Showing posts with label CHA 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHA 2010. Show all posts

Saturday, July 24, 2010

~Saturday giveaway update and bling'in it up with my i-rock!~

Good morning!!!!
Today I am packing but I set this to post
while I was away baking and such.

I REALLY wanted to play more with my i-rock,
so I decided to BLING up my Yellow Box shoes for CHA
They were lime green polka dot with pink and white, which
I liked but they did not match anything I owned LOL
So I decided to BLING them up and make them more
neutral. You should have seen hubby LOL
His exact words were "Oh &^*% she has a be-dazzler!!"
I was cracking up!!!!!!

I also wanted to show you who are headed to CHA
what to look for! :) ME!
I made 2 aprons, this is one and you saw the other.
I am so excited to meet everyone.
I will be there from Sunday at12pm
until Friday at 5am, I fly out Friday.
So please do track me down!!!!
I have a horrible memory so bear with me.
Just remind me who you are ok?

First thing I am headed to do at CHA
Mission #1 will be finding an APRON
to give away!!!!!

So stay tuned for 5 days of giveaways!
When I get home I will draw names,
so keep on commenting and sharing with your friends.
Each referral is another entry just ask Sandy! :)

~Happy Saturday y'all~

Friday, July 23, 2010

~Happy Friday! Time for some fun and a CHA TRIP Giveaway!!!!!~

Happy FRIDAY!!!!! I am so excited,
I leave on Sunday for Chicago!!!!
I know you must be sick of hearing about it LOL

Yesterday someone asked me about this flower
I made so I thought I would post it.
The flower is some sort of Prima Flower and I WRAPPED
this Webster's Pages Bloomer's Ribbon.
Then I used my irock to place a clear gemstone on
the button. That's it.

Because I am genuinely crazy, I decided
at the last minute to play in a challenge on
Tally Scrapper.It's called "So You Think You Can Scrap"
I am not playing to win.
I am just playing to have some fun.
If I win I am sending the box of goodies to my
friend Denise. Who has slipped off the face
of the scrap world LOL
Anyways, I just thought I would have fun.
The first challenge was to scrap a 8.5X11 PURPLE PAGE
that says "So you think you can...?"
I chose Judge Me?
I had to use twine, and a wallet sized photo.
Oh and an all purple page...(yes this
is purple, it's the Whitewash Color Core'dinations purple paper)
Not because I am angry but it's funny how people
judge me because of my pink hair.
They think I am a punk, or goth, or a crazy drunk.
In reality, I am such a soccer mom it hurts LOL

Anyways, just some scrap fun.

Now for the beginning of my CHA giveaways! :)
I have some chipboard and papers
from the new Imaginisce Apple Cider Collection
*just a few*I was not supposed to get the extras but
a cross over in shipping time and another DT
gave me some so I am passing them along.

Be sure to leave a comment here and
pass the word along!!! It's going to be a fun week!

Stay tuned this week because I have a big one
by the end of CHA and I plan on giving
away most of the goodies I get at the show!

You won't want to miss it!

Ok I am off to pack and go to the PO!

~Thanks for popping by~
~Happy Friday Y'all~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~HaPpY hUmP dAy! HaPpY cRaFtInG~

I spent yesterday lounging at the pool,
I always feel bad for doing that when I have work to do
but the kids, they just love it and it was their last time!

I will have a very special CHA GIVEAWAY later
this week, so stay tuned! It's a good one!

I did manage to get home in time to finish this apron for CHA
I am going to wear it at the Helmar Booth,
what do ya think??
I also made another one very similar for
Imaginisce, they sent me a special apron
with a logo on it. I need to see if I can get permission to
share it with y'all.

Anyways I used my i-rock tool for my name.
The P is PINK and the rest is clear.
I love that tool!!
I had so much fun with it.
So look for the crazy pink haired zebra girl at CHA! :)

OK I am off to bake a cake, edit photos
for Scrapbooking From The Inside Out August Kit,
sew 3 dresses, and maybe nap! LOL

~Have a great Wednesday~
~Thanks for popping by~

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

~Friends at CHA, I am a lucky girl~

Good morning!
I wanted to share pictures with you today.
I am so blessed....
I was not able to attend CHA California this year, but several of
my buddies are there having a blast!
I told them all where to look for my projects and they all know who I DT for.
Last night I received this email from Nancy Doren
She is on the DT with me for SFTIO!
She stopped but he Purple Cows booth to take a shot of my Box on display! :)
I love that she caught the note inside from my son on camera! :)My poor box has seen better days, I think all the traveling is wearing her down hehe
Isn't she adorable? I am so excited to see one of my CHA projects LIVE
and in her hot little hands!! I need to scrap this!
And she popped by the Imaginisce booth and said Hi to Madge...
I think between her pink hair and mine...well we might have a fetish!
And of course here is one of the new lines from Imaginisce.
Thanks Nancy for making my day!
I am really blessed to have friends who are willing to take the time to stop
and send pictures that they know are special to me!
I know Purple Cows rocked CHA because everyone
told me they were so nice and treated them like royalty
when they stopped at the booth.

OK thanks for sharing with me and all "my first projects in CHA" excitement!
Have a great Wednesday, I am off to have lunch with a new friend
VERY excited! I have known her for about 3 or 4 years now
and she just moved to TN!

Oh and one of my blog friends followed the "Lace Flower tutorial"
and sent me a note sharing hers!
They rock! Go check her out!

~Thanks for stopping by~
~Have a great day~
More crafty goodness tomorrow

Thursday, January 21, 2010

~Scrap it all Thursday~

Good afternoon! I am late today...
It has been thundering and lightning all night & day!
I did have a rush of inspiration today and created this layout.
I made this for the Dirty Scraps Challenge Blog
Challenge #1
I am sure every single person out there has been used, this is
my way of releasing it all...I hope anyways! :)

Today I have been checking out sneak peeks from all
the retailers for CHA and OMG fun new stuff!
So much competition!
I am going to be in paper heaven when everything comes out!
I cannot believe we are almost to 300 followers!!!!
Time for a party...I am just waiting for that magic number!

OK off to do my motherly duties...
Hope you all have a beautiful day

Saturday, January 16, 2010

~Fun new releases from Imaginisce!!~

Good morning, I am so thankful it has been sunny
the last few days! It perks me right up and gives
me hope for Spring! LOL
I love me some winter, don't get me wrong
but I also look forward to spring.
We have a busy weekend with my beautiful boys planned,
lots of unpacking and lots of mommy time! :)

Have you seen the new sneak peek from Imaginisce?
I have been so excited to share these!
Hot off their blog! Click on picture for the blog.
We impressed you last winter CHA with one of the best selling tools released in 2009 and we won't disappoint you this year. BUT, this product is so TOP SECRET that we can't officially announce it until CHA, but here's a sneak peek (literally) of the "hottest" new scrapbook & crafting tool being released in 2010.

(plus do you see this HOT Pink haired chick?
I love her! I knew I was meant for Imaginisce LOL)Magnets, buttons, brads, AND BADGES/PINS!!!!! OMG
I can make my own badges/pins no hassle with one tool! I love it!
This is a FUN pin I made with the new Lucy Bird line
and the itop using the Badge Daddies!So I was thinking yesterday that it had been a while since I had
a fun RAK and shared some crafty goodness with my friends online.
I don't mean to neglect you, I have just been swamped lately
and a little but of the winter blues have set in.
Nothing like sharing and caring to cheer me up!

So I have some fun flowers to give away!!!!These are beautiful Petaloo Flowers who partners with
Purple Cows and we are lucky enough to play with them.And brand NEW release Scooter's Vacation Petal Pups Paper Flowers
You won't even find these except on PRE ORDER! :)
I would love to share with one lucky winner!

Just leave a comment here and on Tuesday I will randomly choose a winner
~Have a great weekend!~
~Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you are here~