Showing posts with label observation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label observation. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Heroes and Poor Spelling

The Atlanta Journal Constitution printed a story about a home invasion that was ultimately thwarted by a brave elderly man. It's pretty much a run of the mill affair. Except, in the article, one of the residents last name is Carlson. Under the photo, it's Carlton, repeated three times.

Here's a free tip for the AJC. Spell check doesn't solve everything. You need to have fresh eyeballs read this stuff to catch the mis-spellings and typos.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

People of the Book

This is the third General Convention that I've been compelled to get all Old Testamenty and prophetic and such. And I don't mean prophetic in the GC 'lets ordain open and notorious sinners' sense either. I mean prophetic in the 'lets call down the wrath of God and grow a really long beard' sense. Which totally sucks as growing a beard is a process in perpetual facial itching and spousal alienation.

And I really do not wish to marry a woman named Gomer. Modern American culture views people named Gomer with hilarity and ridicule. Bigamy is still a felony in my home state. And my wife is both jealous and heavily armed.

Is there any chance that the Episcopal Church could pass a last minute resolution to the effect of "The 2012 General Convention shall not pass, entertain or debate any resolution, motion or canon revision that exposes anyone attending, belonging to or formerly belonging to the Episcopal Church to ridicule, derision or humiliation by such association or former association"?

I don't think so either.

The Episcopal Church Beclowns You!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Headline O' the Week

Impatience Builds Over Slow Moving Stimulus.

Given the direction the economy has moved since passage, I'm rather glad it's been slow moving.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Why the Button Gaffe Could Not Have Happened With President Bush

The former Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, writes, speaks and reads Russian fluently.

She likely did her own translating, as well.

I've not been able to find out what languages, other than English, Hillary Clinton knows.