Blog saya ini mencerminkan semua hal yang menarik dan menggairahkan kehidupan pribadi saya: Sepakbola dan olahraga, sinema,fotografi,dunia internet,teknologi,serta dunia jurnalistik. Saya mengajak bloggers serta para pembaca untuk bersama menikmati video-video yang saya sajikan yang saya ambil dari berbagai situs video termasuk hasil produksi sendiri,dan silahkan beri komentar. Salam Bola !
This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


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Kamis, April 30, 2009

Empat Jenis Takling dalam Sepakbola
Four Kinds of Tackling in the Football (Soccer)

Takling, atau "jegal" dalam bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu gerakan atau aksi atau bahkan teknik yang diperbolehkan dalam pertandingan sepakbola. Tujuannya adalah merebut bola dari kaki lawan. Namun begitu, gerakan yang satu ini termasuk dalam gerakan yang berbahaya, sebab berpotensi mencederai lawan, dan karena itu peringatan dan bahkan kartu merah dari sang wasit kerap terpaksa dikeluarkan. Berikut adalah cuplikan 4 (empat) jenis takling sepanjang pengamatan Bolasinema.
Tackle,tackling or intercepted is one of the movements or the action or even the technique that was permitted in the football match. The aim is to seize the ball from foot of the opponent. However, this act is including in the dangerous movement, because of having the potential to damage the opponent, and because that the warning and even the red card from the referee often were forced to be dismissed. Along with was the quotation 4 (four) the kind tackles, according to Bolasinema observation.

Seperti sudah anda saksikan di atas, takling dilakukan oleh pemain mana saja, dari yang dikenal temperamental sampai yang dikenal lembut. Dari posisi penyerang sampai penjaga gawang. Terkadang takling memang efektif dalam merebut bola, tapi terkadang dilakukan serampangan sehingga malah diusir wasit.
As you watching clip above, tackling was carried out by any player, from that was known temperamental to that was known to be softly players. From the position of the aggressor to the goalkeeper. Occasionally tackling quite effective in seizing the ball, but occasionally was carried out very badly,especially that was done from behind, so as even was expelled by the referee.

Senin, Januari 05, 2009

Sepakbola dan Tamparan -
The Ball and the Slap

Anda pernah ditampar ? Atau justru anda yang menampar ? Menampar adalah kegiatan yang banyak dihubungkan dengan "aktivitas" dalam rumah tangga. Istilah kerennya sekarang adalah Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT). Entah suami yang menampar istri, atau istri yang menampar suaminya. Namun menampar juga dilakukan oleh manusia dalam aktivitas lainnya sehari-hari. Misalnya seorang cewek yang menampar cewek lainnya karena pacarnya telah direbut. Atau ayah menampar anak gadisnya karena ketahuan kumpul kebo.Atau seorang bocah menampar temannya karena mengambil permennya tanpa bilang-bilang.
Tapi bagaimana dengan sepakbola ? Apa hubungan sepakbola dan tampar-tamparan ? Atau apakah ada tampar-tamparan di olahraga sepakbola? Mari kita saksikan saja klip di bawah ini:
You had been slapped? Or precisely you that slapped? Slapped was the activity that often was connected with the "activity" in the household. Now popular as Domestic Violence. The husband that slapped the wife, or the wife slapped his husband. However slapped also was carried out by humankind in the other activity everyday. For example a girl who slapped the other girl because his girlfriend was seized. Or the father slapped his girl because of being found out living together (without married). Or a child slapped his friend because of taking his peppermints secretly. But how about football? What is the relationship between football and slaps ? Or is there a slaps in sport of football ? Let's take a look the clip below :

Ternyata dalam permainan sepakbola yang notabene mengandalkan kaki sebagai senjata utama (kecuali penjaga gawang), terkadang tangan juga cukup andil dalam permainan. Kegiatan menampar adalah salah satu yang termasuk pelanggaran, tapi sangat sering luput dari perhatian wasit. Bila dilakukan di kotak penalti, bisa menyebabkan hukuman penalti. Dan nyaris semua pemain bola - yang ternama sekalipun, termasuk Ronaldinho - pernah melakukan tamparan kepada lawannya. Semoga saja kebiasaan menampar di lapangan hijau tidak terbawa-bawa ke luar pertandingan. Terutama ke dalam rumah tangga. Bisa runyam nanti.
Evidently in the game of football that notabene relied foot as the main weapon (except the goalkeeper), occasionally the hands also were enough the contribution in the game. The activity slapped was some that including the violation, but really often escaped from attention of the referee. When being carried out in the the penalty box, could cause the penalty punishment. And almost all the ball players - that was famous although, including Ronaldinho - had done slapped to his opposite. It is hoped the habit of slapped in the green field not persistent outside the match. Especially into the household. Could difficulties later.

Jumat, Juli 11, 2008

Vinnie Jones,Bintang di Lapangan,Bintang di Layar Lebar-
Vinnie Jones,Star in the Field,Star in the Movie Screen

Walaupun bernama "Bolasinema",namun ini adalah postingku yang pertama membahas sepakbola yang berhubungan dengan sinema dengan begitu terkait.Sinema kata lainnya adalah movie,atau teater,atau film atau apapun pertunjukan yang bergerak. Ada dua orang mantan pemain sepakbola yang selama ini menarik perhatian saya selaku penggemar sepakbola dunia. Pemain pertama tak lain dan tak bukan adalah "Si Tangan Tuhan" Diego Armando Maradona. Semua orang pasti sudah mengenalnya.Sepak terjangnya di dalam dan di luar lapangan sama hebohnya.Sisi positif dan negatifnya berimbang. Tetapi akan kita bahas mengenai Maradona di lain kesempatan saja.Adapun pemain kedua yang menarik perhatian saya adalah Vinnie Jones. Bernama lengkap Vincent Peter Jones,lahir pada 5 Januari 1965 di Watford,Inggris.Bermain dalam 384 pertandingan liga and mencetak 33 goals selama karirnya.Pemain ini ketika masih aktif bermain memang terkenal dengan sifatnya yang temperamental.Tak kenal takut,kadang bermain kasar dan curang.Tak heran kartu kuning dan merah menjadi langganannya. Mendapatkan 12 kartu merah sepanjang karirnya,Jones bahkan pernah diberi kartu kuning ketika pertandingan baru berjalan 5 detik.Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne juga pernah merasakan "jamahan" pemain ini ketika dalam suatu pertandingan Jones memegang alat kelamin Gascoigne sampai kesakitan. Jones juga pernah membunuh karir pemain Tottenham Hotspur Gary Stevens lewat suatu takling yang mematikan. Pemain nasional Wales ini pernah memperkuat klub EPL,Wimbledon sebanyak 2 kali yakni musim 1986-1989 dan 1992-1998.Dan memang di klub inilah Jones menjadi legenda.Mengakhiri karir di klub Queens Park Rangers sebagai manajer sebelum dia pensiun dari dunia sepakbola. Karir show biz nya dimulai ketika Jones menjadi bintang dalam film karya Guy Ritchie (suami Madonna) dalam Lock,Stock,and Two Smoking Barrels.Vinnie Jones lalu menjadi tamu dalam acara semacam "Smack Down" yakni World Wrestling Federation pada 6 Desember 1998.Jones juga sempat menjadi host acara televisi dan membintangi beberapa iklan.Perjalanan karir Jones selanjutnya tampaknya mantap di dunia film.Baik karya Inggris maupun Hollywood.Sampai awal tahun 2008 ini tercatat sudah sekitar 29 film yang ia bintangi.Salah satu film dimana Jones bermain adalah Euro Trip.Produksi tahun 2004 ini menceritakan tentang 4 anak remaja Amerika yang ingin mengisi liburannya dengan berjalan-jalan ke Eropa.Dan mereka mengalami beberapa masalah selama perjalanan.Berikut ini scene dimana Vinnie Jones sedang berakting.Kita saksikan saja klip ini:
Although having a name "Bolasinema",but this was my first post that discussed about football that was connected with the cinema with so tight.Sinema other words were movie, or the theatre, or the film or anything the moving performance.There were two people the former football player who attracted my attention as the lover of world football.The first player actually of course is "The Hand of God" Diego Armando Maradona.Everyone definitely already know him.His activities inside and outside of field was the same way. His positive and negative side was balanced.But Maradona will be discussed by us in other time. The second former player that interesting my attention was Vinnie Jones.Had the full name Vincent Peter Jones, was born on January 5 1965 in Watford, England. Played 384 league games and scored 33 goals in his soccer career.This player when still active playing quite famous with his characteristics that temperamental.H didn't knew frightened, sometimes playing rough and dishonest.It is not surprising the yellow and red card became his customer.Got 12 red cards for the length of his career, Jones had in fact been given the yellow card when the match just went 5 seconds.Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne also had felt "the touch" of Jones when in a match Jones held the Gascoigne sex organ until so hurt.Jones also had killed the player's career Tottenham Hotspur Gary Stevens through some tackling that was deadly.This national Welsh player had played on the EPL club, Wimbledon totalling 2 times ,the season 1986-1989 and 1992-1998.And indeed in this club Jones being the legend. Ending the career in Queens Park Rangers as the manager before he retired from the world of football.The career show biz of him was begun when Jones became the star in the film of Guy Ritchie (the husband of Madonna) in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Vinnie Jones then became the guest in the agenda a kind of "Smack Down" namely World Wrestling Federation on December 6 1998.Jones also could become host the television program and starred in several advertising.The Jones career furthermore apparently stable in the world of movie,the English or Hollywood.Up to the beginning of 2008 was recorded already around 29 films that he star in.One of movie where Jones playing was Euro Trip.The production of 2004 told all about 4 American youth children who wanted to fill up his holiday in a walking manner to Europe. And they experienced several problems during the trip.Next the scene where Vinnie Jones was acting.We watch this clip:

Peran yang dimainkan oleh Vinnie Jones memang tak jauh dari peran yang selama ini identik dengan profilnya: wajah keras,perangai kasar,tak kenal ampun dan sadis. Memang sama persis dengan karakternya selama ia masih aktif sebagai pemain.Di film ini Jones menjadi "hooligan" bagi klub Manchester United. Walaupun begitu - seperti ditunjukkan dalam film di atas - perangainya yang keras bisa diselingi dengan kelucuan-kelucuan yang terjadi karena banyaknya kesalahpahaman.

Rasanya Vinnie bukan satu-satunya mantan pemain bola profesional yang terjun sepenuhnya ke layar lebar.Suatu saat akan kita bahas lagi mengenai ini dan juga film-film Vinnie Jones yang lain.Kalau tampang keras model Vinnie Jones saja bisa laku di industri film internasional,apalagi dengan wajah tampan atau imut. Akankah pemain bola dan model terkenal David Joseph Beckham yang ganteng dan tampan itu berminat masuk ke dunia showbiz? Apalagi de
ngan kediamannya sekarang di Los Angeles,Amerika Serikat - memperkuat klub LA Galaxy - yang dipenuhi oleh para model dan bintang film papan atas dunia.Apalagi Beckham adalah sahabat kental dari pasangan Hollywood Tom Cruise dan Katie Holmes. Yah,kita tunggu saja dunia lain para pemain sepakbola dunia di luar lapangan hijau.
The role that was played by Vinnie Jones indeed not far from the
role that uptil now was identical to his appearance: the hard face, rough nature, did not know the pardon and the sadist. Quite equally precisely with his character while he was still active as a football player.On this film Jones became "the hooligan" for the club Manchester United. Despite this - like it was demonstrated in the film above - his nature that was hard could be come between with humour that happened because of the number of misunderstandings. It seems Vinnie not the only the former professional ball player who entered fully to the wide screen. Someday we discuss obout it again and also the other Vinnie Jones movies.If hard face like Vinnie Jones's could the behaviour in the international film industry, moreover with the appropriate or cute face. Would the ball player and the famous model of David Joseph Beckham that was handsome and cute that was interested in entering the world showbiz? Moreover with his residence now in Los Angeles, the United States - reinforced the club LA Galaxy - that was met by the models and the top of film star of the world.Moreover Beckham were the close friend of the couple Hollywood Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Yeah, we just wait the other world of the players of world football outside the playing-field.

Senin, Maret 03, 2008

Cedera Boaz, Kisah dari Indonesia -
The Boaz's Injury,the Story from Indonesia

Beberapa hari ini aku kesulitan memposting, karena ada gangguan teknis di tempat aku biasa berselancar. Tapi aku ingin menyambung postingan aku terdahulu. Tapi, maaf bukan aku ingin mengingat-ingat peristiwa yang sadis-sadis, tapi aku merasa harus melunasi hutang aku di postingan tersebut. Yaitu peristiwa yang pernah menimpa "rising star" Indonesia dari klub Persipura Jayapura, Boaz Theofilius Erwin Solossa (Boaz). Adapun pertandingannya berlangsung di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta pada tanggal 1 Juni 2007 pada pertandingan persahabatan antara tim nasional Indonesia melawan tim nasional Hongkong. Ketika pertandingan memasuki menit ke 70 babak kedua itulah petaka menimpa Boaz, yang ditakel dari belakang (tackling from behind) oleh pemain Hongkong. Berikut kita saksikan cuplikannya:
The last few days I the difficulty memposting, because of having the technical disturbance in my place where I was usually surfing.But I want to continued the previous posting.But, forgive me, not I wanted to keep the incident in mind that sadists, but I felt I must settle my debt in this posting.That is the incident that fall on Indonesian "rising star" from the club of Persipura Jayapura, Boaz Theofilius Erwin Solossa (Boaz).As for his match took place in the Stadium of Utama Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta on June 1st 2007 in the friendship match between Indonesian national team against the Hong Kong national team.When the match entered minutes 70 the second round so the misfortune struck Boaz, that was tackled from behind by the Hong Kongese player.Along with was witnessed by us his quotation:

Adapun Boaz Solossa sampai berita ini saya posting belum dinyatakan layak untuk bermain kembali pada permainan level tinggi,terutama untuk bermain penuh 90 menit. Oh ya, kabar terakhir dari pemain Arsenal,Eduardo da Silva. Dudu, demikian panggilan akrab Eduardo telah memaafkan sang "tukang tekel maut" Martin Taylor, pemain Birmingham yang akibat ulahnya berpeluang menjadikan Dudu gantung sepatu lebih dini. Demikian diberitakan Kompas, Senin 3 Maret 2008. Taylor telah menjenguk Dudu untuk meminta maaf dan prihatin atas semua yang menimpa Dudu. Eduardo sendiri telah melupakan kejadian tersebut dan menganggapnya sebagai kecelakaan yang biasa terjadi di lapangan hijau. Semoga bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua.
As for Boaz Solossa until this news I posting was not yet stated appropriate to play came back in the game of the high level, especially to play was full 90 minutes.By the way, the latest news from the player of Arsenal,Eduardo da Silva.Dudu, was like this the Eduardo nickname forgave the "the deadly tackleman" Martin Taylor, the Birmingham player who resulting from his conduct had an opportunity to make Dudu hang shoes was earlier.Was like this it was reported Kompas, on Monday March 3, 2008.Taylor visited Dudu to apologise and be concerned about all that struck Dudu.Eduardo personally forgot this incident and regarded him as the normal accident happened in the playing-field.It is hoped could become the lesson for all of us.

Senin, Februari 25, 2008

Takling Horor menimpa Dudu -
The Horror Tackling fell on Dudu

Sekali lagi kekerasan dalam sepakbola terjadi lagi. Kali ini menimpa bintang muda Arsenal Eduardo da Silva (Kroasia) atau biasa dipanggil Dudu, dalam pertandingan Liga Utama Inggris musim 2007-2008 antara Birmingham City melawan tamunya Arsenal tanggal 23-2-2008.Stadion St. Andrew's menjadi saksi takcle "horor" yang diperagakan oleh pemain Birmingham Martin Taylor terhadap Eduardo ketika pertandingan baru memasuki menit ke tiga.Televisi sendiri tidak berani menyiarkan ulang adegan tackle tersebut karena saking parahnya cedera Dudu. Kita sendiri akan bergidik dan tak tega menyaksikan penderitaan Dudu berulang-ulang. Namun kita saksikan saja berikut ini:
Once more the violence in football happened again.This time fell on the young star of Arsenal, Eduardo da Silva (Croatia) or normally called Dudu, in the English Premiere League the season 2007-2008 between Birmingham City opposed his guest of Arsenal,in 23-2-2008. St. Andrew stadium became the witness takcle the "horror" that was exhibited by the Birmingham player of Martin Taylor against Eduardo when the match just entered the minute to three. Television personally not dared to broadcasted repeated the scene tackle this because because of serious him was injured Dudu. We ourselves did not shudder and have the heart to witness the Dudu suffering repeatedly.
However was witnessed by us along with this:

Takling maut seperti ini sudah memakan banyak korban, seperti yang segar dalam ingatan cedera yang dialami oleh pemain Perancis, Djibril Cisse dalam suatu pertandingan persahabatan melawan China menjelang Piala Dunia 2006. Walau Perancis menang 3-1, tapi Cisse pribadi harus melupakan impiannya tampil di Piala Dunia karena mendapat ganjalan maut seperti ini dari pemain China. Kita lihat sebentar cuplikannya:
Tackling the death has like this claimed many casualties, like that was fresh in the injury memory that was experienced by the French player, Djibril Cisse in a friendship match against China gazed at the Cup of the World Cup 2006.Although France won 3-1, but Cisse himself must forget his dream of appearing in the World Cup because of getting the obstacle to the death like this from the player China.
Seen by us for a moment his quotation:

Kalau di Indonesia mungkin ingat cedera parah yang dialami oleh bintang muda Indonesia, Boaz Solossa yang harus keluar lapangan karena dipatahkan kakinya oleh pemain Hongkong dalam suatu pertandingan persahabatan di Senayan, Jakarta (nanti menyusul klip nya) . Apakah usulan yang sempat dilontarkan oleh pelatih Arsenal Arsene Wenger agar pemain seperti Martin Taylor layak diganjar hukuman seumur hidup, pantas menjadi pertimbangan FIFA sebagai penguasa tertinggi sepakbola dunia? Tak lain dan tak bukan demi menjaga masa depan pemain juga, terutama pemain-pemain muda bertalenta dari permainan sepakbola yang semakin lama cenderung semakin keras.
In Indonesia possibly remembered the serious injury that was experienced by the young Indonesian star, Boaz Solossa that must go out the field because of being broken foot him by the Hong Kongese player in a friendship match in Senayan, Jakarta (later followed his clip). The proposal that could be brought forward by the coach of Arsenal,Arsene Wenger so that the player like Martin Taylor appropriate was rewarded by the lifelong punishment, deserved to become FIFA consideration as the tallest ruler of world football? This was needed to maintain the player's future also, especially young talented players from the game of football that increasingly for a long time tended increasingly harder.

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