Friday, November 22, 2024


The black edges are rubber so that they don't jingle together during tactical operations.

Also, dog tags are very handy if you're having sexytime with another Marine and he needs choking.


Friday, November 15, 2024


We really have turned into a shameless kleptocracy and fraudster nation filled with crooks and grifters at all levels.

Soooooo my pops goes to Enterprise Rent-Car to pick up a car for the day while his is in the shop and while he has the car he takes it over to Kroger to do some grocery shopping.  While there some dipshit scratches the driver's side door and doesn't leave a note with their info (of course!).

So when Dad turns the car in he points out the scratch and the car rental manager says that's not that horrible and my Dad offers to pay for it right then and there.  Rental manager says it'll cost about 500 bucks and my pops says fine, put it on my card.

All done.  Right?


A month later pops gets his credit card bill and there's a charge from Enterprise on it for a repair --- price ------$8,900!

Dad calls them up and says that their own manager agreed to bill him $500 for the damage and he points out that a verbal agreement in Kentucky is binding.  

So they say, "OK, we'll take $4,000."

To which Dad told them to go fuck themselves.

To which they said, "OK, we'll take $2,100."

{Pro-tip: if someone sends you a bill and you tell them to get fucked and they keep knocking down what they'll take until they're willing to take 24% of what they originally billed you.....that person or company is a fraudster.}

Anyways, Dad told them to go fuck themselves (again) and they turned him over to a collection agent who sent him a bill for.........


The people and companies who behave like this are all Making America Great Again.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


 Now...let me say this about that......


*Sweeping generalizations to come*


America is my second home.

I am ¼ American.

I have family in rural Oregon.

My Ima’s (Mother’s) Father was a WWII GI in the Pacific Arena.

He was awarded a Silver Star for single handedly over-running a Japanese machine gun emplacement.

He would be DISGUSTED at what happened last week.


Trump??? AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Now, I’m not a genius. But I also am no intellectual lightweight.

With what he did, with what he promised, with all we know, with all the felony charges, and who he is....... YOU all voted for him again.


“Oh, not me Damien!”


Some 65 % of white women and 73 % of white man (of exit polling ... yeah, I know) voted for him.

The convicted sexual offender / rapist, embezzler of child cancer funds... you all voted for him again.

America is a failed nation.  You have learned nothing from your past and care nothing for your future.

AND this supposed Christian nation cares nothing for its neighbor.  You all would rather have HIM than a Woman of Color who worked hard for you all and had a plan for a prosperous future.

What.  The Actual.  Fuck.

No no, that isn’t a question.


You people love to hate, more than you love to hope.

That’s it. In a nutshell. Your hatred is far more precious to you than a prosperous nation for all.

And here is the kick in the cajones, he will ruin this country for all but the uber wealthy.  THAT INCLUDES YOU WHITE TRASH MORONS WHO VOTED FOR HIM. My family in Oregon included – who I now have cut all ties with.

Your Social Security. Healthcare. Medicare. Stock Market. 401K’s.  ALL FUCKED!!!

You did it knowing who he was. You did it knowing he is a moron. You did it knowing everything.

You did it because you didn’t want brown / black / LGBTQ / and “others” to potentially have more than you.

What a fucking small cock you are.


Thank you, America.

Thank you for being exactly what the world thinks you are.

A retarded racist with small dick syndrome.


My marriage is now in danger.

My path to citizenship is now in danger.

*I* as a Gay Jewish foreigner am now in greater danger.

And, only two days after the election results we became – again – the laughing stock of the world. “What borders stupidity? Mexico and Canada.”


This country used to lead the world.

Not now. Not for quite a while. It is so sad.

This once great nation I love is nothing more than a bully who got beaten up by his victim, and is sitting in a dark corner regurgitating his hatred, self-pity and sense of failure over and over like stale mouthfuls of cud.


Disgusting and abhorrent.


Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.


And.................... yeah......... FUCK YOU!


This nation should let Britain take it over. THEY could do a better job.

And that’s in spite of their recent history.


Oh yeah..... FUCK YOU.




Thursday, November 07, 2024


Firstly, I'm beyond disgusted with my "fellow" Americans.

I'll go into the why's and wherefores a bit below -- all of which should be obvious -- but here's the thing.......

Most Americans are, by and large, very stupid people.  So electing Trump the first time around in 2016 was ALMOST understandable when you take into account American stupidity.  Understandable in the framework that most voters are low information and all they knew was the guy was a billionaire and that he was a big TV star.  

What could be so bad about that?  I mean, we elected Ronald Reagan and survived that amiright?

And its especially "understandable" when the previous eight years had featured a Black guy in the White House and then the Dems nominated a woman to replace him.  I mean, if you're the average dumbfuck voter in this country -- you know, a white guy or woman who really doesn't like Black folks (or, for that matter, smart women....or really....women in general) Trump is gonna seem OK.  Especially if you don't know shit about him other than The Apprentice.  Which was the case with a lot of those assholes who voted for him in 2016

And sure, he did some heinous shit on the campaign trail and said some awful stuff.  But that was just Trump being Trump.....right?  He was just stirring up shit and the idiot hordes really dug that shit.

You can almost....ALMOST give those dipshits who voted for him in 2016 a pass.  


Not in 2024! 

In 2024 they knew everything they had learned about him in 2016 AND they fucking knew he was a rapist -- and yet they voted for him.

They fucking knew he was a traitor -- and yet they voted for him.

They fucking knew he was a convicted felon -- and yet they voted for him.

They fucking knew he was a racist and a fascist -- and yet they voted for him.

They fucking knew he stole from a children's cancer charity -- and yet they voted for him.

They knew he botched the Covid response so badly that 1.5 million Americans died from it -- and yet they voted for him.

They knew ALL OF THIS and yet they thought, "Yeah! I'll have four more years of that please."

I hate those people with a heat that makes the sun look like a snowball.

But you know what I hate more?

I hate myself.

I hate myself and feel like a fool for spending years in the military uniform of the US defending a nation infested by the type of appallingly horrible people who were capable of doing what they did on Election Day in spite of knowing what they all knew.

Meet the new Germans -- same as the old Germans.