Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Intersectionality - A new approach

 If they can do it, then we can too. Definitely a QOTD here, no?

UPDATE: You know, following the drama at Harvard it seems like it would be a good time for some prankster to plaster the campus with those ISLAM IS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN and ISLAM IS RIGHT ABOUT GAYS posters, and let the intersectional fun begin!

Didn't mention where you get those posters, but yes, they should be everywhere. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fun With Headlines - Gaza War

 Here's one from ET which is unfortunately behind their paywall, but having read the headline, you don't actually need to read the article:

Israel, Hamas Agree to Ceasefire Over Gaza Conflict: Netanyahu’s Office

Good to see the hostilities winding down. I have to wonder is the notable lack of participation by the Abraham Accords signatories had anything to do with this.

Arabic Word Of The Week - Hudna: Frequently mistranslated as cease-fire, or truce, this work has a much deeper meaning.  Hudna is usually called for by the side of a conflict that isn't doing as well as they'd like. i.e. they're getting their asses kicked. The best translation goes something like this: "O honorable enemy, I am wounded and nearly out of ammunition, Please stop shooting at me for a time while I get medical help, reinforcements, and more ammo!"

The time to ask for this is when you are in a position to defend yourself otherwise the winning side will cheerfully agree to your conditions, and as soon as you are vulnerable, will swoop down on you and kill you to the last man, frequently in very creative and colorful ways.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Virus Update

A doctor in New York is reporting a 100% success rate using Hydroxychloroquine with a Zinc supplement without the antibiotic that's usually used. Pretty impressive results although his methodology doesn't quite meet the FDA standards in that no control group with placebos was included, thus no stack of dead bodies was included in the results.

Meantime, in the Ummah, imams are encouraging the kind of behavior that worked so well in the 1300's against the Black Plague.

In Iran the official line seems to have moved slightly from attributing the virus to the Jews (default) to attributing it to the Americans, and discouraging the population from accepting any help from Israel or the U.S. as it would probably be tainted with something. Also possible is that this discourages the peasants from noticing that some $1B in health measures aid, given to the Iranian government to help the Iranian people, seems to have miraculously vanished.

To conflate all this, I fully expect at least some Imams to begin preaching that the medication test, having been conducted by an Orthodox Jew, is of no value to Muslims and that no true Muslim would thus avail himself of the drugs which are a part of a Zionist plot.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Anti-Sharia Rally In Denver

Not a greatly organized event with no speakers. From 3:30 to about 5 PM it was noisy but relatively uneventful so Rich and I went home. After we left, of course,it heated up a bit with 4 people getting arrested on various minor charges and one outstanding warrant. The Antifa thugs were mostly skinny kids dressed in black with bandannas and hoodies and the good guys ranged from scruffy bikers to one fellow looking like he was ready to take Falluja single handedly. 
The temps were in the low to mid 90's which discouraged too much 
activity. Denver sent a dozen or so SWAT officers who spent most to the time in their SUV's with the A/C on high. Note to ANTIFA: If you make the cops in full Swat gear get out into oppressively hot weather to deal with you, they're going to be bringing an ass-beating with them. Lots of cops there who did a fine job of keeping people apart up to the end when everyone decided to walk across the street to the same bus stop at which point things degenerated. I had left about 45 minutes earlier and so missed all the fun. I forgot my camera so you'll have to watch the news at the link.

The anti-sharia side definitely needs to get some poets to work on the slogans.

Get your hats
Get your coats
Now go home and
F**k your goats!

I'm sure we could do better than that. The media were complaining that they couldn't get too close to anyone without jeopardizing their PG ratings.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

QOTD - Immigration

Found at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical:

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”

Dallas CAIR Director, Mustafa Carroll at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas.
 As is noted at the link, this is widely unreported.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Photography Tip

The impact of a photo can be enhanced by cropping distracting elements out of it. Take this shot of Muslim refugees adrift in the no doubt shark infested ocean:
Not how distracting the fellow at the upper right is, apparently standing in waist-deep water with no life jacket. Of course he could have been standing on the back of one of the sharks.

Found here at Barenakedislam.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Orlando Massacre

So ISIS has made a strike in the U.S. and killed 50 people. Gays in a club. Leave it to the Armies of Allah to strike the softest target they can find with great success.

As a follow up the news services have interviewed the highest ranking Imam they could find in the area and his first reaction is to call for more gun control in a state where the joke goes that everybody has a gun. Anti-gun people were standing ready to ask the same until he showed up. I wonder if they will fall in line behind him.

Just to make sure that advocates really want more gun control in the wake of this, the same Imam has also described the killing of 50 gays as an "act of compassion" so I suppose if you really support the gays, you'll back more gun control so that the bravely compassionate will be able to bestow their compassion with less fear of being stopped.

Meantime some fellow was stopped in Santa Monica on his way to the L.A. Gay Pride parade carrying firearms and Tannerite. The media are describing his stuff as an "arsenal" which is Cal-speak for two or more guns. No further info as yet but with everybody o edge, I suspect he'll be in the joint being investigated for some time.

The Imam seems to be solidly in the Hillary camp on guns. Let's see what Trump has to say, hopefully with some help from some cooler heads.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Solution To Migrant Problems

The Russians are not known so much for things like nuance. They tend toward the direct approach. There's less confusion that way. Also less need for clever signs.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Suspicious Activity

Nothing suspicious here. These guys were probably just planning to convert to Christianity.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Presidential Statements

Aggregating 3 of them from recent history, here's the news release:

"The Jayvee team of ISIS is on the run and is now contained. Jihadi John is dead and General Motors is alive."

Probably won't be taking questions after that either.

France has admitted just over a million "refugees" in the last 4 years, not counting 2015 and is getting significant terrorist attacks on a regular basis. As the invading army grows, they can expect larger attacks. It is also worth noting that in spite of the rather strict gun laws in France, the attackers seem to have no trouble acquiring explosives and automatic weapons. The net effect is to only disarm the populace. Compounding this is the current French practice of disarming the police so that the first responder can at best make an impassioned call to headquarters to call out the armed portion of the force, the Gendarmes who actually carry armes.

In France you can get into the country fairly easily although they insist on at least counting heads as you cross the border. Here we don't even do that.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

FBI Halts Anti Terror Program At The Request Of Islamic Terrorists.

Always eager to not offend anyone for any reason at all. Besides, they have an ally with a pen and a phone in a very high place.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Invasion Of Europe

In 1683 the Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha arrived at Vienna with 100,000 armed men and was defeated by 45,000 Poles.
So where are the Poles?

The Napoleonic Conquest - Again

With millions of young men in the 18-45 age demographic currently invading Europe under the guise of being refugees, we are now seeing a replay of Napoleon's invasion of Russia. The little general, you recall, marched his army into Russia expecting to arrive in Moscow in time for Thanksgiving only to find himself caught outdoors in the Russian winter which defeated his army more thoroughly than anyone in Europe could have.

Today we have a rerun of the Caliph's invasion of Europe with an even bigger army, now being caught in the European winter without their winter gear. Predictably some European leaders have noticed this and are calling for the Europeans to provide the invading army with the gear they forgot to bring. As though the Czar would have provided Napoleon with shelter.