Friday, July 9, 2021


 Here's an egregious example of racism if ever I saw it: Michael Avenatti got 2-1/2 years for extortion trying to shake down Exxon for some sort of climate crime, and yet Al Sharpton, having made his entire career out of extorting people and corporations on a race basis, is still a free man.

Mr. Avenatti has a good basis for getting his conviction overturned on the basis of disproportionate impact on white people.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Lies, Damn Lies, And Polls

This poll suggests that Coloradans love being East California and all that entails, but... 

I am suspicious of a poll showing large majorities in favor of rapidly increasing taxes, including fees, high unemployment, large homeless encampments, a new taxing zone for a high speed rail corridor, restrictions on charter schools, etc, etc. When you take a poll, you poll large numbers of people, and sort them by political affiliation, then adjust their weighting to match, say, the turnout from the last election. As well, the poll runs an incumbent against an unknown opponent, never a winning proposition.

Now let's assume that Colorado used the same Dominion voting machines and tabulators that gave Dems a 2-5% boost across the board. One could be left with the idea that there are a lot more "Bernie boys" in this state than there actually are, and that thus, far left positions are much more popular than in actual fact. This can also bias later polls which would be weighted to match fraudulent voter data. Done carefully, this sort of thing can convince the majority that they're in the minority, and depress their turnout in elections, and convince them to leave the state.

This Rassmussen poll suggests that the far left is far less popular than the media would have you believe. The trick here is to get honest polling data out to the electorate to give them some confidence that they are not lonesome voices crying in the wilderness.

UPDATE: I seem to have been right.



Human Nature

 Rather depressing, but probably true, these 20 observations by a British rapper.

Science Marches Onward! - Alcohol!

 For a change, here's some news about alcohol that doesn't involve burning it. Seems this fellow has come up with a way to turn alcoholic beverages into something resembling ice cream, or at least soft serve.

Yeah, I know, the purists among us will denounce this as alcohol abuse, especially as it seems to work about as well with single malt Scotch as it does with beer of any sort. The extremes though probably are alcohol abuse on the one end of that spectrum, and reportedly abuse of the consumer on the other, so if you but one of his machines (about $6000-$7000) don't pour in either Glenfiddich or Coors Lite.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Fun With Headlines - Medical

 Israeli doctors may have figured out how to make animal organs transplantable into humans:

Israeli doctors develop ‘pig-human’ hybrid organ for transplant

OK fine. but I've got to ask; Is this kosher?

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Illegal Fireworks

 The sound of illegal fireworks in my neighborhood: The sound of individuals declaring their independence.

Friday, July 2, 2021

CCP 100th Anniversary

 Big celebrations all over the country on the august occasion.

It also appears, even though accurate records are a state secret, that the CCP has averaged 1 million murders per year over the last 100 years, to keep itself in power.

Fun With Headlines - The Clintons

 I Own The World has this one up:

Judge approves unsealing of documents linking Ghislaine Maxwell to Clintons

Let me say right now that Judge Loretta Preseka did NOT kill herself. There! Tomorrows news today with the accuracy of Izvestia and the credibility of Pravda!

NICS Checks - Back To Normal?

 The numbers for June are in, and I have to note that they are coming in earlier than they used to. I guess in off-election years, the FBI has little else to do when not hounding Republicans, so they get the routine stuff done in a timely manner. 

Looking at the curves, this months number comes in about where you'd expect it to if last years curve had been where you'd expect that to be. 

The 2020 curve had approximately the right shape, except for a big surge during the summer that corresponded to the "mostly peaceful" demonstrations in large urban areas. This year, the leaders of the demonstrations are being installed in high government positions, and with the big salaries and access to whomever is controlling the president, there are fewer peaceful riots.

On the positive side, there is now a faint possibility that ammunition manufacture will begin to catch up with demand. The problem is that if demand drops back to "normal", existing capacity may be enough to keep up. This reduces the benefit of building a new manufacturing plant or expanding an older one. The other problem, on the horizon, is legal requirements to put serial numbers on every bullet so that when Crip A shoots Blood B, the authorities will know which gun store the ammunition was stolen from, and will move quickly to shut it down, preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves from the criminals.

Politicians who boast about taking such actions get re-elected by slightly larger margins than their previous effort. To find out the margin ask the head of DNC what margin he/she/it told Dominion to have their candidate win by.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Local Control - Colorado

 Jon Caldera has a nice piece up at Complete Colorado describing in great detail what the notion of "local control" means to Democrats. Bottom line, the state can make living here as onerous as they want, and localities are permitted to make it worse. But only worse.

For myself, I've been ready to decamp to a freer location for the last 10 years as I see Colorado becoming East California, and no real chance of it ever being reversed. After all, our Secretary of State has assured us that we have the cleanest election process in the country, and it's so free of taint that she has issued a ruling that it shall be illegal to investigate any aspect of it.

The reason I'm still here is my spouse, who sees proximity to her sister and daughter as being worth any inconvenience the state wants to impose. She reminds me of a prisoner in the State pen who has served his sentence, but doesn't want to leave because all his friends are there.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Reparations Part 2

 In a previous post I discussed calculating reparations based on the difference in income of an average black household in the U.S. vs that of an average household in, say, Nigeria. I think I figured the U.S. blacks owed us some $40-odd thousand dollars each.

Now here's some more info that should muddy the waters sufficiently as to make who owes whom a near impossibility to actually figure out. I knew about William Ellison, but not about the other stories

Thursday, June 17, 2021

How Bad Is It?

 Not here, for a change, but 2 stories coming out at the same time, on the same topic, makes you wonder. First there seems to be a famine going on in North Korea. This doesn't strike me as particularly unusual, but pictures of 'Lil Kim are showing him noticeably thinner. This following his tearful confession that things are tight, food-wise, and he blames himself. Now the news is that there is a larger than average food shortage, at least in part brought on by the closure of the border with China. Rare indeed to see a Communist admit that the current plan isn't working.

More along the lines of what I'd expect, is this story announcing that the latest thing among Chinese youth is the practice of "chewing grass" which has multiple interpretations ranging from voluntarily going on a diet, to doing so involuntarily, Coincidentally, this is happening in concert with reports of poor grain harvests, which includes animal feed. Here's a place where the Greens could actually help us. They need to encourage the Chinese to begin blending their gasoline with ethanol, so that like us, a large percentage of their corn crop can be burned in their rapidly growing automobile population.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 While it is true that no one ever went broke underestimating the taste or intelligence of the American public, at the same time the answer to the question "How dumb do they think we are?" is to simply look at the people we elect.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Fun With Headlines - V.P. Harris

 It was recently reported that Air Force 2 aborted a trip to Guatemala on account of some strange noises heard on takeoff. So far Ms Harris has avoided any trips very far from D.C. presumably so as to be on the spot when Sock Puppet Joe finally can't be held upright through a short speech any more.

I'm speculating that the strange noises in V.P. Harris' plane can be traced to a rattling of loose marbles in Harris' head.

It also seems plausible to me that Nancy Pelosi has outfitter Harris' plans with a bomb to be used while she's speeding back to D.C. The fortunate twofer would make Nancy president.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

May NICS Checks - Still Ahead Of The Curve

 After the 2020 riot-induced surge in gun sales, you'd thing it would take an actual outbreak of civil unrest to top those numbers. You'd almost be right. The Marxists got their people into office, and have throttled back on the rioting, ecept in Portland and Minneapolis, of course, and the rush on guns has dropped off a bit. I, personally, wonder if some of the drop off is due to people recognizing that while you can still buy a gun, finding ammo is at best difficult and expensive, and at worst, impossible.

Anyway, here's the latest:

Still ahead of 2020 if only narrowly. Rumor has it that ammo and components may become generally available in 2 years or so.