Showing posts with label Collage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collage. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2017

New collage

It has been months since I posted. Life  moves so fast these days. These are new collages, email me to the address on my side bar if you have an interest in any of these. Happy Thanksgiving too. xoxo

Saturday, June 4, 2016

CHANGE OF DATES for Second Workshop

  I am having a second workshop, I am very excited to be teaching how to work with Venetian plaster and collage elements, finding your own unique voice using this wonderful material. Saturday August 6Th and Sunday August 7Th, 10-4  with an hour for lunch. I will be having the workshop in Saint Francis plaza near the famous San Francisco De Asis church in the back of the wonderful shop, Velvet and Horns in Ranchos de Taos NM (4 miles from Taos, NM). There is room for  6 people, first come first serve, the last class filled up fast. I will provide cradle boards and the plaster, some paint and select bits of collage material. The price will be 95 a day, plus a 20 fee for supplies. Message me on FB or email me (address on sidebar) for more details if you need them and about payment. I hope to see you there. XOXO

Monday, January 11, 2016

Finally in the new year I finished my 40"x 40", three months in the making and 182 tea bags sewn and plastered with Venetian plaster, also graphite, oil paint and coffee. Finished with cold wax. Unfortunately I had a hard time photographing it as I had to take it outside and the snow on the ground caused a glare, the color between the teabags is much more coffee colored than this light grey it appears to be in the close ups.
Oh well as always my paintings are so much better and yummier in person. This painting is titled Grid # 6, (Colin's Habit) after my friend that provided me with all the teabags! I always love to hear your thoughts also as you know if you double click on the images they get larger. XOXO

Monday, November 16, 2015

New Collage

In my last post I told you about my new table and my new collage practice that I am working on to give me a break from my big projects. I am still having fun and this is my latest finished collage. This collage is for sale, email me if you are interested and I can send more photos. $75 plus $16 shipping in the US. I will ship out of the US, but it is costly.
The last photo is my cat Max helping me as I work, he thinks the table is for him.
I am happily working on more collage today as it is rainy and windy out and threatening to snow.
Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Great News

This beautiful book by Roxanne Evans Stout can now be pre ordered on Amazon.
I am honored to have one of my collage paintings included in the book.
It has been a long time coming and now the wait is almost over, not until December, but you can pre order it now, go HERE.
Happy Autumn! My favorite time of the year.XOXO

Friday, September 4, 2015

New Tea Bag Collage

 This is a new 20"x 20" teabag  collage, also Venetian plaster, oil paint, coffee, graphite and thread,
finished with cold wax. I included a close up shot, but if you click on image and then click again you can see all the yummy details.
Always love to hear from you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

New Tea Bag Collage

I actually completed this collage a few months ago, but never got around to showing you.
Small 12"x 9" tea bags sewn together and burned rice paper along with drawings and oil and graphite and cold wax.
I have been busy with life and also working on a huge project that may take up to a year to complete, will show you some sneak peeks when I get further along. I will also be working on paintings  while I go along, but it will be slower and I will likely have less to show for a while.
I always love to know your thoughts.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Another New Collage/ Burn Series

 This is one of the 3 new paintings/collage, 12"x 12". I included many detail shots because I love the yummy texture. Venetian plaster, rice paper, ink, thread, graphite, cheese cloth, oil paint, tea, and cold wax on cradle board. This is another in my burn series.
 I always love to hear from you.
Happy 4Th of July. XOXO

Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Collage/Burn Painting

This is my new collage,14 1/2" x 11" mixed media collage. I believe it is finished, but I need to live with it for a few weeks to be sure. This one is in my burn series. Venetian plaster, rice paper, graphite, cheese cloth, oil paint on cradle board.
I hope you are all well and having a wonderful Summer.
I have to say Summer is not my favorite, too hot and too many bugs, but I try to find something to love about all seasons and I do like the long days of Summer. Also so far it is a much cooler Summer than usual, taking lots of long hikes with Bella and reading a lot. I feel a bit lazy and I am not pushing myself  to do anything I don't feel to do. I completed 3 paintings at once and will share the other two soon.
I always love to hear your thoughts.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

New Collage/Painting

This is my new 18"x 18" painting. I took many dried used tea bags, cut up in pieces, sewed together, glued on board, with several layers of venetian plaster, oil and acrylic paint, graphite, then covered with more venetian plaster, more layers of paint and graphite, finished with cold wax. This piece is titled "The Art of Tea #3".
I love this painting and now have the joy of looking at it daily before it goes anywhere :-).
I always love to hear what you are thinking.
Happy Memorial Day, a bittersweet holiday filled with reflection.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Collages

I have been busy and having great fun with these new collages I am making for my ETSY shop and gallery in Ranchos NM,  I am trying  new things and also making things to sale at a lower price point. My paintings take much longer to do and I feel that I can't sell them for any lower prices than they already are. I make my living from my art after all and would very much like to do it full time. I am now able to work just part time, so I am very grateful. I think it is important to make art that everyone can afford. Money is always a troublesome area when it comes to art and it is not an area I feel comfortable even talking about, but it was part of the reason I began doing these collages, the other reason is that I have a larger vision, I want to do really strange, wonderful, large collage pieces and I have found it hard to begin. I felt that these smaller pieces could lead me in the direction I want to go. I will always still do my paintings, I just want to grow and expand my work.
These collages are the first step, made of tea stained paper, ink drawings by me, burned rice paper, thread, found ephemeral, white charcoal, watercolor and rust. I have included close up photos.
Top piece is "Constellations" 14 1/2" x 12 1/2", bottom piece is "Chas White" 16 1/2"x 12".
They will be going into my shop in the next week or so, the price is $95.00 plus shipping unframed.
If you would like one let me know and I will reserve it for you.
I would love to know what you think. XOXO

Monday, March 30, 2015

New Large Painting

I finally got a photo of my new painting/collage, I included some closeups as it is hard to see the details, if you click on an image and then click again you will be rewarded, I promise.
This one is called "Sea Change", 40"x 40", venetian plaster, oil, rice paper, graphite, ink and cold wax on board.
I have much in the works, collage, painting, new things for my ETSY shop, I am having a clearance sale, 20% off all items in my shop. To get the discount just type in springcleaning (no spaces) in the coupon window that comes up at check out.
I always appreciate your comments.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Tea Collage

This is my new teabag collage, friends are now giving me used tea bags, so these are a more square shape, I sewed them together with red thread. This  painting is made from Venetian plaster, oil,  tea bags, tea, Ink, thread, Graphite, Cold wax on board, 14"x11", titled Grid II. As always if you click on image and then click again you get a detailed image. The first two photos are close ups.
I always love to hear your thoughts. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

New Work

I am having fun with thread and sewing. This 10" x 10" has a lot of layers. Venetian plaster, cloth, rice paper, graphite, thread, oil paint, tea, cold wax on board. I have not titled it yet. Click on image then click again and you will be rewarded.
I always love to hear from you.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Time Traveler

This is a new collage/assemblage, "The Time Traveler", 11"x 14", Venetian plaster, rice paper, ink, graphite, thread, teabags, rusted bits, cold wax , on cradle board.
This piece is going to the gallery next week, so if you are interested in it, email me for more information and photos.
I always love to hear your thoughts.
I hope you are all well.