Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Matthew Hahn Presents "The Animated Marx Brothers"

RBS member Matthew Hahn has released his latest book, "The Animated Marx Brothers" through BearManor Media! <>This intertwined history of The Marx Brothers and animation, includes not only theatrical, television, and made-for-video cartoons, but also fan films, commercials, credit sequences, flip books, avatars, emoji, a slot machine, and two long-lost pilots once so rare their very existence was in doubt! More info or to buy the book visit

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

...and the winners are...

The Robert Benchley Society Announces the Winners in the 2014 RBS Humor Writing Competition. Our celebrity judge, Mark Russell, said of this year's finalist, "If the New Yorker ever rejected any of these, I would cancel my subscription." --
  1. Lowell T. Christensen, of White Rock, N.M., for How to Help Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
    "Well worth the dizziness I experienced while reading it. The piece should include a prescription for Ritalin." -- Mark Russell
  2. Cy Creed, of Hamburg, N.Y., for Just The Socks Please, Nothing But The Socks
    "Obviously, the pace of it – I was imagining Nichols and May." -- Mark Russell
  3. Kathy Myers, of Petaluma Calif., for A Brief History of Writers
    "Funny digression in the first paragraph – I don’t question the validity of the writer’s anthropology premise." -- Mark Russell
  4. Eileen Mitchell, of Palatine, Illinois, for The Science of Stumbling
    "Loved the magazine titles, 'Fido Fancier,' 'Splay Food Journal,' 'Arms Akimbo Magazine,' etc. – pure Benchley." -- Mark Russell

Monday, March 30, 2015


The winners in the 2014/2015 Robert Benchley Society Award for Humor Writing Competition have been chosen and will be announced on this blog Wednesday. No fooling!

We are working with our judge, Mark Russell, on a date for the Award Dinner, which will be held in Washington, D.C.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mark Russell to Judge 2014 Benchley Humor Competition, Entries Due by September 15th

The Robert Benchley Society is happy to announce that Washington, D.C.-based national humorist Mark Russell has agreed to be the final celebrity judge in the 2014 Robert Benchley Society Annual Humor Writing Award Competition.

I'm sure you are all familiar with Mr. Russell's topical and political humor and music, either through his three decades on public television or from his personal performances. More information on Mr. Russell may be found on his website

The deadline to enter the 2014 Robert Benchley Society Annual Award for Humor Writing Competition is September 15, 2014 (the anniversary of Mr. Benchley's birth). For more details visit our website

Monday, August 13, 2012

Washington/Baltimore RBS Chapter Plans Evening of Comedy to Celebrate Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Benchley

The Baltimore/Washington "Lost Locomotive" Chapter of the Robert Benchley Society is pleased to announce its first event of the season: "Wojo and Mickey: Heaven Help Us!” -- a night of comedy, improv and “fun” raising, will be held Saturday, September 15, at The Catholic High School of Baltimore, 2800 Edison Highway in Baltimore.

Starring national award-winning writer and humorist (and RBS member) Michele “Wojo” Wojciechowski and Mickey Cucchiella from 98 Rock, the evening is a fundraiser for Catholic High and the official launch of Wojo’s first book, Next Time I Move, They’ll Carry Me Out in a Box, a hilarious look at searching for a dream home, finding it, and enduring the move.

Doors open at 7 p.m. with light refreshments and cash bar, and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $20 per person and may be purchased by calling 410-732-6200 x248 or visiting

All proceeds from ticket sales will match a 1:1 challenge grant from the France-Merrick Foundation to support Catholic High's Science Department, including a renovation of the chemistry lab and the creation of a first-ever science prep room for teachers. The room will be named in memory of M. Beverly Brooks Hanan '60, Wojo’s mother, and Sandra Forte '67, Mickey’s mother.

For more information, contact Matt Hahn at

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Washington, D.C. Benchley Round-up Set for St. Patrick's Day

Matthew Hahn of the Washington, D.C. "The Lost Locomotive" Chapter of the Robert Benchley Society has announced a Benchley Round-up, at member Paul O'Day's house in Virginia (suburban Washington), beginning at 7 p.m., Saturday, March 17th. Light and heavy finger foods and liquid refreshment (including Guinness for St. Patrick's Day) will be served. They plan to watch shorts not seen at the last meeting, and also discuss future club events. David and Mary Trumbull will be in attendance. Matthew says, "Hope you can make it! Please RSVP to me and I will send you directions and contact info --
Since they are serving beer, they should consider Ballantine Ale and the Black Velvet cocktail (made with stout). Both have a strong Benchley connection -- see for drink suggestions for a Robert Benchley party. --dt
The delta chapter of the RBS, with the name "The Lost Locomotive" was founded September 6, 2005, by Bill Hyder. The name is the title of a Benchley essay that appears in My Ten Years in a Quandary (page 1) and Inside Benchley (page 49).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

DC Benchley Roundup Mon. 1/30/12

I am pleased to announce that the DC "Lost Locomotive" will hold a meeting on Mon. Jan. 30, 2012, 7:30 PM, at the Black Squirrel, 2427 18th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20009. The first half-hour will be socialization, followed by a showing of Benchley shorts, and who knows, maybe an Aleck Woollcott short, and if we go completely nuts, maybe a Donald Ogden Stewart short or two. We will discuss the date and time of our next meeting (partly depending on David Trumbull's schedule) and also the subject matter. I sent out a list of possible topics, if you have ideas, send them to me or bring them up at the meeting. Can't wait to get this started!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Video of Mark Russell at the 2011 Robert Benchley Society Annual Gathering

Mark Russell has us all cracking up with his witty informal performance at the 2011 RBS Annual Awards Dinner.

Thanks again to Mark and Ali for making the evening such a hit!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Photo Captioning Contest at RBS Annual Gathering

WASHINGTON, NOVEMBER 12 -- Last evening the Eighth Annual International Gathering of the Robert Benchley Society was kicked off in Washington, D.C. In keeping with the group's tradition, the first evening's dinner was a casual affair. This time it was held at Buca di Beppo in the "Pope Room" where Benchleyites gathered at a round table with a bust of the Pope in the center.
Above and below -- Robert Benchley Society Annual Gathering Friday Dinner.
For entertainment the group competed in writing captions to go along with still photos from La Fea Más Bella, a Mexican telenovela (a sort of "soap opera").

Winning caption: "You just ate my hearing aid." By Jean Keleher of the Washington, D.C. "Lost Locomotive" Chapter.
Winning caption: "Why, yes, I am the minister of silly mustaches." By Matthew Hahn of the Washington, D.C. "Lost Locomotive" Chapter.
Winning caption: "Man, she really let that one rip." By Tim French, member at large from Alabama.
Winning caption: "I don't know! Who should be American idol?" By Christine McCarthy of the Boston "We've Come for the Davenport" Chapter.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Benchley Washington Round-up

Cocktails and conversation were on the agenda last evening at the Founders Pub in the University Club of Washington, D.C. as local Benchley fans, Paul O'Day and Matthew Hahn were joined by David and Mary Trumbull from Boston for a small, informal Washington, D.C. Benchley Round-up.

The next planned Robert Benchley Society event in Washington will be the 8th International Annual Gathering, November 11-13. For details and registration visit

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mark Russell Thinks We Have Some Funny Writers

The Robert Benchley Society congratulates the winners of the 2011 Robert Benchley Society Annual Award for Humor Writing. This year's celebrity judge, Mark Russell, has ranked the top four entries and has provided comments to the writers, who are listed in order from first place and on:
  1. Tim French of Midway, Alabama, for The Old Man and the Leaf Blower
    My wife and I laughed out loud at the title. That alone, made me pick your short story as my favorite. The title was wonderful. And the premise, oh, so original. At that Great Sardis' in the Sky, Robert is amused, as is Old Ernie, wherever he is.

    Thanks for a delightful read.

    Mark Russell
  2. Robert G. Ferrell of La Vernia, Texas, for Up the Greek Without a Paddle
    I thoroughly enjoyed your short story. It takes off quickly with the first two sentences and maintained Benchley's level throughout. I loved the use of "#2iPencils and narrow-ruled iPads", and I laughed out loud at "please drop your fig leaves by the door."

    Thanks for an enjoyable read.

    Mark Russell
  3. Edward Southerland of Sherman Texas, for Certificates of Authenticity
    Your premise was nicely original. "Leonardo Da Vinci's plans for a steam powered blimp" and
    "Dr. Murney's Das Facten Wel Knowen are delightful. Who knew that people from Texas were so funny?

    Thanks for an enjoyable read.

    Mark Russell
  4. Steve Shrott of Toronto, Ontario, for Unblocking the Block
    Thank you for an enjoyable read. I liked the Marx Brothers rhythm you had going in your short
    story. Having, on occasion, suffered from writer's block, you had me going with the first paragraph and kept my attention throughout. Loved "must pea" may be the coffee table book of the decade."

    Mark Russell
This year's Annual Award Dinner will be held in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, November 12th as part of the Eighth International Robert Benchley Society Annual Gathering "A Capitol Idea," November 11-13, 2011. For more information about the Annual Gathering and the Award Dinner, visit

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rare East Coast Earth Quake Shakes up Washington

-----------NEWS from CPSC-----------
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs
4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814,
Report an Unsafe Product:


Note: yesterday, with the confusion caused by the earthquake on the East Coast of the US and having certain functions, including the subscription list messages, transferred among various people, we inadvertently sent an email with the subject line "FW: not sure if Rick is online since we all got sent home because of the earthquake" when the subject line should have been "News from CPSC - Two Recalls". The message did come from CPSC and the content of the e-mail (the two recalls) was correct. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Register Now and Avoid July 1st Price Increase -- Robert Benchley Soc. Annual Gathering, Nov. 11-13, Washington, D.C.

The Eighth Annual Gathering of the Robert Benchley Society will be Friday through Sunday, November 11-13, 2011, in Washington, D.C.

The main event will be the Saturday, November 12, 2011, Annual Humor Awards Dinner will be held at the University Club of Washington, D.C. At this event we'll be giving out two Robert Benchley Society Awards for Humor. Mike Tuck of Eden Prairie, Minn., will be presented with the 2010 Robert Benchley Award for Humor for his essay Story Time with the Children. At this ceremony we'll also honor the soon-to-be-announced winner of the 2011 competion. Our 2011 celebrity judge of the competition Mark Russell is a member of the University Club, where we'll hold the ceremony.

For more information and to register go to

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Register Now and Beat the May 1st Price Increase for Benchley Soc. Annual Gathering

The Eighth Annual Gathering of the Robert Benchley Society will be Friday through Sunday, November 11-13, 2011, in Washington, D.C.

The main event will be the Saturday, November 12, 2011, Annual Humor Awards Dinner will be held at the University Club of Washington, D.C. At this event we'll be giving out two Robert Benchley Society Awards for Humor. Mike Tuck of Eden Prairie, Minn., will be presented with the 2010 Robert Benchley Award for Humor for his essay Story Time with the Children. At this ceremony we'll also honor the winner of the 2011 competion (which is ongoing with a submission deadline of May 1) Our 2011 celebrity judge of the competition Mark Russell is a member of the University Club where we'll hold the ceremony.

For more information and to register go to

Friday, March 25, 2011

Register Now for Robert Benchley Society 8th International Annual Gathering and Avoid Price Increase Later

The Eighth Annual Gathering of the Robert Benchley Society will be Friday through Sunday, November 11-13, 2011, in Washington, D.C.

The main event will be the Saturday, November 12, 2011, Annual Humor Awards Dinner will be held at the University Club of Washington, D.C. At this event we'll be giving out two Robert Benchley Society Awards for Humor. Mike Tuck of Eden Prairie, Minn., will be presented with the 2010 Robert Benchley Award for Humor for his essay Story Time with the Children. At this ceremony we'll also honor the winner of the 2011 competion (which is ongoing with a submission deadline of May 1) Our 2011 celebrity judge of the competition Mark Russell is a member of the University Club where we'll hold the ceremony.

For more information and to register go to

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Robert Benchley Society "Capital Idea" Eighth International Annual Gathering

Save the dates, Friday, November 11 through Sunday, November 13, for a "Capital Idea" the 8th International Annual Gathering of the Robert Benchley Society. Details to be announced.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lost Locomotive Chapter Meets for Cocktails at the Army and Navy Club

Bill and Norma Hyder of the Washington "Lost Locomotive" Chapter of the Robert Benchley Society hosted an intimate cocktail hour last evening at the Army and Navy Club's Daiquiri Lounge. Present to join the Hyders in toasting Mr. Benchley were David and Mary Trumbull of Boston, and Washington, D.C.-area Benchley fans Jean S. Keleher, Philip Terzian, and Marshall A. Newman who brought a friend to bring the total for the evening's festivities to eight.
Jean displayed her copy of Benchley's My Ten Years in a Quandary and How They Grew with original dust jacket and conversation ranged through Mr. Benchley, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and other writers of the Benchley era. In addition to toasting the memory of Mr. Benchley, the group toasted Ken Carson, Mattel's Ken doll, who turned 50 years old on March 11, 2011.

For more information about the Lost Locotomive Chapter of the RBS contact Bill Hyder at or (410) 997-9114.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Washington, D.C. Benchley Round-up March 11th

Bill Hyder, president of the Washington, D.C. "Lost Locomotive" Chapter of the Robert Benchley Society and Society chairman David Trumbull invite Washington, D.C.-area Benchley fans to meet them for a drink after work on Friday, March 11th, at 6:30. For more information contact David at

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Designing Tomorrow: America’s World’s Fairs of the 1930s

Now, through July 10, 2011 at the National Buidling Museum in Washington, D.C. "Designing Tomorrow: America’s World’s Fairs of the 1930s" (

Between 1933 and 1940 tens of millions of Americans visited world's fairs in cities across the nation. Designing Tomorrow explores the modernist spectacles of architecture and design they witnessed -- visions of a brighter future during the worst economic crisis the United States had known. The fairs popularized modern design for the American public and promoted the idea of science and consumerism as salvation from the Great Depression.

A first-of-its-kind exhibition, Designing Tomorrow features nearly 200 never-before-assembled artifacts including building models, architectural remnants, drawings, paintings, prints, furniture, an original RCA TRK-12 television, Elektro the Moto-Man robot, and period film footage. The artifacts are drawn from the featured expositions: Chicago, IL—A Century of Progress International Exposition (1933–34); San Diego, CA—California Pacific International Exposition (1935-36); Dallas, TX—Texas Centennial Exposition (1936); Cleveland, OH—Great Lakes Exposition (1936-37); San Francisco, CA—Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-40); and New York, NY—New York World's Fair (1939-40).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Benchley Round-up in Washington, D.C.?

Who's interested in an short informal Benchley Round-up after work on Friday, March 11th, in Washington, D.C. David Trumbull, chairman of the Robert Benchley Society, and Bill Hyder, president of the Washington, D.C. "Lost Locomotive" chapter of the RBS would love to meet up with some Benchley fans in our nation's capitol. For more information contact David at

Robert Benchley Society

For more information about the Robert Benchley Society, local chapters near you, our annual Award for Humor, and our Annual Gathering, visit The RBS Website