Showing posts with label Bowls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bowls. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Second Painting for Show

I completed the 2nd painting for the Taos selects. I am now doing the photo work and getting ready to download. Whew, almost done with 3 days to spare.
This is Blue Bowl, 16"x 16" Venetian plaster, oil paint and graphite.
I am sending them 3 images and they will pick two (or none). I will show you all three in a few days.
Your comments are always appreciated. Happy Sunday! XOXO

Thursday, July 14, 2011

More Naked Bowls

Just for fun I thought I would show you my new bowls (and a spoon), they are not glazed yet.

I am really enjoying making the bowls, but right now I am currently hard at work on a painting.

I am really missing Zeus and Spike and B around here, but trying to keep my spirits up with art, funny movies and hiking with friends and Zoe and Max help a lot. I hope you are all having a great week.

Love. xoxo

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Bowls

I finally have finished bowls to show you. The tip top bowl is the inside of the finished bowl from the last post and the second down is the outside of the same bowl. Then the finished vase from the last post. The rest of the bowls are done and from a few posts ago when I showed them naked and dressed, now they are fired. All of these bowls will be going to my ETSY shop soon.

If any of you would like to know more, like size and cost or if you would like me to reserve one in your name in my shop, just leave a comment here or email me (see side bar). Let me know if you like em :-). Happy Tuesday! XOXO

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Work in Process and Hodgepodge

I know it has been a long while since I posted, but there has been a lot going on around here!

These pictures show my process in making a bowl and a vase, one step at a time. Start at the bottom and work your way up: first I wedge the clay which means I get all the bubbles out which is impossible, but you have to try :-). Then I roll out the clay just like dough. Next photo shows the clay being formed into the bowl, this take some time and a wee bit of effort to get it all even and the right thinness, then I cut away the excess clay. After it sets for a while I lift the clay out by the cheesecloth that keeps the clay from sticking to the bowl, this is the tricky part because if you do it too soon you may ruin the form. after I remove it from the bowl the real work begins, I have to smooth it out and get rid of all signs of the cheesecloth unless I am making a bowl which shows the texture, then I just smooth out the inside. I also made a vase with the coil method, the third photo shows the last coil (clay rolled up into a small cylinder shapes) being applied. The coil method is by far the slowest method, you have to attach each coil and smooth it out. The last three photos are of the pieces after I painted them with underglaze. Then I clear glazed parts of them (not shown) and they are now being fired in the kiln. I wanted to show you the finished pieces, but I won't get the fired pieces back until Tuesday and I did not want to wait that long, so this will be a two part post.

In other news: Many of you have sent me emails of concern because of the fires raging around Taos. It was touch and go when the fires were threatening Los Alamos where the government has labs that contain deadly toxic chemicals, but they have the fires under control now and I think all will be well soon. The smoke has been awful, and I am sad for the forest and all the animals, but we are still here :-).

Also update about my dog Zeus. He is amazing. His legs are getting weaker and I know we are lucky if we have the weekend, but I never know with him as he keeps rallying. Everyday is a gift and I know that.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a Happy 4Th of July. XOXO

Friday, June 17, 2011

Naked Bowls, Dressed

Remember the naked bowls? These are the same bowls underglazed on the outside (they are clear glazed inside to be food safe). They have been fired once and will now go back in the kiln and be high fired and if they make it through unscathed they will be off to my etsy shop, but I will show them to you first.

Just thought I would share my process a bit. I had to take these photos at night, so the light is not the best. Click to enlarge if you want to see more detail. Happy Friday! XOXO

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Naked Bowls

These photos are not the best, but it is raining outside and I get bad photos when I take them inside. These are my new porcelain bowls freshly made, not fired or glazed yet. Just wanted to share. Happy Wednesday! XOXO

P.S. I just took 20% off all my pendants and wall hangings in my ETSY site. I will only be making them at Christmas time from now on and want to move them, so go check them out while they are still around :-).

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Ceramics

Here are a few new pieces fresh out of the kiln. I have more to show, but will save them for a little later. These are made with the porcelain mix not the pure porcelain. The mug is 4 1/2"x 3"
and the bowl is 4"x 6". Let me now what you think.
Spike update: 75% better. Keep praying and thinking good thoughts.
Have a most wonderful Sunday. XOXO

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Bowl

Nothing profound to share today, it is pouring rain outside, which I love in Summer and I am a bit down which does not happen often and which I do not want to talk about :-). Instead I thought I would show you my latest bowl. Again there are a few glazing flaws, but other than that it is in good shape. I don't want to put anything with flaws on my Etsy site, so I offer it here and if any of you want it just make me an offer (I need money, so no trades this time) and I will consider it. Sorry for the crappy photos, but the lighting and the weather outside was not helpful today. The true color of red is the in the second photo down. The bowl is all handbuilt and measures 3"tall and 5 3/4" round. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thank you for your lovely comments and good energy yesterday, there were no sales though, I am sorry to say. XOXO

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Updates and a thank you to everyone

Thank you all who have been praying for my mom and cousin.
All the lovely comments are very appreciated. Mom is being
moved to assisted living today and will be able to go home after
she is able to walk better. She has a lot of pain, but she is getting
better everyday and I am very grateful for that.
I have been sitting with my sadness and anxiousness instead of
pushing it away and when I do that, it moves swiftly through me
and I am able to let go of worry. Still watching the funny movies too :-).
I have finished Erin's painting and will show photos after she receives it.
I have not touched clay for a few weeks and have been dreaming of it
nearly every night, so today I am going to follow my bliss and make
something, a mug, a bowl, not sure yet.
The two bowls I showed you a couple weeks ago have found homes!
One has made it's way to Diantha and one is on it's way to the UK
in a trade with Melanie. This makes me happier than I can express :-).
I am off to play. Keep the prayers coming. Love you, XOXO

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Bowls

Well, here they are. They did not turn out perfect (darn glazes), but I think they are still cute and I like them a lot. Because they are imperfect I won't put them on the Etsy site, but if any of you want one, you can make me an offer or a trade plus shipping and I would be happy to consider it. If nothing else I will give them as gifts or use them myself :-). I have had a fun couple days. I went out to visit my sculpture friend J and I got my hair cut. Now it is time to get some more art done. Let's see, more ceramics or work on the paintings? Not sure which is calling me, or perhaps both are. I hope you are having a good week. XOXO
P.S. Bowls are 31/2"x6", all handbuilt.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Bowl

As you can see, I worked out my photo problem :-). This is my new bowl, and like me she looks better in person than she does in photos, the true color is the photo in the middle. I am very happy with my green, hand built bowl :-). What do you think? XOXO