Showing posts with label scrapbookg giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbookg giveaway. Show all posts

Thursday, July 8, 2010

~A Sunflower-y Friday & Fun GIVEAWAYS too!~

Good morning my crafty friends...
some of you have asked about my sunflowers, the ones
we planted in the beginning of spring.

They have finally began to blossom and they are
so beautiful! The boys are tickled PINK!
They Oooo and Ahhh all the time.
We are growing them not only to cover the chicken
coop a bit but also sunflower seeds are very
good for chickens, so we will be feeding them

to the chickens after they are finished.
I cannot think of a better way to recycle and re-use!
I will also be drying some of the seeds for my sunflower
patch next year.Anyways I just wanted to share a couple of
pictures of the sunflowers at sunset.
It was 105 yesterday and we had horrible thunder storms
in the afternoon so I had to wait until sunset
to snap shots.
And what do I come across while snapping pictures?
Why our neighbor "Little Bear" who came to visit the
chickens apparently LOL
They were none to happy to see him!
But I had fun snapping pictures anyway!

I did NO crafting yesterday, just sewing,
sewing, and more sewing.
Even a special Fiskateer color top! hehehe
How could I resist this fun orange polka dot fabric??!
Ok I know in your head you are saying...
Pinky shut up and get to the GIVEAWAY!
Right?? LOL I know you are!
ok ok...
Remember I told you about the Birthday Bash
goodies I would be getting??
They came in the mail!!!!!!!
I was so tickled to get an amazing box.
Not only my Imaginisce goodies but also my August Kit for
Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
AND a special treat...
A new Cricut cartridge!!!

*Here are the GIVEAWAYS*
SFTIO is partnered with Lily Bee and they are giving
away the July Kit of COURAGE! Hecks ya baby!

The other GIVEAWAY is right here.
Thanks to Imaginisce.
Just leave a comment and I will randomly choose a
winner on SUNDAY!
I would love to have you as a follower, however
since Imaginisce was kind enough to send this my way
It's a FREEBIE! :)

It's awesome when a company is generous enough to give
away prizes and goodies and I am blessed enough to be
able to share in the love of crafting! *YEA*
Have a beautiful weekend!

~Thank you for popping by~