Those of you who attended the 2010 Robert Benchley Society International Annual Gathering in Boston last July may recall meeting Mary Jane Eramian (a.k.a. "Mary Millis"). Mary was born March 27, 1936 and died January 26, 2011. Mary was a poetess and photographer and her books of inspirational verse and beautiful images were a source of pleasure to her many friends in and around the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston where she lived.
Rose Valenta, authoress of Rosie's Renegade Humor Blog, met Mary at that Benchley event last summer and over a leisurely luncheon got to know her. Rose describes that pleasant afternoon with Mary in "Off the Beaten Path - Boston’s Touch of Class: Poet Mary Millis" a blog posting you may read by clicking on
Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.