Showing posts with label Venetian plaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venetian plaster. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2016

CHANGE OF DATES for Second Workshop

  I am having a second workshop, I am very excited to be teaching how to work with Venetian plaster and collage elements, finding your own unique voice using this wonderful material. Saturday August 6Th and Sunday August 7Th, 10-4  with an hour for lunch. I will be having the workshop in Saint Francis plaza near the famous San Francisco De Asis church in the back of the wonderful shop, Velvet and Horns in Ranchos de Taos NM (4 miles from Taos, NM). There is room for  6 people, first come first serve, the last class filled up fast. I will provide cradle boards and the plaster, some paint and select bits of collage material. The price will be 95 a day, plus a 20 fee for supplies. Message me on FB or email me (address on sidebar) for more details if you need them and about payment. I hope to see you there. XOXO

Monday, April 12, 2010


These paintings were all done by one of my very favorite artists who lives here in New Mexico,
Alexandra Eldridge. I am going to Santa Fe next Monday and she has been kind enough to invite me to her studio! I am so excited. I can't tell you what it means to me, as she is the one who started me with the Venetian plaster. I read an article about her and her work with Venetian plaster, years ago and thought, what is this Venetian plaster? I was intrigued and thought I would try working with it. I went to all the hardware/paint stores in Taos. No one had it or had even heard of it! I thought, okay forget it, it is too hard to get hold of. That night I had a dream, an angel (I am not making this up) came to me and said "We hear you are giving up on the Venetian plaster" I said "Yes, it is too hard to get it around here" the angel said"We would rethink that if we were you". So I did (when an angel tells you something, you listen), I found it at Home Depot in Santa Fe and it changed my work and has become for me, profound.
So, you see what Alexandra means to me and how this coming visit is: WOW.
I just wanted to share. Click the links and see more of her wonderful, magical work. If I had the means I would fill my house with her paintings. Happy Monday! XOXO