Showing posts with label ice crystals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice crystals. Show all posts

Jan 21, 2015

sketching with an ink pen
fun to create fungi characters

brought them to life with watercolors
was a joy
to create

for sale: here

twas an ice crystal morning:

I love it when ice crystals grow
clothing our woods and meadows in lacy ice


Dec 20, 2014

Winter Solstice 2014

may the magic of the shortest day
cloak of the longest night
touch your heart
inspire your depths 
and may your spirit glow
with candles snow and stars
until each day grows longer by the light of our sun

lovely solstice
summer or winter 
to one and all

this week we had ice crystals
i simply adore them

May 16, 2014

DC: Memories..... and there are so many ;-)

i have been smitten with the present moment

inspired by
wanting to know how to best care for my land
so i listen

to the breeze animating the trees
the beauty of flowers tilting their heads to the sun

(fairy slipper, Calypso orchid)
tiny fungus as they rise through the surface of the earth

in doing so
i have found myself in a deep quiet joy

that is what the present moment can inspire
deep quiet joy

and i thought (memories) of other moments in my life
that brought me present to:
 deep quiet joy

my son falling asleep on my shoulder

the colors of the setting or rising sun

a kiss
where nothing else exists

the first sip of coffee in the morning

photographing ice crystals and snowflakes

creating art

dancing with a partner

(dancing with violets)

the list goes on

i love it when the past falls away
and the future is where it belongs.... in the future
and i am 
completely absorbed
in now

i feel that is the best
experience of my 56 years of life

it seems the presence is in this moment and in my memories
so many memories!

Thank you for this wonderful prompt
it took me on a big journey
sharing what i have been experiencing 
and looking to the past

visit Kristen's Blog this weekend
to enjoy other artist's inspiration for:


Jan 25, 2014

DC & SS: Crystal

 dancing with crystals

I have a hard time erasing pencil lines, does that happen to you?
I think i am drawing light...
time to do the pencil test that a blog friend shared with me!

winter's crystals are precious to me
they are often born through the night
a morning delight

all conditions must be just right
for their temporary appearance

the forest becomes an enchanted place
and the tiniest breeze 
has crystals drifting through the air

Norma from The Fairy Yellow Bug Queen is our host 
of DC this week
Her prompt is: Crystal

thank you Norma!
also sharing with Sunday Sketches!

Dec 21, 2013

Solstice Fae

for you and me
all the creatures large and small

on the longest night
the shortest day
she appeared from the winter forest
with a garland of candles as her crown
to light the way

for you and me
all the creatures large and small

more and more light
each day

welcoming the light

beautiful Solstice to you!


Mar 17, 2012

March 17th

you would have been 
75 years of age today

Happy Birthday Papa

when i think of you
i feel the spirit of love


spring has begun to melt winter away
and yet today 2 inches plus snow graced our world.....

a couple weeks ago
ice crystals cloaked the forest trees:

and so the slow dance begins
of winter into spring


to enjoy others art, visit:


Dec 24, 2011

Ms. Apricot

she closed her eyes
inhaled the frosty air of winter
then opened her eyes wide 
to take in the huge expanse of stars in the dark new moon sky

she had no choice but to be herself
honor the facets of truth as they rose and changed form

for her twin soul was housed in an ice crystal
a crystal that beamed to her a unique light 
as she moved to the left 
or moved to the right in her life
the facets of that light inspired her every move

Tis Christmas Eve Day
and the snow begins to fall
The mail has just arrived!

Jeri Lander had a contest on her blog: Hopalong Hollow Gazette
I won a beautiful Santa in his Sleigh print!
I hope you can see all the charming details, because it overflows with geese, elves, cabins and a fox. 
A gorgeous star and moon sleigh filled with old fashioned toys!

Jeri writes and illustrates gorgeous children's books, 
treat yourself to a visit to her blog!
Thank you Jeri, I love your gift!

Wishing each and everyone of you
a lovely day
and night
today and every breath beyond
