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Dream Come True

I just discovered Polyvore. God! I love it!





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Friday, May 29, 2009

Things I Want Before I Die

This post's title's byline should read - I Don't Know Why I Am Posting This.

I love to shop, yet I didn't shop for anything other than tylenol in NY because I didn't have the time! I already have a things to do before I die list (Out of which I have completed one more thing, so its down to 31! Baby steps people! Baby steps!). So I'm posting a "Things I want before I die" list. Also, I will sell-out for atleast 5 of these things, but I'm not telling which. Actually, considering that no one seems to read this blog anymore, I keep asking myself, what is the huge secret, still...
  1. Fine china tableware (a full service dinner set and a tea set with a teapot and the works) - wedgwood or royal doulton. Beautiful table ware makes me go eeeee....
  2. A huge kitchen and when I say huge, I mean HUGE - 1000 sq ft Huge - all my ex-apartments and my very own current darling apartment have tiny kitchens where I can barely store my stuff or move around (however, I have pulled off a 4 course, cooked from scratch - I didn't mill the flour or anything, but I don't use any mixes ever - dinner and lunches for over 8 people, so I know if one really wants to cook, one can) and in my dream house I want a HUGE kitchen and a HUGE pantry.
  3. A black and a neutral trench coat that I can wear all my life and that make me look slim.
  4. A vineyard and an orchard where I want to grow figs, loqats and peaches.
  5. A picasso, a chagall, a subodh gupta, a raza, a warhol, a britto, a hussain and a kingshuk sarkar.
  6. A voter's identity card.
  7. My grandmother's (either - both were very spirited, independent and strong-willed) or father's determination and resolve.
  8. My mother's recipes for making gujiyas and mathris - she grudgingly gave them to me, but I know she's left out something because mine just don't taste the same, when I asked her, she said - the ingredients are not the same quality!
  9. A Bergama and a Milas carpet each - oh the beauty!
  10. Lots and lots of shoes - only italian please, I tried out a million manolos and choos but I know I can't walk in them, on the other hand my coccinelle shoes are darlings. I spent 6.5 hours in them on my feet about 10 days back - 2.5 inch heels - and neither did my feet swell, nor did I get any corns, I was just tired and if thats not a good shoe, I don't know what is.

These are things I really, really want. I don't think I can afford any of the above right now, but planning now sure seems a good idea.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Beta, When I Make Friends With People, I Look at Their Feet First

Those words have been repeated endless number of times by my mother and my late grandmother. Unconsciously, I have imbibed my mother's snobbery and I too find myself checking out people's feet when I first meet them. I am manic about my feet, even more after my disorder that caused blood clots on my feet and have a pedicure once a month and moisturise my feet more religiously than I moisturise my face! My disorder is hopefully waning and I finally have the courage to wear shoes without stockings, but I will always avoid wearing open shoes or sandals, as I can't bear to dirty my feet.

On last count, I have 55 pairs of shoes. At one point of time, I had 85 pairs, but then, I noticed that I didn't wear most of them, and gave away 10 pairs. My most comfortable pair is a pair of Coccinelle pumps that I bought from Italy. This pair makes it possible for me to wear 3 inch heels all day long at work, without my feet aching and swelling up at the end of the day. I have worn these shoes for hours and not got blisters, bites or corns. I tried to look up the shoes on their website, but the website sucks and I couldn't find anything on it. However, you can check out the beautiful coccinelle goods HERE. I can't wait to buy my second pair.

I used to wonder what the huge deal about Italian shoes was until I bought this pair. I am changing my shoe habit now. I will only buy shoes that treat my feet kindly. This pair of shoes is not as expensive as some of my other shoes, and this surprises me a lot.
