Showing posts with label Episcopal Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Episcopal Church. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I had my usual Tuesday dinner with my father. Over the meal he told me a story that blew me away.

Immediately after World War II my grandfather moved my grandmother and their two boys from Philadelphia to Greenville, SC. When they arrived in Greenville, they stayed in a hotel until they could find a permanent place. My grandfather had been an active churchman in his church in Philadelphia. Their second day in Greenville a group of boys from the Christ Church youth group showed up at the hotel and took my father and my uncle around town.

I had never heard this before. I have never heard of any Episcopal related group ever doing such a thing. Certainly, it's never happened to me. But I think, on reflection, that it is no accident that my father is a dedicated and lifelong Episcopalian. If that sort of thing happened back then, then it is no accident that the Episcopal Church at that time enjoyed explosive growth.

Another thing that has happened recently is a dust up in science fiction fandom. I'm old enough to know these things happen from time to time. This most recent one is unusual in that it mostly involves authors as opposed to the more typical fan squabble. If you want the gruesome details just google "sad puppies" and ignore everything from a major media outlet.

My takeaway from the squabble is a point an author made on a podcast. She said, and it is true, that the side in opposition to her side, represents the establishment yet claims to be the scrappy outsiders. They claim to value inclusivity and diversity yet they practice exclusivity and group think.

Does that not sound like the modern Episcopal Church?

It certainly reflects my experience. I have never belonged to a church that I did not receive a cool initial welcome. I have never belonged to a church where I did not have to work at being accepted. I have never been accepted into the inner circle of an Episcopal Church. I have never been made to feel I was other than a conditional member, subject to exclusion and ostracism if I ever strayed from the unstated norms.

I process things very slowly. I have always been the person who thinks of the clever rejoinder two hours after the fact. The more emotionally hurtful, the slower I process it.

The thing that convinced me I really didn't much care for the way things were was back when I belonged to the Cathedral of St Phillip here in Atlanta. The Cathedral was and is a very large church. At the time of this story I had been a member for at least four years. I have never been a pew potato and was quite active at the time. I volunteered. I did jobs no one else would do. I gave money and time. I participated in the singles group as well as the foyers. I was an usher, a reader and an acolyte when there were no youth.

The guest preacher one Sunday was the Right Reverend Reginald Hollis, archbishop of Montreal. I had been his acolyte when he was a parish priest and his wife and my mother were good friends. After the service, I went and sought him out. He recognized me and we caught up on the news. When Dean Sanders, head of the cathedral joined us, I had the privilege of being introduced, for the fourth time, to him. But this time by an archbishop.

How many others were ignored or unnoticed? When was the last time an Episcopal Church actually welcomed anyone? Ignoring the dodgy doctrinal foundations, when was the last time someone was actually welcomed to an Episcopal Church?

My gut says, it's pretty rare.

I'm not saying anyone owes me anything. But if I ever go to an Episcopal Church and get a warm welcome, it will be the first one of my life.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


In 1959 the Episcopal Church had 3,444,265 members and 8,708 clergy. Clergy was .25% of membership.

In 2009 the Episcopal Church had 2,006,343 members and 15,404 clergy. Clergy was .76% of membership. Were the Episcopal church staffed at 1959 levels, the number of clergy would be 5,073.

A causal link between the increase in clergy and the decline in membership is not proven, but it is interesting. In the fifty years since 1959 (the high water mark for membership), membership has declined by 41% and the ranks of the clergy have increased by 77%.

Ignoring theology, the increase in clergy relative to membership has to be putting a strain on finances. It is a truism that a church in financial trouble is less attractive to a prospective new member than a church that is not.

Granted that there has been a boom in part-time and non-stipendiary clergy in the past few decades, how much better would the finances be if two thirds of the currently existing clergy were off the rolls?

Figures from here.

I would like to point out that trimming dioceses and bishops would be an even better bang for the buck than dropping priests. The Episcopal Church has a ludicrous amount of middle management compared to almost every other organization.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Reasonable Request

All she wants is the Sudetenland. Once that simple, reasonable demand is met, then we will have peace.

If you know the process she wants the Bishop of South Carolina to undergo, then you know it's fundamentally flawed and likely to admit of an unfair and unjust result. It's as though it were designed that way.

And yes, I'm well aware that the Presiding Bishop is no Hitler. Hitler was a much better speaker and dresser, was better looking, possessed great personal charm and was a war hero to boot. The Presiding Bishop wears funny hats and is emblematic of the creeping progressive mediocrity that has consumed the Episcopal Church.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

The Episcopal Church Stand Tall

Against gun violence of course. For those unclear on how well gun free zones works, here's a helpful video. For those unsure about why such concerns need to be addressed here's another helpful video, by avowed atheists no less.

It's good to know that the Episcopal Church will be discussing such concerns. Because they care, deeply, about important issues that do not concern them in the least.


If ever you want to know what values an organization holds dear, look at what it takes for that organization to kick someone out..

One of the few fun things about Quakers (Society of Friends) is that belief in God or the lack thereof will not make you unwelcome. Joining the Army will.

Denying God in the Episcopal Church will not get you disciplined if you are a bishop. Expressing a legal opinion contrary to the property interests of the Presiding Bishop may very well.

It's important to have your priorities.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Laws of the Internet

I think I need to propose a variant of the utterly NSFW and infamous Rule 34. The variant is as follows: If there's a holiday for it, then there is a liturgy for it as well (link is SFW).

And for the record, I'd pay good money to hear that 'Gloria' sung.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Given the foofooraw that has erupted with the Episcopal Church's Discipline Board and the Bishop of South Carolina and the revelation that the board's attorney is a Sewanee alum, I thought I'd do a little digging.

Jospehine Hicks is the church attorney. She's also on the board of the Evangelical Education Society.

See who else you recognize. Then feel free to Google the names. You'll be astonished at how often the same names reoccur on different boards.

It's democracy in action!

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Hidden Meaning

The National Cathedral needs gobs of money to even undertake restoration. Thatere's a hidden metaphor in there somewhere.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Episcopal Church Vs South Carolina

The following was forwarded to me by a friend. It is an exchange of posts to the House of Bishops and Deputies mailing list concerning the Diocese of South Carolina.

I don't know her, but I believe Zoe Cole is an attorney. She should know the current state of the law as regards to who owns church property in South Carolina. The question is up for appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, but as of right now it has been clearly decided by the South Carolina Supreme Court.

I find the arrogance of many of the posters fascinating.

Here follows the exchange:

Ann Fontaine to HOBD
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)

Too bad there is no Calvary Church to oppose these moves --- my sense of the scene is some Episcopalians are alarmed that +Lawrence is about to give away the store and then follow out the door and hence have contacted the PB for advice on what to do next. Ann

The Diocese of South Carolina will votes on resolutions designed to further distance themselves from the rest of the Episcopal Church. Previously, Bishop Mark Lawrence and the diocesan leadership set out on a path of separation from all Episcopal Church ministries and governance that, in their view, reinforce ideas contrary to their understanding of Holy Scripture, Episcopal polity and Lambeth resolutions. These four resolutions solidify that move.

The Rev. Ann Fontaine
Lander, Wyoming

Fr Dan Martins to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)
Ann, are you not over-reacting just a bit? I've read the resolutions and
don't see anything that would indicate a secessionist impulse. Rather, they
raise legitimate concerns about exactly what constitutes "the Episcopal
Church." Is it some reified abstraction represented by the Presiding
Bishop's office, or is it what is traditionally recognized as the enfleshed
presence of the church in a particular place: the community of the baptized,
their presbyters and deacons, gathered with their bishop at the altar and in
synod? The "pushback" that South Carolina is offering is not a sign of
rebellion or disloyalty; it is faithful participation in the life of the

Dan Martins+
Northern Indiana
Michael Russell to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)

The Denis Canon settled that issue. ALL property is held in trust for TEC which is the authorizing body for Dioceses to exist. The PB and EC have every right to warn a more than potentially rogue Bishop and Diocese. They also have every responsibility to protect TEC's assets and preserve them for future generations.

Mike Russell C04 08 San Diego
Fr Dan Martins to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)
Mike, it seems to me that yours is at the very least an overly-ambitious
interpretation of the Denis Canon, which is itself an overly-ambitious
interpretation of Episcopal Church polity, and about which there are still
serious unresolved legal issues. Now, I am not a supporter of secession, and
I grieve over those who have left our fellowship. But I am nonetheless
puzzled, and would appreciate being instructed, as to where the Presiding
Bishop derives authority to retain counsel to protect the interests of the
Episcopal Church in South Carolina, as if 815 is the Episcopal Church in
South Carolina in some more "real" way than the *actual* Episcopal Church in
South Carolina, which is, of course, the actual Diocese "on the ground"
there--i.e. the Bishop, Standing Committee, Diocesan Convention, and
congregations, and that the "interests" of the Episcopal Church are
something other than the "interests" of the only recognizable Episcopal
Church presence in the South Carolina low country--namely, the Episcopal
Diocese of South Carolina. Can you not see that the issue is at least

Dan Martins+
Northern Indiana
Ann Fontaine to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)
Dear Dan -- the Dennis Canon was written at the request of courts to have something written in our canon that reflected what they already knew - that there is only The Episcopal Church -- the dioceses are creations of General Convention -- even South Carolina has agreed to this. I find it interesting = the parallels with some Civil War history ----

Sound very familiar

January 1861 -- The South Secedes. When Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president, the South Carolina legislature perceived a threat. Calling a state convention, the delegates voted to remove the state of South Carolina from the union known as the United States of America. The secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of six more states -- Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas -- and the threat of secession by four more -- Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America.

February 1861 -- The South Creates a Government. At a convention in Montgomery, Alabama, the seven seceding states created the Confederate Constitution, a document similar to the United States Constitution, but with greater stress on the autonomy of each state. Jefferson Davis was named provisional president of the Confederacy until elections could be held.

February 1861 -- The South Seizes Federal Forts. When President Buchanan -- Lincoln's predecessor -- refused to surrender southern federal forts to the seceding states, southern state troops seized them. At Fort Sumter, South Carolina troops repulsed a supply ship trying to reach federal forces based in the fort. The ship was forced to return to New York, its supplies undelivered.

March 1861 -- Lincoln's Inauguration. At Lincoln's inauguration on March 4, the new president said he had no plans to end slavery in those states where it already existed, but he also said he would not accept secession. He hoped to resolve the national crisis without warfare.

April 1861 -- Attack on Fort Sumter. When President Lincoln planned to send supplies to Fort Sumter, he alerted the state in advance, in an attempt to avoid hostilities. South Carolina, however, feared a trick; the commander of the fort, Robert Anderson, was asked to surrender immediately. Anderson offered to surrender, but only after he had exhausted his supplies. His offer was rejected, and on

April 12, the Civil War began with shots fired on the fort. Fort Sumter eventually was surrendered to South Carolina.

The Rev. Ann Fontaine
Lander, Wyoming

Michael Russell to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)

Title I.3.3 designates the PB as the President of the DFMS. As such she and
the other officers have a fiduciary responsibility to protect the DFMS.
Please note that in Title 1.2.4.c the PB
"The Presiding Bishop shall perform such other functions as shall
be prescribed in these Canons; and, to be enabled better to perform
such duties and responsibilities, the Presiding Bishop may appoint, to
positions established by the Executive Council of General
Convention, officers, responsible to the Presiding Bishop, who may
delegate such authority as shall seem appropriate."

So despite Phil Turner's analysis and that of the ACI the PB has executive
responsibilities that include preserving the hierarchical nature of the
church. Prichard's recent paper helpfully places the movement to greater
centralization in 1919, not seized recently by the PB as her detractors
allege in their defamatory writings.

Furthermore, the US Supreme Court has not twice refused to hear appeals
based in some argument that localities own the properties, leaving in place
the CA Supreme Court ruling on these matters, including the ruling that TEC
says who is Bishop of San Joaquin. Bishop Lawrence I am sure is hoping that
the SC Courts will not rule the same way, and the VA cases may be the first
to step into the Federal arena. I expect, however that at the Federal level
the decisions will continue to go against the dissidents.

Between the unqualified accession clauses and the Denis Canon, I expect more
and more the courts will say to the dissidents what one judge said here
about accession, "Which part of 'forever' didn't you understand?'"

So this is not complicated at all Dan, it is reasonably simple and the only
useless litigation being undertaken is that initiated by the dissidents in
all these cases.

Bruce Robison to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)
It seems to me that the proper and canonical course of action would be for someone to bring a presentment against the ecclesiastical authority of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, *if and when* it is determined that there is evidence that they *actually* have broken with fiduciary responsibilities as designated in the "Dennis Canon." For the Chancellor of the Presiding Bishop simply to engage counsel to act as "the Episcopal Church in South Carolina" is I think outside the boundaries of constitutional order. It is entirely appropriate that canonical measures be followed to ensure that dioceses function in good order. But it is entirely inappropriate to run an end-around and to make an effort to usurp the proper role of the diocese.

Bruce Robison
Pittsburgh C-4 2009
Paul Ambos to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (8 days ago)
Are you reading the same resolutions everyone else is, Dan?

These clearly would establish a "sovereign" fiefdom in South Carolina that
purports to physically exclude any representative of The Episcopal Church
from its territory. The Special Convention last October already purported
to declare "null and void" actions of the General Convention that the South
Carolina cabal disagreed with. They set up the Thirty-Nine Articles,
Lambeth Resolutions, and superseded Prayerbooks as their ruling texts in
lieu of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church, and have
purported to redefine the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of the Church to
which their clergy must swear conformity. Looking to the inevitable
deposition of Bishop Lawrence, they establish the Standing Committee as the
continuing baton-carrier.

Withdrawing from the life of The Episcopal Church is in no way a "faithful
participation" in it.

These actions bear every sign of a new chapter in the rebellion that started
with the Chapman Memorandum and is now being continued on the diocesan level
by those who claim scriptural fidelity to a bible that has sliced out (a la
"Choose This Day") Exodus 20:15-17 and Deuteronomy 5:19-21.

Who are the bishops who are willing to police their House?


Paul Ambos
Diocese of New Jersey (18.1%) L4 (2012)
======================================================================================================= to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (8 days ago)

Only individual clergy can have Presentments issued against them under Title IV, our disciplinary Canons. There is no provision for a Presentment against, for example, a Standing Committee, or any other "body" in the Church.

As for lay persons involved in conduct that could lead to a Presentment against a clergy person, it was proposed in 2006 that the disciplinary Canons cover lay leaders. That was objected to by many, many people around the Church and soundly rejected by the Canons Committee.

Sally Johnson


Diocese of Minnesota
Bruce Robison to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (8 days ago)
So we would understand that the canons of the Episcopal Church assign duties but without consequence for dereliction? That is an interesting aspect to consider as we reflect on the character of Episcopal Church polity. Nonetheless, certainly the ecclesiastical authority of the diocese, the Bishop, is subject to presentment and discipline, as we learned here in Pittsburgh . . . . My question is simply whether there are individuals or bodies external diocese empowered by the canons to usurp the ordinary authority of diocesan governance without some sort of formal process.

Bruce Robison
Michael Russell to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (8 days ago)
There is actually great simplicity in this area with respect to people
attempting to sever their connections with TEC. The action of de-accession,
being an impossible action, voids the office of those attempting it. You
are no longer the Vestry in the very moment you vote to leave TEC, and no
longer the SC when you do likewise. When you abandon the unqualified
accession you may be a member of some other board or corporation, but you
are no longer a Vestry person or a SC person.

It is therefore the responsibility of the PB and EC to step into the vacuum
created by the abandonment and take charge. This is sad for the laity in
parishes misled by their priests, as they are now discovering in CA, but
that is an issue with the false shepherd who led them into the litiginous

And having now seen this pattern reproduced in several Dioceses, the PB is
well within her reasonable rights to give notice to South Carolina of the
immediate consequences of passing resolutions suggesting they will attempt
the impossible.

Michael Russell to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 11 (9 days ago)
Given the costs we are not incurring for litigating against those who
presume they can remove a Diocese, I think some pre-emptive warning is worth
while. It serves to put everyone on notice that secession is not an option.
Once "secession" has happened then the abandonment canon is apropos.

Joan R. Gundersen to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
Bruce, The problem with your approach is that TEC's interest in property
exists and therefore TEC has a right to defend it regardless of what the
bishop of a diocese thinks. As for South Carolina claiming sovereignty,
their deputies were seated at General Convention in 1789 after confirming
that they had been given full authority to approve a constituion that
included the accession clause. They furthermore agreed to a constitution
that included this as part of its second article:

"Art. 2 . . . And if, through the neglect of the Convention of any of the
churches which shall have adopted, or may hereafter adopt this constitution,
no deputies, either lay or clerical, should attend at any general
convention, the church in such state shall nevertheless be bound by the acts
of such convention. "

When the Rev. Robert Smith, William Ward Burrows, Esq., and William
Brisbane, Esq. of S.C. approved the constitution at that 1789 convention,
they bound S.C. to be under the authority of General Convention and be bound
by its acts - present or not, happy with the actions or not. This makes
them a subordinate unit of the church not a soveriegn entity.

Joan R. Gundersen, Ph.D.
Pittsburgh, lay deputy G.C. 2009
Bruce Robison to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
Thanks, Joan. I won't quarrel about the right of TEC to insure that the trust created in the canon referencing property is properly defended, and even to act independently if and when the body designated in the canon to maintain the trust--the diocese--fails in its duty.

My question is to ask whether there is transparency and due process. Is it the Presiding Bishop's role, acting as "corporate executive," to determine independently that the canonically responsible body has failed, and to initiate action independently? That would seem to make the PB essentially plenipotentiary. "If at any time any entity of the Episcopal Church shall, in the view of the PB alone, fail to meet the PB's expectations of canonical action, then it shall be the duty of the PB to undertake that action independently?"

It just seems to me that the canons, here the so-called "Dennis Canon" in particular, say that the entity of the Church responsible to defend the trust interest of the Episcopal Church in property is the diocese. If the diocese fails in this, then it should be subject to whatever coercive or disciplinary forces the Consititution and Canons of our Church would specifically provide. But it would seem to me that before independent alternative action was initiated, at very least the ecclesiastical authority would have a venue to defend its policies as canonical . . . .

Bruce Robison
Pittsburgh C-4 2009
Ann Fontaine to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
If members of the church in the Diocese of South Carolina are fearful that there is another FW, SJ or Pittsburgh in the making - and so it seems from actions to date (though we presume innocence until all the facts are in) and they have asked the PB's office to look into the situation - isn't it a good idea to look into these allegations?

If there is innocence of action by Mark Lawrence and his administration why are they so paranoid and refusing to allow full transparency to the rest of us? If all is well you would think they would be forthcoming in answering the requests by the attorney who was formerly their chancellor.


The Rev. Ann Fontaine
Lander, Wyoming
Richard F Brewer to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
Thank you Joan. Clearly, Bishops and Standing Committees and people in the
pews need a better understanding of our church polity and the Constitution
and Canons. I've learned much church history during this particular period
in TEC's life. I suspect, until now, no really thought what it meant to be
bound by the constitution and canons because no one thought there would ever
be such a conflict as we have now in some places. It is a cautionary tale
to consider as we review and evaluate the proposed Anglican Communion
Covenant, whatever edition, which may be brought to General Convention for

Richard Brewer
Long Island, C4 (2009)

C Bradley Wilson to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)

I wonder if you read your own postings. In a later posting you wondered
why SC is "so paranoid." And here you are fishing for some one in the
diocese to sue the bishop and diocese, seize papers, bills, etc. Others are
eager for the national church to invade the diocese with lawyers galore and
"guarantee" the property.

And you wonder why they might be nervy about the national church!!!

Kinda like the 19th century schoolmaster who similarly wondered why
some of his students didn't concentrate well; he beat them everyday.

As we say in Pittsburgh: Go figure.

Brad Wilson+
Ann Fontaine to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
Dear Brad ---

I am not fishing in either post - I am surmising the scenario of why the PB might have an interest in South Carolina and wondering why if they are innocent they do not provide the documents requested by a member of their Diocese.


The Rev. Ann Fontaine
Lander, Wyoming
Fr Dan Martins to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
South Carolina Episcopalians should probably bear in mind that just because
they're not paranoid doesn't mean somebody's not out to get them.

Dan Martins+
Northern Indiana
tbwsalinas to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (8 days ago)
Dan, to shift the metaphor slightly - if you were married to a person who proposed the kinds of changes in your marriage that SC is proposing in its marriage to the Episcopal Church, wouldn't you be a little more than concerned?

"Don't worry, Dan, just because I am no longer committed to supporting our obligations and our mortgage financially, that doesn't mean that I am withdrawing from the marriage. And don't be upset with me just because I am cutting off your access to our savings. And that pre-nuptual agreement which provided you with safeguards? I think I've located all copies of that and they are safely in - oops - the incinerator."

Somehow that doesn't seem to me to represent a commitment to the marriage.
Tom Woodward
Fr Dan Martins to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (7 days ago)
Paul Ambos asked whether I am reading the same resolutions as everyone else.
I'm beginning to wonder the same thing. I'm also beginning to wonder whether
everyone else is reading the same "Dennis Canon" that I am.

Here's South Carolina Resolution #1:

RESOLVED, That this 219th Convention acknowledges that for more than three
centuries this Diocese has represented the Anglican expression of the faith
once for all delivered to the saints; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that we declare to all that we understand ourselves to be a gospel
diocese, called to proclaim an evangelical faith, embodied in a catholic
order, and empowered and transformed through the Holy Spirit; and be it

RESOLVED, that we promise under God not to swerve in our belief that above
all Jesus came into the world to save the lost, that those who do not know
Christ need to be brought into a personal and saving relationship with him,
and that those who do know Christ need to be taught by the Holy Scriptures
faithfully to follow him all the days of their lives to the Glory of God the

Unless one uses some imaginative eisegesis, I don't see anything seditious
here. It's pretty classic Anglican stuff. With the exception of the "three
centuries" language, I could see many of the dioceses in TEC passing such a
resolution as a "no brainer" while yawning.

Here's #2:
RESOLVED, That this 219th Convention of the Diocese of South Carolina
affirms its legal and ecclesiastical authority as a sovereign diocese within
the Episcopal Church, and be it further

RESOLVED, That this Convention declares the Presiding Bishop has no
authority to retain attorneys in this Diocese that present themselves as the
legal counsel for the Episcopal Church in South Carolina, and be it finally

RESOLVED, That the Diocese of South Carolina demands that the Presiding
Bishop drop the retainer of all such legal counsel in South Carolina as has
been obtained contrary to the express will of this Diocese, which is The
Episcopal Church within its borders

Apparently some are getting all in a twist over the word "sovereign," as if
that's a presumptive sign of rebellious intent. It's not. A little
anachronistic, perhaps, but not rebellious. Bishop Alexander Garrett used
that word in speaking of the newly-formed Diocese of Dallas in 1895. He was
hardly a secessionist; he died as Presiding Bishop in 1924. Also notice that
"sovereign diocese" is followed by "of the Episcopal Church." Sounds to me
like a veritable declaration of loyalty. The next two resolves are certainly
pointed, and matters of some contention, and worthy of rational discussion.
The salient point seems to be that, in a geographic area where the Episcopal
Church has a diocese, that diocese *is* the Episcopal Church in that
geographic area. The Episcopal Church (I say once again) is not some reified
abstraction. It is nothing other than the sum of its constituent dioceses.
This resolution is simply pointing out a fact that should be obvious to all.

And so to #3:

The Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese is the Bishop. If there is no
Bishop, the Standing Committee is the Ecclesiastical Authority. The
Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese, with the advice and counsel of the
Chancellor, is the sole and final authority with respect to any dispute
concerning the interpretation of the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese
and its interpretations shall be final and binding in all respects.

I'm too lazy at the moment to drag out my copy of the "national" canons, but
to the extent that my memory serves, this resolution seems not only
congruent with them but substantially redundant. At any rate, it is quite
similar to canons in other dioceses in which I have served.

Finally, #4:

Resolved, that the following Section be added to Canon XXX.
Section 6. "It is within the power of the Ecclesiastical Authority of this
Diocese to provide a generous pastoral response to parishes in conflict with
the Diocese or Province, as the Ecclesiastical Authority judges necessary,
to preserve the unity and integrity of the Diocese."

So, I surmise, reading between the lines, that this is interpreted by some
as creating space for Bishop Lawrence to "give away the store" in his
negotiations with parishes in his diocese that may wish to separate
themselves (and their property) from the diocese and TEC. My opinion of the
wisdom of the Presiding Bishop's general legal strategy varies from the
majority on this list, so I will not go down that rabbit hole. Suffice it to
say that Bishops Diocesan and Standing Committees routinely alienate church
property for a variety of reasons, and in a variety of ways, and entirely at
their discretion, without 815 looking over their shoulder, and without
anyone suggesting that they are violating the Dennis Canon. As long as the
Diocese of South Carolina has not seceded from TEC, despite what anyone
guesses about their desires or intentions in that regard, they remain the
sole legal and public presence of the Episcopal Church in their geographic
territory. The congregations hold their property in trust for TEC *and the
diocese* (per the Dennis Canon), and, for the foreseeable future, both TEC
and the Diocese (i.e. the beneficiaries and fiduciaries of the implied
trust) are represented by Bishop Lawrence and the Standing Committee, and
cannot plausibly be represented by anyone whom they do not engage, because
there is no other plausible "interested party." As beneficiaries and
fiduciaries, the terms under which any property may be alienated are at
their sole discretion.

Dan Martins+

Northern Indiana
Joan R. Gundersen to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 13 (7 days ago)
Bruce and Dan, If my brother and I both have interests in an estate, each of
us has a right to separate legal representation. I don't have to wait until
the attorney hired by my brother botches the case or acts against my
interests. The same is true with the TEC and a diocese. EACH can seek
separate legal counsel to represent their interests. There are plenty of
indications that TEC interests are NOT being considered in S.C. As for the
"benign" nature of the resolutions. Given the distorted interpretations of
TEC polity that has been put forward based on the diocese as the sovereign
unit in the church, (such as the materials by the Anglican Communion
Institute), that word is definitely "loaded" in ways that raise all sorts of
flags. You also say that S.C. has not done anything wrong, but their
redefinition of "doctrine and discipline" in the resolution at their special
convention is at odds with definitions included in Title IV of TEC canons
(both 2006 and 2009).

Joan R. Gundersen, Pittsburgh L3 G.C. 2009
Michael Russell to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 12 (7 days ago)
Dan, obviously the shenanigans of Duncan and Schofeld provide sufficient
cause to be "tender" about resolutions 2-4. Schofeld argued right along
that he had not left the church and Duncan created dummy corporations to
mimic being the Episcopal Church. So when I read generous pastoral
response, I read give away the farm. Resolution 3 seems to forget the
unqualified accession clause to the C&C of TEC. And THAT accession provides
a platform upon which the PB as head of FDMS can put a person on the ground.
In essences she is doing the same thing Calvary did in Pittsburgh.


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Fr Dan Martins wrote:
Robison to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 13 (7 days ago)
The interest of the Episcopal Church that I can see is that fiduciary duties be performed in accordance with the canons by a duly constituted diocese of the Episcopal Church.

As Dan points out, real estate and other assets are purchased and sold by duly constituted parishes and dioceses of the Episcopal Church all the time.

The analogy here in Pittsburgh is that the interest of the Episcopal Church was expressed in the recent actions related to the 2005 Stipulation settling the Calvary Church lawsuit by asking the court to recognize that our "Episcopal Diocese of the Episcopal Church" was "the Diocese" entitled to be entrusted with the stewardship of diocesan assets. That is I think an appropriate expression of interest.

If Bishop Lawrence and other duly constituted officers of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina were to leave the Episcopal Church, I would of course expect the Episcopal Church to act in that context as well to be sure that a remaining "Episcopal Church" diocese continued as trustee-owner of diocesan assets.

All I'm saying is that if there is a concern of the Presiding Bishop that the Ecclesiastial Authority of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina is not meeting its canonical responsibilities, then she should do what she did in Pittsburgh or San Joaquin and bring her evidence to the House of Bishops in accordance with Title IV, let Bishop Lawrence present any defense he would choose to present, and let the bishops vote for whatever discipline they feel is appropriate.

I don't agree with the notion that dioceses are autonomous and "sovereign." I believe they are subject in the conduct of their ministries to the authority of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, as adopted by General Convention. But I also believe that the Constitution and Canons specify due process of orderly governance, and the officers of the Episcopal Church have a duty as well to follow those processes.

Bruce Robison
Pittsburgh C-4 2009
Elizabeth Kaeton to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 13 (7 days ago)
Thank you, Dan, for posting your annotated version of the resolutions here
for everyone to read. I'm no canon lawyer and I don't play one on TV, but
if it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck . . . .

Of all the comments posted here, the one that raised a giggle in my heart
was that old saying, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean 'they'
aren't out to get you." I giggled because that same chestnut could be
applied to both the party of the first part and the party of the second

There's another, wiser, old saying: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."
There's been lots of smoke over many years from the great state of South
Carolina. Succession is in both the state governmental DNA as well as in
the theological DNA of the Office of the Episcopacy.

I imagine a couple coming into my office for pastoral counseling and one
says, "I really disagree with the way my spouse is raising our children. We
have very different philosophies and methods of parenting, but, for the sake
of the children, I'll continue to stay. However, I've moved out of the
bedroom and I will not contribute to the running of this household as long
as the children will not be brought up in accordance with my philosophy of
child rearing which, for more than three centuries, has represented sound
principles of family values which have been recognized as such by everyone
in my family. I further declare that my spouse has no authority to retain
legal counsel in this matter, and that I have the sovereign right to be
generous to our relatives in order to preserve the unity and integrity of
our family."

I think you would agree with me, Dan, that this marriage is over except for
the divorce. If it walks like divorce and sounds like divorce . . . .the
only question is: Can this marriage be saved? I think we know the answer to
that question.

If it walks like succession and sounds like succession . . . . the Presiding
Bishop's office has every reason to seek legal counsel in these matters.
Indeed, I'm glad she has.


(the Rev'd Dr.) Elizabeth Kaeton
The Episcopal Church of St. Paul
200 Main Street
Chatham, NJ 07928

973 464 8018 (cell)
Paul Ambos to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 14 (6 days ago)
I missed, Dan, your analysis of the four Special Convention resolutions
passed last October. Since they no longer appear in their former place in
the Diocese of South Carolina website, you can find the text of them here,
along with the fifth one that was tabled until the regular Convention (and
about which I have seen no further news):

Make sure you address the part in Resolution 2 that says "Further resolved
that the Diocese of South Carolina declares that the most recent example of
this behavior, in the passage of Resolutions DO25 and CO56, to be null and
void, having no effect in this Diocese, and in violation of our diocesan
canon (XXXVI sec.1)" and how that relates to and helps implement the
Accession Clause.


Paul Ambos
Diocese of New Jersey (18.1%) L4 (2012)
Fr Dan Martins to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 14 (6 days ago)
Paul, that's a no-brainer. Unless they involve constitution or canons, GC resolutions are effectively nothing more than expressions of the "mind of the house" at a particular moment. I again cite the Righter court on that score. Non-binding resolutions define neither the doctrine, discipline, nor the worship of this church. A diocesan convention's disavowal of such a GC resolution isn't even on the same planet as abrogating the accession clause.

Dan Martins+
Northern Indiana
Lilith Zoe to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 14 (6 days ago)
And Lambeth resolutions function the same way - only perhaps less so, since
they represent the minds of only one order of ministry within the body?

God's Peace, Z
L. Zoe Cole, Lay, Colorado
Pierre Whalon to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 18 (2 days ago)
One question I have is that since a diocesan convention has no power to rule on a doctrinal question--that being the purview of General Convention, and even that--why were these doctrinal affirmations not ruled out of order?

I am recalling the story of the Baltimore Declaration... a diocese should never rule on whether "Jesus is Lord." That is a given in acceding to the *doctrine* of the Church.

Bp Pierre Whalon

Paul Ambos to bishopsdeputies
show details Mar 18 (2 days ago)
Evidently they were not ruled out of order because the chair of the meeting
was Bp. Lawrence.

And Dan Martins has still not given his "no brainer" response to the other
October South Carolina resolutions, including the redefinition of "doctrine,
discipline and worship" that is blatantly at variance with the Canons of The
Episcopal Church.


Paul Ambos
Diocese of New Jersey


End exchange
I apologize for the sloppy format. I'm posting it as I was given it. I do believe it to be accurate.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Phantom Divisions

In the movie Downfall, one scene that has been endlessly parodied is Hitler discovering that Steiner with an entire army at his disposal could not come save Berlin. One of the problems Germany had at the end was Hitler's insistence that divisions that had been damaged or destroyed not be broken up or reformed. He liked to see the little divisional flags on his war maps apparently. And so he was led to assume that all was well because his army had 200+ divisions. Germany could not possibly be losing the war if it had so many divisions.

What he did not appreciate was that most of those divisions were severely understrength. Many had no weapons at all. Those that did have weapons had little or no ammunition. At least one 'division' consisted of three men, the commanding general, his second in command and a radio operator/driver. On paper they were supposed to have seven thousand to ten thousand men, depending on the sort of division they were. The result was a catastrophe for the German army. Units that couldn't fill out a soccer team were expected to attack Soviet units that numbered in the hundreds of thousands.

When Hitler finally grasped the reality of his situation he was not moved to sue for peace, but rather arranged for himself, his entourage and his nation to all commit suicide.

It's an extreme case but any healthy organisation tries to know what its situation is. What assets it has, how many people it has, how they are equipped and trained and what they are suited for. If a restaurant has too many pastry cooks and not enough line cooks then, if healthy, it will retrain the pastry chefs into line cooks or let them go and hire line chefs.

Recently a piece by Bishop Frey came to my attention. It is a small piece, but offers more evidence that the Episcopal Church is not dealing with the reality of its situation. When a church's membership leaves in their entirety, that you have the building does not mean that church is still intact as part of your organization. It means you still have the building. You can keep the flag on your map, if you so choose, but that flag does not represent what it did before.

I'm sure someone expects me to blog about Bp elect Glasspool. I'm sorry, I've said everything there is to be said about such matters years ago. The Episcopal Church does not care about the rest of the Anglican Communion, they do not care about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. They do care about being progressive and this latest action is the fruit of that tree.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Episcopalians Today

I have not written much about what is going on in the wonderful world of Anglicanism. Part of it is due to inertia. Long posts require thought, which is too much like work. Part of it is apathy. But mostly it's because I think I've already said what I wanted to say. The problems of the modern Episcopal Church are intrinsic to the organisation itself. They are pretty obvious. And there does not seem to be the will to reform the church in such a way as to assure its continued existence.

In short, the Episcopal Church has lost its collective will to live. If Timmy refuses to grab the rope, then Lassie can not pull him from the well.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Unkind Theory

I was reading the Anglican Curmudgeon's blog the other day when this thought struck me. One of the catch phrases of the modern Episcopal Church is that you do not need to 'check your brain at the door'. However, very few of the leadership actually seem to be employing their brains for thought. Common sense and logic are typically not welcome

What sort of person wants others to bring their brains but not use them?

The only answer that fits is of course zombies.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Some Fundie Wisdom

It's about as opposite of the modern Episcopal Church as can be, isn't it?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes and Methodists

Comes truth.

Part of being a recovering Episcopalian is overcoming the jealousy I feel when I view other denominations. The Roman Catholics have the Magisterium, the Methodists have level headed people like the author of the above (who are heard and not discounted), the Lutherans have options. There is no perfect church, but golly why is it that the others have their act together whilst the lunatics are running the Episcopalian asylum?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Millions for Lawsuits, Not One Penny for Jesus

The recent General Convention of the Episcopal Church did many things. Bottled water is now officially a Bad Thing, for example. One of the more important things it did was eliminate, completely, evangelism from the national budget. Now it's quite possible to argue that was a good thing, given the current nature of Episcopal theology. But, were I a member of the Episcopal Church I would be worried. Evangelism is how churches grow. The money, effort and staffing spent evangelising is an investment in the future.

Certainly, individual dioceses and parishes will spend money on evangelism. Some of them even have officially designated evangelists on staff. But where an organization spends money is clear sign of what its priorities are. What are the Episcopal Church's priorities? Well the only items to see increases in funds were those included under the heading of Presiding Bishop's office. This includes $3 million for litigation and $1 million for disciplining bishops (and possibly other clergy). That's a staggering sum.

Currently, the official position of the Episcopal Church is that only individuals may leave. Diocese, parishes and such may not leave. Also, all property belongs to the national church. The national church has resolutely resisted any attempts by churches to exit with their property.

The problem is, that even if you happen to agree with 815, what argument can be made against allowing a church to buy its own property? In the vast majority of cases of a congregational split, the remnant congregation has been folded. Selling vacant churches is almost always problematic. I'm told St James, Newport is on the waterfront, which makes it extremely valuable, but most of the dissident churches have not been so blessed.

The litigation has been justified as a 'stewardship issue'. I'm just not buying it. Then again neither are the churches in question. A good and wise steward would seek to extract the maximum value for the property. Disregarding any prohibitions against litigation and being totally worldly, the good steward would assess each case on its facts, and litigate when the cast of the suit was well below the value of the property. He would also negotiate whenever possible to get the greatest value for property.

Outside of Central Florida, we haven't seen this. And again, I have to ask: Why?

What, exactly are the priorities of the Episcopal Church?

All signs point to an organization that is trying to stay on an even keel while the ship sinks. The officers and crew seem to just want to stay afloat until they retire. Any thoughts of repairing the damage have been officially cast aside.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Importance Of An Advanced Degree

When I was a baby lawyer, fresh from law school and was eager and even enthusiastic, I lived in rural South Georgia. As the youngest attorney in my county I was appointed to defend every felon who could not afford an attorney. This brief excursion has left me with a rich storehouse of criminal law stories.

Typically, I would be appointed at arraignment, after the judge heard the accused's plea. The plea was almost always 'not guilty'. I'd then jot down my new client's name and make arrangements with the Sheriff to interview him at the jail. I'd also fill in the blanks on a bunch of defense counsel motions that I would hand to the assistant DA before I left for lunch. Generally he had what I filed for already and simply gave me a copy.

After lunch, I'd sign out of the office and walk the two blocks to the jail. A deputy would bring my clients to me one at a time and lock them in a cell with me. Armed with the documents the ADA gave me, I'd interview the client. I always let them tell me what they thought happened. That gave me a good feel for how credible my client was as a witness.

Nine out of ten times I would hear a cock and bull story that usually ran along the lines of my client was just sitting in his friend's car when his friend, Red, went into the convenience store and emerged five minutes later with a bunch of money. Red then drove away at high speed, but bailed out right before the police pulled the car over. My client then had to switch to the driver's seat to stop the car. I heard this story or one very similar a lot.

I used to joke with the Sheriff as to how bad a job he was doing, what with Red staying on the loose and all.

Now what made this exercise particularly awful was that I would usually have my client's signed confession, in his own handwriting, right below where he had copied out his Miranda warning in longhand. You see, the DA had to give me copies of any statements my client made to the police. That was part of the documents the ADA handed to me.

One time, my client grabbed the confession from me and ripped it into shreds. I then had to explain to him that all he had done was tear up my copy. The DA still had the original.

My criminal clients would get arrested, confess and then stew in jail for days or even weeks because they couldn't make bail. That gave them plenty of time to work on a more palatable version of events. The longer they simmered, the more passionate they became about their personal fairytale.

When I left South Georgia to be a big city tax attorney, I thought I would never hear such spin again. Until today, I was right. The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori and Bonnie Anderson have topped even the most fantastical of my rural felons.

I guess it pays to have a graduate degree, even in fantasy.

The Big News From Anaheim

The real news from the Episcopal Church's 2009 General Convention is the following:

Madam President

South Carolina stands before you with broken hearts. By passing Resolution D025 and C056 this General Convention has overturned the clear and consistent teaching of Holy Scripture and the Christian Church. We will have repudiated the teaching and practice of the Anglican Communion. The Communion's patience and generosity toward the Episcopal Church makes our persistent refusal to heed their requests to us to honor the called for moratoria all the more devastating.

Many of us us here this morning, and in Dioceses, parishes, and pews throughout the Episcopal Church, disavow this General Convention's actions. Will will now prayerfully seek ways to be faithful to the Anglican Communion and to the mutual responsibility and interdependence to which we are called, no matter what the cost.

It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quote of the Day

From a discussion of the new budget for the Episcopal Church, an answer to a question about $1 million allocation: "Money apportioned specifically to Title IV goes for actions against bishops. Also for education." Interesting dichotomy....

From StandFirm

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

People of the Book

This is the third General Convention that I've been compelled to get all Old Testamenty and prophetic and such. And I don't mean prophetic in the GC 'lets ordain open and notorious sinners' sense either. I mean prophetic in the 'lets call down the wrath of God and grow a really long beard' sense. Which totally sucks as growing a beard is a process in perpetual facial itching and spousal alienation.

And I really do not wish to marry a woman named Gomer. Modern American culture views people named Gomer with hilarity and ridicule. Bigamy is still a felony in my home state. And my wife is both jealous and heavily armed.

Is there any chance that the Episcopal Church could pass a last minute resolution to the effect of "The 2012 General Convention shall not pass, entertain or debate any resolution, motion or canon revision that exposes anyone attending, belonging to or formerly belonging to the Episcopal Church to ridicule, derision or humiliation by such association or former association"?

I don't think so either.

The Episcopal Church Beclowns You!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

It May Be Illegal Now

But the Episcopal Church is already gearing up to bless these kinds of unions. Maybe not right away, but soon. After all, it's a justice issue!