Showing posts with label GWOT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GWOT. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Intersectionality - A new approach

 If they can do it, then we can too. Definitely a QOTD here, no?

UPDATE: You know, following the drama at Harvard it seems like it would be a good time for some prankster to plaster the campus with those ISLAM IS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN and ISLAM IS RIGHT ABOUT GAYS posters, and let the intersectional fun begin!

Didn't mention where you get those posters, but yes, they should be everywhere. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Uvalde Shooting - Same Story, Different Venue

 As the story unfolds, with the speed of continental drift, It seems the shooter was standing in front of the school, popping off rounds for 12 minutes before going inside. I guess he wanted to make sure it was safe.

Which means that one of the front office administrative staff would have had time to remove a Remington 870 from the school gun safe, load it with #4 buck, stick it out a window, and drop the shooter before any cops of any sort could have arrived.

As usual, it's not that there was a man with a gun, it's that there was ONLY ONE man with a gun.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Making a problem worse

 (X)DE is an abbreviation for (something) dependency enhancement and describes a situation when the attack on a problem succeeds in only making it worse. Dealing with a problem in such a way as to make it worse is an old concept. It includes making antibiotics available to treat some disease, STDs for example, at a high enough price that do it yourself treatment usually doesn't completely finish it, but leaves the more resistant bacteria behind. Saw lots of this in Viet Nam. The other example is fighting a war in incremental stages, and giving the enemy time to adapt to your methods. Again, LBJ did this in Viet Nam, dragging the war out interminably. Everyone did this in Afghanistan trying to avoid being called a bully by the non-participants. The Chinese are next up. I don't think they'll make that mistake.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Afghanis Are Now Safe: Taliban Begins Imposing Gun Control

 Great soon-to-be unreported story in the making. As the Taliban now go door-to-door looking for specific enemies, they are also confiscating personally owned weapons, stating that with the defeat of America, the Afghani people are now safe and no longer need personal weapons.

Taliban jihadists reportedly began seizing personal weapons from Afghans in Kabul on Sunday, claiming civilians “can now feel safe” and no longer need the firearms because the terrorists had taken over the country.

Expect jubilant stories in the American press celebrating the peace and freedom being enjoyed by the Afghan people now that they no longer have a need to own personal weapons. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fun With Headlines - Gaza War

 Here's one from ET which is unfortunately behind their paywall, but having read the headline, you don't actually need to read the article:

Israel, Hamas Agree to Ceasefire Over Gaza Conflict: Netanyahu’s Office

Good to see the hostilities winding down. I have to wonder is the notable lack of participation by the Abraham Accords signatories had anything to do with this.

Arabic Word Of The Week - Hudna: Frequently mistranslated as cease-fire, or truce, this work has a much deeper meaning.  Hudna is usually called for by the side of a conflict that isn't doing as well as they'd like. i.e. they're getting their asses kicked. The best translation goes something like this: "O honorable enemy, I am wounded and nearly out of ammunition, Please stop shooting at me for a time while I get medical help, reinforcements, and more ammo!"

The time to ask for this is when you are in a position to defend yourself otherwise the winning side will cheerfully agree to your conditions, and as soon as you are vulnerable, will swoop down on you and kill you to the last man, frequently in very creative and colorful ways.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Gun Sales - Through the Roof!

It would seem that  the powers that be behind BLM and Antifa can sell guns even better than Hillary or Obama. June checks are nearly 4 million and the projection model* is looking at nearly 40 million checks this year. Yes, I know not all checks represent a gun sale, but even using the NSSF estimate, that's nearly 27 million gun sales for 2020.

O.K. then, the 2020 curve is well off the reservation. The Murder Hornets, which seem to have disappeared from the news, don't have a chance. When your revolutionary army is met by liberal lawyers wielding AR-pattern rifles, you could reasonably conclude that you're on the wrong side of history.

Data like this can also be presumed to show a rather drastic decline in popular support for government. At this point, the lack of faith is in local level governments. Mayors and Governors. People are beginning to ask who is funding all this turmoil. Looks like outsiders.

*Yes, I know that projection models are in rather bad odor currently, but you got to use something if only to point a general direction.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Weapons Grade Weed Produced In Iran

I thought we had some impressively potent stuff here in Colorado, but it looks like we're now playing second fiddle to whatever they're producing in Iran.
Iran’s General Salami Unveils Magnetic ‘Bipolar Coronavirus Remote Detector’
 Unveils isn't the right word here as no actual demonstration of any such device was performed. Still, consider the talent stack seemingly necessary to become a two-star general in Iran.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Trumps Benghazi

Now this is how it's supposed to be done:

From what I've been seeing, there were 7 dead and 2 arrested for the day:

Sulemani - 2-star general of Quds, #2 or 3 in all Iran
Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis - "The engineer" deputy chief of Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces)
Nurn Qasm - #2 man with Lebanon Hezbola
Redha al-Jubri - Head of protocol for Popular Mobilization Forces, Iranian sponsored militia in Iraq

Arrested the same day, 2 high functionaries with the Iranian presence in Iraq.

Quais al-Khazali - As head of the Special Groups, Khazali directed arms smuggling, formation of death squads to participate in sectarian violence, kidnappings, and assassinations, most notably the January 20, 2007 attack on American forces in Karbala.
Hadi al Ameri - the reported leader and secretary general of the Badr Organization, an Iranian-sponsored Shiite militia and political party based in Iraq.
 “One of [al-Amiri’s] preferred methods of killing allegedly involved using a power drill to pierce the skulls of his adversaries.”

The remaining 3 were likely chauffeurs and/or aides to the above.

All in all this looks like a huge win for Trump and Iraq. One hopes the 2 arrested are somewhere remote and quiet where they are filling our people in on the latest news from Tehran.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Privatizing The Border

Here's a suggestion from Cato:
Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh has proposed creating an additional visa category called the gold card that would give foreigners the option of working and living legally in the United States— but not citizenship—after paying a tariff. Congress could adjust tariff rates by age and education to guarantee that all immigrants make a net positive fiscal contribution. This would potentially cut back illegal flows and give the country much greater operational control over the border than physical barriers ever could. It would also generate additional funds to go after drug traffickers or criminals who pose a genuine security threat.
Let me carry that a step further. How about a quasi-governmental outfit, along the organizational lines of the Fed, with a monopoly contract to mind the border. The Acme Border Company (ABC) is put in charge of the border with the charter that as it sells the Gold Cards, it keeps a percentage, minus a fixed fee for every fence jumper caught on this side of the line or Gold Card holder found guilty of a felony offense.  ABC would also be responsible for upkeep of the border barrier which they have an incentive to do in the most cost efficient manner.

Thus ABC would want to install climb and tunnel resistant structures in urbanized areas, and a modest fence or vehicle barrier with cameras out in the hinterlands.

If the government paid ABC for each fence jumper they caught, ABC would have an incentive to leave a hole in their barrier and truck "fence jumpers" to the hole on the Mexican side, put them on company trucks on the US side, and run them back to the government game wardens for the bounty. Split the bounty with the jumpers, and voila! instant money. Let ICE catch the jumpers and the government dock ABC for each one caught and suddenly jumpers have a negative value giving ABC an incentive to beef up weak areas as they are found. If ABC spots some jumpers, they can notify ICE who can then come pick them up at no charge to ABC.

This organization could thus be self financing with Gold Card fees set by congress and adjusted annually. One presumes that the issuance of Gold Cards is the province of ICE and would include at least some sort of background check.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I Did Not Know This

Found at Theo Spark, source of humor, News, and scantily clad women:

WINNING: Taken to a new, higher, level.................from Rico

The Leftards never factor in unintended consequences.
- I include those two "master legislators" [in their own minds, but everyone else just thought of a 'different' word that ended with "bators"] Nancee and Schmuckie.
Consider for one moment what they may have enables Trump to 'do' while they drank in Puerto Rico and 'resisted' funding the Wall...resulting in the longest government shutdown (25 days and counting) evah!
- Federal guidelines have existed for quite some time that allow a Federal job that has been vacant/vacated for 30 days to be considered 'permanently vacated' and that job eliminated.
In just five more days, Trump could literally pull the drain-plug on the 'swamp' and reduce the Federal workforce by 25%. This would be a YUGE down-sizing of the bureaucracy.
- Considering that all these employees were classified as "non-essential" by their own Federal agencies, this strikes me as a "right-sizing" that is waaay overdue.
Anyone want to bet that as soon as someone sobers the Democrats up and tells them they screwed-the-pooch again, they run over to the Oval Office with a $6 billion dollar 'no strings' check to hand to Trump?
Oh boy, is this great!
There are, of course some functions that actually do need to be done, but some of those that do not immediately lend themselves to privatization can be assigned to other agencies. The TSA, for example can farm out the anti-hijacking function to the prisons system and the NRA by employing the newly freed sex offenders to the job of groping passengers, and offering an immediate 1st class upgrade to anyone with a valid CCW.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Hardening The Target

Scott Adams has addressed the issue that pops up every time there's a high body count shooting, that the left instantly pulls out copies of the gun laws they failed to get passed the last time, and accuses the right of being complicit for not passing them. After a week of blood dancing, they grudgingly admit that none of their proposals would not have materially affected the outcome, and we all hunker down and hope it doesn't happen again. Which it will.

A few years back it was proposed that concealed carry be banned on all state educational campuses. But wait, there's this:
A fairly substantial drop, eh? Consider that in Colo, you have to be 21 to get a permit, which means that pretty much only Seniors will have one. At the same time only about 7% of eligible people actually go to the trouble of getting one. So on campus, only 25% of the students are eligible to get a permit, and only some 7% of those actually might. Meaning that less than 2 of every 100 seniors might be carrying. Consider as well that on average, men are more likely that women to do this so a campus rapist is looking at a risk factor of somewhere around 1% that his intended victim will be able to defend herself. Now look at the answer to the question "Do you feel lucky, punk?" and note that the answer seems to be "No!"

It has been suggested that some effort be expended to encourage educators to get training to allow them to conceal and carry. Most educators tend to be Democrats or some other form of lefty which implies that most of them are at best severely hoplophobic. At worst it should be noted that most mass shooters are themselves some sort of lefties, but that's the pool we have to work from.

Additionally, consider the case of banks, where the contents must be carefully guarded, or businesses where admission to the facilities must be carefully controlled. The businesses use RFID cards currently, although soon facial recognition may replace them. The banks train their employees to recognize threats and give all of them a button to push should such a threat materialize.

These steps would make an assault on a school much more difficult and risky for someone looking to run up a new high score. Would it eliminate the problem? Not completely, but it would certainly help.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pundit Proposes Jim Crow Gun Control

Steven Miller, writing (where else) at the Wa Po is calling for more gun control in the form of an approval process last seen in the late 1800's in the deep south. He even imagines strong support for this among Republicans:
Since 1972, a majority of Republicans have supported a law that would require a police permit for a gun purchase.
The original version of this required police permission to acquire a pistol with qualifications including "good reason" and "good character." These laws lingered on the books into the 1960s and were widely understood to mean that people of color would NOT get any kind of permit at all, as they were commonly thought to be lacking in the character department, and their idea of good cause would result in creating a hostile work environment for the boys in the white sheets.

 My favorite charts are the ones showing "Simulated probability of support" against political orientation. It is widely known that a good Power Point presentation with lots of charts and graphs is the definition of irrefutable evidence so I guess that's settled, at least in the WaPo building.

As an afterthought, I'm hearing that the Vegas shooter also owned 2 airplanes. Think what he could have done by putting a couple of small bombs in the back seats of a Cessna 172 and crashing it into the crowd.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Anti-Sharia Rally In Denver

Not a greatly organized event with no speakers. From 3:30 to about 5 PM it was noisy but relatively uneventful so Rich and I went home. After we left, of course,it heated up a bit with 4 people getting arrested on various minor charges and one outstanding warrant. The Antifa thugs were mostly skinny kids dressed in black with bandannas and hoodies and the good guys ranged from scruffy bikers to one fellow looking like he was ready to take Falluja single handedly. 
The temps were in the low to mid 90's which discouraged too much 
activity. Denver sent a dozen or so SWAT officers who spent most to the time in their SUV's with the A/C on high. Note to ANTIFA: If you make the cops in full Swat gear get out into oppressively hot weather to deal with you, they're going to be bringing an ass-beating with them. Lots of cops there who did a fine job of keeping people apart up to the end when everyone decided to walk across the street to the same bus stop at which point things degenerated. I had left about 45 minutes earlier and so missed all the fun. I forgot my camera so you'll have to watch the news at the link.

The anti-sharia side definitely needs to get some poets to work on the slogans.

Get your hats
Get your coats
Now go home and
F**k your goats!

I'm sure we could do better than that. The media were complaining that they couldn't get too close to anyone without jeopardizing their PG ratings.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

EU To Commit Suicide, Asks For Assistance

On the heels of the Brexit vote, the EU upper management has told Hungary and Poland to either accept more Muslim "refugees" or get out. Hungary and Poland, who have each independently decided that they don't really need another couple hundred thousand unproductive members of the army of the Ummah cluttering up their countries, have pointed out the relative stability each are enjoying compared to France, Belgium, or Sweden.

From my vantage, it looks to me like they would be well served to jump the sinking ship, possibly taking the rest of Eastern Europe with them, and join a free trade union with England to be named the Un-Islamic Union of Countries Who Will Not Be Bailing Out the PIGS.

On a possibly related note, I have it on excellent authority that the Colorado Muslims are planning to build a new mosque in the otherwise sleepy town of Golden, just West of me. Not just the biggest  mosque in the state, but possibly the biggest in the entire country. The existing mosque there serves about 500 parishioners but the new one is geared toward 10,000 or more. The Imam says that the balance are expected to be "refugees" which Colorado makes easy to import.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

QOTD - Immigration

Found at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical:

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”

Dallas CAIR Director, Mustafa Carroll at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas.
 As is noted at the link, this is widely unreported.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Bad News From Ohio State

For certain definitions of bad news within the media.

1. No one was killed. Except for the perp, and he doesn't count.
2. The perp wasn't white.
3. The perp wasn't conservative. Being a Somali refugee, it's a pretty good bet he didn't vote for Trump.
4. The perp wasn't a Tea Partier.
and worst of all
5. No gun was used. Except by the cop who shot the perp.

Didn't slow down the knee-jerk calls for gun control though. Beware fake news.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Flying The Friendly Skies

From an RKBA newsletter I get:
Metro Detroit Airport now has a new way to allow people to move seamlessly through airport security. It’s called CLEAR and it’s now in operation at the airport’s McNamara Terminal. Certified as a “qualified anti-terrorism technology” by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, CLEAR has been used more than five million times to move travelers quickly through airport security lines at 16 other airports. “They validate their identity using a knowledge-based quiz, they use a government identification that’s validated using technology, and then we link it to their bio-metrics – we take 10 fingerprints with a digital reader, we take a scan of their iris, and we take a high-res photo of their face,” said CLEAR spokesperson David Cohen. Cohen said the initial sign-up process takes about five minutes and after that, getting through security lines should be a breeze. He said there are special lines for CLEAR customers that can be a great time-saver for travelers, who will still have to pass through X-Rays and body scans... (At this point, this appears to be a voluntary program.)
At some point in the future, there will be only one commercial airline to handle the minuscule numbers of people who actually consider an airplane a form of public transportation. Business travelers will fly on corporate jets and a company ID will be all that will be required. Demand for the remaining airline will be so low that anyone buying a ticket will be immediately arrested as a terrorist.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Photography Tip

The impact of a photo can be enhanced by cropping distracting elements out of it. Take this shot of Muslim refugees adrift in the no doubt shark infested ocean:
Not how distracting the fellow at the upper right is, apparently standing in waist-deep water with no life jacket. Of course he could have been standing on the back of one of the sharks.

Found here at Barenakedislam.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Community Organizer Doesn't Like Cops

To be fair, he doesn't really like anyone although some are featured more prominently in his speeches than others. Remember this?

After word of the arrest broke, the President weighed in during a press conference saying that while he didn’t have all the facts, “the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”
Which resulted in

But according to Van Jones, the beer summit was not a chance for both sides of the disagreement to take stock, but a media event which forced the President to “sit humbly” across from a “racist” police officer:
The poor baby. In his defense, while he doesn't seem to like anyone in general, there are holy men he seems to hold in high regard: