Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2023

NICS - October 23

 I don't understand why NICS checks seem to be falling off at this point with the administration solidly hostile to gun ownership, Using the catch-and-release approach to violent criminals, and indifferent to opening our borders to People with inarguably sketchy backgrounds.

What's going on here? I'm beginning to suspect my data source (FBI)

They wouldn't lie to me, would they?

Friday, August 25, 2023

Auditing the Vote

 Here's a breakdown of alleged irregularities from Georgia

GEORGIA Fraud was the worst of all: 2,056 felons illegally voted 66,248 under 18 voted 2,423 weren’t registered at all 1,043 used a PO Box 4,926 voted past the reg. date 10,315 died before the election 395 voted in two states 15,700 moved out of state 40,279 changed county

I don't know about "worst of all" they're up against some stiff competition. Assume they're numbered, 1 thru 9, top to bottom.
1. Valid complaint. Felons generally can't vote.
2. Possibly valid. Same day registration may cause this to look funny.
3. Valid complaint. You MUST be 18 or older to vote
4. Valid complaint. I know of no place that allows a voter to use a P.O. box as an address.
5. Maybe. Same day registration allows you to just walk in and vote.
6. Maybe. If you die after sending in your absentee ballot, then it counts.
7. Valid. Seems to be popular with "snowbirds".
8. Maybe. Depends on exactly when you moved. If you move before getting your ballot, then you can't vote.
9. Maybe. See #8 above.

 Looking only at the most egregous, that's 71,223 votes that should never have been counted. Trump lost Georgia by less than 12,000 votes. This is a very top-level audit of the vote in Georgia, and is the sort of thing that is easily and quickly done. It should be routinely done everywhere. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Fun With Headlines

 Here's a goodie:

Biden Crime Family Used 20 Shell Companies to Launder $10 Million

The actual story says more than $10 million, and given that the money seems to have been divvied up between several family members, the actual total is probably higher. 

Also worth noting is that in 8 years or so his former boss, went from a net worth of around 2 million or so to something in the neighborhood of $60M making Slow Joe look like a piker.

Oh yeah, and 30 years ago, Mr. Trump was boffing bimbos.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

NICS Checks Dec 2022

 Winding up the year with a bang (so to speak) 

The final number for December is 3.036.531 which is second best for December. Let's face it, 2020 and 2021 are going to be hard to beat. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

NICS Checks Oct 22

 Still following a "normal' curve in spite of Slo Joe's blather about banning so-called "assault Weapons".

Sorry I'm late, but other stuff is proving distracting.

Not calling out the party brownshirts (Antifa et. al.) has brought the curve back to the steady rise we've come to expect. (Upper graph) Rising crime rates may well accelerate things as we move along although I'm surprised we haven't seen this earlier.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Uvalde Shooting - Same Story, Different Venue

 As the story unfolds, with the speed of continental drift, It seems the shooter was standing in front of the school, popping off rounds for 12 minutes before going inside. I guess he wanted to make sure it was safe.

Which means that one of the front office administrative staff would have had time to remove a Remington 870 from the school gun safe, load it with #4 buck, stick it out a window, and drop the shooter before any cops of any sort could have arrived.

As usual, it's not that there was a man with a gun, it's that there was ONLY ONE man with a gun.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Statistics: Cars & Guns

 Almost another "Fun With Headlines" post but not quite:

Study: Guns Pass Car Crashes as Leader of Potential Years of Life Lost Due to Trauma

 I will shamelessly speculate here. The drop in car deaths is due to more people working from home or dropping out of the work force, and the increase in gun deaths is because of skyrocketing crime rates and lax enforcement and prosecution by leftie mayors and DAs.

I expect the Dems will be taking credit for the former, citing higher gas taxes as the reason for fewer people actually being out on the road in the first place, and using their perceived success as a model, will be plumping for a $.50/round tax on ammo and a gun owners license, renewable annually, to cut down on the number of thugs getting plugged by their victims and rivals.

Meantime the Alabama house has passed a constitutional carry bill, and bids to become #22 to do this.

Friday, January 21, 2022

QOTD - Gun Control

 From Bidens 2020 campaign:

“Whether it is a 9 mm pistol or a rifle, it is ridiculous. I am continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.”

They empty the jails and refuse to prosecute the ones that get caught, then wonder why the public is arming itself. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Crime Waves

 Down in Pueblo, the cops are complaining that just catching crooks isn't helping since if the theft amounts to under $2000, all they can do is write a ticket. At some point, the public will decide that if the local government won't let the police do their jobs, then the civic duty would be to step up and help out.

Yeah, I know, the vulgar term for this is vigilantism. So what. It's also law enforcement for when the state cannot or will not enforce the law. So when someone breaks in to your house or business, you simply plug them and with a little help from your grateful neighbors, bag 'em in a large construction bad, and deposit the trash a reasonable distance from the scene of the crime.

If there's 2 or more of them, see if you can catch them in the driveway, plug all of them, and tell the cops they were arguing over dividing the spoils, and a fight broke out. Stick with this story, the cops will back you up unless they're in on the heist, and everyone will be the better for it. The mayor may lose 2 or 3 votes in the next election, but tough luck for him. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Fallout From Rittenhouse

 Not really unexpected, but as an example of the far left complaining about the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial. here's one by Cas Muddle (pen name) in which the poor traumatized fellow opines that the verdict gives right-wing vigilantes the right to hunt down and shoot innocent progressives.

He displays an impressive ignorance of the constitution, which rather tarnishes his creds as a journalist, by failing to note that under the Equal privileges' and immunities clause, if the conservatives are somehow granted the right to ruthlessly hunt down mostly peaceful protesters, then the same privilege would also apply to the left, giving them the right to drive by a Republican gathering, hose them down with bullets, then claim "self defense", should they get arrested.

This is the same M.O. used by Muslims who might stab an unbeliever to death, then, when they are convicted of murder, whine most piteously about oppression of practitioners of the one true faith.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Vote Fraud? Maybe Not Quite

 In the NJ race for the State Senate, truck driver Durr famously beat long time incumbent Sweeney by 2000 votes. All the way up to someone "finding" some 12,000 more ballots that put Sweeney ahead. From a newsletter I get:

The race between Sweeney and Edward Durr was called late Thursday morning by the Associated Press. There were roughly 2,000 votes between them and 100% of precincts reporting. Durr led by 32,742 votes, or 51.8%, while Sweeney trailed with 30,444, or 48.2%.

“The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county,” Sweeney said in an email, not naming the county. “While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results.”

It later transpired that those 12.000 votes came from a county that had already submitted an identical number of ballots, distributed in exactly the same proportions. It was rapidly discovered that they were the same ballots that had already been counted, and when removed, put Durr back where he was before. 

Note to Sweeney: Counting votes twice is NOT the same as a recount.

Monday, October 4, 2021

NICS Checks for September

Sorry this is late, but I was off at a Science Fiction convention watching fighting robots.

The curve continues to underperform last year, as the Democrats have magically turned off their brownshirts in celebration of the alleged election of their best and brightest.

I wonder if they learned that unleashing terrorists on the general public is really a bad idea? I now expect a slow increase in sales heading toward the end of the year as people look to spend increasingly worthless money on commodities that will hold their value.

Recent reports of a significant upsurge in violent crime pretty much across the board will likely support an uptick. The uptick in violent crime is pretty much a lagging indicator that the Lefts policy of emptying out the jails to protect the inmates from Covid is putting the rest of us at significant risk from the newly freed inmates.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Domestic Violence?

 I suppose the reasoning goes that since all Americans are just one big (mostly) happy family, any violent incidents will now be classified as domestic violence. Or some such. Like the domestic disturbances that seem to happen nightly in Portland, or the domestic kerfuffles that happen several times a night in Chicago, right? 

The F.B.I. are now calling James Hodgkinsons firing of about 100 rounds at Republicans practicing for a softball game and "domestic violence extremism". This is a revision from a previous assessment of the act as an attempt at "suicide by cop". 

I'm waiting for someone to introduce the " Steve Scalise anti terrorism Bill" to ban the sale of assault weapons, being defined as any firearm capable of holding more than one round, to anyone registered to vote as a Democrat. The Dems shouldn't complain as their greatest accomplishment in this area was the assassination of Republican president Lincoln, which was done with a single-shot pocket pistol.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Gun Sales - Another Record!

 Not entirely surprising but the size of the jump is certainly impressive. Aprils NICS check number is up 20% from 2020, and up 50% from 2019. Slo Joe, when backed by the DNC militias, Antifa and BLM, can sell guns at a rate that completely eclipses the former champ, Hillary Clinton.

Used to be you had to look closely to see the difference from one year to the next. Now there's enough space between the curves to park your car in. The good news, for criminals at least, is that the temporary shutdown of Remingtons ammo plant has left people with bunches of brand new guns, and no ammo to use in them. Even reloading components are being consumed by the existing  ammo plants leaving nothing for we frugal few to roll our own with. 

The good news for the rest of us is that the Remington plant is slowly coming back on line. At the rate their going, the worst of the ammo shortage will be easing in about 6 months or so. Meantime, warning shots are a luxury we can no longer afford. Meantime, remember, a well placed shot today means you won't need a makeup shot down the road.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Courts, When Faced With Math

 It has been argued that when debating with a liberal, the last thing you want to bring into your argument is anything having to do with math. Well, it seems that while citing statistics, and other such arcane magic to a liberal is nearly always counter productive, it is also true that not all conservatives are math whizzes either, and will shy away from such stuff.

Here is an article in Reason that describes what the problem is in cases when math of an order higher than balancing a checkbook rears its ugly head. Here's a quote:

For example, when presented with basic statistical evidence of anomalies in the 2019 election of Georgia's lieutenant governor, a Georgia Supreme Court justice said: "We are all lawyers. We are all judges. You are making us shudder with math." Another added, "I am one of many people who went to law school because I was told there would be no math. Yet here it is." It is hardly surprising that after advancing to his position as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts' response to statistical evidence showing Wisconsin's voting districts had been warped by political gerrymandering was to dismiss it as "sociological gobbledygook," when, in fact, it was a conclusion based on basic mathematical methods.

I can sympathize with the judges as one of the books that moved me to tears was "Elementary Differential Equations". My other experience was being subjected to a course in Statistical Analysis of Manufacturing Processes" which crammed a complete course in statistics into 4 days. I would not recommend it to a superior court judge who was presented with an analysis of voting distribution patterns. Far better would be for the judge to find a neutral(!) statistician who could sum up the numbers in a way understandable to a lay person. This sort of innumeracy goes a long way toward explaining why most of the lawsuits about the conduct of the last election have been dismissed. If the judge cannot understand your case, you might as well be presenting it in Klingon.

It also seems that if judges are noticeably light in the math department, at least some of the members of the various legislatures have at least a working comprehension of what's going on. In both Arizona and New Hampshire, the legislatures have ordered a detailed audit of the voting processes having been presented with statistical evidence that at least some of the members are familiar with. A business man when presented with evidence that the recorded inputs and delivered outputs do not match expectations, will immediately want to know why and what to do to fix this. His fellow legislators who do not have this background, would still respect his expertise on this matter and at some point, a majority might well form in favor of investigating. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Fun With Headlines - Gang Problems

Here's a story about CNNs Cuomo suggesting that police reform won't come until white kids start getting killed. 

CNN's Cuomo: Police reform won't come until white kids are killed

The problem with this is that most of the kids currently getting killed are members of predominantly black or Latino gangs which typically are not very "diverse". Thus, to get police reform, we must first come down on the non-diverse gangs to force them to admit members from outside their own ethnicities. We also need to get after the larger gangs to get them to diversify their upper management.

UPDATE: Seems I spoke too soon, so shame on me! Here's a collection of mugshots of people arrested in Portland from a BLM demonstration:

Looks like the diversity problem is being quite aggressively addressed. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Industrial Scale Vote Fraud?

 I got this through a newsletter, and here's a link to the original article. This describes the crime of sovereign fraud, or fraud committed by the government itself with respect to vote fraud.  A quick search turned up the original article at American Thinker.

The article describes a meeting of professional fraud detectives who feel that little further investigation is necessary since enough real evidence has been collected to get all the convictions one could ask for. The elephant in the room is the courts near universal refusal to go forward which looks suspiciously like they might be involved or at least have an interest in the outcome.

RTWT, it's well worth a little of your time.

This falls in line with Scott Adams observation that if a crime can be committed, and if the payoff is large and the risk of getting caught is small, then said crime WILL be committed. 100% chance.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Domestic Terrorists and Gun Bans - New Definitions

 Everyone get out your Newspeak dictionaries as there are some changes that urgently need to be made. First off, 200 black-clad, masked, shouting individuals with Molotov cocktails, cudgels, and hammers are most emphatically NOT terrorists. They are "mostly peaceful" protesters.

Secondly, a homeowner, facing such a mostly peaceful gathering, say in front of his house, is now a Domestic Terrorist, especially if he's armed with a semi-automatic firearm.

So sayeth Dianne Feinstein who is demanding that said firearm be removed from the property owner, or at the very least, be limited to 10 rounds.

This is consistent with the unstated goal of the Democratic Party, to insure a uniformly safe working environment for the most anti-social among us. After all they are among the staunchest supporters of her party.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Voting Machines


Remember Eric Coomer? The man who said, before the election "Don't worry, Trump will lose. I made damn sure of that."

Looky here

He's worried now that Dominion might not get the contracts to supply ALL the voting machines now that we understand how they work.


Cause Of Death

 I did a few minutes of digging about the 5 dead in the DC protest. Here are the results:

The death toll from DC:

Ashli Babbit, 35-years-old, Huntington, Maryland – shot by police
Benjamin Phillips, 50-years-old, Ringtown, Pennsylvania – Natural causes / stroke
Kevin Greeson, 55-years-old, Athens, Alabama – Natural causes / heart attack
Roseanne Boylan, 34-years-old, Kennesaw, Georgia. - Trampled by the crowd

Brian Sicknick, Capitol policeman – died of a stroke

So there you have it.