Showing posts with label Damien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damien. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


 Now...let me say this about that......


*Sweeping generalizations to come*


America is my second home.

I am ¼ American.

I have family in rural Oregon.

My Ima’s (Mother’s) Father was a WWII GI in the Pacific Arena.

He was awarded a Silver Star for single handedly over-running a Japanese machine gun emplacement.

He would be DISGUSTED at what happened last week.


Trump??? AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Now, I’m not a genius. But I also am no intellectual lightweight.

With what he did, with what he promised, with all we know, with all the felony charges, and who he is....... YOU all voted for him again.


“Oh, not me Damien!”


Some 65 % of white women and 73 % of white man (of exit polling ... yeah, I know) voted for him.

The convicted sexual offender / rapist, embezzler of child cancer funds... you all voted for him again.

America is a failed nation.  You have learned nothing from your past and care nothing for your future.

AND this supposed Christian nation cares nothing for its neighbor.  You all would rather have HIM than a Woman of Color who worked hard for you all and had a plan for a prosperous future.

What.  The Actual.  Fuck.

No no, that isn’t a question.


You people love to hate, more than you love to hope.

That’s it. In a nutshell. Your hatred is far more precious to you than a prosperous nation for all.

And here is the kick in the cajones, he will ruin this country for all but the uber wealthy.  THAT INCLUDES YOU WHITE TRASH MORONS WHO VOTED FOR HIM. My family in Oregon included – who I now have cut all ties with.

Your Social Security. Healthcare. Medicare. Stock Market. 401K’s.  ALL FUCKED!!!

You did it knowing who he was. You did it knowing he is a moron. You did it knowing everything.

You did it because you didn’t want brown / black / LGBTQ / and “others” to potentially have more than you.

What a fucking small cock you are.


Thank you, America.

Thank you for being exactly what the world thinks you are.

A retarded racist with small dick syndrome.


My marriage is now in danger.

My path to citizenship is now in danger.

*I* as a Gay Jewish foreigner am now in greater danger.

And, only two days after the election results we became – again – the laughing stock of the world. “What borders stupidity? Mexico and Canada.”


This country used to lead the world.

Not now. Not for quite a while. It is so sad.

This once great nation I love is nothing more than a bully who got beaten up by his victim, and is sitting in a dark corner regurgitating his hatred, self-pity and sense of failure over and over like stale mouthfuls of cud.


Disgusting and abhorrent.


Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.


And.................... yeah......... FUCK YOU!


This nation should let Britain take it over. THEY could do a better job.

And that’s in spite of their recent history.


Oh yeah..... FUCK YOU.




Sunday, September 15, 2024


                                                                                                                                by Damien

In 1996 I moved to Melbourne Australia from Brisbane Australia for a career change and a life change.

Not long after getting there I hooked up with a Palestinian-Australian with a big dick and a filthy attitude. We dated for a few months. The New Jew Me. The Palo-Aussie Bottom. It was fabulous. One day after a particularly athletic session where the two of us double dicked him – his dick was so long and fat he could fuck himself – we were lying there with various juices on our bodies and he turned to me and said. “I don’t know why they can’t get along like we can?” To which I replied “May they aren’t built like you and seeded with a filthy mind like me.”  He giggled. He had a basso voice that came up out of his boots and his chuckle made me hard. He then said “No. Maybe they just all need to get ass-fucked on the regular.”

Now. I cannot speak for Palestinians. I have only ever known two, and only fucked one. But as far as Orthodox Jews go........... been there and done a few and let me tell you this about that, you touch their arsehole – with a finger; a tongue; or a cock head; not even put it in, just touch it, and they will do anything for you. Hell – they’d go buy you bacon from the Piggly Wiggly!

Orthodox men do not get enough sex. Even in those families with 14 kids. Because unless the woman requests/demands it, he don’t get it. You see, in an Orthodox marriage, the woman is the one with power of the horizontal boogie.  And those Ortho ladies don’t necessarily want it that much. So, the men often go looking elsewhere. And, like some men, if you don’t tell anyone, and they don’t have to touch you, they’re up for a swallow job. They LERV head. And., They love it when you swallow.

But Yossi – not his real name – did something completely different back in ’96 when I forget who I was blowing and began licking his hole. I think he actually saw Moses. Needless to say, anal play became our regular thing. Fingers. Tongue. Cock. Toys. Many fingers. He could not get enough of it. And I swear I could have asked for a Mercedes Kompressor and his response would have been “what color?”

Now.... I am not minimizing the Middle East Conflict, but knowing Arab men as biblically as I have, and Jewish men as biblically as I have, I don’t think either group is getting enough. I don’t know about you but I am as surly as a white woman whose coffee order is wrong when I have blue balls, I can only imagine the hurt with these men.  Needless to say, my Palestinian buddy may have been onto something.

If it was so simple as drop several hundred West Hollywood twinks into the region, I think we could really have a chance.

Yes. I realize that whilst saying I wouldn’t minimize it, I eventually did.

And no, I won’t apologize for that.

You see, as a Jew, I am as tired of the conflict as all of you.

Shalom.  Get a dick up you. Or, get your dick up someone. It could be world peace.


Thursday, September 05, 2024


by damien

When I came out in 1990 I was a ballet dancer.

Graceful. Delicate. Demur
e. Mindful. With a full face of make up on.

That’s what ballet dancers – even the guys – did back then (my make up was flawless by the way).


I was not masc. But I also was not a screaming one man Pride Parade.

I was just ………… me. And for about 20 years now, that apparently has not been enough.


I have a friend of mine I adore. He knows I care for him deeply but he doesn’t know just how much I love him.

He is one of the most impressive people I have ever met. Great soul. Big heart. Enormous bucket of grace. Just a mensch.

And yet, he is one of these queens who just has to overlook anyone he views as “girly” / “femme” / “gay”.

(By the way – as much as I love him, him and I are both men who have those qualities at times – as most gay men do).


As what is now termed an elder gay – a gay man over the age of 50 - (fuckers) – I look back when I came out and I remember the amazing diversity of people at the club that night. Drag queens. Leather queens. Muscle Marys. Dads with sons. Sirs with Boys. Transgender Ladies. Your Basic Bitches. It was wonderful!!! I was stunned at how many different people were MY people. As I got to know them – I was hot and new meat after all – I loved how different they were and yet so similar. All came from backgrounds that included hatred of who they were. They understood my pain and I understood theirs. I understood why they had the different identities they did and it was just a fabulous mélange of men, males, women, and others. It was like being in Oz with Dorothy.

The other thing that was so pleasing back then was no one tried to force me to conform to a single label. There were no gays pushing Masc for Masc.


I hate this term. To the point of violence. It is hetero-normative bullshit that is pedaled by gayelles who sit in the corner of their bedroom in the dark regurgitating their self-hatred and chewing it over like mouthfuls of stale cud. These men can all fuck off in the most painful and denigrating way possible.

These men have ruined our community.

I was actively supported and encouraged to move beyond my own self-hatred. A wonderful pre-op trans woman and I were having a conversation one day at a rehearsal. She and I were part of the weekly dance show at this club. PS The club was called Flashez.  A then institution in the city of the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I made a comment she obviously clued into and, with the most penetrating gaze said to me “the only one holding onto your hate is you, darling. Jettison that bitch and just see how great life can be.” At first I was so insulted. How dare this person tell me I was in any way in any version of “wrong”. Which is how I took it. I mentioned it to my then best friend, and she replied “it’s the only unattractive part of you.” And she said it with love and care and compassion.

Now, there is a whole sub section of gay men who cling to their hatred like a Alien crab to a human face.


And it is unattractive.

And it is caustic.

And it plays into our enemies script.


“See! They don’t even like themselves!!!”


As such. Fuck off to any of you who use this masc bullshit. Fuck off to your outdated hetero-normative psycho-social bullshit. Fuck off to your desire to “fit in with the Joneses”. And fuck off to the bullshit you bring to the world of gay dating.


I don’t have time for it. And you should really ditch it. We all have enough in the world to navigate without this obscene and antiquated bullshit that simply been repainted and zhuzhed up for the new generations.


Oh. And if any of you have a problem with this – fuck you too.

I didn’t survive 4+ decades of HIV/AIDS and fag-killing to put up with you and your half arsed bullshit.


Other than that, I wish you all well.



Saturday, August 24, 2024


by Damien

I remember it well, being (literally) carried into my first gay club by my best friends – Nicole and Phillip – in June of 1990. I was screaming. I did NOT want to go in. I was terrified that “being gay” was everything that I had been told was horrible.

Then I was in the club.

Everyone looked normal. Even the drag queens. And people were welcoming. They were engaging. They were friendly. There weren’t creepy. They weren’t trying to rape each other. They were just…. being. And that first night opened a door to a community that had my back. Always.

Now – I am not so sure. 

The internet is a phenomenal tool of knowledge and information. But it is also, sadly, a despicable cesspool of misinformation and hate. As a Jew I have experienced the hate first hand – both professionally and personally. I was reading a Facebook post by a friend recently that had the title “Gays were nice before the internet.” And I had to agree. I do not know how I would cope coming out now. There is a ferocity to the online gay community that I have not known before. When we had no choice but to gather together in person, we accepted the notion that we were all we had at that time. And so, we just made the most of it. Were there bitchy queens? Absolutely. But I knew that even They would be there if I truly needed them. If my safety was at risk, they would step up – in 6-inch heels.

But I see the discourse online. The hateful comments (mostly younger) gays send to each other now.

“You’re old and fat, no one wants you.”

“You’re a fossil. Go back to the park.”

“Don’t be creepy. You’re horrid and foul.”

“Why didn’t you die? How did AIDS miss you?”

These aren’t comments I have faced. But these ARE comments others I know have faced. On Facebook. NOT in dating apps. But in the usual course of online conversations. This is dreadful. We – the whole of our community – should be better than this. There were people when I came out that weren’t entirely kosher, and I knew that. Some had agendas – trying to get in the pretty blonde ballet dancers’ pants. But I knew that. And I was able to manage that. But to have people these days – and by people - I mean the under 40 set – tell you that they wished AIDS had got you? I have no response.

With so many people out there genuinely wishing us dead, how do the younger generations justify what they say? And this is not a “get off my lawn” post. This is a “how are you able to justify this hate against your own” post. I have no answers. I have no explanation or hypothesis. I just am unable to reconcile the hate WITHIN the male gay community. Or, maybe I should say, gay male non-community. Because it seems our common unity is no longer something that we treasure or feel comfort from.

I don’t know what to say. I do not have answers. And I am increasingly horrified by how we treat each other.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Israel and Palestine: Let Me Tell You This……

                                                                                                        by Damien
…… about that. 

There are four things to know about me: 

1. I am Pro-Palestine 
2. I am Pro-Israel 
3. I am Anti-Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran 
4. I am Anti-Netanyahu/Haredi/Far-Right 

Israel has a right to exist. However badly the British fucked up (then) Palestine, and however badly the UN/League of Nations fucked up the implementation of the State of Israel, it has a right to exist and is not going anywhere. 

Palestinians deserve a State Nation of their own (the borders of which I have some issue with). They are not going anywhere. It does not matter that they are the historical equivalent of being “bussed in” to the region. They are there. Several generations of families have known nothing else but the region of land occupied currently by what we now know as the modern State of Israel, and, the Palestinian Territories. 

As a Jew, I am often asked by (slack-jawed yokels) I mean the average American I meet what my stance on Israel is. And my response is “Which Israel? There are three Israels. Israel the nation. Israel the people. Israel the government.” Which usually prompts a very satisfying look of confusion followed quickly by several indecipherable verbal exclamations and a quick retreat. 

As a Jew-by-Choice, I did not grow up being taught about the glory of Israel, and yes, the idea of Israel is glorious. Given the multi-millennial persecution of the Jews, a safe homeland was inevitable, and necessary. From the kidnapping by the Babylonian Empire, to the expulsion by the Roman Empire, the Jews have only ever wanted a safe place to live, and live Jewishly. I have, therefore, the ability to look at the conflict with both the horror we all share, but also some objectivity. 

The Palestinians sadly have a bad wrap sheet. They were bussed in by the Romans when they expelled the Jews. Hordes of neighboring Arab populations were moved in to physically replace and displace the then Judean populations. (Please understand that I am paraphrasing history here, so as to not have a 5,000-word essay as my first BIE article). Then generation after generation of what became known as Palestinians were born, lived, worked, raised families, and died in what they came to know as their land. 

I am about to leap frog of many centuries here. Please bear with me. What we have now in 2024 are two groups of people with historic claims to the land. Neither of which has always acted with the moral high ground. Palestine has Hamas, suicide bombings, the PLO and their terrorist neighbors. Israel has had the Hagenah, Netanyahu, Ariel (the butcher of Beirut) Sharon who ridiculously tried to reclaim the Temple Mount, oh…and the Haredi – the Ultra-Orthodox who don’t bathe and believe that they and they alone are true Jews. 

 And yet we have one nation – Israel – who relies on another – Palestine – for its labor force. 

And yet another nation – Palestine – who relies on another – Israel – for economic opportunity. 

The two are tied together in a way that neither can exist without the other. And the Arab financial assistance to Palestine is both pitiful and often stolen by their internal terrorist gangs as is their foreign aid. 

What we have are two groups of people who are being held at gun point by their own extreme forces. True peace will not be known until at least three current generations of Israelis and Palestinians die. And this article barely makes the most infinitesimal scratch in the conflict – both now and historically. 

So, when the conflict is being discussed, take care how you discuss it. The true victims are the Palestinian people who are killed by Netanyahu and their own internal extremists, and, the Israeli people are who killed by Hamas/Hezbollah and Haredi extremists. Remember…...a Haredi Jew shot Rabin. Not a Palestinian. 

And one final thing. I am a deeply observant Jew. A Jewish Professional. And an avowed pacifist. And I have no clue how to fix the conflict aside from putting three generations on both sides up against the Western Wall and pulling the trigger. 

May Israel know security and prosperity. 

May Palestine know freedom and prosperity. 

Shalom to my Tribe, and, Salaam to my Cousins of Islam. 


The Aussie Jew.