Showing posts with label Jodi Meadows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jodi Meadows. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Review: The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows

The Mirror King (The Orphan Queen #2) by Jodi Meadows
Wilhelmina has a hundred enemies.
HER FRIENDS HAVE TURNED. After her identity is revealed during the Inundation, Princess Wilhelmina is kept prisoner by the Indigo Kingdom, with the Ospreys lost somewhere in the devastated city. When the Ospreys’ leader emerges at the worst possible moment, leaving Wil’s biggest ally on his deathbed, she must become Black Knife to set things right.
HER MAGIC IS UNCONTROLLABLE. Wil’s power is to animate, not to give true life, but in the wraithland she commanded a cloud of wraith mist to save herself, and later ordered it solid. Now there is a living boy made of wraith—destructive and deadly, and willing to do anything for her.
HER HEART IS TORN. Though she’s ready for her crown, declaring herself queen means war. Caught between what she wants and what is right, Wilhelmina realizes the throne might not even matter. Everyone thought the wraith was years off, but already it’s destroying Indigo Kingdom villages. If she can’t protect both kingdoms, soon there won’t be a land to rule.
In this stunning conclusion to THE ORPHAN QUEEN, Jodi Meadows follows Wilhelmina’s breathtaking and brave journey from orphaned criminal on the streets to magic-wielding queen.
Publishes in US:  April 5th 2016 by Katherine Tegen Books
Genre: ya fantasy
Source: Harper teen via Edelweiss
Disclaimer: I received this book as an ARC (advanced review copy). I am not paid for this review, and my opinions in this review are mine, and are not effected by the book being free.
Series? Yes.  The Orphan Queen #2
The Hidden Prince (The Orphan Queen, #0.1) Published June 2nd 2015 by Epic Reads Impulse
The Glowing Knight (The Orphan Queen, #0.2) Expected publication: September 1st 2015
The Burning Hand (The Orphan Queen, #0.3) Published December 1st 2015)
The Black Knife (The Orphan Queen, #0.4) Published March 1st 2016)

My review of Orphan Queen

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    I wanted to read  Mirror King because I enjoyed Orphan Queen. I liked Wil's character and even though I had a bit of hard time with the politic end of the story (my fault in fantasy not the writer's). 

   Mirror King started right where are orphan Queen left off. it started right into the action after the Prince was shot. I was able to remember dinner things as she describes what's going on but there was still a lot that I didn't remember because you know how book amnesia goes.

   Wilhelmina, our main character was torn, she'd just learned that the Prince and the black hand, the one that she'd partnered with as vigilante. Now she is out in the open since she used magic to help remove the arrow and had wraigth boy under her command.

   Honestly I ended up not liking this one as much. I feel like it focused even more so on the politics than the last one and that sort of fantasy writing just doesn't keep my attention as well.

    The plot did take some surprising turns and I think there are just wasn't as much romance in this one it was more fighting and the action and trying to figure out what to do with the magic users and trying to fight off the wraight.

    I skimmed through quite a bit of it because I still wanted to know what happened regardless of not being as into some of the plot details. I still like Wil a lot. she was smart strong and she tried to do what she saw in her eyes as right and she was still fighting for her kingdom and for them to live free of threats and free from the wraight.

   At about 80% the book it really picked up and got my attention. I liked how it wrapped up and finished the story lines. 

Bottom Line: Not as good for me as first, but liked the ending a lot.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Ever caught between what she wants and what is right

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Review: The Orphan Queen (The Orphan Queen #1) by Jodi Meadows

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows
Wilhelmina has a hundred identities.
She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne.
She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone.
She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others.
Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.
Publishes in US: March 10th 2015 by Katherine Tegen Books Harper Teen
Genre: YA fantasy
Source: library
Series? The Orphan Queen #1

The Hidden Prince (The Orphan Queen, #0.1) Published June 2nd 2015 by Epic Reads Impulse
The Glowing Knight (The Orphan Queen, #0.2) Expected publication: September 1st 2015
The Burning Hand (The Orphan Queen, #0.3) Published December 1st 2015)
The Black Knife (The Orphan Queen, #0.4) Published March 1st 2016)

The Mirror King (The Orphan Queen, #2) Expected publication: April 5th 2016

Buy it: HarperCollins
Barnes and Noble

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     I was so excited to read Orphan Queen because I adored Jodi's first series. I also liked the idea of the resistance group fighting for their kingdom in secret for now, but advancing their plans. The idea of Wil and her best friend going undercover in the castle. Sure enough Orphan Queen did not disappoint.

   This one did get off to a bit of a mixed start for me I like Wilhelmina aka Wil and how she was trying to protect the other kids that were left behind as orphans when a neighboring kingdom slaughtered her parents and the ruling class, since her kingdom had such magic users which they thought was responsible for the curse.. She is an heir and feels the responsibility for them, and wants to reclaim her kingdom, Aecor. The other pressing issue is the wraith, the nasty by product of magic began to effect the land, bringing a stench along with mutated and strong and unnatural beasts and humans transformed into monsters who used so much magic for power.

     It's the fantasy set up with a little bit hard for me to understand with all the political alliances and such. But that sort of thing is usually confusing for me no matter the author. I got a hang of the major players enough to start really enjoying and loving the story.

     I did understand how she was trying to take back control of the kingdom and that she had a small group to help her do it they were planning to infiltrate the castle that is now in rule and also knew that she had an enemy the Black Dagger that has been showing up whenever they are going on missions. I like I will and how she was trying to protect the other kids that where left behind as orphsms when their parents who were the nation's rulers before they were killed. I also like the closeness that the group and how tight knit they were family whether not everyone was actually related or not. I was really sad when some of them began to turn on each other.

   Wil may have been the orphan queen but she is strong. She's learned to fight, and she has to steal in order to feed others. She fights the wraith creatures with and with out magic. I admired the lines that she would not cross and her determination and will power to make that happen. She is fierce and a protector. She is determined and smart. But I love that she also has some unique talents. She is super talented at forgery and I am surprised how much that helped her and got her into the castle for her undercover, and was able to advance the plans, and help protect her people without being suspicious.
Love this quote as she answers as a duchess (the answers in quotes) and what she really wants to say.
“What do you enjoy doing?”
Forgery? “Writing letters. Drawing.” Picking locks? “Puzzles.” Fighting? “Sewing.”
     I was really surprised at some of the turns, and people who I thought was enemies that became a strong alliance. There also was a romance involved, and it was slow developing and increasingly complicated because even though they both understand who the other is at heart, they have to keep so many secrets including their true identities.

    I was suspicious of everyone, but there were some, like the prince's cousin that I loved. He treated Wil disguised as a ruling class refugee from a kingdom that the wraith made impossible to keep living there. She is supposed to get their military plans, the castle layout, etc. But she begins to see some of them as people who are just in impossible situations, acting in what they truly believe is in the best interest of their kingdom, the only way to save them.

    Wil is a magic user, and she struggles with not using it, because while her kingdom viewed magic as something to use when necessary instead of it being banned like the king of Skyvale and many others believed it should be banned completely. She is very interested in trying to solve the problem, but she doesn't by into not using at all, and wonders if her parents were on to something by continuing to use magic, or if they were just being blind to the huge and detrimental effects. But Wil wants to discover the problem and figure out a solution.  She sets this as priority over taking her land back and that is when the division in the Ospreys begins.

    I suspected a few people of being the black knife would be but the ending in the reveal was awesome. I gotta say I kind of agree with her mom with all my gosh is that really where the book is ending? That's horrible. Only horrible in the best way though dear readers because of.what happened and how long we have to wait too find out how it ends.

    Despite my floundering (totally my issue not Jodi's), I quickly fell in love with the character and the plot, how it would all turn out. I will certainly be finishing this series, and would like to make time for novellas as well.

Bottom Line: Loved Wil, her strength and dedication to figuring out her challenges for the best of her people.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Would you want to rule a kingdom?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Review: Infinite by Jodi Meadows

Infinite (Newsoul, #3)

The Year of Souls begins with an earthquake—an alarming rumble from deep within the earth—and it’s only the first of greater dangers to come. The Range caldera is preparing to erupt. Ana knows that as Soul Night approaches, everything near Heart will be at risk.
Ana’s exile is frightening, but it may also be fortuitous, especially if she can convince her friends to flee Heart and Range with her. They’ll go north, seeking answers and allies to stop Janan’s ascension. And with any luck, the newsouls will be safe from harm’s reach.
The oldsouls might have forgotten the choice they made to give themselves limitless lifetimes, but Ana knows the true cost of reincarnation. What she doesn’t know is whether she’ll have the chance to finish this one sweet life with Sam, especially if she returns to Heart to stop Janan once and for all.
With gorgeous romance and thrilling action, the final book in the Incarnate trilogy offers a brilliant conclusion to the compelling questions of this fascinating world, where one new girl is the key to the lives of millions


Publishes in US: January 28th 2014 by Katherine Tegen Books
Genre: YA fantasy
Source: Harper Teen
Series? Newsoul #3

Buy it:  Amazon Barnes & Noble IndieBound Book Depository

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    I was sent Infinite by Harper Teen and was so glad! I'd wanted to read it and requested it because I enjoyed the first two in the series, and I wanted to know what would happen with Ana and Sam. 
    It is so hard to review a series that you've enjoyed, especially the last book. There is so much that I want to say but I want no spoilers and also, it is hard because it takes a while to really process, and I normally like to write my reviews right after so that everything is fresh in my mind. I have such a feeling of excitement going in because it is back with characters, plots, music and a love story that I have invested my time and emotions in. But on the other hand, there is sadness, because I knew that my time with Ana and Sam was limited in pages. 
    I've been invested in Ana since day one, and I really connected with her. She is courageous, brave and inquisitive. She has self doubts and issues from her past which helps me to relate with her even more, because I've seen those things in myself. But I really admire how she works through her doubts, and she incorporates how much Sam and the others who believe in her and are her friends into how she sees herself, and that is awesome. She has grown so much, but in this one, still finds things that she needs to continue to develop, especially working through selfishness and realizing communication is still important even when division or strife is there. 
    I've loved the sweet, trusting and steamy romance between Sam and Ana for quite a while. We get lots of that in this book, as well as them learning more about each other and progressing. They aren't without their trials though, because Ana has been keeping a secret from Sam, and it really does some distance and damage in this one. It was so hard when they were apart and not as close as they'd been, although I def understand Sam's hurt. I understood too why Ana kept it from him, she was just trying to protect him, but she should have learned from the ordeals with trust they'd dealt with in the past. 
    The answers begin slowly trickling in as Infinite, the last of the trilogy progresses, and Ana gets help from all sorts of unexpected places. The pacing is good, revealing things at the right times, not overwhelming but still keeping everything moving. 
    The costs were high in order to keep going with their mission to stop Janan, which made this book very emotional. The characters all grieved and processed things in their own way, which is true of people in the real world not only the bookish, so I was glad that was well written. 
    It wrapped up well, and I was pleased with the ending. Though I will say that I am a bit confused at a few of the details and exactly what that means for the characters, but the last page made those questions not as important because of the ending and what it means for the characters and things they'd promised and hoped for, not only for their lives but for each other. 

Bottom Line: Good series ending, lots of action, hardship, romance and character growth.

My question to you, my lovely readers:
How do you feel about reincarnation in general?
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Review: Asunder by Jodi Meadows

Asunder (Newsoul, #2)
Asunder by Jodi Meadows
Ana has always been the only one. Asunder. Apart. But after Templedark, when many residents of Heart were lost forever, some hold Ana responsible for the darksouls–and the newsouls who may be born in their place.
Many are afraid of Ana’s presence, a constant reminder of unstoppable changes and the unknown. When sylph begin behaving differently toward her and people turn violent, Ana must learn to stand up not only for herself but for those who cannot stand up for themselves.
Ana was told that nosouls can’t love. But newsouls? More than anything, she wants to live and love as an equal among the citizens of Heart, but even when Sam professes his deepest feelings, it seems impossible to overcome a lifetime of rejection.
In this second book in the Newsoul trilogy, Ana discovers the truth about reincarnation and will have to find a way to embrace love and make her young life meaningful. Once again, Jodi Meadows explores the extraordinary beauty and shadowed depths of the soul in a story equal parts epic romance and captivating fantasy.
Publishes in US: January 29th 2013 by Katherine Tegen Books
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: bought
Series? New Soul #2. , and releases in 2014

Buy it: IndieBound Amazon Barnes and Noble Book Depository Books-A-Million Indigo Powell's

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   Got started with an emotional beginning, mourning those lost in Templedark. They had monuments made and did memorials. Asunder also showed different people grieving their losses in different ways, which I think is important because in real life people also mourn differently. 
   Then there was the twist with the sylph, and I was so interested in this plot line. I wanted to know what it was about why they were behaving differently to Ana, and what this meant for her. 
    We also get to see Ana and Sam together. I just love their romance and seeing them interact with each other and bond through music. I respect him so much when he said. Ana said "Like always, he let me do what I needed to do," and he supported her quietly and faithfully. That he spoke his advice, but stood by her side. And the way he talks to her and treats her is awesome.
"I love you because you're good and honest. I love you because you're brave... because you're strong. I love you because you don't let anything get in the way of doing what's right."
    This is totally why I love Ana as a character, and why I adore Sam. 
    There were new characters and old ones where I started questioning loyalties and what exactly was going on. It was hard when Steph was questioning Sam's love for Ana because I had grown to like her a lot in the last one. I mean, I guess I can understand where she is coming from, but I don't like that she is deviating from her stance and what made me like about her in the last one. It was also hard to see Sam struggling in this one. As many hot and sweet moments, there are also ones where he is withdrawn and putting distance between him and Ana. 
    The ending gave me lots of answers but I still want to know so much more about this world, and see what Ana does next. There was also a great sacrifice that made me very sad. I totally understand the reasoning and it was honorable as all, but it was heartbreaking. 

Bottom Line: Good second book with some hot scenes.

Books similar to Asunder:(links go to my review) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, What's Left of Me by Kat ZhangBeta by Rachel CohnThe Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna

My question to you, my lovely readers:

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Review: Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

Incarnate (Newsoul, #1)
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
Ana is new. For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences from previous lifetimes. When Ana was born, another soul vanished, and no one knows why.
Even Ana's own mother thinks she's a nosoul, an omen of worse things to come, and has kept her away from society. To escape her seclusion and learn whether she'll be reincarnated, Ana travels to the city of Heart, but its citizens are afraid of what her presence means. When dragons and sylph attack the city, is Ana to blame?
Sam believes Ana's new soul is good and worthwhile. When he stands up for her, their relationship blooms. But can he love someone who may live only once, and will Ana's enemies—human and creature alike—let them be together? Ana needs to uncover the mistake that gave her someone else's life, but will her quest threaten the peace of Heart and destroy the promise of reincarnation for all?
Jodi Meadows expertly weaves soul-deep romance, fantasy, and danger into an extraordinary tale of new life.


Publishes in US: January 31st 2012 by Katherine Tegen Books
Genre: YA paranormal
Source: bought
Series? Yes. Incarnate is 1st in Newsoul series. Asunder is 2nd and is already out. The 3rd in newsoul series is untilted and releases in 2014.

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   It started right with action and by connecting me to the main character. I liked Ana because she is different, that she questions instead of blindly accepting things, and also because I felt for her because of the way that her mom treated her. 
    I like that Ana doesn't just blindly accept anything. She digs and finds the answers for herself. She is also relatable though because she is a good person but she's not perfect. She has her insecurities and lashes out at Sam some. It is understandable because of how she grew up that she wouldn't easily trust. It was quite an adventure to watch her discover her passions, and how that connected her with Sam and brought out his emotions and realized what was beneath the layers. 
    Sam is a mystery right off the bat, because I wanted to know why he was in the middle of nowhere, how he rescued her in the freezing cold water, and just because he is elusive. He is kind of course helping Ana, and encouraging her. He was just another hook that got me within the first three chapters. 
    There is also the great premise, and it got going right away. I was so curious why a soul would disappear instead of coming back again, and what made Ana special that a new soul or a no soul would show up. 
    I loved the twists and how the people have such personalities, how their pasts factor into who they are now. Especially about Sam, the things that Ana didn't realize right away, I just thought it was amazing going full circle like that. 
    The Heart, the town where they live is well thought out. It adds to the awesomeness of the world building and the setting. I enjoyed the mythical creatures involved and their powers even if they were usually on the "bad" side. It shows so much creativity and added action and adventure. 
    Another thing I absolutely loved was the slow build of the romance. It is so satisfying to read about. The friendship and the back and forth, the flirting and the uncertainty. It is beautiful to watch play out and just what I love. 
    There is a wonderful cast of secondary characters. Steph and her take charge, no-nonsense attitude really made me like her a lot. I like that she told Sam how it was and stood up for Ana even when she didn't know her. She is very perceptive and I like that. 
    And holy twist of doom. You feel the storm building, and then the unthinkable happens. Or does it? But we realize so much all at once and some of it is good and some bad. 
    It ended at a pretty good place, but I am still super anxious to get the next one. So if anyone has a kindle or epub I can borrow, I will be your friend forever :). 

Bottom Line: Great start to a series I can't wait to keep reading. Action, romance and a courageous main character.

Books similar to Incarnate:(links go to my review) What's Left of Me by Kat ZhangBeta by Rachel CohnThe Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna

My question to you, my lovely readers:
Would you want the knowledge of previous lives if you reincarnated?